Kazdağı (Türkiye)'na endemik Silene bolanthoides Quézel, Contandr. & Pamukç. (Caryophyllaceae) türünün biyolojisi
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, Kazdağı'na endemik olan Silene bolanthoides Quézel, Contandr. & Pamukç. türünün morfolojik, anatomik, ekolojik, palinolojik, tohum çimlenmesi ve karyolojik özellikleri araştırılmıştır.Türün morfolojik ölçümleri yapılmış ve bazı karakterleri güncellenmiştir. Anatomik araştırmalar için bitkiden alınan organlar, ön işlemlerden sonra parafin bloklara aktarılmış, rotary mikrotomda 8 µm kalınlığında kesitler elde edilerek, anilin mavisi-safranin ikili boyaması yapılmış ve anatomik yapıları mikroskopta incelenmiştir. Türün habitatından alınan toprak örneklerinin fiziksel ve kimyasal analizleri yapılmış olup, toprağı tınlı bünyeli, nötr, tuzsuz, az kireçli, organik maddece, fosforca ve potasyumca az olarak bulunmuştur. Palinolojik çalışmalarda, polen preparatları Wodehouse Yöntemi (1935)'ne göre hazırlanmış, ışık mikroskobu ve taramalı elektron mikroskobunda (SEM) incelenmiş ve S. bolanthoides polenlerinin şekli sferoidal, polen tipi periporat, polen yapısı tektat ve operkulumun granüllü olduğu görülmüştür. Tohumlarının çimlenme yüzdesi %4 olarak belirlenmiş, hem çimlenmenin hem de çimlenen bitkilerin gelişim hızlarının yavaş olduğu gözlenmiştir. Çimlenen tohumların kök uçlarından alınan örneklerde, ezme preparat yöntemi ile kromozom sayısının 2n=24 olduğu belirlenmiştir. S. bolanthoides'in dar yayılışlı ve birey sayısının az olmasından dolayı, tehlike kategorisinin CR B1ab(ii,iii) olarak değerlendirilmesi uygun görülmüştür.
In this study, morphological, anatomical, ecological, palynological, seed germination and caryological features of Silene bolanthoides, which is endemic to Kazdagi, have been studied.Morphological measurements of species were made and some characters were modified. Plant samples for anatomical studies, after pre-processes transferred in to paraffin blocks, 8 µm thick sections were obtained by rotary microtome, stained with aniline-blue & safranine dual staining and anatomical structures were examined at microscope. Physical and chemical analyses of soil samples, which were taken from habitat of the species, soil texture loam, neutral, salt-free, low calcareous, organic matter, phosphorus and potassium were found to be less. In palynological studies, pollen samples have been prepared according to Wodehouse method (1935) and studied under both light microscope and SEM. Pollen shape of S. bolanthoides spheroidal, pollen type periporate, pollen structure tektate and opercula granulated. Percentage of seed germination has been determined %4, both germination and seedling plants growth rates were observed to be slow. At preparations which were obtained from root tips of germinated seeds, chromosome number was determined as 2n=24. Because of the plant with narrow occurrence and low number of individual, the threat category of plant has approved considering as CR B1ab(ii,iii).
In this study, morphological, anatomical, ecological, palynological, seed germination and caryological features of Silene bolanthoides, which is endemic to Kazdagi, have been studied.Morphological measurements of species were made and some characters were modified. Plant samples for anatomical studies, after pre-processes transferred in to paraffin blocks, 8 µm thick sections were obtained by rotary microtome, stained with aniline-blue & safranine dual staining and anatomical structures were examined at microscope. Physical and chemical analyses of soil samples, which were taken from habitat of the species, soil texture loam, neutral, salt-free, low calcareous, organic matter, phosphorus and potassium were found to be less. In palynological studies, pollen samples have been prepared according to Wodehouse method (1935) and studied under both light microscope and SEM. Pollen shape of S. bolanthoides spheroidal, pollen type periporate, pollen structure tektate and opercula granulated. Percentage of seed germination has been determined %4, both germination and seedling plants growth rates were observed to be slow. At preparations which were obtained from root tips of germinated seeds, chromosome number was determined as 2n=24. Because of the plant with narrow occurrence and low number of individual, the threat category of plant has approved considering as CR B1ab(ii,iii).
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Botanik