Perception, distinction, emotion and senses in plants and inanities in light of what was mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
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Çağdaş dönemde bilimsel yaşamın gelişim kaydetmesiyle birlikte dış dünyadaki varlıklarla ilişkili kavramlar farklılaşmıştır. Bunun sonucunda insanın dünyaya bakışı değişmiş ve iletişim araçlarının insan bilgisi üzerindeki etkisi artmıştır. Geçmiş dönemlerde (insanlar arası) iletişim araçları işitme, görme ve konuşma ile sınırlıydı. Fakat günümüzde iletişim araçlarında meydana gelen değişiklik, amaçlanan iletinin ikinci veya üçüncü şahıslara gönderimini ve alımını sağladı. İnsanlar alemi ve diğer alemler (melekler, cinler vs.) arasındaki iletişim araçları/yöntemleri farklı olduğu için insanoğlu ve diğer varlıklar arasında iletişim söz konusu değildir. Çünkü –ister insanlar alemi olsun isterse melekler veya cinler alemi olsun– her bir alemin (aleme ait varlıkların) kendine özgü iletişim yöntemi vardır. Bu sebeple insanlar alemi ile diğer alemler arasındaki iletişim imkansız durumdadır. Aynı şekilde bitkiler ve cansız varlıklar aleminin de kendine özgü iletişim yöntemi vardır. Sem’i (Kur’an ve sünnet) ve ilmi (bilimsel araştırmalarla ilgili) delillerin bu âlemlerin varlığına dair beyanlarına rağmen iletişim yöntemlerindeki farklılık insanların bitkiler ve cansız varlıklarla sözsel ve işitsel irtibat (iletişim) kurmasını imkansızlaştırmıştır. Bitkiler ve cansız varlıkların yaşamı (idrak, işitme ve konuşma alanları) önceki asırlarda tasavvur edilmemesine rağmen günümüzde algılanabilen bir olgudur. Örneğin elektrik, enerji gibi güçler, gözle görülür olmamasına rağmen cansız varlıklarda mevcut olan etkin (hareket ettirici) güçlerdir. Bitkiler ve diğer cansız varlıklardaki yaşam biçimleri ve iletişim yöntemleri de görülmezlik ve etkinlik (hareket ettirici güç olmaklık) bakımından bunlara benzemektedir. Cansız varlıklarda yaşamın olduğuna dair [kesinlik niteliği taşıyan] sem’i delillerde (ayetler ve hadisler) pek çok beyan yer almaktadır. Ancak bu deliller delalet açısından zanni [delâlet-i zannî] nitelik taşımaktadır. Klasik dönemde âlimler bu delillerin anlamları konusunda (iki farklı) görüşe ayrılmışlardır. Bir kısmı cansız varlıklardaki hayata dair beyanları hakikat olarak değil mecazi olarak yorumlamış ve görüşlerini bu düşünce üzerine inşa etmişlerdir. Bazı âlimler de bu delilleri hakikat olarak anlamlandırmışlar ve ilk mezhebe aksi yönde görüş beyan etmişlerdir. Bu âlimlere göre cansız varlıklar yaşam, işitme, konuşma ve idrak gibi varlıksal koşullara sahiptir. Nitekim modern bilim de cansız varlıklarda ve bitkilerde bu gerçeği teyit etmektedir. Bu çalışmada, çağdaş bilimde iletişim kavramını ve farklı iletişim araçlarını, insan-dışı âlemdeki imkânını delillerle ve mantıki sonuçlarla birlikte açıklamaya çalıştık. Sonrasında âlimlerin bu konudaki görüşlerini ve esas aldıkları yöntemleri beyan ettik. Nihayet zaruri delilleri temel alarak bitkilerde ve cansız varlıklarda hayat, hisler ve idraki kabul eden görüşü tercih ettik. Bunun yanı sıra Kur’an ve sahih sünnetten pek çok sem’i delili, âlimlerin bu delilleri değerlendirme biçimini ve kanaatlerini aktarma yolunu dile getirdikten sonra çağdaş bilimin bu meseleye yaklaşımını ele aldık. Son olarak bitkilerde ve cansız varlıklarda hayatın, idrakin, duyguların, hafızanın ve özgürlüğün sınırlarını açıkladık. Böylece bitkilerde ve cansız varlıklarda işitme, konuşma ve görme gibi duyuların sınırlarını delilleriyle birlikte ortaya koyduk.
Scientific life has evolved in the modern period, and concepts related to many things have developed with it, and the human outlook has changed in many matters. And from that the mechanism of communication, in previous times the mechanism of the communication ways was limited to the sense of hearing, sight and speech, but in this time that concept changed. And expanded to become a communication based on transmission and reception, regardless of the diversity of their mechanisms and means, and the difference in the system of transmission and reception mechanisms between the human world and other worlds, the lack of communication between them. For each of the worlds has its system of communication, whether human beings have known it as communication between the human world, or his ignorance as communication in the world of angels or the world of the jinn, and for not standing on him there is no communication between him and those worlds, and the world of plants and inanimate objects also has its system for communication , And it is from a system that the human being is still unaware of, even though auditory and scientific evidence has proven it. And life in plants and inanities (including their perception, hearing, and pronunciations), though unimaginable in the pre-modern times. But it was found in this time some things that can be imagined, just like electricity and energy, it can be control of the inanimate objects, and yet it cannot be seen, However, what we mean by life in inanimate objects and plants is other than these powers, even if they are similar in terms of being present, acted and invisible. A lot of definitive auditory evidence has been established, whether from the Quran or hadiths in proving life when inanimate objects, but the evidence was not conclusive. This is because the scholars were divided in the meanings of this evidence on two doctrines: Some of them see that this life and what is attached to it are metaphorical and not real, and they built their doctrine based on adherence to it. And some of them see that the evidence is true, and they did not recognize the original principle upon which the first doctrine was built. And the researcher in this research sought to clarify the concept of communication and its various mechanisms in modern science, and the possibility of that in other worlds other than the human world with a statement of evidence for that and its logic, then he mentioned the doctrines of scholars in that and the principles on which they were built, and after that the correct doctrine established for life and senses and distinction in inanimate objects and plants Evidence necessary for that. The researcher then presented several auditory evidences from the Qur’an and the correct Sunnah, and how the scholars approached it, discussed their opinions on it and achieved it, then presented the vision of modern science to this issue. After that, the researcher explained the limits of life when inanimate objects and plants, and he talked about it about the limits of discrimination, perception, emotion, memory, and good choice, as well as between the boundaries of the senses, such as hearing, speaking, and sight at them according to the evidence.
Scientific life has evolved in the modern period, and concepts related to many things have developed with it, and the human outlook has changed in many matters. And from that the mechanism of communication, in previous times the mechanism of the communication ways was limited to the sense of hearing, sight and speech, but in this time that concept changed. And expanded to become a communication based on transmission and reception, regardless of the diversity of their mechanisms and means, and the difference in the system of transmission and reception mechanisms between the human world and other worlds, the lack of communication between them. For each of the worlds has its system of communication, whether human beings have known it as communication between the human world, or his ignorance as communication in the world of angels or the world of the jinn, and for not standing on him there is no communication between him and those worlds, and the world of plants and inanimate objects also has its system for communication , And it is from a system that the human being is still unaware of, even though auditory and scientific evidence has proven it. And life in plants and inanities (including their perception, hearing, and pronunciations), though unimaginable in the pre-modern times. But it was found in this time some things that can be imagined, just like electricity and energy, it can be control of the inanimate objects, and yet it cannot be seen, However, what we mean by life in inanimate objects and plants is other than these powers, even if they are similar in terms of being present, acted and invisible. A lot of definitive auditory evidence has been established, whether from the Quran or hadiths in proving life when inanimate objects, but the evidence was not conclusive. This is because the scholars were divided in the meanings of this evidence on two doctrines: Some of them see that this life and what is attached to it are metaphorical and not real, and they built their doctrine based on adherence to it. And some of them see that the evidence is true, and they did not recognize the original principle upon which the first doctrine was built. And the researcher in this research sought to clarify the concept of communication and its various mechanisms in modern science, and the possibility of that in other worlds other than the human world with a statement of evidence for that and its logic, then he mentioned the doctrines of scholars in that and the principles on which they were built, and after that the correct doctrine established for life and senses and distinction in inanimate objects and plants Evidence necessary for that. The researcher then presented several auditory evidences from the Qur’an and the correct Sunnah, and how the scholars approached it, discussed their opinions on it and achieved it, then presented the vision of modern science to this issue. After that, the researcher explained the limits of life when inanimate objects and plants, and he talked about it about the limits of discrimination, perception, emotion, memory, and good choice, as well as between the boundaries of the senses, such as hearing, speaking, and sight at them according to the evidence.
Salih, Enes, (Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Hadis Anabilim Dalı)
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hadis, Cansız varlıklar, Bitkiler, İdrak, Hisler, Hadith, Inanimate objects, Plants, Perception, Senses
Kilitbahir (İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Salih, E. (2020). الإدراك والتمييز والعاطفة والحواس عند النباتات والجمادات في ضوء الكتاب والسنة. Kilitbahir Dergisi, (17), 169-203.