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Öğe A new locality for Rana ridibunda caralitana Arıkan, 1988 (Anura: Ranidae) in the Central Anatolia(2006) Ayaz, Dinçer; Tok, Cemal Varol; Mermer, Ahmet; Tosunoğlu, Murat; Afsar, Murat; Çiçek, KerimOrta Anadolu’da Rana ridibunda caralitana Arıkan, 1988 için yeni bir lokalite. Bu çalışmada, Bor (Niğde)’dan toplanan 18 (10 ??, 8 ??) ergin ova kurbağası örneği, başta renk-desen olmak üzere yapılan morfolojik analiz sonucunda incelenmiştir. İncelenen örneklerin caralitana formuna ait olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Böylece caralitana’nın dağılış areali genişletilmiştir.Öğe A new subspecies of Ottoman viper, Montivipera xanthina (Gray, 1849), (Squamata: Viperidae) from Geyik Mountains, Mediterranean Turkey(Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology, 2019) Afsar, Murat; Yakin, Batuhan Y.; ÇIçek, Kerim; Ayaz, DinçerA new Ottoman viper subspecies, M. xanthina varoli n. subsp., is described from the higher altitudes of Gundogmus (Antalya). The new subspecies differs from the other M. xanthina populations by pholidosis; higher number of intercanthals and lower number of subcaudalia. Also, the whiteness between windings or spots on dorsum pattern were observed in new subspecies, similar to the southern populations. Furthermore, the spots on the ventrals became denser in the mid-body and forms darker colorization at the end of body of the males and the tail tips are yellowish-orange or light orange on both sexes. © 2020, Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology.Öğe A new subspecies, Ophisops elegans budakibarani n. Subsp. (Sauria: Lacertidae) from Mut (Mersin/Turkey)(Universitatea din Oradea, 2017) Tok, Cemal Varol; Afsar, Murat; Yakin, Batuhan Yaman; Ayaz, Dinçer; Çiçek, KerimThis study describes a new subspecies of Ophisops elegans from vicinity of Mut, Mersin, Turkey and named Ophisops elegans budakibarani n. subsp. The new subspecies is distinguished from geographically the closest subspecies O. elegans basoglui, found in the south of its distribution, by having higher number of the longitudinal row of scales+plates at mid-trunk (SPM) and a characteristic venter coloration (whitish coloration instead of lemon yellow color in venter of both sexes during the breeding season) and from O. elegans centralanatoliae, found in the north of its distribution, by having lower number of SPM and a characteristic dorsum color-pattern (less distinct tile reddish-brown coloration in the temporal band, missing large blackish spots in the vertebral and paravertebral area). © 2017 Biharean Biologist, Oradea, Romania.Öğe Abundance of western caspian turtle, mauremys rivulata (Valenciennes, 1833) in gökçeada (Imbros), Turkey(Folium Ltd, 2016) Bayrakcı, Yusuf; Ayaz, Dinçer; Yakın, Batuhan Yaman; Çiçek, Kerim; Tok, Cemal VarolIn this study, we present data on the population of Western Caspian Turtle, Mauremys rivulata, from Gökçeada (Imbros) located at the westernmost of Turkey. The species is distributed almost all around the island, particularly in the western part, with a very low density. Distribution of the species on the island was mapped and a total of 73 individuals were captured and marked in Büyükdere, the largest river of the island. Population size was estimated at 135 individuals (SE — 11, range — 117-161) and density was calculated as 68 ind/ha. Moreover, Emys orbicularis, another freshwater turtle species, which cohabits in the west Anatolia, was observed again on the island after 15 years. Tourism, creeks with irregular flow regime and holding water in the dams negatively affect populations of aquatic species, primarily M. rivulata on the island. © 2016 Folium Publishing Company.Öğe Amphibians of the Borçka-Karagöl Nature Park (Artvin / Turkey) and Vicinity(2018) Afsar, Murat; Afsar, Birgül; Ayaz, Dinçer; Çiçek, Kerim; Tok, Cemal VarolAmphibian species and their distribution of the Borçka-Karagöl natural park and its environs wasdetermined between 2003-2006 and 2015-2017 by field studies. A total of seven amphibian species were foundin the Karagöl Nature Park and its vicinity, including five species of anurans [Rana macrocnemis, Pelophylaxridibundus, Hyla orientalis, Pelodytes caucasicus and Bufo verrucosissimus] and two newts [Mertensiellacaucasica and Ommatotriton ophryticus]. It has been determined that species of Rana macrocnemis, Pelophylaxridibundus, Hyla orientalis, Pelodytes caucasicus, Bufo verrucosissimus, Mertensiella caucasica and Ommatotritonophryticus inhabits at 1465 meters altitude in Karögöl as syntopically. Between 1465-1750 m, Rana macrocnemis,Pelophylax ridibundus, Hyla orientalis, Pelodytes caucasicus, Bufo verrucosissimus and Ommatotriton ophryticussyntopically inhabits and between 1750 and 2200 m, Rana macrocnemis and Mertensiella caucasica species livetogether. At Karagöl, Pelophylax ridibundus is dominate species while Rana macrocnemis is dominate species inthe forest and subalpine region.Öğe Conservation activities for European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in Turkey(2013) Ayaz, Dinçer; Çiçek, Kerim; Tok, Cemal Varol; Mutlu, Hasan Serdar; Cumhuriyet, O?uzkan; Bayrakci, Yusuf; Kumaş, Meltem[No abstract available]Öğe Data on the food composition of European Glass Lizard, Pseudopus apodus (Pallas, 1775) (Squamata: Anguidae) from Çanakkale (Western Anatolia, Turkey)(Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2014) Çiçek, Kerim; Tok, Cemal Varol; Hayretda?, Sibel; Ayaz, DinçerWe examined the food composition of the European Glass Lizard, Pseudopus apodus, from Çanakkale (Western Anatolia, Turkey), by means of the stomach content analysis. Some 72 prey items with sizes ranging from 10 to 60 mm were detected in the stomach contents of the 13 (7 ??, 6 ??) museum specimens under examination. The median number of prey items was 5 (range = 3-8) in males and 4 (4-6) in females. According to the obtained data, the class Insecta (86.1%) is the predominant food of the species, with the most frequently observed prey items belonging to the order Coleoptera (76.4%). Orthoptera (4.2%), Hemiptera (5.6%), Gastropoda (8.3%), and Isopoda (5.6%) are the other prey groups observed in the food contents. Even though no difference in food contents was observed between the sexes, the food niche breadth of females was higher. In conclusion, the main food of P. apodus consists of non-flying or weak-flying insects as well as other invertebrates.Öğe Effects of Altitude and Temperature on Erythrocyte Morphology of Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Mauremys rivulata (Valenciennes, 18330)(ABADER (Adıyaman Bilimsel Araştırmalar Derneği), 2021) Bayrakçı, Yusuf; Yenmiş, Melodi; Mermer, Ahmet; Tok, Cemal Varol; Ayaz, DinçerThe decrease in erythrocyte size of animals live at high altitudes yields an evolutionary advantage to survive by providing adaptation to colder temperatures and low partial oxygen pressures. We examined the effect of geographical changes on the erythrocyte morphology of two terrapins, Emys orbicularis and Mauremys rivulata, and analyzed whether such erythrocyte characteristics as size and volume changed at high altitudes and different temperatures. We found out that the erythrocyte characteristics varied both within and between the populations. They varied depending on altitude for E. orbicularis and on temperature for M. rivulata. However, the erythrocyte characteristics were not correlated with the environmental parameters, except between sunshine duration and erythrocyte length, size, and nucleus volume for E. orbicularis. Yüksek rakımlarda yaşayan hayvanlarda eritrosit boyutlarındaki azalma, düşük sıcaklıklara ve düşük kısmi oksijen basıncına adaptasyon sağlayarak hayatta kalmalarına evrimsel bir avantaj kazandırmaktadır. Coğrafik değişikliklerin eritrosit morfolojisi üzerindeki etkilerini iki tatlısu kaplumbağası türü olan Emys orbicularis ve Mauremys rivulata’da inceledik ve boyut ve hacim gibi eritrosit özelliklerinin yüksek rakım ve farklı sıcaklıklarda değişip değişmediğini analiz ettik. Eritrosit özelliklerinin hem populasyon içerisinde hem de populasyonlar arasında farklılık gösterdiğini belirledik. E. orbicularis için yüksekliğe bağlı olarak, M. rivulata içinse sıcaklığa bağlı olarak değişiklik göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte, E. orbicularis için güneşlenme süresi ile eritrosit uzunluğu, büyüklüğü ve nukleus hacmi arasındaki korelasyon dışında, eritrosit özellikleri ile çevresel parametreler arasında korelasyon görülmemektedir.Öğe It takes two to tango - Phylogeography, taxonomy and hybridization in grass snakes and dice snakes (Serpentes: Natricidae: Natrix natrix, N. tessellata)(Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft, 2021) Asztalos, Marika; Ayaz, Dinçer; Bayrakçı, Yusuf; Afşar, Murat; Tok, Cemal Varol; Kindler, Carolin; Jablonski, Daniel; Fritz, UweUsing two mitochondrial DNA fragments and 13 microsatellite loci, we examined the phylogeographic structure and taxonomy of two codistributed snake species (Natrix natrix, N. tessellata) in their eastern distribution area, with a focus on Turkey. We found evidence for frequent interspecific hybridization, previously thought to be extremely rare, and for backcrosses. This underscores that closely related sympatric species should be studied together because otherwise the signal of hybridization will be missed. Furthermore, the phylogeographic patterns of the two species show many parallels, suggestive of a shared biogeographic history. In general, the phylogeographies follow the paradigm of southern richness to northern purity, but the dice snake has some additional lineages in the south and east in regions where grass snakes do not occur. For both species, the Balkan Peninsula and the Caucasus region served as glacial refugia, with several mitochondrial lineages occurring in close proximity. Our results show that the mitochondrial divergences in both species match nuclear genomic differentiation. Yet, in the former glacial refugia of grass snakes there are fewer nuclear clusters than mitochondrial lineages, suggesting that Holocene range expansions transformed the glacial hotspots in melting pots where only the mitochondrial lineages persisted, bearing witness of former diversity. On the other hand, the deep mitochondrial divergences in N. tessellata across its entire range indicate that more than one species could be involved, even though lacking microsatellite data outside of Turkey prevent firm conclusions. On the contrary, our microsatellite and mitochondrial data corroborate that N. megalocephala is invalid and not differentiated from sympatric populations of N. natrix. For Cypriot grass snakes, our analyses yielded conflicting results. A critical assessment of the available evidence suggests that N. natrix is a genetically impoverished recent invader on Cyprus and taxonomically not distinct from a subspecies also occurring in western Anatolia and the southern Balkans. Based on combined mitochondrial and nuclear genomic evidence we propose that for grass snakes the following subspecies should be recognized in our study region: (1) Natrix natrix vulgaris Laurenti, 1768, southeastern Central Europe and northern Balkans; (2) Natrix natrix moreotica (Bedriaga, 1882), southern Balkans, western Anatolia, and Cyprus; and (3) Natrix natrix scutata (Pallas, 1771), eastern Anatolia, Caucasus region, Iran, northeastern distribution range (from eastern Poland and Finland to Kazakhstan and the Lake Baikal region). Thus, Natrix natrix cypriaca (Hecht, 1930) becomes a junior synonym of N. n. moreotica and Natrix natrix persa (Pallas, 1814) becomes a junior synonym of N. n. scutata. Due to insufficient material, we could not resolve the status of Natrix natrix syriaca (Hecht, 1930) from the Gulf of İskenderun, southeastern Turkey.Öğe New records of the Anatolian Worm Lizard, Blanus strauchi (BedriAgA, 1884), from Turkey (Squamata: Amphisbaenia: Blanidae)(2011) Tok, Cemal Varol; Tosunoğlu, Murat; Ayaz, Dinçer; Çiçek, Kerim; Mutlu, Hasan Serdarin this study, eight specimens of Blanus strauchi (BedriAgA, 1884) from two new localities in Turkey (dutluca Village, Kemaliye, erzincan and Burdur) were examined in terms of morphological characters and included in the subspecies B. s. aporus (Werner, 1898). With the record of dutluca Village, the distribution of the species was extended about 120 km northwards, whereas the record of Burdur is a new locality within its distributional range. An updated distribution map of B. strauchi in Turkey was provided. © 2011 Osterreichische Gesellschaft fur Herpetologie e.V.. All rights reserved.Öğe On Testudo graeca Linnaeus, 1758 specimens of Mardin Province(2003) Türkozan, O?uz; Ayaz, Dinçer; Tok, Cemal Varol; Cihan, DurmuşTwenty-four (16?, 8?) specimens of the Mediterranean spur-thighed tortoise Testudo graeca were examined from Mardin, southeastern Turkey. For morphological comparisons, 15 morphometric characters and 31 ratios developed by combinations of straight carapace length (SCL) and straight carapace width (SCW) were investigated. Males and females were differentiated from one another in terms of straight carapace length/curved carapace length (SCL/CCL), straight carapace length/plastron length (SCL/PL), straight carapace length/abdominal suture length (SCL/AbSL), straight carapace length/anal suture length (SCL/ASL), plastron length/plastron width 1 (PL/PW1), carapace width/straight carapace length (SCW/SCL), carapace width/anal suture length (SCW/ASL), and carapace width/plastron width 1 (SCW/PW1) according to the results of independent t-tests. Females were generally larger than males. The maximum SCL (208.6 mm) was measured in a female. The color of the carapace and plastron was inconsistent and thigh tubercles typically extended in an inwardly curved direction with sharply pointed apices. This character was the most remarkable in distinguishing the Mardin specimens from the pure ibera race, which possesses conical thigh tubercles.Öğe On the Brink of Extinction: Results of a 20-Year Quest for Eiselt's Pond Turtle (Emys orbicularis eiselti) in Southeastern Turkey(Chelonian Research Foundation, 2021) Ayaz, Dinçer; Bayrakçı, Yusuf; Çiçek, Kerim; Ihlow, Flora; Tok, Cemal Varol; Fritz, UweEiselt’s pond turtle (Emys orbicularis eiselti) was described in 1998, based on only 4 museum specimens collected in the 1960s and 1970s. Its distribution range has been massively reduced by large-scale drainage measures and only little suitable habitat remains near the Turkish–Syrian border. During 20-yr-long fieldwork we could locate only 18 individuals of this subspecies. We estimate the number of surviving Eiselt’s pond turtles to be less than 100 mature individuals in the wild. The distribution range (area of occupancy) in the Amik Maras Rift Valley shrank from originally 11,612 km2 to only 206 km2 at present (approx. 2%), qualifying E. o. eiselti as a Critically Endangered taxon. Without immediate conservation measures and the strict protection of the remaining habitat, the subspecies will soon be extinct.Öğe Population size of the marsh frog (Rana ridibunda Pallas, 1771) in Lake Yayla (Denizli, Turkey)(2007) Ayaz, Dinçer; Tok, Cemal Varol; Mermer, Ahmet; Tosunoğlu, Murat; Afsar, Murat; ÇiÇek, KerimThe population size of marsh frogs (Rana ridibunda) was estimated using the mark-recapture method in Lake Yayla (Buldan, Denizli, Turkey). According to the results, the mean estimated population was 14,733 and the sex ratio was female biased (male: female, 0.56). The main limiting factors of the marsh frog population are also outlined. © Tübitak.Öğe Preliminary data on the age structure of Phrynocephalus horvathi in Mount Ararat (Northeastern Anatolia, Turkey)(2012) Çiçek, Kerim; Kumaş, Meltem; Ayaz, Dinçer; Tok, Cemal VarolIn this study, the age structure, growth and longevity of 27 individuals (8 juveniles, 8 males and 11 females) from the Mount Ararat (I?dir, Turkey) population of Phrynocephalus horvathi were examined with the method of skeletochronology. According to the obtained data, the median age was 3.5 (range= 2-5) for males and 4 (2-5) for females. Both sexes reach sexual maturity after their first hibernation, and no statistically significant difference in age composition was observed between the sexes. According to von Bertalanffy growth curves, asymptotic body length was calculated as 51.29 mm and growth coefficient k - 0.60. © Biharean Biologist, Oradea, Romania, 2012.Öğe Ranid frog specimens collected from the vicinity of Erzurum, NE Anatolia(2004) Ayaz, Dinçer; Tok, Cemal Varol; Atatür, Mehmet Kutsay; Mermer, AhmetMorfolojik analize (morfometrik-renk desen) bakılarak 40 örnek (11 $male male$ , 19 $female female$ , 10 juv.) incelenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler ilgili literatürlerle karşılaştırıldığında; ventral tarafın renklenme karakterleri nominal ırktan çok Rana ridibunda cf. caralitena'ya benzerlik göstermektedir.Öğe Türkiye'de 400 kuzey enleminin kuzeyinde yaşayan anguis fragilis (Linnaeus, 1758) ve Kuzey Anadolu'daki pseudopus apodes (Pallas, 1775) (Sauria: Anguidae) türlerinin dağılışları ve sistematik yönden araştırılması(2012) Tok, Cemal Varol; Haretdağ, Sibel; Çiçek, Kerim; Ayaz, Dinçer; Özdağ, Halil[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Unsustainable harvest of water frogs in southern Turkey for the European market(Cambridge University Press, 2021) Çiçek, Kerim; Ayaz, Dinçer; Afsar, Murat; Bayrakcı, Yusuf; Pekşen, Çiǧdem Akın; Cumhuriyet, Oǧuzkan; Tok, Cemal VarolFrogs have been harvested from the wild for the last 40 years in Turkey. We analysed the population dynamics of Anatolian water frogs (Pelophylax spp.) in the Seyhan and Ceyhan Deltas during 2013-2015. We marked a total of 13,811 individuals during 3 years, estimated population sizes, simulated the dynamics of a harvested population over 50 years, and collated frog harvest and export statistics from the region and for Turkey as a whole. Our capture estimates indicated a population reduction of c. 20% per year, and our population modelling showed that, if overharvesting continues at current rates, the harvested populations will decline rapidly. Simulations with a model of harvested population dynamics resulted in a risk of extinction of > 90% within 50 years, with extinction likely in c. 2032. Our interviews with harvesters revealed their economic dependence on the frog harvest. However, our results also showed that reducing harvest rates would not only ensure the viability of these frog populations but would also provide a source of income that is sustainable in the long term. Our study provides insights into the position of Turkey in the 'extinction domino' line, in which harvest pressure shifts among countries as frog populations are depleted and harvest bans are effected. We recommend that harvesting of wild frogs should be banned during the mating season, hunting and exporting of frogs < 30 g should be banned, and harvesters should be trained on species knowledge and awareness of regulations. Copyright © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Fauna and Flora International.