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Öğe Soğuk Baskı Yöntemiyle Üretilmiş Greyfurt Çekirdek Yağındaki Acılığın Yıkama/Ekstraksiyon Teknikleriyle Giderilmesi(Sidas Medya A.S., 2021) Deviren, Ayten; Ok, Selçuk; Yılmaz, EminIn this study, different extraction and washing techniques used to remove the bitterness of grapefruit seed oil produced by cold pressing technique were compared. Some physico-chemical properties, oil components and sensory properties of the treated samples were determined. While the free fatty acidities of oils decreased with the treatments, there was a slight increase in the peroxide values of oils. As a result of the treatments, the ratio of total unsaturated fatty acids, tocopherol, and phytosterol concentrations decreased significantly (p<0.05). It is thought that these minor components, which have high nutritional value, leaked into the solvent phase. Naringin, which has a very bitter taste, was measured as 102.6 mg/kg in the control sample and reduced to 74.8 mg/kg by caustic washing and 32.3 mg/kg by extraction with ethanol. Similarly, neohesperidin, which has also a bitter taste, was completely removed from oils by these two treatments. Sensory score of bitterness was determined as 9.8 in the control sample, and it was reduced to 5.4 with caustic washing, and 2.6 with ethanol extraction. Similarly, raw vegetables, astringency, menthol and throat burning scores were also reduced with treatments. As a result, it was observed that the ethanol extraction technique was successful in removing the bitterness of oils.Öğe Effectiveness of fly ash in boron removal from Tuzla (Çanakkale) geothermal fluid(Yıldız Technical University, 2021) Şahin, Mehmet Oğuzhan; Bektaş, Tijen Ennil; Şanlıyüksel Yücel, DenizThe heat accumulated in the inner parts of the earth's crust is transmitted to the fluid in the geothermal aquifer by means of transportation. The geothermal fluid is transported to the surface either by wells or naturally. In this study, the geothermal fluid in Tuzla geothermal field in Çanakkale city was examined due to its high boron content (10.3 mg L-1). It was aimed to remove boron from geothermal fluid by adsorption in order to prevent possible negative effects on the environment. Fly ash was obtained from Çan thermal power plant. The specific surface area of the fly ash was 14.6 m2 g-1 and the particle size was between 1.45 and 186 µm. According to ASTM C618 standard, fly ash was classified as Class C. Fly ash was composed of anhydrite, lime, hematite, cristobalite, quartz, calcite and feldspar. Various parameters such as initial pH, adsorbent dosage, contact time, and temperature were studied experimentally for the removal of boron from the geothermal fluid. The suitability of pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, and intraparticle kinetic models to experimental data was examined. The data obtained from the isotherm studies were applied to the Langmuir, Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich models.Öğe Mele’ İfadesinin Anlam Yelpazesi ve Kur’an Kıssalarındaki Yansımaları(Istanbul University Press, 2021) Yaşar, MehmetKur’an kıssaları, birçok mesaj barındırmaktadır. Bu sebeple de çok çeşitli yönlerden irdelenmesi gerekmektedir. Özellikle Kur’an’ın, aktardığı kıssalarda ön plana çıkardığı ifadelerin ve hakikatlerin incelenip anlaşılması, Kur’an’ın arzuladığı mefhuma ulaşmak noktasında ayrı bir ehemmiyete sahiptir. Kur’an’ın kıssalarda yoğunlukla zikrettiği ve neredeyse her kıssada altını çizdiği ifadelerden biri mele’ ifadesidir. Mele’ Arap dilinde birçok anlama gelmektedir. Kur’an’da da bu ifade çeşitli anlamalarda zikredilmiş ve el-meleü’l-a‘lâ tamlaması şeklinde de kullanılmıştır. Bu açıdan bakıldığında Kur’an kıssalarının mesajlarının iyi anlaşılması için Kur’an’ın bu ifadeye hangi anlamlar yüklediğinin tespiti son derece önemlidir. Bu çalışma, mele’ ifadesinin gerek Arap dilinde gerekse Kur’an’da hangi anlamlarda kullanıldığını konu edinmektedir. Bu bağlamda meleʾ ve el-meleü’l-a‘lâ ifadeleriyle ilgili müfessirlerin ve Arap dilcilerin görüşleri, ilgili âyetlerin bağlamı ve Kur’an’ın bu ifadeyi zikrettiği yerlerde kıssaların merkezinde değerlendirip değerlendirmediği bu çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra bu çalışma, meleʾ topluluğunun peygamberlerin davetine, muhataplara ve Mekkî döneme ne gibi yansımaları olduğuna da dikkat çekmeyi hedeflemektedir. The stories within the Qur’an contain many messages. Consequently, it is important to examine the text from various perspectives. In particular, examining and understanding the expressions and truths that the Qur’an espouses is essential understanding its essence. One of the expressions that the Qur’an frequently mentions in the stories is “mele.” Mele has several meanings in the Arabic language. In the Qur’an, this expression is mentioned through various meanings and has been used as the phrase mele’i’l-a’lâ. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine the meanings the Qur’an attributes to this expression to facilitate greater understanding of the messages within the Qur’anic stories. This study analyzes the meanings of the word “mele” used both in the Arabic language and in the Qur’an. In this context, the views of commentators and Arabic linguists on the expressions mele’ and mele’i’l-a‛lâ, the context of the relevant verses, and whether the Qur’an considers this expression at the center of its stories, constitutes the subject of this study. In addition, this study aims to highlight the influence the angel community had on the invitation of the prophets, the addressees, and the Meccan period.Öğe Effects of Altitude and Temperature on Erythrocyte Morphology of Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Mauremys rivulata (Valenciennes, 18330)(ABADER (Adıyaman Bilimsel Araştırmalar Derneği), 2021) Bayrakçı, Yusuf; Yenmiş, Melodi; Mermer, Ahmet; Tok, Cemal Varol; Ayaz, DinçerThe decrease in erythrocyte size of animals live at high altitudes yields an evolutionary advantage to survive by providing adaptation to colder temperatures and low partial oxygen pressures. We examined the effect of geographical changes on the erythrocyte morphology of two terrapins, Emys orbicularis and Mauremys rivulata, and analyzed whether such erythrocyte characteristics as size and volume changed at high altitudes and different temperatures. We found out that the erythrocyte characteristics varied both within and between the populations. They varied depending on altitude for E. orbicularis and on temperature for M. rivulata. However, the erythrocyte characteristics were not correlated with the environmental parameters, except between sunshine duration and erythrocyte length, size, and nucleus volume for E. orbicularis. Yüksek rakımlarda yaşayan hayvanlarda eritrosit boyutlarındaki azalma, düşük sıcaklıklara ve düşük kısmi oksijen basıncına adaptasyon sağlayarak hayatta kalmalarına evrimsel bir avantaj kazandırmaktadır. Coğrafik değişikliklerin eritrosit morfolojisi üzerindeki etkilerini iki tatlısu kaplumbağası türü olan Emys orbicularis ve Mauremys rivulata’da inceledik ve boyut ve hacim gibi eritrosit özelliklerinin yüksek rakım ve farklı sıcaklıklarda değişip değişmediğini analiz ettik. Eritrosit özelliklerinin hem populasyon içerisinde hem de populasyonlar arasında farklılık gösterdiğini belirledik. E. orbicularis için yüksekliğe bağlı olarak, M. rivulata içinse sıcaklığa bağlı olarak değişiklik göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte, E. orbicularis için güneşlenme süresi ile eritrosit uzunluğu, büyüklüğü ve nukleus hacmi arasındaki korelasyon dışında, eritrosit özellikleri ile çevresel parametreler arasında korelasyon görülmemektedir.Öğe Çevik Kurbağa (Rana dalmatina Bonaparte,1839) (Anura: Ranidae) Örneklerinde Yaş Tayini ve Bazı Büyüme Parametrelerinin İncelenmesi Üzerine Bir Ön Çalışma(ABADER (Adıyaman Bilimsel Araştırmalar Derneği), 2021) Genç, Özge; Tok, Cemal VarolIn this study, a total of 16 Agile frog, Rana dalmatina species preserved in the ZDEU-COMU collection and collected from Çanakkale (4 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀) and Kırklareli (7♂♂, 1♀) were examined to estimate their age and the relationship between age and body size using the skeletochronology method. In addition, both femora and phalanx of the samples were evaluated together. Sexual maturity ages were found to be 2-3 in male and female individuals of both populations. The age ranges from 2-4 in males and 3-5 in females. According to this study, there was a positive correlation between length and age (r=0.740). In addition, no difference was observed in terms of LAG numbers compared to the age rings in the femora and Phalanx bones of the samples.Öğe Comparison of Blue Basin Traps on Capturing The Adults of Tropinota hirta (Poda, 1761) (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) at Three Different Heights in Cherry Orchards(Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, 2021) Özpınar, Ali; Şahin, Ali Kürşat; Polat, BurakIn this study, the effect of five different hues of blue colored basin traps at different heights on capture rates of Tropinota (Epicometis) hirta (Poda, 1761) (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) adults in a cherry garden in Çanakkale (Ezine-Akköy) province, was investigated. Basin traps, which were painted with blue colors coded as #B4C8E1, #C4D5E3, #A6CDE3, #4D9AC9 and #05467A, and made from 35x25x15 cm sized basins, were used to capture T. hirta adults. The trial was conducted on a 21 da cherry orchard with 5 years old Regina cultivar trees on Maxima 14 rootstock. It was planned with three repetitions, traps were mounted on platforms on wooden stakes placed between two trees with 10 m space with other traps at three different heights as; on ground level (0 cm), on 50 cm and 100 cm from ground level, on 22 March, 15 days before the trees bloomed with a total of 45 traps. The basin traps were filled with 1/3 of water and licensed attractants (100 mg Trans-Anethol + 100 mg Cinnamyl Alcohol) are added to the traps. The samplings were done with an interval of 2 days and the adults caught in the traps were recorded. The adult flight period was determined from the number of T. hirta adults caught in different blue colored traps at three heights. A total of 3828 adults were captured in all traps. 73.45% of the total adults caught in the traps were found before flowering period (before April 7th). The difference between the numbers of adults caught in traps at three heights was statistically significant. Highest number of adults was caught on the ground level (0 cm) in the #C4D5E3 code trap (429 adults) and this trap was followed by the trap #B4C8E1 at 50 cm height (384 adults). The number of adults caught by all traps at 100 cm height was lower than the other two heights. As a result, traps color and heights were found to be different in catching T. hirta adults in cherry orchard. With these results in mind, there is a strong possibility to use #C4D5E3 coded traps (Light grayish blue) successfully in cherry orchards against T. hirta adults in the future.Öğe Boron rejection from aqueous solution and wastewater by direct contact membrane distillation(Yildiz Technical University, 2021) Tan, Burcu; Selengil, Uğur; Bektaş, Tijen EnnilBoron is widely used in various areas of modern technology. Due to the environmental problems arising during the production and use, the studies on the removal and recovery of boron from wastewater have been increased recently. Membrane distillation (MD) system is smaller in size with respect to other common distillation systems and needs lower operating temperatures. In addition, the equipment costs are reduced and the safety of the process increases since it operates at lower pressures. Moreover, the membrane distillation process can remove pollutants from water without using chemicals. In this study, boron rejection from aqueous solutions and wastewater was investigated by using direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) system where both surfaces of a porous hydrophobic membrane were in contact with liquid streams. The effects of various parameters (pH, feed concentration, feed temperature, etc.) on boron rejection were investigated and the highest boron rejection was found to be 50 % when pH=10 at 50 °C and with feeding by a pump of 54 rpm. According to the test results of wastewater from Kırka Borax treatment plants, the mean distillate fluxes were found as 13, 16 and 14 L m-2 h-1 at the feed temperatures of 30, 40 and 50 °C, respectively. The boron removal percentages were found to be 47, 64 and 48 % at 30, 40 and 50 °C, respectively. It was observed in the XRD spectra that the crystals in wastewater mainly consist of Na2B(OH)4Cl and Mg2B2O5 structures.Öğe Analysis of Scientific Publications on Acinetobacter bacteremia in Web of Science(The Turkish Society Of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 2021) Alkan, Sevil; Dindar Demiray, Emine Kübra; Yıldız, Emel; Özlu, CanObjective: We aimed to investigate the literature on Acinetobacter bacteremia (AB), which is always on the agenda because of increased mortality and morbidity.Methods: We used the keywords “Acinetobacter and bacteremia” and limited our search to the journal articles. Retrieved data were analysed to present various bibliometric indicators while maps were visualised using the VOSviewer technique. Data pertaining to the growth of publications, the most active countries and institutions, the most cited journals, and the mapping of molecular mechanisms of resistance were analysed.Results: A total of 179 journal articles were retrieved, with an average of 24.68 citations per article. The annual growth of AB articles showed an increasing pattern during the study period. The articles were usually written in English (96.08%), and in 56.42% the research area was infectious diseases (56.42%). In terms of geography, three out of five countries were Asian in origin, and the leading country was Taiwan (30.72%). Conclusions: Publications on AB have been increased in the last two decades. The most of the publications on AB contributed by Taiwan and the growing numbers in Asia and the globe.Öğe Trends of COVID 19 Vaccines: International Collaboration and Visualized Analysis(The Turkish Society Of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 2021) Alkan, Sevil; Öntürk, Hatice; Alıravcı, Işıl Deniz; Sıddıkoğlu, DuyguObjective: We aimed to evaluate the research and publication trends on the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine, and so guide future studies. Materials and Methods: A bibliometric analysis was performed using a VOSviewer visualization methodology. Information about publications Web of Science database outputs, countries, institutions, journals, keywords, and citation counts was retrieved. Results: A total of 929 eligible publications from January 1, 2020, to February 28, 2021, were derived from the WOS database according to the search criteria. Publications were written in nine languages, mainly in English (96.7%). From these results, a total of 300 articles were reached by filtering. The average number of citations was found to be 7.73. The H-index of the articles, which were cited 2320 times in total, was 22. Most of the publications were articles (32.29%) and editorials (28.09%). There were 73 different research areas, mostly in general internal medicine (26.6%) and immunology (19.05%). The United States of America produced the majority of articles (31.32%). Conclusion: This bibliometric analysis presents that publications on the COVID-19 vaccine are rapidly changing at a time when exactly the effective vaccines of COVID-19 have not been discovered yet.Öğe CHEST INJURIES ACCOMPANYING BLUNT SPINAL TRAUMA(Turkish Spine Society, 2021) Kapıcıbaşı, Hasan Oğuz; Malçok, Ümit AliObjective: Only a few studies in the literature have evaluated chest injuries accompanying blunt spinal trauma. We aimed to evaluate chest injuries observed concomitantly with spine injuries as well as reveal their clinical importance. Materials and Methods: Eighty-eight patients, who were treated and followed up by the authors after being admitted to the emergency department because of severe blunt spinal trauma, were evaluated retrospectively. Results: Data from a total of 55 patients [30 (54.5%) male and 25 (45.5%) female] who met the study criteria were included. The mean age of patients was 58±15.8. Falling from height was the most common cause of trauma in 32 patients (58.2%) and was significantly more frequent than other causes such as traffic accident, assault, non-vehicle traffic accident, and motorcycle accident (p<0.001). Spinal fracture was observed in 38 patients with severe blunt spinal trauma (69.1%), while ligament and other soft tissue damage was found in 17 patients (30.9%). Spinal fractures were significantly more frequent in the thoracic vertebra (n=28; 50.9%) compared to other regions such as the cervical and lumbar spine (p<0.001). It was observed that chest injury accompanied 33 (60%) patients who experienced blunt spinal trauma. When the thoracic region was classified as per injured tissues; rib fracture (n=10; 30.3%) and pulmonary contusion (n=6; 18.2%) were observed most frequently. Conclusion: Patients with thoracic spinal fractures should be considered at a high risk for chest injury, and this group of patients should be prioritized because of the possible life-threatening complications. In our study, we concluded that the rate of falling from height increased in the elderly group, as well as neurological losses. Moreover, the rate of neurological deficit following thoracic vertebral damage due to falling from height kept increasing especially in the elderly group.Öğe EFFECTS OF LUMBAR MICRODISCECTOMY ON SPINOPELVIC PARAMETERS(Turkish Spine Society, 2021) Malçok, Ümit Ali; Akar, AliObjective: One of the causes which accelerates spinal degeneration process is lumbar disc hernia (LDH). In this study, we observed the changes in spinopelvic parameters one month after single-level lumbar microdiscectomy (LM). Materials and Methods: Standardized bilateral standing scoliosis radiography images of 19 patients, which were performed before and 1 month after LM operation, were evaluated retrospectively. Sagittal vertical axis and coronal vertical axis distances, thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, pelvic incidence, sacral slope and pelvic tilt angles were measured with Surgimap software. Results: There was a positive correlation between pre-and post-LM values of all spinopelvic parameters included in the study. In comparative tests however, the difference was found to be not statistically significant. As a result, despite LM operation slightly improved spinopelvic parameters in the first month, there was not a significant change overall. Conclusion: LDH is known to worsen the degenerative process in spine. LM as a treatment option is seen to alleviate this degenerative process by slowing down the deterioration in spinopelvic parameters.Öğe Central Anticholinergic Syndrome Following Excessive Mydriatic Use in an Eight-Year-Old Patient(Aydın Pediatric Society, 2021) Kaymaz, Nazan; Uzun, Mehmet Erdem; Battal, Fatih; Güzel, Yusuf; Aylanç, HakanCyclopentolate hydrochloride, belonging to a class of drugs known as anticholinergics, is an ophthalmic solution frequently used in ophthalmology clinics because of its cycloplegic and mydriatic effects in both refractions as well as fundus examinations. After application, the maximum cycloplegic effect begins approximately after 30-60 min, which can further continue up to 24 h. Due to a dose-dependent relationship, cyclopentolate hydrochloride’s side effects can be observed both in an ocular and systemic manner which may occur if solutions more than 0.5% concentration are used. Herein, we report central anticholinergic syndrome due to the administration of excessive amounts of cyclopentolate hydrochloride in a child.Öğe Tek Boyutlu Zemin Büyütme Analizlerinde Transfer Fonksiyonunun Değiştirilmiş Sonlu Elemanlar Taşıma Matrisi Yöntemi ile Elde Edilmesi(Afet ve Acil Durum Yonetimi Baskanligi (AFAD), 2021) Bilican, Öznur; Bozdoğan, Kanat Burak; Keskin, ErdinçIn this study, a method is proposed to obtain Transfer functions used in one-dimensional soil amplification analysis. Within the scope of the study, the Modified Finite Element Transfer Matrix (MFETM) method, which was used to find the soil fundamental period in the literature, was adapted to the problem of finding transfer functions used in soil amplification analysis. In the classical finite element method, the system matrix size that increases depending on the number of elements is independent of the number of elements in the MFETM method. At the end of the study, the suitability of the proposed method was shown on two examples. The examples discussed were solved using both the MFETM method presented in this study and the method in the literature, and the results were compared. A program was written in Scilab for the application of the presented method.Öğe Erkeklerin Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Şiddete İlişkin Örtük Çağrışımlarının Demografik Özellikler ve Adil Dünya İnancı Perspektifinden İncelenmesi(Sanat ve Dil Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, 2021) Planalı Özdemir, Gamze; Kıral Uçar, GözdeKadına yönelik şiddet gün geçtikçe daha fazla araştırmanın konusu haline gelmektedir. Fakat bu araştırmalar çoğunlukla açık tutumlar üzerine yoğunlaşmaktadır. Örtük bilişsel yapıya odaklanan çalışmalar ise üç örtük tutumun önemine işaret eder: toplumsal cinsiyete yönelik örtük tutumlar, şiddete yönelik örtük tutumlar ve toplumsal cinsiyet ile şiddet arasındaki örtük çağrışımlar. Bu çalışmada erkeklerin bu örtük tutumlarının yaş, eğitim, çalışma durumu, gelir ve sosyo-ekonomik statüyü içeren demografik özellikleri ve Adil Dünya İnancı (ADİ) ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Örtük tutumları ölçmek için üç adet Örtük Çağrışım Testi (ÖÇT) Türkçeye çevrilerek kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya, yaşları 18 ile 55 arasında değişen 202 erkek katılmıştır (Ort. = 27.96, S = 9.68). Bulgular, toplumsal cinsiyete ve şiddete yönelik örtük tutumların yaş ile ilişkili olduğunu, ancak diğer demografikler ile ilişkili olmadığını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Toplumsal cinsiyet ile şiddet arasındaki örtük çağrışımlar ise demografiklere göre farklılaşmazken, toplumsal cinsiyete yönelik örtük tutumlar ve Genel ADİ ile ilişkili bulunmuştur. Sonuçlar, kadına yönelik şiddetin toplumda normalleşmesi bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir. Kullanılan ÖÇT’lerin Türkiye’deki müdahale programlarına, demografik açıdan çeşitliliğe sahip bu örneklem ile elde edilen bulguların ise ilgili yazına katkı sağlayabileceği düşünülmektedir.Öğe Length-weight relationships of fishes caught by stationary uncovered pound nets in the coastal waters of Saros Bay, North Aegean Sea (Turkey)(Ege University Faculty of Fisheries, 2021) Çolakoğlu, SerhatStationary uncovered pound nets are passively fishing gears used for fish catching according to traditional methods in the coastal waters of Saros Bay, North Aegean Sea. The purpose of this study was to determine length-weight relations (LWRs) for a wide range of fish species collected from the traps in the coastal waters of Saros Bay. We are studied in the fish species caught by four traps between April and August (fishing season) in 2010 - 2012. A total of 23 fish species belonging to 12 families were caught individual 2.096. The mean value of the growth pattern (b) was 3.141 +/- 0.042, ranging from 2.711 to 3.577. Whereas they were negative allometric only for two species (Pomatomus saltatrix and Mugil cephalus), from other fish species were observed to be 13 positive allometric and 8 isometrics. The LWR parameters for the positive allometric and isometric fish species were significant (P<0.05). This study provides some general information about the status of the LWR parameters of the fish species caught from the traps.Öğe Silence After The Storm; A Case of Bickerstaff’s Brainstem Encephalitis(T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Ankara Şehir Hastanesi, 2021) Tekin, Emine; Çokyaman, Turgay; Taşdemir, Haydar Ali; Özyürek, HamitA pediatric case with Bickerstaff’s brainstem encephalitis (BBE), which is a very rare monophasic post-infectious condi- tion characterized by central nervous system involvement, unconsciousness, ophthalmoplegia and ataxia, is presented. Twelve years old patient was brought with difficulty in eye movements and ataxia. On the second day, she became agitated and lethargic, and then bulbar palsy and whole body paralysis developed. Upper motor neuron involvement was evident. Routine biochemical parameters and serologic tests, cranial magnetic resonance imaging, lumbar puncture, autoimmune, paraneoplastic, and electrophysiological studies were evaluated. All were normal except for the encephalopathic first electroencephalography (EEG) and the EEG repeated on the 25th day was reported to be normal. Anti-ganglioside antibody, anti-GQ1b was found positive. Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) started on the fourth day. A very rapid improvement was seen in the first week of IVIG treatment. She was able to walk in the second week. She was completely normal in 3 months. Although seven years passed, our patient has not had any relapse or neurological deficit. We presented a case diagnosed as BBE treated successfully with single dose intravenous Immunoglobulin. We wanted to emphasize that BBE has a good prognosis even though it is an acutely developing severe condition.Öğe Animizm(Motif Halk Oyunları Eğitim ve Öğretim Vakfı, 2021) Chidester, David; Aydoğan, TuğbaAntropolog E. B. Tylor (1832-1917) tarafından icat edilen “animizm” terimi bir dini veya din türünü değil din teorisini ifade eder. Tylor, dinin asgari tanımını “ruhsal varlıklarainanç” olarak ileri sürerek dinsel inancın cansız nesnelere yaşam, ruh veya güç atfetmeşeklindeki ilkel yanılgıdan kaynaklandığını savunur. Animizm, her ne kadar genellikleakademik din araştırmalarında doğa olaylarının ruh ve gücü olduğunu düşünen yerli halkıninanç sistemlerini tanımlamak için eski bir terim olarak kullanımdan çıkarılmış olsa da yinede popüler kullanımda ve akademik teoride dindeki maddeselliğin anlamı ve değeri hakkındasorunları ortaya çıkarmak için ısrar etmektedir.Öğe ÖRGÜN EĞİTİMDE KARŞILAŞILAN ÖĞRENCİ MERKEZLİ SORUNLAR ÜZERİNE BİR DEĞERLENDİRME(Motif Halk Oyunları Eğitim ve Öğretim Vakfı, 2021) Demir, İsmailBu çalışmada eğitim sahasında karşılaşılan bazı öğrenci merkezli sorunlar ortaya konmuş ve bunlara yönelik çözüm yolları önerilmiştir. Bu sorunların neler olduğunun öteden beri bilinmesine, hatta bu konuda çok ileri adımlar atılmasına rağmen hala bunların toplumca arzu edilen düzeyde çözülüp sağlıklı bir sonuca ulaştırılamadığı düşünülmektedir. Özellikle temel eğitim aşamasında sınıf içerisinde ve dışında yaşanan sorunların başında öğrencilerden kaynaklanan sorunlar gelmektedir. Eğitimin de önemli unsurlarından biri öğrenci olduğundan dolayı, öğrencilerin nitelikleri, eğitimin kalitesi üzerinde oldukça önemli hale gelmiştir. Öğrencilerin önceki yaşantıları, sosyo-ekonomik durumları, kişisel farklılıkları ve okul öncesi dönemde eğitim alıp almadıkları gibi değişkenler de öğrencilerin niteliklerinde belirleyici faktörler arasında sayılabilir. Ayrıca öğrenciler farklı çevreden ve aileden okula geldikleri için hepsi farklı özelliklere sahiptirler. Bu farklılıklardan biri öğrencilerin hazırbulunuşluk düzeyidir. Bu noktada etkili bir eğitim-öğretim sürecinin gerçekleştirilebilmesi için öğrencilerin her düzeyde sorunlarının özenle dikkate alınması gerekmektedir. Bu sebeple eğitimde öğrenci hazırbulunuşluğundaki yetersizlik ve eğitmenlerin bu hususa yeterince dikkat etmemesi mühim bir konu haline gelmiştir. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışma üç farklı başlık altında; Bilişsel Özellikler: (Öğrencilerin okula hazırbulunuşluğu, Olumsuz İletişim), Duyuşsal Özellikler: (Sınav Kaygısı, Dikkat Dağınıklığı, Derse Karşı Önyargılı Olma, Kitap Okuma Alışkanlığının Olmaması, Öğrenciler Arasındaki Rekabet, Öğrencilerin Aileleri ile ilişkileri, Derse Olan İlgisizlik ve Diğer Özellikler: (Akran Zorbalığı ve Öğrencilerin Araç Gereçleri Getirmemesi) incelenmiş ve değerlendirilmiştir.Öğe MİKRODALGA DESTEKLİ HİDRODİSTİLASYON YÖNTEMİYLE ELDE EDİLEN PELARGONIUM GRAVEOLENS (ITIR) ESANSİYEL YAĞININ KARAKTERİSTİK BAZI ÖZELLİKLERİ(Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği, 2021) Aydınlık, Pelin; Karagül Yüceer, YoncaBu çalışmada Pelargonium graveolens’den (ıtır) elde edilen esansiyel yağın karakteristik özellikleri incelenerek doğal katkı maddesi olarak elma suyunda kullanılabilirliği araştırılmıştır. Esansiyel yağ üretiminde mikrodalga destekli hidrodistilasyon yöntemi kullanılmış ve %1.75 verimle esansiyel yağ üretimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Uçucu bileşenlerin tanımlanması amacıyla gaz kromatografisi kütle spektrometresi kullanılmıştır. Itır esansiyel yağının temel uçucu bileşenleri sitronelil format, izomenton, linalol, sitronelol ve geraniol olarak belirlenmiştir. Esansiyel yağın antioksidan aktivitesi 0.54 mM troloks/mL yağ bulunmuştur. Esansiyel yağın antibakteriyel etkisinin Escherichia coli’ye kıyasla Staphylococcus aureus üzerine daha fazla olduğu saptanmıştır. Itır esansiyel yağı ilave edilmiş elma suyunun mikrobiyel yükünde depolama boyunca düşüş olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca esansiyel yağ ilave edilen elma suyunun duyusal özellikler bakımından da kabul edilebilir olduğu tüketici testiyle ortaya koyulmuştur.Öğe TİRE ÇAMUR PEYNİRİNİN BAZI FİZİKOKİMYASAL VE DUYUSAL ÖZELLİKLERİ(2021) Karaalioğlu, Onur; Günay, Ezgi; Karagül Yüceer, YoncaBu çalışmanın amacı, İzmir’in Tire ilçesinde geleneksel olarak üretimi gerçekleştirilen Tire Çamur peyniri’nin bazı fizikokimyasal ve duyusal özelliklerinin belirlenmesidir. Bu çalışma kapsamında analizleri gerçekleştirilen Tire Çamur peyniri örnekleri arasında bileşim bakımından önemli farklılıklar olduğu saptanmıştır. Gaz kromatografisi-kütle spektrometrisi (GC-MS) vasıtasıyla gerçekleştirilen kromatografik analizlerde toplam 29 adet uçucu bileşen tespit edilmiştir. Duyusal değerlendirmeler sonucunda ise pişmiş, peynir altı suyu, kremamsı, fermente ve sütümsü yoğun olarak algılanan aromatikler olarak belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler kapsamında, ürünün endüstriyel boyutlarda üretim standardizasyonunun sağlanmasıyla birlikte tüketiciler için ürünün kaynağını gösteren coğrafi işaret alınmasının; üreticiye, üretildiği bölgeye ve ülkemize önemli ekonomik katkı ve katma değer sağlama potansiyeline sahip olacağı düşünülmüştür.