Poli(laminarin) partiküllerinin hazırlanması ve biyomedikal uygulamalarının incelenmesi
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez kapsamında yapılan çalışmalarda, Laminaria digitata ve Eisenia bicyclis kaynaklı laminarin polisakkariti (LD-LAM ve EB-LAM) kullanılarak, DVS, TMPGDE ve STPP çapraz bağlayıcıları ile mikro ve nano boyutlarda partiküller sentezlenmiştir LD-LAM ve EB-LAM partikülleri). Ters misel ortamında hazırlanan DVS ile çapraz bağlı LD-LAM partikülleri (LD-LAM-1) klorosülfonik asit ile modifiye edilmiştir (LD-LAM-2). EB-LAM molekülünden DVS, TMPGDE ve STPP çapraz bağlayıcıları ile ters misel mikroemülsiyon tekniği kullanılarak mikro/nano boyutlarda partiküller hazırlanmıştır (EB-LAM-1, -2 ve -3 partikülleri). Ayrıca EB-LAM polisakkaritinden yüzey aktif madde (sürfektan) kullanmadan nanopartikül hazırlamak için değişik oranlarda DVS ve TMPGDE çapraz bağlayıcıları ile izooktan-su emülsiyon ortamı kullanılarak sırasıyla EB-LAM-1.X ve EB-LAM-2.X partikülleri sentezlenmiştir. SEM analizleri sonucunda sürfektan içeren ortamda hazırlanan LAM partiküllerinin 0,1-15 µm arasında, sürfektan içermeyen ortamda sentezlenen partiküllerin ise 20-800 nm boyut aralığında olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Zeta potansiyeli ölçümleri sonucunda farklı çapraz bağlayıcılar ve sentez yöntemleri ile hazırlanan LAM esaslı mikro ve nanopartiküllerinin yüzey yüklerinin -11,5±0,1 mV ile -26,3±0,5 mV arasında olduğu tespit edilmiştir. LAM esaslı partiküllerin biyomedikal malzemeler olarak kullanım potansiyellerini belirlemek için biyouyumluluk (sitotoksisite) ve kan uyumluluk (hemoliz ve kan pıhtılaşma) özellikleri araştırılmıştır. LD-LAM-1 partikülleri ve bunların modifiye edilmiş formları 2,0 mg/mL derişime kadar hemolitik ve kan pıhtılaştırıcı özellik göstermemiştir. Ayrıca, EB-LAM-1.X ve EB-LAM-2.X nanopartiküllerinin 1000 µg/mL derişime kadar L929 fibroblast hücrelerine karşı toksik etkilerinin olmadığı partiküllerin pH 7,4 PBS ortamında 120 saatte yaklaşık %50'sinin bozunduğu bulunmuştur. Bu tez kapsamında yapılan çalışmalarda, literatürde ilk kez tek basamakta LAM polisakkaritinin doğrudan çapraz bağlanması ile mikro ve nano partiküllerinin sentezi ve ayrıca bu partiküllerin kolayca modifiye edilebilirliği gösterilmiştir.
In the studies conducted within the scope of this thesis, micro- and nano-sized particles (LD-LAM and EB-LAM particles) were synthesized from laminarin polysaccharides originated from Laminaria digitata and Eisenia bicyclis (LD-LAM and EB-LAM) employing DVS, TMPGDE, and STPP cross-linkers. The DVS-crosslinked LD-LAM particles (LD-LAM-1) synthesized in reverse micelle microemulsion system were modified with chlorosulfonic acid. Additionally, micro- ad nano-sized particles were prepared from DVS, TMPGDE and STPP crosslinkers via reverse micelle microemulsion technique (EB-LAM-1, -2, -3 particles). Moreover, in order to prepare nanoparticles of EB-LAM polysaccharide without surfactant, DVS and TMPGDE were used to obtain EB-LAM-1 and EB-LAM-2 particles in isooctane-water emulsion medium. Upon SEM analysis of the LD-LAM and EB-LAM particles prepared in the reverse micelle microemulsion medium, the particles were found to range in 0,1-15 µm sizes. The EB-LAM-1 ve EB-LAM-2 particles prepared in surfactant-free microemulsion were found to reside within 20-800 nm sizes. Zeta potential measurements of the LAM-based particles revealed the surface charge of particles ranged within -11,5±0,1 mV ile -26,3±0,5 mV. In order to determine potential use of the LAM-based micro and nano particles as biomedical materials their biocompatibility (cytotoxicity) and blood compatibility (hemolysis and blood coagulation) behaviors were investigated. LD-LAM-1 particles and their modified forms found not to exhibit hemolytic and blood coagulating effects up to 2.0 mg /mL concentration. Besides, it was found that EB-LAM-1.X and EB-LAM-2.X nanoparticles were not found toxic against L929 fibroblast cells up to 1000 µg/mL concentration, and approximately 50% of the particles were found to degrade in 120 hours in the pH 7.4 PBS medium. The studies conducted within the scope of this thesis report synthesis of the micro and nanoparticles for the first time in the literature via direct crosslinking of LAM in a single step as well as their facile modification.
In the studies conducted within the scope of this thesis, micro- and nano-sized particles (LD-LAM and EB-LAM particles) were synthesized from laminarin polysaccharides originated from Laminaria digitata and Eisenia bicyclis (LD-LAM and EB-LAM) employing DVS, TMPGDE, and STPP cross-linkers. The DVS-crosslinked LD-LAM particles (LD-LAM-1) synthesized in reverse micelle microemulsion system were modified with chlorosulfonic acid. Additionally, micro- ad nano-sized particles were prepared from DVS, TMPGDE and STPP crosslinkers via reverse micelle microemulsion technique (EB-LAM-1, -2, -3 particles). Moreover, in order to prepare nanoparticles of EB-LAM polysaccharide without surfactant, DVS and TMPGDE were used to obtain EB-LAM-1 and EB-LAM-2 particles in isooctane-water emulsion medium. Upon SEM analysis of the LD-LAM and EB-LAM particles prepared in the reverse micelle microemulsion medium, the particles were found to range in 0,1-15 µm sizes. The EB-LAM-1 ve EB-LAM-2 particles prepared in surfactant-free microemulsion were found to reside within 20-800 nm sizes. Zeta potential measurements of the LAM-based particles revealed the surface charge of particles ranged within -11,5±0,1 mV ile -26,3±0,5 mV. In order to determine potential use of the LAM-based micro and nano particles as biomedical materials their biocompatibility (cytotoxicity) and blood compatibility (hemolysis and blood coagulation) behaviors were investigated. LD-LAM-1 particles and their modified forms found not to exhibit hemolytic and blood coagulating effects up to 2.0 mg /mL concentration. Besides, it was found that EB-LAM-1.X and EB-LAM-2.X nanoparticles were not found toxic against L929 fibroblast cells up to 1000 µg/mL concentration, and approximately 50% of the particles were found to degrade in 120 hours in the pH 7.4 PBS medium. The studies conducted within the scope of this thesis report synthesis of the micro and nanoparticles for the first time in the literature via direct crosslinking of LAM in a single step as well as their facile modification.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyopolimerler, Biopolymers, Biyouyumluluk, Biocompatibility, Laminarin, Laminarin, Nano parçacık, Nano particles, Yüzey modifikasyonu, Surface modification
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Can, M. (2022) Poli(laminarin) partiküllerinin hazırlanması ve biyomedikal uygulamalarının incelenmesi. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Çanakkale.