Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Kurumsal Akademik Arşivi

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Güncel Gönderiler

Trace elements (Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in Mytilus galloprovincialis and Tapes decussatus from Faro and Ganzirri Lakes (Sicily, Italy): Flow cytometry applied for hemocytes analysis
(Elsevier GmbH, 2021) Parrino, Vincenzo; Costa, Gregorio; Giannetto, Alessia; De Marco, Giuseppe; Cammilleri, Gaetano; Acar, Ümit
Background: Trace elements present in sessile molluscs, are important because they are used in human consumption and it has significantly increased in recent years. While their filtering of the water can lead to their build-up of organic and inorganic materials that can be sampled and analyzed, this can also lead to bioaccumulation of harmful substances, such as essential and non-essential elements, that can harm the human health if in taken in high concentrations or for a long period of time. Methods: In the present study, the trace metal content (Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) of two sessile crustaceans, 20 Mytilus galloprovincialis (mussel) and 20 Tapes decussatus (clam) in Faro and Ganzirri Lakes (Messina, Sicily, Italy) were analyzed. Haemolymph samples were taken on both molluscs in order to analyze the haemocyte population by flow cytometric analysis. Unpaired t-tests were used to determine significant differences for the essential and non-essential metallic elements concentrations in the lake waters and in the tissues of M. galloprovincialis and T. decussatus and for hemocyte populations R1 (halinocytes) and R2 (granulocytes). Results: The results suggested that that in Faro Lake, the tissue Al, Cr and Pb levels in M. galloprovincialis were higher than those for T. decussatus, in contrast to Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn and Cd, which were higher in T. decussatus. Unpaired t-tests showed that there were significantly higher proportions of halinocytes in M. galloprovincialis versus T. decussatus for both Faro Lake (41.8 % vs. 24.3 %; P < 0.001) and Ganzirri Lake (43.0 % vs. 22.4 %; P < 0.001). In contrast, while there were significantly higher proportions of granulocytes in Faro Lake (21.2 % vs. 9.1 %; P < 0.001), this difference was not seen for the granulocytes of M. galloprovincialis versus T. decussatus in Ganzirri Lake (9.6 % vs. 13.0 %). Conclusion: This study shows that M. galloprovincialis and T. decussatus can indeed bioaccumulate some of these metal, such that activation of the immune responses is specific to certain cell types. Future research must focus on the balance of trace elements in the consumption of these shellfish, and analyzes with more sophisticated tools can be used to diagnose the increased concentration of trace elements and the quantification of trace metals from shellfish to clams.
The impact of acute cold water stress on blood parameters, mortality rate and stress-related genes in Oreochromis niloticus, Oreochromis mossambicus and their hybrids
(Elsevier Ltd, 2021) Yılmaz, Sevdan; Ergün, Sebahattin; Çelik, Ekrem Şanver; Banni, Mohamed; Ahmadifar, Ehsan; Dawood, Mahmoud A. O.
This study aims to evaluated the response of Oreochromissp. to cold stress. Two experiments were conducted involving a total of 1080 juvenile Oreochromis niloticus, O. mossambicus, O. niloticus♂ × O.mossambicus♀=F1♂ × O.mossambicus ♀ (Hybrid 1; H1) and O. mossambicus♂ × O. niloticus♀ (Hybrid 2; H2). In the 1st experiment, fish were exposed to cold water (12 °C) for 24 h and then hematological parameters, serum biochemical variables, innate immune responses, antioxidant status, and liver gene expression responses (hsp70, hsp27, hsp90, hsp40, cat, sod, eef1a1 and calreticulin) were analyzed. Hematological and serum biochemical responses involved species-specific differences. At optimal temperatures (28 °C), respiratory burts activity (RBA) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) values of H1, H2 and O. mossambicus were significantly higher than O. niloticus (p< 0.05). While the RBAvalue of O. mossambicus decreased after exposure to cold water (p< 0.05), lysozyme activities of O. niloticus and H2 and MPO activities of all experimental fish increased significantly (p< 0.05). At control conditions (28 °C), cortisol levels were found to be higher in O. mossambicus than in H1 and O. niloticus (p< 0.05). A significant increase in cat and sod transcripts was observed in liver of fish being very pronounced in O. mossambicus and H2. The highest up-regulation was observed for hsp70 target where the lowest but significant up-regulation was observed for hsp90 gene. In 2nd experiment, water temperature was gradually decrease from 28 °C to 12 °C (average, 1 °C/1 h).Survival rates of H1 and H2 were found to be different compared to O. mossambicus and O. niloticus (p< 0.05) after 20 days of cold water challenge.O. mossambicus was the most cold-sensitive group, followed by the H2, H1 and O. niloticus. Our data should be carfully considered in view of the possible physiological and anti-stressor responses being species-specific in fish.
Mechanically stable superhydrophilic antifog surface by microwave assisted sol-gel method
(Elsevier B.V., 2021) Okkay, Hikmet; Satı, Sadık; Cengiz, Uğur
In this study, optically transparent and mechanically stable of superhydrophilic composite thin films were fabricated via a low-cost one-step one pot microwave-assisted sol-gel technique. The microwave reaction time was optimized according to surface characterization of homo TMOS surfaces. The reaction time was arranged as 17.5 min having low cost compared to the conventional sol-gel technic. The wettability performance and antifogging behavior of PVA-TMOS composite films were investigated according to variation of the PVA content. The static contact angle values of the composite surfaces were found to vary between 30o and 5o. Superhydrophilic surface having tilt angle is 9o showed a good antifogging performance. Mechanical durability of the composite surface was also characterized by scratching and adhesive tape test. In addition, the time depending water contact angle was also measured for 100 days. It is found that TMPV96 composite film having 0.096 (wt,%) content of PVA showed higher mechanical performance with transparent superhydrophilic surface.
Synthesis and multicolor, photophysical, thermal, and conductivity properties of poly(imine)s
(Elsevier B.V., 2021) Kaya, İsmet; Solak, Elif; Kamacı, Musa
Background: Thiazole-based conjugated have been attracted much attention due to their desirable photophysical properties. Based on this, we aimed to prepare thiazole-based poly(imine)s with tunable multicolor emission behavior in the present paper. Methods: Thiazole-based Schiff bases and poly(imine)s were prepared via condensation, and oxidation reactions, respectively. The tunable multicolor behavior of the poly(imine)s was also clarified using fluorescent measurements. Findings: The conductivity, thermal, photophysical, multicolor, morphological and electrochemical properties of the thiazole-based compounds were also clarified. Multicolor behavior of the poly(imine)s was demonstrated that they were emitted blue, green, and yellow emission colors when excited at 350, 420, and 480 nm, respectively. Thermal properties showed that the (poly(imine)s were exhibited good thermal stability. It was found that the thiazole-based poly(imine)s were exhibited a semiconductor behavior after iodine doped. The results indicated that the prepared poly(imine)s were exhibited tunable multicolor property with good thermal stability, and electrical conductivity.
The effect of simulated vibration frequency on the physico-mechanical and physicochemical properties of peach during transportation
(Elsevier Ltd., 2021) Dağdelen, Çiğdem; Aday, Mehmet Seçkin
Loss in fresh fruit and vegetables during transportation occurs mainly due to their susceptibility to mechanical damage. The quality loss caused by this damage depends on the shock and vibration frequencies. In this study, the effect of different vibration frequencies (5 Hz, 10 Hz, and 15 Hz) on the physico-mechanical and physico-chemical properties of peach was investigated. The parameters such as energy absorption, mechanical hysteresis, and deformation volume were increased whereas mean geometric diameter, surface area, volume, degree of elasticity, deformation energy, and modulus of elasticity were decreased. Regarding physicochemical properties, pH and total soluble solid parameters increased whereas lightness (L*) value of peach decreased. The highest level of damage and mold growth were observed on the peach treated with 15 Hz frequency followed by 10 Hz and 5 Hz, respectively. The effect of all the frequencies on the physico-mechanical and physico-chemical properties of peach was statistically different. The results indicated that the increase in the vibration frequency causes higher mechanical damage in peach.