In situ Rb-Sr dating of K-bearing minerals from the orogenic Akcaabat gold deposit in the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey

dc.authoridBertrandsson Erlandsson, Viktor/0000-0002-7106-5640
dc.authoridZack, Thomas/0000-0003-4747-4134
dc.contributor.authorSengun, Firat
dc.contributor.authorErlandsson, Viktor Bertrandsson
dc.contributor.authorHogmalm, Johan
dc.contributor.authorZack, Thomas
dc.departmentÇanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
dc.description.abstractThe Akcaabat gold deposit is mainly composed of massive arsenopyrite veins in strongly foliated augen gneisses of the tine Sub-massif in western Turkey. K-bearing minerals from orogenic gold veins were dated by the in situ Rb-Sr method in order to determine the formation age of the Akcaabat gold deposit. Textural relationships between the vein minerals suggest that arsenopyrite, K-feldspar, quartz, and muscovite formed in one paragenetic stage. Native gold, native bismuth, scorodite, and galena were introduced in a later paragenetic stage. The isochron derived from K-feldspar and muscovite occurring in the veins yielded 31.3 +/- 4.7 Ma. In situ Rb-Sr dating of the same assemblage (K-feldspar and muscovite) in the host rock gave an isochron age of 40.8 +/- 3.8 Ma, 10 Ma older than the vein ages, and corresponding to peak metamorphism of the regional main Menderes metamorphism during the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic event. Biotite from the host rock gave an isochron age of 28.1 +/- 2.2 Ma and probably reflects the cooling age. Homogenization temperatures from fluid inclusions in quartz show that quartz formed at 280-390 degrees C but has a dominant mode in the 350-360 degrees C temperature interval. The age of vein formation was successfully distinguished from the age of the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic event associated with main Menderes metamorphism. This study demonstrates that in situ Rb-Sr isotopic study can be applied to resolve absolute dating of orogenic deposits in metamorphic complexes.
dc.description.sponsorshipSIDA (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency)
dc.description.sponsorshipFirstly, VBE wishes to acknowledge SIDA (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) for the Minor Field Studies (MFS) scholarship, which made eight-week field work in Turkey possible. The authors gratefully acknowledge Tolga Oyman for his help with sample preparation and fluid inclusion analyses. We thank the editor Ibrahim Uysal for his constructive comments. Constructive reviews by Nikolay Bonev, Jiasheng Wang and Huan Li helped to clarify the picture and considerably improved the manuscript.
dc.indekslendigikaynakWeb of Science
dc.publisherPergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Asian Earth Sciences
dc.subjectIn situ Rb-Sr
dc.subjectK-bearing minerals
dc.subjectGold deposit
dc.subjectMenderes Massif
dc.subjectWestern Anatolia
dc.titleIn situ Rb-Sr dating of K-bearing minerals from the orogenic Akcaabat gold deposit in the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey
