Atarneus Tiranı Hermias ile Platon’un Öğrencilerinin Buluşma Noktası: Assos
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Troas’ın güneyinde bir liman kenti olan Assos, Paleolitik Çağdan günümüze iskânın devam ettiği
antik yerleşmelerden biridir. Antik kaynaklarda pek fazla söz edilmeyen Assos tarihinde, Klasik Çağın
sonlarında Platon’un öğrencilerinin buraya gelmeleri önemli bir konudur. Atarneus-Assos bölgesini
idare eden Hermias’ın yaşam öyküsü ve Aristoteles ile dostluğu, antik yazarların vurguladıkları bir
konudur. Makale MÖ 4. yüzyılın ilk yarısında Troas bölgesindeki siyasi olaylar ile kölelikten tiranlığa
yükselen filozof Hermias’ın Aristoteles ile ilişkilerini ele alınmaktadır. Başta Aristoteles olmak üzere
Platon’un öğrencileri Skepsisli Kritios, Erastos ve diğerleri Assos’ta bir araya gelerek akademik
faaliyette bulunmuşlardır. Başka polisler ve Makedon kralı II. Philip ile Perslere karşı ittifak oluşturan
Hermias, Pers kralının görevlendirdiği paralı asker Mentor tarafından tutuklanarak Pers kralına
gönderilmiştir. Aristoteles ve arkadaşları bu olayın ardından Assos’tan ayrılmışlardır. Ancak
Aristoteles’in üç yıl kaldığı Assos’tan hiç söz etmemiş olmakla birlikte bu dönem hakkında çok kıt
bilgiler mevcuttur. Makalede Aristoteles’in entelektüel bir ortamın olmadığı bir polise geliş nedenleri,
Assos’taki çalışmaları ve kentten ayrıldıktan sonraki gelişmeler ele alınmaktadır.
Assos, a port city in the south of Troas, is one of the ancient settlements inhabited from the Paleolithic to the present day. In the history of Assos, which is not mentioned much in ancient sources, it is an important issue that Plato's students came here at the end of the Classical Age. The life story of Hermias, who ruled the Atarneus-Assos region, and his friendship with Aristotle is a subject emphasized by ancient writers. The article deals with the political events in the Troas region in the first half of the 4th BC, the relations between the philosopher Hermias and Aristotle who rose from slavery to tyranny. Plato's students, especially Aristotle, Kritios of Skepsis, Erostos, and others came together in Assos and carried out academic activities. Hermias, who formed an alliance with other poleis and the Macedonian king Philip II against the Persians, was arrested by Mentor, a mercenary assigned by the Persian king, and sent to the Persian king. Aristotle and his friends left Assos after this incident. However, Aristotle never mentioned Assos, where he stayed for three years, and there is only limited information about this period. The article discusses Aristotle's reasons for coming to a polis where there was no intellectual environment, his studies in Assos, and the developments after he left the city.
Assos, a port city in the south of Troas, is one of the ancient settlements inhabited from the Paleolithic to the present day. In the history of Assos, which is not mentioned much in ancient sources, it is an important issue that Plato's students came here at the end of the Classical Age. The life story of Hermias, who ruled the Atarneus-Assos region, and his friendship with Aristotle is a subject emphasized by ancient writers. The article deals with the political events in the Troas region in the first half of the 4th BC, the relations between the philosopher Hermias and Aristotle who rose from slavery to tyranny. Plato's students, especially Aristotle, Kritios of Skepsis, Erostos, and others came together in Assos and carried out academic activities. Hermias, who formed an alliance with other poleis and the Macedonian king Philip II against the Persians, was arrested by Mentor, a mercenary assigned by the Persian king, and sent to the Persian king. Aristotle and his friends left Assos after this incident. However, Aristotle never mentioned Assos, where he stayed for three years, and there is only limited information about this period. The article discusses Aristotle's reasons for coming to a polis where there was no intellectual environment, his studies in Assos, and the developments after he left the city.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Aristotle, Assos, Erastos Eubulos, Hermias, Koriskos, Skepsis, Philip The Second, Platon, Proxenus, Xeonkrates, II.Philip
ASSOS İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimlerinde Araştırmalar Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Arslan, N. (2023). Atarneus Tiranı Hermias ile Platon’un Öğrencilerinin Buluşma Noktası: Assos. ASSOS İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimlerinde Araştırmalar Dergisi, 1(1), 1-8.