Farklı mevkilerin Bozcaada çavuşu üzüm çeşidinin kalite özellikleri üzerine etkileri
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma, Bozcaada'nın farklı mevkilerinde yetiştirilen 'Bozcaada Çavuşu' üzüm çeşidinin verim ve kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla, 2012 ve 2013 yıllarında yürütülmüştür. Bu kapsamda, Bozcaada'nın 'Ova', 'Çayır' ve 'Sulubahçe' mevkilerinde bulunan '5BB' anacı üzerine aşılı, aynı yetiştiriciye ait, eşit bakım şartları uygulanmış olan üç adet, 30 yaşlı goble 'Bozcaada Çavuşu' üzüm bağı seçilmiştir. Hasat tarihinde, farklı mevkilerdeki bu bağlara aynı gün içerisinde gidilerek omca başına verim ile birlikte, 'ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Pomoloji Laboratuvarı'na getirilen örneklerde salkım, tane ve olgunluğa ait bazı özellikler belirlenmiştir. Araştırma bulguları değerlendirildiğinde, farklı parametrelerde farklı mevkiler bazında önemli farklılıkların olduğu saptanmıştır. 2012 yılında en yüksek omca başına verim 'Ova' mevkii (2.793 kg/omca), en düşük verim ise 'Sulubahçe' mevkiinden (1.661 kg/omca) alınmış, 'Çayır' mevkii (2.093 kg/omca) ise ara grubu oluşturmuştur. 2013 yılında, 2012 yılına kıyasla 'Çayır' ve 'Sulubahçe' mevkilerinde verim artışı, 'Ova' mevkiinde ise verim azalışı meydana gelmiş, ancak mevkiler arasında önemli bir farklılık tespit edilememiştir. 'Sulubahçe' mevkiinden alınan salkım örneklerinde salkım eni, salkım boyu, tane eni, tane boyu, tane hacmi ve salkımdaki toplam tane sayısının diğer iki mevkiiye kıyasla daha düşük bulunması, omca başına verimin düşük kalmasında önemli rol oynamıştır. 2012 yılında en yüksek olgunluk indisi değeri 42.35 ile 'Sulubahçe' mevkiinde ölçülmüş, bunu sırasıyla ayrı ayrı gruplar oluşturan 'Çayır' (34.95) ve 'Ova' (28.82) mevkileri izlemiştir. 2013 yılında ise en yüksek olgunluk indisini 'Sulubahçe' (36.91) mevkii oluştururken, en düşük olgunluk indisi 'Ova'(29.01) mevkiinden elde edilmiş, 35.04 değeri ile 'Çayır' mevkii ara grubu oluşturmuştur. 'Bozcaada Çavuşu' üzüm çeşidinin farklı mevkilerde farklı olgunluk ve kalite parametreleri oluşturması, Bozcaada'da kısa mesafelerde meydana gelmekte olan toprak ve iklim değişiklikliklerinin (mikroklima) bir sonucu olarak yorumlanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: 'Bozcaada Çavuşu', Sofralık Üzüm, Verim, Kalite, Bozcaada, Çanakkale.
This research has been carried out in order to determine the yield and quality attributes of 'Bozcaada Çavuşu' in different grape growing zones of Bozcaada in years 2012 and 2013. In this context, three vineyards of 'Bozcaada Çavuşu' grafted onto the '5BB' rootstock with the age of 30 years of the same grower, applied with equal maintenance conditions, have been selected in 'Ova', 'Çayır' and 'Sulubahçe' localities of Bozcaada. The yield per vinestock has been noted at harvesting time by visiting in the same day to different localities of vineyards, as well as samples were brought to the 'Pomology Laboratory of ÇOMÜ Faculty of Agriculture' for identifying some characteristics relating to grape cluster, single fruit and its maturity. Some significant differences have been found on the basis of different grape growing sites when research findings were evaluated. In 2012, the highest yield per vinestock were obtained from 'Ova' locality (2.793 kg/vinestock) and the lowest obtained from 'Sulubahçe' locality (1.661 kg/vinestock), 'Çayır' locality (2.093 kg/vinestock) has located in the middle. Compared to 2012 in 2013, an increase in yield in 'Çayır' and 'Sulubahçe' localities and a decrease in yield in 'Ova' locality were observed but any significant difference among localities were not identified. The presence of lower cluster width and length; grape fruit width, length and volume; and total number of grape fruit in cluster samples which were taken from 'Sulubahçe' locality played an important role in maintaining the low yield per vinestock as compared to other two localities. In 2012, the highest maturity index values were measured as 42.35 in 'Sulubahçe' locality and followed by 'Çayır' (34.95) and 'Ova' (28.82) localities. In 2013, the highest maturity index value were measured in 'Sulubahçe' (36.91) locality, the lowest maturity index value were measured in 'Ova' (29.01) locality and 'Çayır' locality were located in the middle with the index value of 35.04. Difference in maturity and quality attributes of 'Bozcaada Çavuşu' among different localities in Bozcaada have been interpreted as a result of changes in soil quality and climatic variations (microclimate) within short distances. Keywords: 'Bozcaada Çavuşu', Table Grape Variety, Yield, Quality, Bozcaada, Çanakkale.
This research has been carried out in order to determine the yield and quality attributes of 'Bozcaada Çavuşu' in different grape growing zones of Bozcaada in years 2012 and 2013. In this context, three vineyards of 'Bozcaada Çavuşu' grafted onto the '5BB' rootstock with the age of 30 years of the same grower, applied with equal maintenance conditions, have been selected in 'Ova', 'Çayır' and 'Sulubahçe' localities of Bozcaada. The yield per vinestock has been noted at harvesting time by visiting in the same day to different localities of vineyards, as well as samples were brought to the 'Pomology Laboratory of ÇOMÜ Faculty of Agriculture' for identifying some characteristics relating to grape cluster, single fruit and its maturity. Some significant differences have been found on the basis of different grape growing sites when research findings were evaluated. In 2012, the highest yield per vinestock were obtained from 'Ova' locality (2.793 kg/vinestock) and the lowest obtained from 'Sulubahçe' locality (1.661 kg/vinestock), 'Çayır' locality (2.093 kg/vinestock) has located in the middle. Compared to 2012 in 2013, an increase in yield in 'Çayır' and 'Sulubahçe' localities and a decrease in yield in 'Ova' locality were observed but any significant difference among localities were not identified. The presence of lower cluster width and length; grape fruit width, length and volume; and total number of grape fruit in cluster samples which were taken from 'Sulubahçe' locality played an important role in maintaining the low yield per vinestock as compared to other two localities. In 2012, the highest maturity index values were measured as 42.35 in 'Sulubahçe' locality and followed by 'Çayır' (34.95) and 'Ova' (28.82) localities. In 2013, the highest maturity index value were measured in 'Sulubahçe' (36.91) locality, the lowest maturity index value were measured in 'Ova' (29.01) locality and 'Çayır' locality were located in the middle with the index value of 35.04. Difference in maturity and quality attributes of 'Bozcaada Çavuşu' among different localities in Bozcaada have been interpreted as a result of changes in soil quality and climatic variations (microclimate) within short distances. Keywords: 'Bozcaada Çavuşu', Table Grape Variety, Yield, Quality, Bozcaada, Çanakkale.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture