Lewis asit katalizörlüğünde polistirenin açillenmesi ve kondenzasyon ürününün bazı fiziksel özelliklerinin incelenmesi
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
öz Bu çalışmada, maleik anhidridden sentezlenmiş modifiye polistiren ve modifiye polistirenin fenil hidrazinle kondenzasyonundan sentezlenmiş kondenze-modifiye polistirenin bazı fiziksel ve mekaniksel özellikleri incelendi. Molekül kütlesi 2.5 105 g/mol olan blok polistiren önce katalizör olarak Bortriflorür dietiletaratın mevcudiyetinde maleik anhidridle modifiye edildi ve daha sonra fenil hidrazinle kondenzasyon reaksiyonu meydana getirildi. Her iki ürünün optimum reaksiyon şartları belirlendi. Polimerler FT- IR, 1H-NMR ve elementel analiz teknikleri kullanılarak karekterize edildi. Ürünlerin moleküler kütlesi, yoğunluk, kırılma indisi, kaplanabilme özellikleri (adhezyon ve korrozyon), çözünürlük parametresi, reaksiyonların dönüşüm yüzdeleri, bozunma aktivasyon enerjisi, camsı geçiş ve bozunma sıcaklıları gibi bazı fiziksel parametreleri hesaplandı. Anahtar kelimeler: kondenzasyon, termal analiz, fiziksel özellik, polistiren, adhezyon, korrozyon, bozunma aktivasyon enerjisi
ABSTRACT In this study, some physical and mechanical properties of modify polystyrene and condense-modify polystyrene that synthesised from maleic anhydride and condensation of modify polystyrene with phenyl hydrazine were investigated. The block polystyrene having the molecular weight of 2.5 105 g/mol was first modified with maleic anhydride in the presence of boron trifluoride dietyhletherade as a catalyst and then condensation reaction was carried out with phenyl hydrazine. The optimum reaction conditions of both products were determined. The polymers were characterised by using FT-IR, 1H-NMR, and elemental analysis techniques. Some physical parameters of products were calculated such as molecular weight, density, refraction index, coverage properties (adhesion and corrosion), solubility parameter, conversion percents, activation energy of degradation, glassy and sorting temperatures Key words : condensation, thermal analysis, physical property, polystyrene, adhesion, corrosion, degradation activation energy II
ABSTRACT In this study, some physical and mechanical properties of modify polystyrene and condense-modify polystyrene that synthesised from maleic anhydride and condensation of modify polystyrene with phenyl hydrazine were investigated. The block polystyrene having the molecular weight of 2.5 105 g/mol was first modified with maleic anhydride in the presence of boron trifluoride dietyhletherade as a catalyst and then condensation reaction was carried out with phenyl hydrazine. The optimum reaction conditions of both products were determined. The polymers were characterised by using FT-IR, 1H-NMR, and elemental analysis techniques. Some physical parameters of products were calculated such as molecular weight, density, refraction index, coverage properties (adhesion and corrosion), solubility parameter, conversion percents, activation energy of degradation, glassy and sorting temperatures Key words : condensation, thermal analysis, physical property, polystyrene, adhesion, corrosion, degradation activation energy II
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kimya Ana Bilim Dalı
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry