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Öğe CLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF SECTORAL EMPLOYMENT-FREE GROWTH IN TURKEY BEFORE 1980: FOURIER EVIDENCE(2024) Arık, Müşerref; Azazi, Hasan; Akcan, Melike BuseCliometric analysis refers to the use of econometric analysis tools to study the connection between variables in a certain era, in addition to they have historical significance and seek to offer information about the period. The aim of the study is to examine the period that started after the proclamation of the Republic until the 1980 coup, which can be described as the crisis period. Therefore, the republican period between 1923 and 1980 will be subjected to cliometric analysis in this The variables to be analysed in the study are sectoral employment data taking into account agriculture, industry and services sectors and GDP data defining economic growth. By examining the relationship between variables, the existence of jobless growth will be tested on a sectoral basis, and the data sets will be examined in two separate analyses. The tests to be applied in the study will be carried out by applying both traditional analysis methods and new generation analysis methods. The first of the tests to be applied in the study can be expressed as the traditional Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root test and the Fourier Granger Causality test to determine the causality relationship between variables. The use of the Fourier analysis method, which is among the new generation analysis methods, in the applied tests shows that the study will contribute to the literature. When the Augmented Dickey Fuller test results are examined, it is seen that the independent variables consisting of agriculture, industry and service sectors and the dependent variable consisting of the growth rate each contain unit roots at their level values but are purified from the unit root as a result of taking the first order difference. The results obtained from the Fourier Granger causality test of the study show that growth without employment was valid in the service sector between 1923 and 1980, while growth without employment was invalid in the agricultural and industrial sectors.Öğe Is Islamic Banking Sustainable in Terms of Financial Performance? Empirical Evidence from GCC Countries(Research Center Islamic Economics-Ikam, 2024) Kazak, Hasan; Karatas, Ali Rauf; Akcan, Melike Buse; Azazi, HasanThe aim of this study is to evaluate the Islamic banking sector with the help of financial performance criteria and to reveal whether the sector is sustainable or not. The sustainability analysis uses the latest unit root tests that take into account Fourier expansions. The study uses unit root tests, which are generally used to analyze the sustainability of public debt, with updated versions that differ from the literature and with the help of financial performance indicators of the banking sector for sustainability analysis. The study uses the data of the Islamic banking sector operating in the member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) for the 4th quarter of 2013 and the 2nd quarter of 2022. The quarterly data of ROA, ROE and Net Profit Margin are considered as financial performance indicators for sustainability analysis. Although the results of the empirical analysis show different results for each of the financial indicators of Islamic banking in the analyzed countries, in general it shows that the Islamic banking sector operating in all GCC countries except the UAE is sustainable in terms of the financial indicators used in at least one category. These results show that the development of Islamic banking is real and promising for the future. Therefore, the development of projects that contribute to the development of the Islamic financial sector and the support of this sector is an important responsibility for the relevant parties. It is expected that these results will provide important signals to the policymakers of the respective countries and contribute to the healthy development of the Islamic banking sector.Öğe İSTİHDAM OLUŞTURMAYAN BÜYÜMENİN SEKTÖREL ANALİZİ: TÜRKİYE ÖRNEĞİ(2022) Akcan, Melike Buse; Azazi, HasanEkonomik büyüme dünya genelinde ülkelerin makroekonomik hedefleri arasında yer almaktadır. Ekonomik büyümenin beraberinde istihdam artışını da getirmesi beklenmektedir. Ancak özellikle son zamanlarda yapılan çalışmalar ekonomik büyüme ve istihdam arasındaki ilişkinin beklendiği şekilde gerçekleşmediğini göstermektedir. Çalışmada Türkiye’de istihdam ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişki, istihdam oluşturmayan büyümenin geçerliliği çerçevesinde araştırılmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda genel ekonomik büyüme ve istihdam değişkenlerinin yanında; hizmet, sanayi, inşaat ve tarım sektörlerine yönelik 2005 yılının ilk çeyreği ile 2020 yılının 3. Çeyreği arası dönemi kapsayan ekonomik büyüme ve istihdam verileri Granger Nedensellik Testi yardımıyla analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada ulaşılan sonuçlara göre; Türkiye ekonomisi genel olarak değerlendirildiğinde istihdam oluşturmayan büyümenin geçerli olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. İstihdam oluşturmayan büyümenin sektörel geçerliliğine yönelik kurulan modellerin sonucuna göre ise, ilgili sektörlerden sadece sanayi sektöründe istihdam oluşturmayan büyümenin geçersiz olduğu, diğer sektörler olan hizmet, inşaat ve tarım sektöründe ise istihdam oluşturmayan büyümenin geçerli olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.Öğe İstihdam oluşturmayan büyümenin sektörel analizi: Türkiye örneği(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2021) Akcan, Melike Buse; Azazi, HasanEkonomik büyüme hedefi dünya genelinde gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülke ayrımı gözetmeksizin bütün ülkelerin temel hedefleri arasında yer almaktadır. Ekonomik büyüme haricinde enflasyon, işsizlik ve dış denge de diğer başlıca hedefler arasındadır. Bu sebeple ekonomik büyüme ve diğer sayılan makroekonomik göstergeler ülkelerin ekonomik durumları hakkında fikir sahibi olunmasını sağlamaktadır. Ekonomik büyüme değişkeni doğrudan üretim ile ilgili bir büyümedir. Üretim ise üretim faktörlerine bağlı olarak gerçekleşmektedir. Ekonomik büyüme neticesinde üretim artışı olacağından, üretim artışı da üretim faktörlerinin daha fazla kullanılması sonucunda gerçekleşeceğinden, ekonomik büyümenin üretim faktörlerinden biri olan emek faktörü talebini de artırması beklenmektedir. Dolayısıyla ekonomik büyüme neticesinde istihdamın artması, işsizliğin de azalması beklenmektedir. Ancak özellikle son zamanlarda yapılan çalışmalar ekonomik büyüme ve istihdam arasındaki ilişkinin beklendiği şekilde gerçekleşmediğini göstermektedir. Bu tezde Türkiye'de istihdam ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişki, istihdam oluşturmayan büyümenin geçerliliği çerçevesinde araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada Türkiye ekonomisi için genel ekonomik büyüme ve istihdam verilerinin yanında, hizmet sektörü, inşaat sektörü, sanayi sektörü ve tarım sektörüne yönelik ekonomik büyüme ve istihdam verileri de ayrı ayrı analiz edilmiştir. Kullanılan değişkenler VAR analizi yardımıyla Granger Nedensellik Testine tabi tutulmuştur. Çalışmanın sonucunda Türkiye ekonomisi genel olarak değerlendirildiğinde istihdam oluşturmayan büyümenin geçerli olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. İstihdam oluşturmayan büyümenin sektörel geçerliliğine yönelik kurulan modellerin sonucuna göre ise, ilgili sektörlerden sadece sanayi sektöründe istihdam oluşturmayan büyümenin geçersiz olduğu, diğer sektörler olan hizmet, inşaat ve tarım sektöründe ise istihdam oluşturmayan büyümenin geçerli olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu sonuçlardan yola çıkarak, ekonomik büyüme amacıyla uygulanan politikaların istihdama katkısı sınırlı görülmektedir. Sektörler özelinde istihdam oluşturmayan büyümeye neden olan faktörlerin ortadan kaldırılması neticesinde ekonomik büyüme politikaları uygulanırsa uygulanan politikaların etkisinin arttığının görülmesi muhtemeldir.Öğe Purchasing Power Parity Theory Test in Turkey: (1923-1980) Cliometric Fourier Analysis(2023) Azazi, Hasan; Arık, Müşerref; Akcan, Melike BuseThe study is a cliometric analysis created to determine the stability level of purchasing power parity (PPT) in Turkey between the years 1923-1980. The absence of any study examining the post-republican period with the Fourier analysis method shows the contribution of this study to the literature. Real exchange rate values for the relevant years were used in the study. These values were obtained using the State Institute of Statistics report.. In the study, Unit Root Tests (ADF, Phillips-Perron) were used assuming that the series were linear and Fourier ADF Unit Root Tests were used assuming that the series were non-linear. The test result shows that the PPP theory is not valid between the relevant years.Öğe The Relationship Between Sectoral Employment and Real Sector Economic Confidence: Fourier Causation Analysis(2024) Arık, Müşerref; Akcan, Melike Buse; Üçler, Yasemin TelliPurpose – In order to ensure economic growth in the short term and economic development in the long term, it is important to evaluate the events occurring in the political and economic order correctly and to meet the expectations. This study was created to evaluate the effectiveness of economic confidence on the relevant sectors on a sectoral basis Design/Methodology/Approach – In this study, the relationship between the real sector economic confidence index and employment rates in industry, construction and services sectors will be analyzed. Turkey is selected as the sample and the data range subject to the analysis is determined as 2009:01- 2023:08. In the study, the Fourier analysis method, which is among the new generation analysis methods, was applied, and Fractional Frequency Fourier Augmented Dickey Fuller Unit Root Test and Fourier Toda-Yamamoto Causality Test were applied. Findings – As a result of the application, a one-way causality relationship from the real sector economic confidence index to building and industry sector employment was determined. A recommendation should be made regarding the necessity of making political arrangements that will maintain the stability level of employment in the relevant sector. Discussion – In line with the data obtained in this study, the fact that real economic confidence has an effect on employment in the construction and industrial sectors, in addition to the fact that sectoral employment has no effect on the real economic confidence index, can be linked to the fact that sectoral leaders pursue a policy of contraction or expansion within the framework of expectations.Öğe The Situation of Inflation Hysteresis in Türkiye: Analysis with Traditional, Fourier and Fractional Frequency Fourier Tests(Sosyoekonomi Society, 2024) Azazi, Hasan; Arik, Müşerref; Akcan, Melike BuseThis study investigates the impact of exchange rate shocks on pricing and whether the values normalise after the shock ends. Accordingly, the study tests the existence of inflation hysteresis. Goods and services sector inflation figures are used in the evaluation, and the data for the Turkish sample between February 2003 and December 2022 are analysed. The data are analysed by subjecting them to Traditional Fourier and Fractional Frequency Fourier tests. The methods used in the study minimise the margin of error as they include sine and cosine values as well as structural breaks in the analysis and are considered to be one of the most up-to-date analysis methods. According to the study’s findings, the increase in inflation rates in Türkiye does not show a permanent feature after appropriate policy adjustments. © 2024, Sosyoekonomi Society. All rights reserved.Öğe Was the interest burden of the Ottoman public debt sustainable? A cliometric analysis(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2024) Hassan, M. Kabir; Kazak, Hasan; Akcan, Melike Buse; Azazi, HasanPurposeThe purpose of this study is to determine whether the Ottoman Empire's net interest payments and foreign debt were sustainable or not in terms of their burden on budget revenues, using the method of historical econometric analysis.Design/methodology/approachIn this study, the period between 1847 and 1882 of the Ottoman Empire is analyzed for sustainability analysis. Within the framework of the study, unit root tests and econometric analysis methods frequently used in the literature were used to analyze the sustainability of public debt. In the econometric analysis, in addition to various unit root tests, current econometric analysis methods, in particular Fourier expansion, were also used.FindingsThe results of econometric analyses showed that the burden of interest payments and foreign debt on the budget of the Ottoman state was unsustainable. This situation clearly shows the reason for the official bankruptcy of the Ottoman Empire, which was declared in 1875.Practical implicationsAlthough this study reveals the bankruptcy process of an important structure such as the Ottoman Empire in the historical process through econometric analyses, it also gives a very important message to today's states. Accordingly, today's state policies and decision-making mechanisms should take these results into account and strive to make the burden of public interest payments sustainable. It is believed that the study will shed light on the public finance policies of today's states by drawing lessons from the collapse process of the Ottoman state.Originality/valueUnlike the historical assessments in the literature on the decline of the Ottoman Empire, this study presents a cliometric approach by applying current econometric analysis techniques to past historical data. The study explains the unsustainability of the Ottoman Empire's interest payments and external debt burden in the period under consideration in a way that, to the best of the authors' knowledge, has not been done before.