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Öğe A comparative study of the antimicrobial properties and antioxidant enzyme activities of field-grown and in vitro-propagated plants of endemic Digitalis trojana Ivanina(Inst Bioloska Istrazivanja Sinisa Stankovic, 2017) Corduk, Nursen; Demirbas, Sefer; Dogru, Nurcihan HaciogluThe antimicrobial properties and antioxidant enzyme activities of field-grown and in vitro-propagated plants of Digitalis trojana Ivanina (Helen of Troy foxglove), a perennial endemic plant species of Turkey, were compared. The field work was carried out in May and July 2014, and plant samples of D. trojana were collected from Kazdagi (Turkey). Propagation of D. trojana was achieved by culturing leaf explants on MS medium supplemented with 13.3 mu M 6-benzyl-aminopurine (BA) and 0.53 mu M alpha-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The antimicrobial activity, plant lipid peroxidation levels and antioxidant enzyme (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POX), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione reductase (GR)) activities were analyzed in 12- and 17-week-old in vitro-grown Digitalis plants collected in May and July from two different localities at 430 and 1173 m above sea level. Although the in vitro-propagated plants had very low antagonistic activities compared to field-grown plants, they exhibited remarkably similar antibacterial activities against Escherichia coli ATCC 11230, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 and Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633. There were no important differences between plants collected from the two localities (430 and 1173 m a. s. l.). Biochemical analysis showed that the antioxidant enzyme (SOD, APX, GR) activities of field-grown plants were higher than in vitro-grown plants. Also, the difference in altitude at which the plants were grown was apparently linked to decreases in antioxidant enzyme activities, except for POX in field-grown plants collected in July.Öğe Assessment of Nuclear Abnormalities in Erythrocytes of Balkan Pond Turtle Mauremys rivulata (Valenciennes, 1833) (Testudines: Geoemydidae) from the Biga Stream, Canakkale, Turkey(Inst Zoology, Bas, 2019) Corduk, Nursen; Dogru, Nurcihan Hacioglu; Gull, Cigdem; Tosunoğlu, MuratReptilian species are potentially efficient bioindicators of pollution and habitat destruction. Turtles may be especially useful for monitoring the chemical contamination of their habitats. The aim of this study was to assess the genotoxic effect of environmental pollutants on Balkan pond turtle Mauremys rivulata (Valenciennes, 1833) from the Biga Streamp Canakkale, Turkey. Healthy mature animals were collected using the hand-capture method from four stations: estuary zone, city centre, buffer zone and industrial zone of the stream. Blood samples of live specimens were obtained in within one day of their capture. The peripheral blood smears for each specimen were prepared, fixed with methanol for 15 min and dyed with Giemsa stain. Micronuclei and other nuclear abnormalities such as blebbed, kidney-shaped, lobed and notched nuclei were identified. Comparing the nuclear abnormalities in the samples, it was determined that their frequency was highest in the samples collected from the station in the city centre (9.16 +/- 0.02). The results indicated that the levels of genotoxic pollutants in different regions of the Biga Stream lead to DNA damage in Mauremys rivulata.Öğe Assessment of The Genetic Stability of Indirect Shoot Organogenesis-Derived Plantlets of Digitalis Trojana Ivanina by Flow Cytometry and Cytological Analyses(Univ Namik Kemal, 2017) Corduk, Nursen; Yucel, Gulru; Akinci, Nihan; Tuna, MetinIn this study, flow cytometry and cytological analysis was used to evaluate the genetic stability of Digitalis trojana Ivanina plants regenerated via indirect shoot organogenesis. For in vitro propagation, leaf explants were excised from seedlings grown in sterile conditions and cultured MS medium supplemented with 3.0 mg/L BA + 0.1 mg/L NAA. Shoots and calli were subcultured for a period of 2 weeks for shoot multiplication. For rooting, shoots were separated individually and transferred to MS medium containing 0.1% activated charcoal. Genetic stability of the regenerated plants was assessed by flow cytometry and cytological analyses. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that regenerated plantlets has as 2.80 +/- 0.03 pg nuclear DNA (2C) and seed-derived plants has on average 2.80 +/- 0.1 pg/2C. Cytological analysis showed that regenerated plantlets have the same number of chromosome with seed-derived plantlets of D. trojana (2n=56). Our results have showed that the plantlets propagated in MS medium with 3 mg/L BA + 0.1 mg/L NAA did not differ genetically from donor plants. Therefore, this system can be effective and suitable for clonal propagation of D. trojana. Our results also confirmed that flow cytometry is fast, easy, accurate and relatively cheap method to determine ploidy of in vitro propagated D. trojana plantlets.Öğe Direct shoot organogenesis of Digitalis trojana Ivan., an endemic medicinal herb of Turkey(Academic Journals, 2010) Corduk, Nursen; Akı, CüneytAn efficient protocol for in vitro propagation of Digitalis trojana Ivan. was developed via adventitious shoot regeneration. Leaf explants were cultured on MS which were supplemented with different concentrations of NAA (0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mg/ml) and BAP (0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 mg/ml) for shoot formation. Adventitious shoots were formed on leaf explants within three weeks in culture. The best shoot proliferation was observed among explants cultured on MS medium with 0.1 mg/ml NAA + 3.0 mg/ml BAP. Regenerated shoots were multiplicated by subculture. Then they were cultured on MS with 0.1% (w/v) activated charcoal for root formation. All of the in vitro regenerated plantlets were successfully acclimatized ex vitro and then grown healthy.Öğe EVALUATION OF GENOTOXICITY AND CYTOTOXICITY OF DODINE (1-dodecylguanidium acetate) BY Allium TEST(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2015) Corduk, Nursen; Akinci, Nihan; Yucel, Gulru; Kaya, Nergis; Akı, CüneytIn this study, we evaluated the genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of dodine, a fungicide extensively used to control scab on apples, pears and pecans, brown rot on peaches and several foliar diseases of cherries, strawberries, peaches and black walnuts. For this purpose the Allium cepa test was carried out exposing roots to dodine for 24, 48 and 72 h at the concentrations of EC50/2, EC50 and 2xEC(50). The mitotic index was calculated as the number of dividing cells per number of 3000-4000 observed cells and the mitotic aberrations also were scored at each concentration. The results showed that dodine induced significant increases of mitotic aberrations such as C-mitosis, polar shifting, laggard chromosome and chromosome fragments. In addition, mitotic index decreased significantly with increasing of concentration and the exposure time as compared to their controls. Hence dodine should be used under control in agricultural fields due to its possible toxic effects.Öğe Evaluation of the Effects of Environmental Pollutants on Populations of the European Pond Turtle Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Testudines: Emydidae) at Canakkale, TUrkiye(Inst Zoology, Bas, 2024) Corduk, Nursen; Gil, Cigdem; Dogru, Nurcihan Hactoglu; Tosunoğlu, MuratWe evaluated and compared the effects of different environmental pollutants on haematological, microbiological and genotoxic characteristics of populations of the freshwater turtle Emys orbicularis from the Kavak Delta and Dardanos in canakkale (NW Tiirkiye). The haematocrit values of samples of E. orbicularis differed considerably between the two localities: they were higher in the Kavak Delta samples. The mean cell haemoglobin concentration was also significantly different between the two localities (higher in the samples of the Dardanos). The water samples of the two localities were within the limit (Class I -II) for all parameters, except Dardanos temperature (Class III). Although it was not statistically significant, the nuclear abnormality formation in the erythrocytes of the sample from Dardanos was numerically higher than that from the Kavak Delta. The study assessed the impact of pollutants on populations of Emys orbicularis and conducted on -site evaluations and monitoring of genotoxic pollution.Öğe In vitro propagation of Silene bolanthoides Quezel, Contandr. & Pamukc. and assessment of genetic stability by flow cytometry(Inst Bioloska Istrazivanja Sinisa Stankovic, 2018) Corduk, Nursen; Yucel, Gulru; Akinci, Nihan; Tuna, Metin; Esen, OnurSilene bolanthoides Quezel, Contandr. & Pamukc. is an endemic species from Kazdagi (Mt. Ida), Canakkale-Balikesir, Turkey. In order to develop an efficient shoot regeneration protocol, the leaf, nodal and internodal explants of S. bolanthoides were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing benzyladenine (BA) alone or in combination with alpha-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The highest number of regenerated shoots (5.75 +/- 0.1) was obtained from nodal explants that were cultured on MS medium with 8.8 mu M BA+0.54 mu M NAA. Regenerated shoots were rooted on MS medium without plant growth regulators (PGRs). Rooted plants (2-3 cm) were separately transferred to pots containing a mixture of peat and perlite (3:1 v/v) and acclimatized successfully in a growth chamber. Genetic stability of the propagated plants was assessed by flow cytometry and cytological analysis. Flow cytometry analysis demonstrated that regenerated plants had 2.61 +/- 0.01 pg nuclear DNA (2C) and seed-derived plants had on average 2.58 +/- 0.02 pg/2C. Cytological analysis showed that the regenerated plants had the same chromosome number as seed-derived plants of S. bolanthoides (2n=24). It was determined that regenerated plants were uniform in chromosome number and had a similar DNA content to the seed-derived ones, indicating that the described efficient shoot regeneration protocol can be applied for ex situ conservation of this species.Öğe Inhibition of browning problem during micropropagation of Sideritis trojana bornm., an endemic medicinal herb of Turkey(Ars Docendi, 2011) Corduk, Nursen; Akı, CüneytMicropropagation is used increasingly for ex situ conservation of endangered endemic plants and this in vitro technique provides mass propagation of medicinal plants. However during this process, stages of micropropagation are limited by serious problems. One of these problems is the explant browning which is related to the oxidation of phenolic compounds. In this research, several different methods have been used to eliminate the browning problem in tissue culture. In the present research, inhibitory effects of different treatments such as Heller medium or adding activated charcoal, morpholine ethane sulfonic acid (MES) or ascorbic acid/citric acid combination to the medium, fast subculture passages or changing culture conditions to the dark were investigated against browning problem of Sideritis trojana Bornm. Adding a combination of 100 mg/l ascorbic acid and 50 mg/l citric acid to the Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium was found as the most effective treatment.Öğe Monitoring of micronuclei and nuclear abnormalities In Pelophylax ridibundus erythrocytes from the Biga Stream (Canakkale, Turkey)(Parlar Scientific Publications, 2018) Corduk, Nursen; Hacioglu-Dogru, Nurcihan; Gul, Cigdem; Tosunoğlu, MuratIn this study, the frequency of micronuclei and nuclear abnormalities caused by environmental pollutants were determined in Pelophylax ridibundus from the Biga Stream (Canakkale, Turkey). Healthy and mature animals were collected by hand capture method from along the four stations (estuary zone, city center, buffer zone and industrial zone) of Biga Stream. Blood samples of the live specimens were obtained in the laboratory within one day of their capture. Two peripheral blood smears for each sampled specimen were prepared on clean slides, fixed with methanol for 15 min and dyed with Giemsa stain. Micronuclei and other nuclear abnormalities such as kidney shaped nuclei, lobed nuclei, and notched nuclei and blebbed nuclei were determined and scored in the slides. Also, heavy metal analysis was carried out to determine the pollution level of the waters in the stations. Our result have shown that the frequency of nuclear abnormalities were highest in Station 2 (8.64±0.51). However, the station 2 has higher rates of values of Al, Cu, Zn and Fe than the values obtained from the other stations. The results have showed that the amount of heavy metals contained in the stations was found to be close parallels with the percentage of the total nuclear abnormalities and each kind of abnormality in P. ridibundus erythrocytes. The results have indicated that the levels of genotoxic pollutants in different regions of the Biga stream differ and lead to DNA damage on the organisms. © by PSP.Öğe MONITORING OF MICRONUCLEI AND NUCLEAR ABNORMALITIES IN PELOPHYLAX RIDIBUNDUS ERYTHROCYTES FROM THE BIGA STREAM (CANAKKALE, TURKEY)(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2018) Corduk, Nursen; Hacioglu-Dogru, Nurcihan; Gul, Cigdem; Tosunoğlu, MuratIn this study, the frequency of micronuclei and nuclear abnormalities caused by environmental pollutants were determined in Pelophylax ridibundus from the Biga Stream (Canakkale, Turkey). Healthy and mature animals were collected by hand capture method from along the four stations (estuary zone, city center, buffer zone and industrial zone) of Biga Stream. Blood samples of the live specimens were obtained in the laboratory within one day of their capture. Two peripheral blood smears for each sampled specimen were prepared on clean slides, fixed with methanol for 15 min and dyed with Giemsa stain. Micronuclei and other nuclear abnormalities such as kidney shaped nuclei, lobed nuclei, and notched nuclei and blebbed nuclei were determined and scored in the slides. Also, heavy metal analysis was carried out to determine the pollution level of the waters in the stations. Our result have shown that the frequency of nuclear abnormalities were highest in Station 2 (8.64 +/- 0.51). However, the station 2 has higher rates of values of Al, Cu, Zn and Fe than the values obtained from the other stations. The results have showed that the amount of heavy metals contained in the stations was found to be close parallels with the percentage of the total nuclear abnormalities and each kind of abnormality in P. ridibundus erythrocytes. The results have indicated that the levels of genotoxic pollutants in different regions of the Biga stream differ and lead to DNA damage on the organisms.Öğe Secondary metabolite production in callus culture of Verbascum scamandri Murb.(Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne, 2023) Cambaz, Ebru; Corduk, NursenVerbascum scamandri Murb. known as Kazdagi Mullein is an endemic species in Turkiye and is classified as an endangered (EN) species. The aim of this study is to establish an efficient callus culture for V. scamandri and analyze the amounts of verbascoside, luteolin, and aucubin metabolites of calli samples. Leaf explants were cultured on MS medium with cytokinin (BAP, Kin, 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 mg/L) and auxin (NAA, 2,4-D, 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1 mg/L), 1 g/L PVP, 3% sucrose, and 0.7% agar for callus induction. Callus tissue in MS with 2 mg/L Kin, 0.5 mg/L Kin + 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D, 2 mg/L Kin + 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D, and 3 mg/L Kin + 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D was proliferated in MS basal medium containing PGR at the same concentrations and combinations as the callus induction media. Verbascoside, luteolin, and aucubin were quantified in leaf samples of the in vivo collected plants, leaf samples of in vitro growing plants, and calli using HPLC-DAD. According to the results, the verbascoside content in the leaf of collected plants was 7.03 mg/g, luteolin was 0.66 mg/g, and aucubin was 2.99 mg/g..e leaf of in vitro plants had 1.62 mg/g verbascoside, 0.18 mg/g luteolin, and 1.32 mg/g aucubin. Whereas, the maximum content of secondary metabolites in the callus samples was observed 13.77 mg/g verbascoside in MS medium with 2 mg/L Kin, 0.51 mg/g luteolin in MS medium with 2 mg/L Kin + 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D, and 9.32 mg/g aucubin in 0.5 mg/L Kin + 0.5 mg/L 2,4-D.Öğe Taxonomic status of a newly described island population of the smooth newt Lissotriton vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758) from Bozcaada (Canakkale, Turkey)(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2017) Corduk, Nursen; Gul, Cigdem; Tosunoğlu, Murat; Sotiropoulos, KonstantinosThe taxonomic status and phylogenetic position of the recently recorded smooth newt (Lissotriton vulgaris) population from the island of Bozcaada (Canakkale, Turkey) is clarified on the basis of morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses. The L. vulgaris population from Bozcaada presents body proportions and morphological features of subsp. schmidtlerorum, such as small body length, absence of the tail filament, and dorsal crest with pointed free margin. Similarly, phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences (ND4, 16S rRNA) place the Bozcaada population within Clade E of the recent L. vulgaris phylogeny, which consists of L. v. schmidtlerorum populations.