Prenatal dönemde anaları farklı beslenen Türk Saanen oğlaklarında postnatal proporsiyonal büyüme
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Çalışmada, doğum öncesi dönemde anaları farklı besleme düzeyinde beslenen ergin ve çepiç analardan doğan oğlakların, doğum sonrası dönemlerde aylık ölçümler sonucunda elde edilen verilerinde proporsiyonel büyümenin araştırılması, gebelik döneminde anaları için stres faktörü olan besleme düzeyindeki farklılığın oğlaklarda bilateral organlarda simetri üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması hedeflenmiştir. Çalışmanın hayvan materyalini 78 baş Türk Saanen genotipi oğlak oluşturmaktadır. Ergin analar besin madde gereksinimlerinin NRC (2007) bildirişlerine göre tamamının karşılandığı (EK) ve gereksinimlerinin %80'inin karşılandığı (kısıtlama grubu, E80) grupları olarak oluşturulmuştur. Çepiçler ise gebelik süresince canlı ağırlık ve öngörülen büyüme hızı doğrultusunda belirlenen besin madde gereksinimlerinin karşılandığı kontrol grubunun yanı sıra Ç-K, Ç-80 grubu ve gereksinimlerinin %20 fazlası tüketime sunulan Ç-120 grubu olarak gruplandırılmıştır. Ergin analar çoğuz gebelerde, çepiçler ise tekiz gebe analar seçilmiştir. Doğan oğlaklardan baş, ekstremiteler ve gövdeye ait ölçümler alınarak bu ölçümlerin mutlak nispi farkları analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre doğumdan sonraki ilk bir ay içinde her grupta tüm uzuvlarda en hızlı büyüme gerçekleşmekte, yaş ilerledikçe büyüme hızı da yavaşlamaktadır (P<0,05). Baş çevresi mutlak nispi farkının kontrol grubunda ilk kontrol döneminde daha belirginleştiği gözlenmektedir (P<0,0001). Özellikle sütten kesim dönemini içine alan 2. ve 3. ayları kapsayan süreçte başa ait özelliklerde gerek ergin gerekse çepiç analardan doğan oğlaklardaki büyüme hızının istatistiksel olarak farklı olmadığı, yani yetersiz beslenen gruptaki analardan doğan oğlaklarda kısıtlama düzeyinin stres oluşturmayacak düzeyde olması ya da bu gruptaki analardan doğan oğlakların stres düzeyine adapte olması nedeniyle bunun tespit edilemediği düşünülebilir. Bu durum diğer özellikler için de benzer şekilde seyretmektedir. Çalışmadan elde edilen bulgularına göre ergin analardan doğan yavrularda ön ve arka bacaklarda, ön ve arka incik çevrelerinde asimetri gözlenmiş olup, çepiç analarda incelenen tüm bilateral organlarda asimetri mevcuttur (P<0,05). Ergin analarda ön bacaklarda E80 grubunda 1. ve 2. aylarda %0,47'lik asimetri olduğu gözlenirken sütten kesim stresinin yaşandığı dönemde (2. aydan sonra) %0,47 den %0,25'e gerilerken, kontrol grubunda asimetrik farkın 1. ayda %0,03 iken 2. Ayda %0,27'ye yükselmiş ve 3. ayda %0,19'a gerilediği gözlenmektedir. Çepiç analardan doğan oğlaklarda ön bacaklarda en yüksek asitmerik farkın %0,89 ile Ç80 grubunun 1. ayında olduğu, en düşük değerin ise her gruptaki doğumdaki farklılıkların olduğu (%0,02) gözlenmektedir. Arka bacaklarda ise her grupta doğumdaki asitmetrinin %0,02 olduğu ancak, ilk ayda Ç120 grubunda %1,07, ÇK grubunda %0,98 ve Ç80 grubunda da %0,40'lık bir farklılık olduğu belirlenmiştir. Fazla beslenen oğlaklarda doğumdan sonraki ayda asimetrinin istatistiksel olarak da önemli olduğu gözlenmiştir. İncik çevreleri açısından da Ç120 grubunun en yüksek değerlerdeki asimetrik farka sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre kısıtlı beslenen çepiç ana ya da ergin analardan doğan oğlaklarda benzer bir eğilim görülmüş olup, çepiç anaların tekiz, ergin anaların ise çoğuz yavru taşıdığı göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Bundan sonra planlanacak araştırmalarda stres faktörü olarak besleme düzeyi kullanılacaksa kısıtlamanın daha keskin oranlarda yapılması önerilebilir. Anahtar sözcükler: Oğlaklarda Büyüme, Gebelik Beslemesi, Asimetri, Proporsiyon
This study aimed at investigating proportional growth of goat kids, which were born from mature or yearling goats fed with diferent feeding levels in late gestation with regard to the influence of feeding levels of the mothers as a stress factor on the symmetry in bilateral organs in the kids. A total of 78 Turkis Saanen goats were used in the present study. Mature goats were divided into two groups; first group receiving 100% of their nutrient requirements (EK) based on NRC (2007) and the other group receiving 80% of their nutrient requirements (E80). The yearling goats were dividced into four groups; control group, CK, C80 and C120. Twin kids bearing mature goats and single kid bearing yearling goats were chosen. Head, extremities and body measurements of kids were taken to analyse relative differences. The findings indicated that growth was fastest in all extremities of all groups in the first month after birth, then slowed down with the progress of age (P<0.05). Relative difference of head circumference was more apparent in the control group in the first control period (P<0.0001). With respect to head parameters in the period of 2-3 months especially involving weaning, lack of difference between the growth rates of kids born from both mature and yearling goats was found suggesting that level of feed restriction did not cause enough stress or the kids developed adaptation to stress. Similar phenomenon was observed in other parameters. Asymmetry was observed in the front and rear legs and front and rear shank circumferences from the kids born from mature goats. A similar finding was found in the bilateral organs in the yearling goats (P<0.05). An asymmetry by 0.47% in the front legs of the kids from mature goats of E80 group was found in the first and second months. This went down to 0.25% in the period when the kids were weaned (after 2. month). This diference in the control groups was 0.03% in the first month, increased to 0.27% in the second month and then decreased down to 0.19% in the following month. The highest symmetric difference (0.89%) in the front legs of kids from yearling goats was determined in the first month of C80 group. On the other hand, the lowest difference (0.02%) was found in all groups at birth. The asymmetry in the rear legs of all groups at birth was 0.02%, however it was 1.07% in C120 group, 0.98% in CK group and 0.40% in C80 group. Asymmetry in the kids with high level of feeding was significant in the first month after birth. Highest asymmetric values in terms of shank circumferences were observed in C120. The results indicate that similar trends were found in the kids of mature or yearling goats bearing in mind that mature goats were bearing twin kids and yearling ones were bearing single kid. Future studies focusing on the effect of feeding level as a stress factor should employe higher restricted levels. Keywords: Gowth of Kids, Gestational Nutrition, Asymmetry, Proportion
This study aimed at investigating proportional growth of goat kids, which were born from mature or yearling goats fed with diferent feeding levels in late gestation with regard to the influence of feeding levels of the mothers as a stress factor on the symmetry in bilateral organs in the kids. A total of 78 Turkis Saanen goats were used in the present study. Mature goats were divided into two groups; first group receiving 100% of their nutrient requirements (EK) based on NRC (2007) and the other group receiving 80% of their nutrient requirements (E80). The yearling goats were dividced into four groups; control group, CK, C80 and C120. Twin kids bearing mature goats and single kid bearing yearling goats were chosen. Head, extremities and body measurements of kids were taken to analyse relative differences. The findings indicated that growth was fastest in all extremities of all groups in the first month after birth, then slowed down with the progress of age (P<0.05). Relative difference of head circumference was more apparent in the control group in the first control period (P<0.0001). With respect to head parameters in the period of 2-3 months especially involving weaning, lack of difference between the growth rates of kids born from both mature and yearling goats was found suggesting that level of feed restriction did not cause enough stress or the kids developed adaptation to stress. Similar phenomenon was observed in other parameters. Asymmetry was observed in the front and rear legs and front and rear shank circumferences from the kids born from mature goats. A similar finding was found in the bilateral organs in the yearling goats (P<0.05). An asymmetry by 0.47% in the front legs of the kids from mature goats of E80 group was found in the first and second months. This went down to 0.25% in the period when the kids were weaned (after 2. month). This diference in the control groups was 0.03% in the first month, increased to 0.27% in the second month and then decreased down to 0.19% in the following month. The highest symmetric difference (0.89%) in the front legs of kids from yearling goats was determined in the first month of C80 group. On the other hand, the lowest difference (0.02%) was found in all groups at birth. The asymmetry in the rear legs of all groups at birth was 0.02%, however it was 1.07% in C120 group, 0.98% in CK group and 0.40% in C80 group. Asymmetry in the kids with high level of feeding was significant in the first month after birth. Highest asymmetric values in terms of shank circumferences were observed in C120. The results indicate that similar trends were found in the kids of mature or yearling goats bearing in mind that mature goats were bearing twin kids and yearling ones were bearing single kid. Future studies focusing on the effect of feeding level as a stress factor should employe higher restricted levels. Keywords: Gowth of Kids, Gestational Nutrition, Asymmetry, Proportion
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Zootekni Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture