The Growth and Survival of Carpet Clam, Ruditapes decussatus in Çardak Estuary (Çanakkale Strait, Northwest Turkey)
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada akivadesin Ruditapes decussatus Çardak Lagünü’nde (Kuzeybatı Türkiye) büyüme ve hayatta
kalma potansiyeli incelenmiştir. Kum midyeleri farklı substrat özelliklerine sahip 3 istasyonda büyütülmüştür.
Sonuçlar, 38.41% iri çakıl, 21.90% çakıl ve 17.16% granülden oluşan C istasyonunda yetiştirilen akivadeslerin,
daha küçük tanecik kompozisyonuna sahip diğer istasyonlara göre daha fazla büyüme ve hayatta kalma
sergilediklerini göstermiştir. Başlangıç boy ve ağırlıkları sırasıyla, 2,772 cm ve 4,032 g olan akivadeslerin 10 aylık
çalışma sonunda, ortalama 3,612 cm boy ve 9,179 g ağırlığa ulaştıkları tespit edilmiştir. Ekim öncesi yapılan
taşımanın akivadeslerin hayatta kalma oranını etkilediği gözlenmiştir. Çalışmada tespit edilen büyüme ve hayatta
kalma oranları diğer çalışmalarla benzerlik gösterse de, yazın gözlenen yüksek mortalite, bundan sonra yapılacak
çalışmalar için en önemli konulardan bir tanesidir.
The growth and survival potential of the carpet clam, Ruditapes decussatus, in Çardak estuary (Northwest Turkey) were investigated. Clams were grown in 3 different locations with different substrate characteristics. Results indicated that clams grown in larger size substrate (Station C) composed of 38.41% cobble, 21.90% pebble and 17.16% granule by weight had higher growth and survival compared to those grown in substrates composed of smaller size fractions. Clams planted with a mean length and wet weight of 2.772 cm and 4.032 g, reached a mean length and wet weight of 3.614 cm and 9.179 g at the end of 10 months. Transportation before planting had considerable effect on clam survival. In addition, mortality rates during summer were considerably higher in all stations than other seasons. Although the mean growth and survival rates of clams observed were similar to previously reported values, high summer mortality remains to be the most important factor for further investigations.
The growth and survival potential of the carpet clam, Ruditapes decussatus, in Çardak estuary (Northwest Turkey) were investigated. Clams were grown in 3 different locations with different substrate characteristics. Results indicated that clams grown in larger size substrate (Station C) composed of 38.41% cobble, 21.90% pebble and 17.16% granule by weight had higher growth and survival compared to those grown in substrates composed of smaller size fractions. Clams planted with a mean length and wet weight of 2.772 cm and 4.032 g, reached a mean length and wet weight of 3.614 cm and 9.179 g at the end of 10 months. Transportation before planting had considerable effect on clam survival. In addition, mortality rates during summer were considerably higher in all stations than other seasons. Although the mean growth and survival rates of clams observed were similar to previously reported values, high summer mortality remains to be the most important factor for further investigations.
Anahtar Kelimeler
European Little Neck Clam, Substrate, Mediterranean, Lagoon, Avrupa Küçük Boyunlu Kum Midyesi, Substrat, Akdeniz, Lagün
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Journal of Marine Sciences and Fisheries
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Erdal, H., & Önal, U. (2020). The Growth and Survival of Carpet Clam, Ruditapes decussatus in Çardak Estuary (Çanakkale Strait, Northwest Turkey). Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Journal of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, 3(2), 120-129.