Mehmet Akif Ersoy'un Safahat adlı eserinde eğitim olgusu
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Mehmet Akif Ersoy, hem kişiliği hem de eserleri hakkında en çok kitap yazılan ediplerimizdendir. Şairin tüm şiirlerini bir araya topladığı Safahat adlı eseri de Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından 100 temel eserden biri olarak belirlenmiştir. Kişiliği ve sağlam karakteri ile abide bir insan olan Mehmet Akif, bir cihan imparatorluğunun çöküşüne de bir milletin küllerinden yeniden doğmasına da şahitlik etmiştir. Şair, edip yönleri yanında bizzat öğretici, eğitici özelliğiyle de farklı eğitim kurumlarında görev almıştır. Bizzat Mustafa Kemal Atatürk tarafından İstiklale giden yolda halkı mücadeleye teşvik etme adına görevlendirilmiştir. Yurdun dört bir tarafında ve farklı ülkelerde gerek cami kürsülerinden gerekse mahalle kahvelerinde halk eğitimi çalışmalarında bulunmuştur. Bu araştırmanın amacı, Mehmet Akif Ersoy'un 7 şiir kitabındaki şiirlerini bir araya topladığı Safahat eseri eğitim olgusu açısından incelenmesidir. Bu çerçevede araştırmada içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Mehmet Akif Ersoy, insanı temel alan, bireylerin ihtiyaç ve beklentilerini bilerek, çağın gereklerine uygun, pratik çözümler sunan; insanı eğitirken ahlaki ve manevi değerleri merkeze alan eğitimle birlikte kişilere fazilet de kazandırmayı hedefleyen bir eğitim anlayışına sahiptir. Akif, eğitim ile bireylerin marifet ve fazilet sahibi olmaları gerektiğini savunur. Bunun yanında eğitimin kişilere zulmün karşısında olmak, mazlumları korumak, istiklale düşkün olmak gibi özellikleri de kazandırma gibi bir görevinin olduğunu vurgular. Akif, eğitimin niteliğini hem sorgulamış hem de eleştirmiştir. Bunu yaparken de öncelikle kullanılan eğitim metotlarının özelliklerini değerlendirir, çağın ve eğitilecek kişilerin özelliklerine göre eğitim metotlarının belirlenmesi gerektiğini belirtir. Ümit ve azim verici, bireylerin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayarak pratik çözümler sunan eğitimin okullarda verilmesinin de öneminden bahseder. Yaşadığı dönem mektep ve medrese ayrımının sıkça yapılmasına karşın, Akif her iki kurumun da var olan eksikliklerini gidererek eğitime hizmet etmesi gerektiğini savunmuştur. Mehmet Akif'e göre asıl mesele eğitimin niteliğidir. Ona göre nitelikli bir eğitim için iman, edep, liyakat ve vicdan sahibi öğretmenlere ihtiyaç vardır. Böyle eğitimciler sayesinde ilim, irfan, marifet ve fazilet yaygınlaşacak ve cehalet sonlandırılacaktır. Akif cehaletin sonlandırılmasının da halka belli bir seviye kazandırılarak yapılacağına inanmaktadır. Toplumun tüm kesimlerinin eğitilmesi için mahalle kahvelerinden, camilere halkın bulunduğu tüm mekânlarda eğitimin gerekliliğini savunan Akif, ailede verilen ilk eğitimin öneminden özellikle bahseder. Aile eğitiminde anne ve babanın da eğitimli olmasını vurgulayan Akif, özellikle anne rolü olan kadının eğitimine ayrı bir önem vermektedir. Mehmet Akif kadınların eğitilmesini, bunun için gelişmiş olan Batı ülkelerinde eğitim görmelerini destekler ancak eğitim için gidilen Batı'nın bizim kültürümüze uygun olmayan özelliklerinin körü körüne taklit edilerek kendi manevi değerlerine uzaklaşmasına sebep olmasına şiddetle karşı çıkar. İlerleyen bilim ve teknolojide milletimizden daha önde olan Batı'nın yalnız bilim ve fen ile ilgili özelliklerinin örnek alınması ve bunların da kendi ülkesinin menfaati için kullanılması gerektiğini vurgular. Cehaleti milletin asıl düşmanı olarak niteleyen Akif, yaşanan tüm toplumsal problemlerin kaynağının cehalet olduğunu savunur. Çalışkan olmanın önemi ve toplum üzerinde oluşturacağı olumlu sonuçlara şiirlerinde sık sık yer vermektedir. Mehmet Akif milletin sahip olduğu manevi değerleri de çok önemser. Milletin sahip olduğu din ve iman hakikatinin doğru anlaşılarak cehalet sebebiyle asılsız hurafe ve yanlış anlaşılmalara kurban gitmemesi için birçok şiirinde uyarılarda bulunmuştur. Kaleme aldığı tüm eserlerde olduğu gibi Safahat'ta bulunan şiirlerinde de toplumsal sorunlara değinen ve çözüm yolları arayan Mehmet Akif, milletin aydınlanması adına cehaletten kurtulmanın önemini, eğitim ve çalışma ile ilerlemenin mümkün olduğunu anlatmaktadır. Çalışmada Mehmet Akif Ersoy'un Safahat adlı eserinde eğitim olgusu ile ilgili ulaşılan sonuçlardan hareketle eğitim uygulamalarında ve ders içerikleri hazırlanmasında bu eserin eğitim programcılarına, öğretmenlere ve araştırmacılara kaynaklık edebileceği düşünülmektedir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Mehmet Akif, Safahat, eğitim, şiir, toplum
Mehmet Akif Ersoy is one of our poets about whose works and personality the most number of books are written. Also his work called as Safahat in which he collected all of his poems is determined as one of 100 fundamental works by the ministry of education with his solid personality. Mehmet Akif Ersoy who is a monumental person witnessed both collapsing of a world empire and re-birth of nation from ıts ashes. The poet was assigned in various institutions for his scholar abilities in addition to his poetry. He was personally assigned by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to motivate people in the path to independence war. He started to educate the people in four corners of the country and also in mosques and foreign countries, too. The aim of this study is to examine his 7 anthologies that he collected in one book the Safahatname in terms of educational approaches. Under the light of this a content analysis is carried out. In this analysis, Mehmet Akif Ersoy was denoted as a scholar who knows the needs and expectations of individuals and based his teachings on practical and contemporary consciousness aiming to enhance them with virtue. He advocated that individuals are to acquire virtue through education. He also stated that education should provide the individuals the sense of standing against, oppression protect the sufferings and liberty. Akif did both he questioned and criticized quality of education. While doing this, he primarily targeted the methods used in education. He claimed that those methods should be in accordance with contemporary needs. He also stated that an education that would enable individuals to solve problems practically should be provided in schools. In the era, in which he lived the distinction between medresah and school was made sharply however he suggested that the education had to be carried by both institutions provided that the short comings of the educations were eradicated. lack of faith, decency, merit and conscience in educators were main problems of the education for Mehmet Akif .The opposite version of those educators would cease ignorance and spread science, skill, knowledge and craft. He believed that by upgrading of people ignorance would disappear. Akif claimed that all layers of society should be educated by all means such as public places the coffee houses, mosques. He also emphasized that family based primal education is vital. He also be educated and he also suggested that these mothers should receive education preferably in western countries. If not, at least with western country education discipline. However he totally denies imitations of the features of western education that would harm our national valves and traditions. He proposed that we would only get science and technology from them use it for the sake of our country. Akif who was condemned ignorance as the arch enemy of the nation sees as the sources of social problems. He highlighted the importance of being diligent and its positive effects on society in his poems. He also had a deep sense for national valves and traditions. He also alerted the society in his numerous poems that people should get the true essence of their religion correctly and should ignore the superstition caused by ignorance. Like all his works, especially in his poems in Safahat, Akif who mentioned social issues and sought for solutions, paid attention on enlightenment of a nation via education and hard working. Key words: Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Safahat, education, poem, community
Mehmet Akif Ersoy is one of our poets about whose works and personality the most number of books are written. Also his work called as Safahat in which he collected all of his poems is determined as one of 100 fundamental works by the ministry of education with his solid personality. Mehmet Akif Ersoy who is a monumental person witnessed both collapsing of a world empire and re-birth of nation from ıts ashes. The poet was assigned in various institutions for his scholar abilities in addition to his poetry. He was personally assigned by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to motivate people in the path to independence war. He started to educate the people in four corners of the country and also in mosques and foreign countries, too. The aim of this study is to examine his 7 anthologies that he collected in one book the Safahatname in terms of educational approaches. Under the light of this a content analysis is carried out. In this analysis, Mehmet Akif Ersoy was denoted as a scholar who knows the needs and expectations of individuals and based his teachings on practical and contemporary consciousness aiming to enhance them with virtue. He advocated that individuals are to acquire virtue through education. He also stated that education should provide the individuals the sense of standing against, oppression protect the sufferings and liberty. Akif did both he questioned and criticized quality of education. While doing this, he primarily targeted the methods used in education. He claimed that those methods should be in accordance with contemporary needs. He also stated that an education that would enable individuals to solve problems practically should be provided in schools. In the era, in which he lived the distinction between medresah and school was made sharply however he suggested that the education had to be carried by both institutions provided that the short comings of the educations were eradicated. lack of faith, decency, merit and conscience in educators were main problems of the education for Mehmet Akif .The opposite version of those educators would cease ignorance and spread science, skill, knowledge and craft. He believed that by upgrading of people ignorance would disappear. Akif claimed that all layers of society should be educated by all means such as public places the coffee houses, mosques. He also emphasized that family based primal education is vital. He also be educated and he also suggested that these mothers should receive education preferably in western countries. If not, at least with western country education discipline. However he totally denies imitations of the features of western education that would harm our national valves and traditions. He proposed that we would only get science and technology from them use it for the sake of our country. Akif who was condemned ignorance as the arch enemy of the nation sees as the sources of social problems. He highlighted the importance of being diligent and its positive effects on society in his poems. He also had a deep sense for national valves and traditions. He also alerted the society in his numerous poems that people should get the true essence of their religion correctly and should ignore the superstition caused by ignorance. Like all his works, especially in his poems in Safahat, Akif who mentioned social issues and sought for solutions, paid attention on enlightenment of a nation via education and hard working. Key words: Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Safahat, education, poem, community
Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Eğitim Bilimleri Ana Bilim Dalı, Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eğitim ve Öğretim, Education and Training