Suudi Arabistan’daki Mehir Uygulamalarına Dair Bir İnceleme
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada Suudi Arabistan’da mahkemelere ve sosyal hayata yansıyan birçok yönüyle mehre ilişkin uygulamalar ele alınmıştır. Mehrin kimin hakkı olduğu, kime verildiği, “başlık parası”na veya “kalın”a benzeyip benzemediği, alt ve üst sınırının ne olduğu, peşin veya veresiye; resmî veya gayriresmî belirlenmesinin sonuçları, geline ve ailesine damadın gönderdiği hediyelerin mehirden sayılıp sayılmayacağı ve mehrin aile hayatındaki işlevi gibi hususlar incelenmiştir. Mehrin aile birliği kurulurken önemli olduğu kadar onun korunmasında, eşler arasında hak ve sorumluluk bakımından dengenin sağlanmasında ve evlilik birliği sona erecekse adaletli bir şekilde sona ermesinde önemli bir işleve sahip olduğu görülmüştür. Bu bakımdan bu çalışma aile hukukunda mehrin önemli bir rol oynadığı İslam hukukunun sistemini, ona dayanmaksızın aile hukukunu düzenleyen diğer hukuk sistemleriyle karşılaştırmak isteyenlere önemli bir imkân sunmaktadır.
This paper deals with different aspects of dower (sadaq, mahr) applications and their impact on courts and social life in Saudi Arabia. And studies what is the dower, who is entitled to it, who receives it, and its likeness and lack of it to the "Bashlik" and "kalin" terms which are used by Turks, the less and the more, its consequences if it was named hastily and recently or secretly and publicly, its relationship with the gifts sent by the husband to his wife and her family and its role in the rights of spouses in married life and so on. It appears through the research that the dower has a great role in the formation of justice between spouses in the rights and duties when the formation of the family and its sustainability and termination. Therefore, the research provides those who want to compare the system in which the dower plays an important role in family law with other legal systems that regulate it and do not depend on the dower.
This paper deals with different aspects of dower (sadaq, mahr) applications and their impact on courts and social life in Saudi Arabia. And studies what is the dower, who is entitled to it, who receives it, and its likeness and lack of it to the "Bashlik" and "kalin" terms which are used by Turks, the less and the more, its consequences if it was named hastily and recently or secretly and publicly, its relationship with the gifts sent by the husband to his wife and her family and its role in the rights of spouses in married life and so on. It appears through the research that the dower has a great role in the formation of justice between spouses in the rights and duties when the formation of the family and its sustainability and termination. Therefore, the research provides those who want to compare the system in which the dower plays an important role in family law with other legal systems that regulate it and do not depend on the dower.
Yargı, Mehmet Ali, (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi İslam Hukuku Anabilim Dalı)
Anahtar Kelimeler
Suudi Arabistan, Aile hukuku, Mehir, Mihr, Başlık, Kalın, Hediye, Destiman, Evlilik, Boşanma, Saudi Arabia, family law, Mahr, Sadaq, Dower, Dowry, Marriage, Gift, Divorce
Kilitbahir (İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yargı, M. A. (2019). Suudi Arabistan’daki Mehir Uygulamalarına Dair Bir İnceleme. Kilitbahir, (15), 229-294