9. Dünya Helal Zirvesi 2019 & 7. İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı Helal Expo (28 Kasım – 1 Aralık 2019 İstanbul)
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
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28 Kasım 1 Aralık 2019 tarihleri arasında İİT (İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı) Helal Expo Dünya Helal Zirvesinin (World Halal Summit) yedincisi İstanbul Yenikapı Avrasya Gösteri ve Sanat Merkezinde yapıldı. Bu zirvelerde her yıl bir ana tema belirlenmektedir. Bu sene tespit edilen temalar Tüm Nesiller İçin Helal: “Ailenin ve Gençliğin Önemi” “Sağlıklı Yaşam İçin Helalin Önemi” başlıkları ile belirtilmişti. Ama oturumlarda gördüğümüz kadarıyla bu temalara fazla bağlı kalmadan çoğunlukla sunucuların kendi bildiği ve hazırlandığı sahalarda sunumlar yapıldı. Dünyanın en büyük organizasyonlarından biri olarak İstanbul’da gerçekleşen Helal Expo zirvesinin 2019 yılına damgasını vurduğu ifade edildi. Zirve sonunda elde edilen bilgilere göre 94 ülkeden ziyaretçilerin geldiği, 36 ülkenin katılımcı olduğu, yerli ve yabancı 376 katılımcı firma,15000 metrekare alanda gıdadan kozmetiğe, giyimden ilaca, baldan jelatine ürünlerinin tanıtımını gerçekleştirdi. Bu zirveye yaklaşık 5.000 yabancı 30.000 yerli olmak üzere 35.000 kişi ziyaretçi olarak geldi. Bir taraftan da hazırlanan salonda oturumlar yapıldı, 10 oturumda 67 konuşmacı sunumlarını gerçekleştirdi. 7.000’den fazla B2B ikili görüşme gerçekleştirildi. 474 hosted buyer/Uluslararası Satın Alma Heyeti Programı yapıldı. Dünya Helal Zirvesi 28 Kasım 2019 tarihinde sabahleyin açılış konuşmaları ile başladı. Öğleden sonra oturumlarla devam etti. Oturumlarda dünyanın dört bir tarafından gelen uzmanlar helal konusunun değişik yönlerini sunumlarında ele aldı. Oturumlarda yapılan sunumların yüzde doksanı İngilizce olarak gerçekleşti. Aslında İslam dinine ait olan helal-haram konusu en güzel Arapça olarak ifade edilebilirdi. Ortak dil İngilizce olarak görülüyor olmalı ki, bu dil tercih edilmiş. Her ne kadar kulaklıktan çevirileri yapılsa bile aslını tam olarak yansıtması zordu. Fuar alanında yabancı ülkelerden gelenler olunca Arapça ve İngilizce bilmenin ne kadar gerekli olduğu anlaşılıyordu. Yapılan sunumlar daha sonra özet halinde yine İngilizce olarak bir kitapta toplanıp basılmaktadır.Açılış konuşmalarında bu organizasyonun İslam ülkeleri arasında hem ticareti artırma konusunda ortak bir nokta bulmak, hem de ticaretin önündeki engelleri kaldırmak için bir gayret olarak algılamamız gerektiği vurgulandı. Helal Expo Başkanının "dünyanın en büyük helal organizasyonu bu organizasyon ve dünyada bir merkez olma özelliği kazandı” şeklindeki sözleri zirvenin büyüklüğünü ve önemini göstermektedir.
7th OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) Halal Expo World Summit was held in İstanbul Yenikapı Eurasia Exhibiton and Art Centre between 28th of November - 1st of December 2019. At these summits, a main theme is determined every year. The themes of this year determined as Halal for All Generations: ‘’The Importance of Family and Youth’’ and ‘’The Importance of Halal for Healthy Life’’. However as far as we saw in sessions, presentations were mostly made in the fields presenters already knew and prepared without being too adhered to these themes. It was stated that the Halal Expo summit that took place in Istanbul as one of the biggest organizations in the world marked to the 2019. According to information obtained after the summit, 376 domestic and foreign participant company promoted products from nurture to cosmetics, from garment to medicine, from honey to gelatine in a 15000 square meter area where visitors from 94 countries came, 36 countries participated. 35.000 people, including 5.000 foreigners and 30.000 locals, came to this summit as visitors. On the other hand, sessions were held in the prepared hall, 67 speakers made presentations in 10 sessions. More than 7,000 B2B (business to business) bilateral meetings were held. 474 hosted buyer/International Procurement Committee Program was held. The World Halal Summit started on the 28th of November 2019 with opening speeches in the morning. It continued with sessions in the afternoon. In the sessions, experts from all over the world discussed different aspects of halal issues in their presentations. Ninety percent of the presentations made during the sessions took place in English. In fact, the issue of halal-haram, which belongs to the Islamic religion, could be best expressed in Arabic; however, the common language must have been seen as English, which language was preferred. Even though it was interpreted through their earphones, it was difficult to accurately convey the original meaning. When there were foreigners in fairground also, it was understood that to speak Arabic and English is necessary. The presentations are then summarized and published in a book in English, likewise. In opening speeches, it was emphasized that this organization should be perceived as an aim both to find a common point in increasing trade among Islamic countries and to remove the barriers to trade. Halal Expo Chairman said ‘’The biggest halal organization in the world has become thisorganization and it has become a centre in the world.’’ This words alone are enough to express the importance and greatness of the Summit.
7th OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) Halal Expo World Summit was held in İstanbul Yenikapı Eurasia Exhibiton and Art Centre between 28th of November - 1st of December 2019. At these summits, a main theme is determined every year. The themes of this year determined as Halal for All Generations: ‘’The Importance of Family and Youth’’ and ‘’The Importance of Halal for Healthy Life’’. However as far as we saw in sessions, presentations were mostly made in the fields presenters already knew and prepared without being too adhered to these themes. It was stated that the Halal Expo summit that took place in Istanbul as one of the biggest organizations in the world marked to the 2019. According to information obtained after the summit, 376 domestic and foreign participant company promoted products from nurture to cosmetics, from garment to medicine, from honey to gelatine in a 15000 square meter area where visitors from 94 countries came, 36 countries participated. 35.000 people, including 5.000 foreigners and 30.000 locals, came to this summit as visitors. On the other hand, sessions were held in the prepared hall, 67 speakers made presentations in 10 sessions. More than 7,000 B2B (business to business) bilateral meetings were held. 474 hosted buyer/International Procurement Committee Program was held. The World Halal Summit started on the 28th of November 2019 with opening speeches in the morning. It continued with sessions in the afternoon. In the sessions, experts from all over the world discussed different aspects of halal issues in their presentations. Ninety percent of the presentations made during the sessions took place in English. In fact, the issue of halal-haram, which belongs to the Islamic religion, could be best expressed in Arabic; however, the common language must have been seen as English, which language was preferred. Even though it was interpreted through their earphones, it was difficult to accurately convey the original meaning. When there were foreigners in fairground also, it was understood that to speak Arabic and English is necessary. The presentations are then summarized and published in a book in English, likewise. In opening speeches, it was emphasized that this organization should be perceived as an aim both to find a common point in increasing trade among Islamic countries and to remove the barriers to trade. Halal Expo Chairman said ‘’The biggest halal organization in the world has become thisorganization and it has become a centre in the world.’’ This words alone are enough to express the importance and greatness of the Summit.
Boran, Mustafa, (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi İslam Hukuku Anabilim Dalı)
Anahtar Kelimeler
Helal Zirve, İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı, Sağlıklı yaşam, Aile ve gençlik, Halal Summit, Islam Cooperation Organization, Healthy life, Family and youth
Kilitbahir (İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Boran, M. (2020). 9. Dünya Helal Zirvesi 2019 & 7. İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı Helal Expo (28 Kasım – 1 Aralık 2019 İstanbul). Kilitbahir Dergisi, (16), 198-214.