Çanakkale Cephesinde Karargâhlar
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Bu araştırmada 5 nci Ordu’nun kuruluşu öncesi ve sonrasında, Müttefiklerin bölgeden çekilmesine kadar Çanakkale Boğazı, civar sahillerde ve karada icra edilecek olan savunma faaliyetlerinin yürütülmesi için kurulacak olan karargâhlarla ilgili bilgi vermek amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaca ulaşmak için post-pozitivist paradigma altında nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden doküman analizi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Mevcut dokümanlar askeri ve devlet arşivlerinden, askeri eserlerden ve anılardan taranarak elde edilmiştir. Yapılan araştırma sonucunda Osmanlı Devleti’nin güneyden gelecek tehlikelere karşı, Boğaz’ın her iki yakasına kaleler yaparak, sahil savunma topları yerleştirerek İstanbul’u savunma çabası, bölgede savaş öncesi ciddi bir hazırlığının var olduğunu göstermektedir. Yönetim, Avrupa’da patlak veren savaşa paralel olarak, süreç çok hızlı işlediğinden dolayı, ne yapılacaksa onunla ilgili süratle karar almaya ve hemen yapmaya çalışmıştır. Bu çabanın özünde karargâhların da ayrı bir önemi vardır. Başkomutanlık, Müstahkem Mevki Komutanlığı, ordu, kolordu, tümen, grup, bölge, alay karargâhları ile mevcut bilgiler titizlikle taranmıştır. Peşinden, savunma ve stratejik anlamda karargâhın kurulacağı yerin tespiti, faal hale getirme, karargâhın tefrişi, karargâh görevlileri ve görevleri tanzimi, muhabere görevlerinin ifası, yazışmalara cevap hazırlanması, istihbari bilgileri değerlendirme, üst birimlerle irtibat kurma, stratejik toplantılar yapma, ‘harp ceridesi’ hazırlama, emirler hazırlama, ziyaretçileri ağırlama ve uğurlama, mutat günlük işleri kesintisiz yapma gibi pek çok hizmetin bir arada nasıl yapıldığı göz önüne serilmeye çalışılmıştır.
The aim of this research is to provide needed information about headquarters to be founded for the defense activities in the Dardanelles, surrounding costs, and lands until the allied forces withdraw from the region before and after the establishment of the 5th army. For this aim, document analysis technique was adopted out of qualitative researches in post-positivist paradigm. Current documents were handled by military and the state archives, military artifacts and the memories. To sum up, it was clearly seen that Ottoman Empire built castles in each part of the Dardanelles for the defense, and coastal artillery for the defense of Istanbul. This shows that there is serious preparation before war. Ottoman Empire started to manage and decide for preparation in parallel with the war in Europe. For this, this endeavor is honored by headquarters. All the unities such as Commander in Chief, Fortress Command, the army corps, divisions, groups, regions, and headquarters of ridicule were investigated meticulously. Then, it was tried how to manage many service in one hand such as defense and strategic sense, the determination of where to set up headquarters, bringing into operation, refurbishment of the headquarters, headquarters officials and tasks, the fulfillment of their communication tasks, answering correspondence preparation, intelligence information assessment, establishing contact with the upper unit, making strategic meetings, ‘war news bulletin’ preparation, preparing orders visitors are welcome and farewell, not the usual daily work without interruption.
The aim of this research is to provide needed information about headquarters to be founded for the defense activities in the Dardanelles, surrounding costs, and lands until the allied forces withdraw from the region before and after the establishment of the 5th army. For this aim, document analysis technique was adopted out of qualitative researches in post-positivist paradigm. Current documents were handled by military and the state archives, military artifacts and the memories. To sum up, it was clearly seen that Ottoman Empire built castles in each part of the Dardanelles for the defense, and coastal artillery for the defense of Istanbul. This shows that there is serious preparation before war. Ottoman Empire started to manage and decide for preparation in parallel with the war in Europe. For this, this endeavor is honored by headquarters. All the unities such as Commander in Chief, Fortress Command, the army corps, divisions, groups, regions, and headquarters of ridicule were investigated meticulously. Then, it was tried how to manage many service in one hand such as defense and strategic sense, the determination of where to set up headquarters, bringing into operation, refurbishment of the headquarters, headquarters officials and tasks, the fulfillment of their communication tasks, answering correspondence preparation, intelligence information assessment, establishing contact with the upper unit, making strategic meetings, ‘war news bulletin’ preparation, preparing orders visitors are welcome and farewell, not the usual daily work without interruption.
Esenkaya, Ahmet, ( Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmenliği Tarih Eğitimi)
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çanakkale Savaşı, Çanakkale War, Headquarters, World War I, Karargâh, I. Dünya Harbi
TroyAcademy (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Esenkaya, A. (2016). Çanakkale Cephesinde Karargâhlar . Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi , 1 (2) , 47-80 . DOI: 10.31454/usb.378116