Aromatik sülfonik asit grubu boyar madde modifiye kalem grafit elektrot kullanarak sülfürün elektrokatalitik tayini
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışmasında; aromatik sülfonik asit grubu boyar maddelerinden kalmagit (Clm), kromotropik asit (Cta), tropeolin (Trp), pirokatekol viyole (Pcv) ile elektropolimerizasyon ve adsorpsiyon olmak üzere iki farklı yöntem kullanılarak modifiye kalem grafit elektrotlar (PGE) hazırlanmış ve bu elektrotlarda sülfürün elektrokimyasal yükeltgenmesi voltammetrik ve amperometrik teknikler kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Bu modifiye elektrotlardan, Pcv ve Clm modifiye PGE'ler sülfürün yükseltgenmesine iyi bir elektrokatalitik etkinlik gösterirken, Trp ve Cta modifiye PGE'lerle sülfürün elektrokatalitik yükseltgenmesine beklenen düzeyde bir yanıt alınamamıştır. Clm ve Pcv modifiye PGE'lerde sülfürün elektrokatalitik yükseltgenmesine bağlı amperometrik tayini, daha önceki çalışmalarda PGE için geliştirilen fotoelektrokimyasal akış hücresi kullanılarak akışa enjeksiyon analiz (FIA) sisteminde gerçekleştirilmiştir. FI amperometrik çalışmalarda uygulama potansiyeli, akış hızı Poli-Clm/PGE için +250 mV ve 2,0 ml/dk ve Pcv/PGE için +100 mV ve 2,0 ml/dk olarak optimize edilmiştir. Bu şartlarda, sülfürün doğrusal derişim aralıkları, Poli-Clm/PGE için 0,1–500 µM (R2 = 0,9989) ve Pcv/PGE için 0,25-250 µM (R2= 0,9993) olarak belirlenmiş ve gözlenebilme sınırı (LOD) sırasıyla 0,03 µM ve 0,07 µM olarak hesaplanmıştır. Geliştirilen FI amperometrik sülfür sensörü için girişim ve girişim giderilmesi çalışmaları gerçekleştirlmiştir. FI amperometrik sülfür sensörünün gerçek örneklere uygulanabilirliğini test etmek için, belirli derişimde sülfür ilave edilmiş deniz suyu ve çeşme suyu örneklerinde sülfürün FI amperometrik yanıtları kaydedilmiş ve %98-104 arasında geri kazanımı sağlanmıştır. Tüm bu sonuçlara göre, sülfürün aromatik sülfonik asit boyar maddeleriyle modifiye PGE'lerde elektrokatalitik yükseltgenmesine bağlı hassas, seçici, doğru, hızlı, tek kullanımlı ve ekonomik bir FI amperometrik sülfür sensörü geliştirilmiştir.
In this study, modified pencil graphite electrodes (PGEs) were prepared with aromatic sulfonic acid dyes such as calmagite (Clm), chromotropic acid (Cta), tropaeolin (Trp) and pyrocatechol violet (Pcv) by using two different methods such as electropolimerization and adsorption. Then electrochemical oxidation of sulfide at these modified electrodes was investigated by using voltammetric and amperometric techniques. Among these modified electrodes, while Pcv and Clm modified PGEs exhibit a good electrocatalytic activity toward oxidation of sulfide, it was not obtained a response at expected level to electrocatalytic oxidation of sulfide with Trp and Cta modified PGEs. Applied potential and flow rate for FI amperometric studies were optimized as +250 mV and 2.0 ml/min for Poly-Clm/PGE and +100 mV and 2.0 ml/min for Pcv/PGE, respectively. Linear concentration range of sulfide under these conditions were determined between 0.1 and 500 µM (R2 = 0,9989) for Poly-Clm/PGE and between 0.25 and 250 µM (R2= 0,9993) for Pcv/PGE and limit of detections (LOD) were calculated 0.03 µM and 0.07 µM, respectively. Interference and elimination studies were performed for the developed FI amperometric sulfide sensor. To test the applicability of FI amperometric sulfide sensor to real samples, FI amperometric response of sulfide were recorded in sea and tap waters. Recoveries between 98 and 104% were obtained from this study. According to all these results, a sensitive, selective, accurate, fast, disposable and economic FI amperometric sulfide sensor was developed based on electrocatalytic oxidation of sulfide at modified PGE with aromatic sulphonic acid dyes.
In this study, modified pencil graphite electrodes (PGEs) were prepared with aromatic sulfonic acid dyes such as calmagite (Clm), chromotropic acid (Cta), tropaeolin (Trp) and pyrocatechol violet (Pcv) by using two different methods such as electropolimerization and adsorption. Then electrochemical oxidation of sulfide at these modified electrodes was investigated by using voltammetric and amperometric techniques. Among these modified electrodes, while Pcv and Clm modified PGEs exhibit a good electrocatalytic activity toward oxidation of sulfide, it was not obtained a response at expected level to electrocatalytic oxidation of sulfide with Trp and Cta modified PGEs. Applied potential and flow rate for FI amperometric studies were optimized as +250 mV and 2.0 ml/min for Poly-Clm/PGE and +100 mV and 2.0 ml/min for Pcv/PGE, respectively. Linear concentration range of sulfide under these conditions were determined between 0.1 and 500 µM (R2 = 0,9989) for Poly-Clm/PGE and between 0.25 and 250 µM (R2= 0,9993) for Pcv/PGE and limit of detections (LOD) were calculated 0.03 µM and 0.07 µM, respectively. Interference and elimination studies were performed for the developed FI amperometric sulfide sensor. To test the applicability of FI amperometric sulfide sensor to real samples, FI amperometric response of sulfide were recorded in sea and tap waters. Recoveries between 98 and 104% were obtained from this study. According to all these results, a sensitive, selective, accurate, fast, disposable and economic FI amperometric sulfide sensor was developed based on electrocatalytic oxidation of sulfide at modified PGE with aromatic sulphonic acid dyes.
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kimya Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry