Translokasyon ve diğer yapısal kromozom aberasyonu saptanan olgularda kromozom kırılma bölgelerinin microarray ile ileri analizi
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
MikroArray/a-CGH (Karşılaştırmalı Genom Hibridizasyonu) kromozomal delesyon ve mikro duplikasyonların analiz edildiği ileri moleküler bir tekniktir. Mevcut araştırma projesine, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Araştırma Hastanesi Tıbbi Genetik kliniğine rutin tanı için gelen ve/veya sevkedilen ve kromozom analizi sonucunda translokasyon ve/veya diğer yapısal aberasyon saptanan, farklı yaş ve klinik bulgulara sahip 4 kadın ve 4 erkek olmak üzere toplam 8 olguya ait sitogenetik ve a-CGH profilleri sonuçlandırılmış ve değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada, olgulara ait heparinize periferik kan karyotip ve kromozom analizi için; periferik kan-EDTA ise total genomik DNA izolasyonlarında kullanıldı. Metafaz örnekleri tripsin-GTG, C ve NOR bant teknikleri ve FISH ile değerlendirildi. EDTA'lı kan örneklerinden PureLink Genomik DNA izolasyon kiti kullanılarak total genomik DNA izolasyonları yapıldı. Olgu DNA'ları 60k a-CGH (Agilent Superprint G3 Human Cytogenomics, Signapore) tekniği kullanılarak referans DNA (Agilent) örnekleri ile karşılaştırıldı. Elde edilen sonuçlar yine Agilent Cytogenomics software ile değerlendirildi. Elde edilen veriler değerlendirildiğinde; transloke karyotipinde olan sekiz olguda kromozomal translokasyonlarının tamamen dengeli olduğu ve söz konusu olan kromozomlarda submikroskobik düzeyde bir mikrodelesyon ve /veya duplikasyon olmadığı saptanmıştır. Bu olguların sitogenetikte tanımlanamamış bir ve/veya birden fazla farklı kromozomlarında beklenmedik mikrodelesyon ve duplikasyonların olduğu görülmüştür. Sınırlı sayıda vaka olmasına rağmen arastırma sonuçlarımız, a-CGH tekniğinin translokasyon, yapısal kromozom aberasyonu tanımlanmış olgularda yüz güldürücü, ileri bir tanı tekniği olması yanısıra özellikle dengeli translokasyonu olan olguların tespitinde güç bir durum oluşturmaktadır. Bu tür olguların kesin ve etkin tanı almasında geleneksel karyotip-kromozom analizi gibi diğer amaca ve olgu spesifik tanısal değerleri yüksek olan tekniklerle birlikte karşılaştırılmalı olarak kullanılmasının önemli olduğu ortaya konmuştur. Yanısıra özellikle büyük yapısal kromozom aberasyonlu (delesyon, duplikasyon vs) olguların doğru tanı almasında geçerli ve güvenilir bir ileri teknik olması yanısıra dengeli transloke olguların kesin tanısı için karyotip, kromozom analizinin altın standart bir teknik olduğu açıklıkla söylenebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: C bantlama, Dengeli Translokasyon, FISH, İnsan Kromozomları, a-CGH
The microarray/a-CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridization) tmethod is an advanced molecular technique that using in the analysing of chromosomal deletions and micro duplications. In a total of 8 female and 4 male patients with different age and clinical findings were included in the current research project. Cases who admitted to Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Medical Faculty Hospital Medical Genetics clinic for routine diagnosis and/or referred for translocation and/or other structural aberration as a result of chromosome analysis were included. Balanced translocated 8 cases who has diagnosed cytogenetically were analysed by a-CGH technique. Heparinised peripheral blood samples were used for karyotype and chromosomal analysis and peripheral blood-EDTA was used for total genomic DNA isolation. Metaphase samples were evaluated by trypsin-GTG, C and NOR band and FISH techniques. Total genomic DNA isolations were performed using PureLink Genomic DNA isolation kit from EDTA blood samples. DNAs that isolated from balanced translocated cases were compared with reference DNA (Agilent) samples using a 60k a-CGH (Agilent Superprint G3 Human Cytogenomics, Signapore) technique in the current case control project The results were also evaluated using Agilent Cytogenomics software. The current results showed that all translocated karyotypes were completely balanced and no microdeletion and/or duplications were detected. Despite the limited number of cases, our results show that a-CGH technique is a promising, advanced diagnostic technique for translocations, structural chromosome aberrations, and is particularly difficult to detect in cases with balanced translocations. It has been shown that it is important to use these techniques in a clear and effective way to diagnose such cases, as well as traditional karyotype-chromosome analysis, in comparison with other objective and specific diagnostic techniques. In conclusion, it is also clear that karyotype, chromosome analysis is a gold standard technique and it is necessary to prioritize for definite diagnosis of balanced translocations. In addition, it can be clearly stated that it is a valid and reliable technique for the accurate diagnosis of cases with large structural chromosome aberrations such as microdeletion and/or duplication Key Words: Karyotype Analysis, Banded Human Chromosome, Balanced Translocation, Break Points, a-CGH
The microarray/a-CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridization) tmethod is an advanced molecular technique that using in the analysing of chromosomal deletions and micro duplications. In a total of 8 female and 4 male patients with different age and clinical findings were included in the current research project. Cases who admitted to Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Medical Faculty Hospital Medical Genetics clinic for routine diagnosis and/or referred for translocation and/or other structural aberration as a result of chromosome analysis were included. Balanced translocated 8 cases who has diagnosed cytogenetically were analysed by a-CGH technique. Heparinised peripheral blood samples were used for karyotype and chromosomal analysis and peripheral blood-EDTA was used for total genomic DNA isolation. Metaphase samples were evaluated by trypsin-GTG, C and NOR band and FISH techniques. Total genomic DNA isolations were performed using PureLink Genomic DNA isolation kit from EDTA blood samples. DNAs that isolated from balanced translocated cases were compared with reference DNA (Agilent) samples using a 60k a-CGH (Agilent Superprint G3 Human Cytogenomics, Signapore) technique in the current case control project The results were also evaluated using Agilent Cytogenomics software. The current results showed that all translocated karyotypes were completely balanced and no microdeletion and/or duplications were detected. Despite the limited number of cases, our results show that a-CGH technique is a promising, advanced diagnostic technique for translocations, structural chromosome aberrations, and is particularly difficult to detect in cases with balanced translocations. It has been shown that it is important to use these techniques in a clear and effective way to diagnose such cases, as well as traditional karyotype-chromosome analysis, in comparison with other objective and specific diagnostic techniques. In conclusion, it is also clear that karyotype, chromosome analysis is a gold standard technique and it is necessary to prioritize for definite diagnosis of balanced translocations. In addition, it can be clearly stated that it is a valid and reliable technique for the accurate diagnosis of cases with large structural chromosome aberrations such as microdeletion and/or duplication Key Words: Karyotype Analysis, Banded Human Chromosome, Balanced Translocation, Break Points, a-CGH
Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tıbbi Genetik Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Genetik, Genetics