Yalova Çekirdeksizi üzüm çeşidinde ben düşme döneminden itibaren yapılan farklı düzeylerdeki sulama uygulamalarının üzüm verim ve kalitesi ile stoma özellikleri üzerine etkileri
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırma, 'ÇOMÜ Dardanos Yerleşkesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bitkisel Üretim Araştırma ve Uygulama Birimi'nde yer alan 'Sofralık Üzüm Çeşitleri Uygulama ve Araştırma Bağı'ndaki 'Yalova Çekirdeksizi' üzüm çeşidi üzerinde, 2016 ve 2017 yılları arasında yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada, ben düşme döneminden itibaren 4 hafta süresince yapılan farklı düzeylerdeki (0,0 L/omca (kontrol), 1,5 L/omca, 3,0 L/omca ve 6,0 L/omca) sulama konularının çeşidin üzüm verim ve kalitesi ile stoma özellikleri üzerine etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bunun için her bir konuda 10'ar adet omca belirlenerek, omcalara 4 hafta boyunca sızdırma sulama yöntemiyle sulama suyu uygulanmıştır. Ortalama verim değerleri 3,0 L/omca ve 6,0 L/omca sulama suyu konularında rakamsal bir artış göstermiş olsa da, bu farklılık önemli bulunmamıştır. En geniş salkımlar sırasıyla 1,5 L/omca (9,18 cm) ve 6,0 L/omca (9,17 cm) sulama konularından, en dar salkımlar 0,0 L/omca (kontrol)(8,18 cm) konusundan elde edilirken, 3,0 L/omca sulama konusu ara grubu oluşturmuştur. En uzun salkımlar 0,0 L/omca (kontrol)(15,36 cm) konusunda, en kısa salkımlar 1,5 L/omca (13,06 cm) konusunda yer alırken, diğer konular ara grubu teşkil etmiştir. En yüksek salkım ağırlığı değeri 6,0 L/omca (209,54 g) sulama konusundan elde edilirken, en düşük salkım ağırlığı değeri 0,0 L/omca (kontrol)'da (144,72 g) belirlenmiş, 1,5 L/omca ve 3,0 L/omca konuları ara grubu oluşturmuştur. En yüksek tane ağırlığı değeri de yine 3,09 g ile 6,0 L/omca sulama konusundan alınırken, en düşük tane ağırlığı değeri sırasıyla 0,0 L/omca (kontrol) (2,58 g) ve 1,5 L/omca (2,59 g) konularında elde edilmiştir. Sulama miktarı arttırıldıkça %SÇKM, pH ve olgunluk indisi (%SÇKM/%asitlik) azalırken, %asitlik artış göstermiştir. En yüksek %SÇKM sırasıyla 0,0 L/omca (kontrol) (%21,91) ve 1,5 L/omca (%21,47) konularından alınırken, en düşük %SÇKM 6,0 L/omca (%19,52) uygulamasından elde edilmiştir. En yüksek olgunluk indisi değerine sahip üzümler 0,0 L/omca (kontrol) (38,27) ve 1,5 L/omca (37,80) sulama konularından alınırken, sırayla 3,0 L/omca (32,43) ve 6,0 L/omca (30,61) konuları en düşük olgunluk indisini oluşturmuştur. Haftalık periyotlarda (toplam 4 defa) verilen farklı düzeylerdeki sulamalarda, sulama miktarı arttırıldıkça yaprak bağıl su içeriğinin yükseldiği belirlenmiştir. İncelenen boğumlar arasında stoma eni, stoma boyu ve stoma yoğunluğu açısından önemli bir farklılık belirlenememiştir. En geniş (22,5 µm) ve en uzun (25,3 µm) stomalar ile en yüksek stoma yoğunluğu 0,0 L/omca (kontrol) konusundan (109,1 adet/mm2) alınmıştır. Sonuç olarak ben düşme dönemi sonrasında yapılan 4 farklı sızdırma sulama konusu Yalova Çekirdeksizi üzüm çeşidinde verim ve kalite üzerine önemli etkilerde bulunmuş, ayrıca bu uygulamaların stoma özelliklerini önemli düzeyde etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Anahtar sözcükler: Vitis vinifera L., Sulama, Üzüm, Verim, Kalite, Stoma.
This research was carried out between 2016 and 2017 on the 'Yalova Seedless 'grape cultivar grown in Table Grape Varieties Application and Research Vineyard in the Plant Production Research and Application Unit of ÇOMU Dardanos Campus, Faculty of Agriculture. In this study, it was aimed to determine the effects of irrigation at different levels (0.0 L vinestock-1 (control), 1.5 L vinestock-1, 3.0 L vinestock-1 and 6.0 L vinestock-1) on grape yield and quality and stoma characteristics of the cultivars for 4 weeks starting from the veraison period. For this purpose, 10 vinestock were determined in each subject and irrigation was applied to the vinestock with leak irrigation method for 4 weeks. Although average yield values showed a numerical increase in 3.0 L vinestock-1 and 6.0 L vinestock-1 irrigation water issues, this difference was not significant. The widest clusters were obtained from the 1.5 L vinestock-1 (9.18 cm) and 6.0 L vinestock-1 (9.17 cm) irrigation subjects, and the narrowest clusters from the 0.0 L vinestock-1 (control) (8.18 cm) subject, while the 3.0 L vinestock-1 irrigation group formed the intermediate group. The longest clusters were in 0.0 L vinestock-1 (control) (15.36 cm), the shortest clusters in 1.5 L vinestock-1 (13.06 cm), while the other subjects constituted the intermediate group. The highest cluster weight value is 6.0 L vinestock-1 (209.54 g), while the lowest cluster weight value is determined at 0.0 L vinestock-1 (control) (144.72 g), 1.5 L vinestock-1 and 3.0 L vinestock-1 formed the intermediate group. The highest berry weight values were taken from 3.09 g and 6.0 L vinestock-1 irrigation, while the lowest berry weight value was 0.0 L vinestock-1 (control) (2.58 g) and 1.5 L vinestock-1 respectively. (2.59 g). As the irrigation level was increased, soluble solid content (SSC) (%), pH and maturity index (%SSC %acidity-1) decreased while %acidity increased. The highest SSC was obtained from 0.0 L vinestock-1 (control) (21.91%) and 1.5 L vinestock-1 (21.47%), while the lowest SSC was 6.0 L vinestock-1 (19.52%). Grapes with the highest ripeness index value were taken from 0.0 L vinestock-1 (control) (38.27) and 1.5 L vinestock-1 (37.80) irrigation subjects, respectively 3.0 L vinestock-1 (32.43) and 6.0 L vinestock-1 (30.61) subjects had the lowest maturity index. It was determined that the relative water content of the leaves increased as the amount of irrigation increased in different levels of irrigation given in weekly periods (4 times in total). There were not significant differences between the internodes in terms of stoma widths, stoma lengths and stoma densities. The widest (22.5 µm) and longest (25.3 µm) stomas and the highest stomatal densities were obtained from the subject of 0.0 L vinestock-1 (109.1 pcs mm-2). As a result, 4 different irrigation level with ooze made after the veraison period had significant effects on the yield and quality of Yalova Seedless grape cultivars, and it was determined that these applications had a significant effect on the stoma properties. Keywords: Vitis vinifera L., Irrigation, Grape, Yield, Quality, Stomata.
This research was carried out between 2016 and 2017 on the 'Yalova Seedless 'grape cultivar grown in Table Grape Varieties Application and Research Vineyard in the Plant Production Research and Application Unit of ÇOMU Dardanos Campus, Faculty of Agriculture. In this study, it was aimed to determine the effects of irrigation at different levels (0.0 L vinestock-1 (control), 1.5 L vinestock-1, 3.0 L vinestock-1 and 6.0 L vinestock-1) on grape yield and quality and stoma characteristics of the cultivars for 4 weeks starting from the veraison period. For this purpose, 10 vinestock were determined in each subject and irrigation was applied to the vinestock with leak irrigation method for 4 weeks. Although average yield values showed a numerical increase in 3.0 L vinestock-1 and 6.0 L vinestock-1 irrigation water issues, this difference was not significant. The widest clusters were obtained from the 1.5 L vinestock-1 (9.18 cm) and 6.0 L vinestock-1 (9.17 cm) irrigation subjects, and the narrowest clusters from the 0.0 L vinestock-1 (control) (8.18 cm) subject, while the 3.0 L vinestock-1 irrigation group formed the intermediate group. The longest clusters were in 0.0 L vinestock-1 (control) (15.36 cm), the shortest clusters in 1.5 L vinestock-1 (13.06 cm), while the other subjects constituted the intermediate group. The highest cluster weight value is 6.0 L vinestock-1 (209.54 g), while the lowest cluster weight value is determined at 0.0 L vinestock-1 (control) (144.72 g), 1.5 L vinestock-1 and 3.0 L vinestock-1 formed the intermediate group. The highest berry weight values were taken from 3.09 g and 6.0 L vinestock-1 irrigation, while the lowest berry weight value was 0.0 L vinestock-1 (control) (2.58 g) and 1.5 L vinestock-1 respectively. (2.59 g). As the irrigation level was increased, soluble solid content (SSC) (%), pH and maturity index (%SSC %acidity-1) decreased while %acidity increased. The highest SSC was obtained from 0.0 L vinestock-1 (control) (21.91%) and 1.5 L vinestock-1 (21.47%), while the lowest SSC was 6.0 L vinestock-1 (19.52%). Grapes with the highest ripeness index value were taken from 0.0 L vinestock-1 (control) (38.27) and 1.5 L vinestock-1 (37.80) irrigation subjects, respectively 3.0 L vinestock-1 (32.43) and 6.0 L vinestock-1 (30.61) subjects had the lowest maturity index. It was determined that the relative water content of the leaves increased as the amount of irrigation increased in different levels of irrigation given in weekly periods (4 times in total). There were not significant differences between the internodes in terms of stoma widths, stoma lengths and stoma densities. The widest (22.5 µm) and longest (25.3 µm) stomas and the highest stomatal densities were obtained from the subject of 0.0 L vinestock-1 (109.1 pcs mm-2). As a result, 4 different irrigation level with ooze made after the veraison period had significant effects on the yield and quality of Yalova Seedless grape cultivars, and it was determined that these applications had a significant effect on the stoma properties. Keywords: Vitis vinifera L., Irrigation, Grape, Yield, Quality, Stomata.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture