Eksen dönmesi gösteren bazı örten çift sistemlerin fotometrik analizleri
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışmasında, eksen dönmesi gösteren bazı örten çift sistemler içinden seçilen OX Cas, PV Cas, V785 Cas, V821 Cas, CW Cep, DN Cru, V477 Cyg, V478 Cyg, HS Her, CO Lac, RU Mon, V451 Oph, AG Per, V399 Pup, YY Sgr, AO Vel ve DR Vul sistemleri için, yeni gözlemlerle beraber, eksen dönme parametreleri yeniden hesaplanmıştır. Eksen dönmesi parametreleri kullanılarak bu sistemlerin gözlemsel ortalama içyapı sabitleri bulunmuştur. Klasik, rölativistik ve üçüncü cisim kaynaklı eksen dönmesi katkıları gözlemsel ve kuramsal modelleri ile karşılaştırılarak (Claret, 2004) irdelenmiştir. Bu çalışmaya ek olarak HIPPARCOS (ESA, 1997) kataloğu taranarak eksen dönmesi ihtimali olan, basık yörüngeli yeni örten çift yıldız sistemleri belirlenmiş ve bu sistemlerden V785 Cas, DN Cru ve V399 Pup'ın fotometrik ışık eğrilerinin analizleri ilk kez yapılmıştır. DN Cru'nın fotometrik gözlem verileri ASAS'dan, V399 Pup'ın ise ASAS ve HIPPARCOS veri tabanından alınmıştır. Sistemlerin yörünge parametreleri ilk kez elde edilmiş olup, ışık eğrisi analizlerinde Wilson-Devinney (WD) analiz programları kullanılmıştır. Bu sistemlerden, V785 Cas'nın BVR filtrelerinde ilk Yer-tabanlı gözlemleri yapılmış; elde edilen ışık eğrisi WD programıyla analiz edilmiştir.Ayrıca, V785 Cas ve V399 Pup yıldızlarının ilk kez bu tez çalışmasıyla eksen dönme dönemleri, sırasıyla, 66 ve 85 yıl olarak ilk kez elde edilmiştir.Anahtar sözcükler: Yıldızlar, örten çift yıldızlar, basık yörünge, eksen dönmesi, içyapı sabiti, dönem değişimi, OX Cas, PV Cas, V785 Cas, V821 Cas, CW Cep, DN Cru, V477 Cyg, V478 Cyg, HS Her, CO Lac, RU Mon, V451 Oph, AG Per, V399 Pup, YY Sgr, AO Vel, DR Vul
In the present thesis, the eclipsing binaries which displaying apsidal motion effect in their orbits, OX Cas, PV Cas, V785 Cas, V821 Cas, CW Cep, DN Cru, V477 Cyg, V478 Cyg, HS Her, CO Lac, RU Mon, V451 Oph, AG Per, V399 Pup, YY Sgr, AO Vel and DR Vul were studied to obtain the elements of apsidal motion in the context of new photoelectric observations. The mean observed internal structure constantsi of these systems were calculated by using apsidal motion parameters. The results based on clasical, relativistic and third bodies in these system were compared with the observed and theoretical model (Claret, 2004). In addition, the HIPPARCOS (ESA, 1997) database and the HIPPARCOS light curves of the systems were searched for the eclipsing binaries having eccentric orbits. V785 Cas, DN Cru and V399 Pup were analyzed by using Wilson - Devinney computer code. We took data of ASAS and HIPPARCOS. Light ? curves of DN Cru and V399 Pup were obtained. The physical and geometrical parameters of these systems have been firstly determined by analysing their light ? curves with the WD computer code. The first ground-based photoelectric observations of V785 Cas were obtained in BVR filters and the resulting light curves were analyzed by using WD computer code.We also found, firstly, time periods of apsidal motion of 66 and 85 years for V785 Cas and V399 Pup, respectively.Key words: Stars, eclipsing binaries, eccentric orbit, apsidal motion, internal-structure constant, period changes, OX Cas, PV Cas, V785 Cas, V821 Cas, CW Cep, DN Cru, V477 Cyg, V478 Cyg, HS Her, CO Lac, RU Mon, V451 Oph, AG Per, V399 Pup, YY Sgr, AO Vel, DR Vul
In the present thesis, the eclipsing binaries which displaying apsidal motion effect in their orbits, OX Cas, PV Cas, V785 Cas, V821 Cas, CW Cep, DN Cru, V477 Cyg, V478 Cyg, HS Her, CO Lac, RU Mon, V451 Oph, AG Per, V399 Pup, YY Sgr, AO Vel and DR Vul were studied to obtain the elements of apsidal motion in the context of new photoelectric observations. The mean observed internal structure constantsi of these systems were calculated by using apsidal motion parameters. The results based on clasical, relativistic and third bodies in these system were compared with the observed and theoretical model (Claret, 2004). In addition, the HIPPARCOS (ESA, 1997) database and the HIPPARCOS light curves of the systems were searched for the eclipsing binaries having eccentric orbits. V785 Cas, DN Cru and V399 Pup were analyzed by using Wilson - Devinney computer code. We took data of ASAS and HIPPARCOS. Light ? curves of DN Cru and V399 Pup were obtained. The physical and geometrical parameters of these systems have been firstly determined by analysing their light ? curves with the WD computer code. The first ground-based photoelectric observations of V785 Cas were obtained in BVR filters and the resulting light curves were analyzed by using WD computer code.We also found, firstly, time periods of apsidal motion of 66 and 85 years for V785 Cas and V399 Pup, respectively.Key words: Stars, eclipsing binaries, eccentric orbit, apsidal motion, internal-structure constant, period changes, OX Cas, PV Cas, V785 Cas, V821 Cas, CW Cep, DN Cru, V477 Cyg, V478 Cyg, HS Her, CO Lac, RU Mon, V451 Oph, AG Per, V399 Pup, YY Sgr, AO Vel, DR Vul
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Fizik Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering