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Güncel Gönderiler
Öğe Effects of Altitude and Temperature on Erythrocyte Morphology of Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Mauremys rivulata (Valenciennes, 18330)(ABADER (Adıyaman Bilimsel Araştırmalar Derneği), 2021) Bayrakçı, Yusuf; Yenmiş, Melodi; Mermer, Ahmet; Tok, Cemal Varol; Ayaz, DinçerThe decrease in erythrocyte size of animals live at high altitudes yields an evolutionary advantage to survive by providing adaptation to colder temperatures and low partial oxygen pressures. We examined the effect of geographical changes on the erythrocyte morphology of two terrapins, Emys orbicularis and Mauremys rivulata, and analyzed whether such erythrocyte characteristics as size and volume changed at high altitudes and different temperatures. We found out that the erythrocyte characteristics varied both within and between the populations. They varied depending on altitude for E. orbicularis and on temperature for M. rivulata. However, the erythrocyte characteristics were not correlated with the environmental parameters, except between sunshine duration and erythrocyte length, size, and nucleus volume for E. orbicularis. Yüksek rakımlarda yaşayan hayvanlarda eritrosit boyutlarındaki azalma, düşük sıcaklıklara ve düşük kısmi oksijen basıncına adaptasyon sağlayarak hayatta kalmalarına evrimsel bir avantaj kazandırmaktadır. Coğrafik değişikliklerin eritrosit morfolojisi üzerindeki etkilerini iki tatlısu kaplumbağası türü olan Emys orbicularis ve Mauremys rivulata’da inceledik ve boyut ve hacim gibi eritrosit özelliklerinin yüksek rakım ve farklı sıcaklıklarda değişip değişmediğini analiz ettik. Eritrosit özelliklerinin hem populasyon içerisinde hem de populasyonlar arasında farklılık gösterdiğini belirledik. E. orbicularis için yüksekliğe bağlı olarak, M. rivulata içinse sıcaklığa bağlı olarak değişiklik göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte, E. orbicularis için güneşlenme süresi ile eritrosit uzunluğu, büyüklüğü ve nukleus hacmi arasındaki korelasyon dışında, eritrosit özellikleri ile çevresel parametreler arasında korelasyon görülmemektedir.Öğe Çevik Kurbağa (Rana dalmatina Bonaparte,1839) (Anura: Ranidae) Örneklerinde Yaş Tayini ve Bazı Büyüme Parametrelerinin İncelenmesi Üzerine Bir Ön Çalışma(ABADER (Adıyaman Bilimsel Araştırmalar Derneği), 2021) Genç, Özge; Tok, Cemal VarolIn this study, a total of 16 Agile frog, Rana dalmatina species preserved in the ZDEU-COMU collection and collected from Çanakkale (4 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀) and Kırklareli (7♂♂, 1♀) were examined to estimate their age and the relationship between age and body size using the skeletochronology method. In addition, both femora and phalanx of the samples were evaluated together. Sexual maturity ages were found to be 2-3 in male and female individuals of both populations. The age ranges from 2-4 in males and 3-5 in females. According to this study, there was a positive correlation between length and age (r=0.740). In addition, no difference was observed in terms of LAG numbers compared to the age rings in the femora and Phalanx bones of the samples.Öğe Fabrication and Characterization of Saffron Stamen Aqueous Extract Controlled Release System as Potential Topical Treatment of Thermal Burn Wounds(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2021) Özdemir, Burak; Pişkin, Mehmet Burçin; Gök, Bahar; Demir, Neslihan; Budama-Kılınç, YaseminIn our study, we aimed the preparation of Saffron stamen aqueous extract (SSAE) loaded chitosan nanoparticles (CNPs) to be used topically for thermal burns. First, biological activity tests such as DNA binding, DNA cleavage and antibacterial activity were performed to determine the effectiveness of SSAE to be encapsulated. Additionally, a genotoxicity test was performed for the reliability of SSAE. Ionic gelation method was used for encapsulation, and SSAE-loaded CNPs were obtained. Average particle size, zeta potential, polydispersity index (PdI), morphology, and releasing kinetics of the SSAE-loaded CNPs and blank CNPs were determined. DNA binding showed that SSAE interacted with DNA electrostatically. It was determined that all doses of SSAE used in hydrolytic and oxidative DNA cleavage experiments cleave DNA. As a result of the Ames / Salmonella test, it was found that 1,25 mg SSAE was not genotoxic. Then, this concentration was used in nanoparticle synthesis. As a result of DLS analysis, it was determined that SSAE-loaded CNPs have an average size of 57.61±1.234 nm, 0.175±0.008 PdI, and +14±0.755 mV zeta potential. Encapsulation efficiency and loading capacity of SSAE-loaded CNPs calculated as 71.76 % and 2,64 % respectively. As a result of releasing kinetics, it was determined that 79.54 % of SSAE was released after 168 hours. Antibacterial results revealed that SSAE loaded CNPs were more effective against bacteria than blank SSAE.Öğe The vertebrate biodiversity of Turkey(Springer International Publishing, 2021) Karataş, Ahmet; Filiz, Halit; Erciyas-Yavuz, Kiraz; Özeren, Saniye Cevher; Tok, Cemal VarolThe present lists show that Turkish vertebrate fauna consists of 1728 species. Fish species form its half part (51.74%) with 530 marine and 402 inland fish species. However, the total number is 894, since 38 of them are living in salty, brackish, and freshwater. At the class level, Petromyzonti is represented by 4, Elasmobranchii by 65, Holocephali by 1, Actinopteri by 824, Amphibia by 36, Reptilia by 140, Aves by 485, and Mammalia by 173 species. A total number of 189 inland fish-1 Petromyzonti and 188 Actinopteri-13 amphibian, 20 reptile, and 5 mammal species are endemic to Turkey. The endemism rate out of the total vertebrate species is 13.14%. According to the given conservation status, at least five species are extinct, and 215 species are globally threatened.Öğe Porous and modified HA particles as potential drug delivery systems(Elsevier Science Bv, 2012) Şahiner, Nurettin; Sılan, Coşkun; Sağbaş, Selin; Ilgın, Pınar; Bütün, Sultan; Erduğan, Hüseyin; Ayyala, Ramesh S.Composite silica-hyaluronic acid (Si-HA) micro particles were synthesized, employing tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) in the presence of linear HA and a crosslinker, divinyl sulfone (DVS) via a water-in-oil microemulsion polymerization technique. Porous HA (PHA) hydrogel particles were generated after removal of silica particles upon treatment of HA composites with hydrofluoric acid (FIF). Furthermore, HA particles were quaternized (QHA) by chemical modification using 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl trimethyl ammonium chloride as a quarternization agent. The size of HA based particles were ranged between 1.26 and 2.95 mu m. The PHA particles have a surface area of 2.7 m(2)/g confirmed by the surface area measurements. Modified HA particles were used in the absorption and release studies of two model drugs in PBS, trimethoprim (TMP) and sodium diclofenac (SDF) which are acidic and basic in nature, respectively. The ability to control the size, charge and porosity of the HA particles which showed almost linear drug release profiles. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Öğe Evaluation of environmental degradation in the Karamenderes River in relation to anthropogenic stressors(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2009) Koçum, Esra; Akgül, FüsunNutrient concentrations and phytoplankton biomass were monitored with reference to several anthropogenic pressures in the Karamenderes River (Canakkale, NW Turkey) and in its catchment through a seasonal sampling program of three sites. Both spatial and temporal variations in chl a, nitrate and nitrite and temporal variation in ammonium, phosphate and silicate were significant. Despite intense application of chemical fertilizers in agricultural areas within the catchment and elevated riverine nitrate concentrations phosphate levels were low, potentially keeping chl. a levels in oligotrophic range. Considering the important role of phosphorus in freshwater eutrophication and complex dynamics of phosphorus leaching from soil, the healthy functioning of this ecosystem critically depends on management plans that consider the long term risks associated with phosphate transfer from agricultural soils into the river.Öğe Phytoplankton stoichiometry reflects the variation in nutrient concentrations and ratios in a nitrogen-enriched coastal lagoon(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017) Sütçü, Ayşe; Koçum, EsraHuman impacts on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycles have differentially increased the flux of C, N and P to the coastal zone creating an altered environment with respect to nutrient stoichiometry for production and transfer of organic matter. Such changes can be more pronounced in closed and semi-enclosed ecosystems. The spatio-temporal variability in chl a, phytoplankton C, N and P content and stoichiometry were measured along with nutrients to reveal relations between them in a coastal lagoon. High nitrate concentrations and low availability of phosphate produced skewed nutrient stoichiometry that reflected itself in the large deviations of PC:PN and PN:PP from their corresponding Redfield ratios while the dynamic nature of fluctuations in nutrient concentrations led to wide variations in phytoplankton C, N and P content and in their ratios. The findings of the study provide insights into the possible alterations in phytoplankton stoichiometry in similar ecosystems receiving high inputs which is not balanced with phosphorus and/or where P-reduction is the mode of eutrophication control as both can produce skewed nutrient stoichiometry.Öğe Monitoring of phytoplankton biomass and nutrients in a polluted stream(Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, 2007) Koçum, Esra; Dursun, OnurThe spatial and temporal variations in the concentrations of nutrients (NH4+, NO2-, PO43-, SiO3-) and chlorophyll a were monitored simultaneously in a slow-flowing watercourse (Saricay Stream, Turkey), which runs in a rural-urban gradient. Chlorophyll a concentrations ranged between 0.044 mu g l(-1) and 206.15 mu g l(-1) and, in general, the higher concentrations of chlorophyll a and ammonium were measured downstream of the raw sewage outfalls. Nitrate was by far the most abundant form of inorganic nitrogen, and its concentration ranged between 411.71 mu M and 87.251 mu M. Silicates and phosphates were always potentially limiting to biomass relative to nitrogen. Agricultural run-off and point discharges from urban sources greatly affected the chemical composition of the water in the Saricay Stream and drove the system towards eutrophication.Öğe Analysis of Variations in Phytoplankton Community Size-Structure along a Coastal Trophic Gradient(Coastal Education & Research Foundation, 2014) Koçum, Esra; Sütçü, AyşeThe phytoplankton community size structure is a significant factor in the ecological and biogeochemical functioning of marine ecosystems. Various environmental factors, including nutrients, can cause variations in the size structure of phytoplankton community, ultimately determining the potential for downward carbon transport and productivity in marine ecosystems. In the present study, microscale spatial variation in phytoplankton size structure was investigated at two coastal stations having different nutrient environments. The variation in phytoplankton size structure was characterized by a significantly (p < 0.05) higher contribution of larger cells and diminishing abundance of picoplankton under increasing nutrient concentrations observed at both sites, although at different threshold unfractionated phytoplankton chlorophyll a biomass levels. The average percent contributions of picoplankton to total biomass were 30.02 and 19.07% at less enriched site I and at enriched site II, respectively. Thus, we concluded that the variation in phytoplankton size structure was led by the factors that regulated the contribution of large phytoplankton cells; that is, the dominance of picoplankton was only possible when nutrient concentrations precluded accumulation of the larger size classes in the phytoplankton community.Öğe Regulation of phytoplankton primary production along a hypernutrified estuary(Inter-Research, 2002) Koçum, Esra; Nedwell, DB; Underwood, GJCThe influence of nutrients on algal biomass and primary production was investigated in the estuary of the River Colne, a turbid hypernutrified estuary on the east coast of England. Different approaches were used to examine nutrient regulation of both algal biomass formation and algal primary production in the Colne Estuary. Stoichiometric nutrient ratios indicated that silicate was always potentially limiting to biomass relative to nitrogen and phosphorus, and there were only small numbers of diatoms present in the phytoplankton community. Addition of silicate stimulated diatom growth. At the freshwater end of the estuary, low N:P ratios resulting from the input of effluent from sewage treatment works with high P levels created a potential for N limitation of algal biomass production. The N:P ratios at the seaward end of the estuary were much higher, suggesting greater potential for P limitation of algal biomass formation. This is the reverse of the usual assumption for P limitation in freshwater and N limitation in seawater. Nutrient depletion experiments corroborated the indication of greater N limitation of phytoplankton in the upper estuary. Ammonium rather than nitrate was used first by the algae despite being at much lower concentrations than nitrate. F-ratios measured with N-15 ammonium or nitrate showed that, except on 1 occasion in the upper estuary, > 95 % of the N uptake was from ammonium. Despite the high nutrient concentrations in the estuary, algal productivity was strongly limited by light availability. This, combined with the freshwater flushing time for the Colne Estuary (14 d), probably meant that depletion of nutrients and imposition of nutrient limitation on algal growth would only occur outside the estuary in the coastal zone.Öğe Scanning electron microscope analysis of Emiliania huxleyi samples revealed the presence of a single morphotype in the Dardanelles Strait, Turkey(Inst Oceanografico, Univ Sao Paulo, 2022) Koçum, EsraThe cosmopolitan coccolithophorid, Emiliania huxleyi form populations composed of different morphotypes distinguished based on coccolith ultrastructure. The relative abundance of these morphotypes varies along the gradients of several environmental factors, including temperature, pH and nutrients, with significant ecological and biogeochemical outcomes as morhotypes differ in the calcite content, hence in their contributions to the downward carbonate transport. A scanning electron microscope examination of Emiliania huxleyi cells and coccoliths was conducted on samples from an Emiliania huxleyi dominated coastal phytoplankton community formation captured on the 29th and 31th of May 2019, performing a morphological and morphometric analysis and an assessment of the environmental nutrient characteristics. The main aim of the study was to describe the morphotype from a highly important ecosystem with E. huxleyi blooms, the Dardanelles Strait, Turkey and contribute to the present scientific understanding of their ecological preferences. The satellite-derived chlorophyll a and particulate inorganic carbon concentrations data were also included to expand the spatio-temporal coverage of the study. The nutrient data suggested nitrogen limitation of the phytoplankton community in general and an additional silicate limitation of the diatoms. The microscopic observations of samples, coccosphere/coccolith counts and the morphologic and morphometric examination of the coccoliths showed the presence of an E. huxleyi bloom solely composed of morphotype A. Furthermore, the satellite data showed the coccolithopore bloom started in the interconnected basin of the Black Sea and progressed into the Dardanelles via the Sea of Marmara.Öğe Temporal Variation of Autotrophic Picoplankton Contribution to Coastal Phytoplankton Communities over a Seasonal Cycle: A Case Study(Amer Inst Physics, 2017) Koçum, EsraAutotrophic pico-plankton form the smallest component of phytoplankton and refers to cells smaller than 2 mu M. It is phylogenetically diverse and have both prokaryotic and eukaryotic components. Prokaryotic pico-autotrophs are unicellular cyanobacteria, represented mainly by Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus genera. Pico-eukaryotes are more diverse and include members of Chlorophyta, Cryptophyta, Haptophyta and Heterokontophyta. Owing to their higher nutrient acquisition capacity, relative share of pico-plankton in autotrophic production and biomass can be significant and even dominant in oligotrophic regions such as in warm tropical waters. They also fare better than larger members of phytoplankton communities under light limitation and under increasing temperature. Recent work has shown that autotrophic pico-plankton can be a significant component of coastal phytoplankton. In view of the global warming related increase in the sea surface temperature and nutrient enrichment of coastal waters, it is necessary to understand variation in the relative share of different sized groups in phytoplankton communities of coastal ecosystems including pico-plankton biomass as it shows the potential for development of microbial food web. Here, an interpretation of temporal patterns detected in the biomass and the relative contribution of pico-sized (< 2 mu m) members of phytoplankton was made using data collected from two coastal sites over a year. The findings revealed the significant spatio-temporal variation in both actual pico-plankton biomass and its relative share in phytoplankton. The average biomass values of pico-plankton were 0.23 +/- 0.02 mu g chl a L-1 and 0.15 +/- 0.01 mu g chl a L-1 at nutrient-poor and nutrient-rich sites; respectively. The temporal pattern of change displayed by picoplankton biomass was not seasonal at nutrient rich site while at nutrient poor site it was seasonal with low values measured over winter suggesting it was the seasonal changes leading to the emergence of temporal pattern of change in picoplankton abundance observed at this site.Öğe Autotrophic nanoplankton dynamics is significant on the spatio-temporal variation of phytoplankton biomass size structure along a coastal trophic gradient(Elsevier, 2020) Koçum, EsraThe biomass size structure is an intrinsic feature of phytoplankton communities that changes along the gradients of temperature, light intensity, nutrient concentrations, water column turbulence, as well as with changes in the size and the composition of the grazer community. The variations in it alter the trophic structuring in pelagic food webs leading to the quantitative changes in the flow of organic matter to the fisheries and to the deep ocean via the biological pump. The spatio-temporal dynamics of bulk and size-fractionated phytoplankton chl a biomass were studied in relation to the environmental factors at two coastal sites along the Dardanelles Strait, to test the suitability of its use as a nutrient enrichment indicator. The magnitude and the pattern of temporal change of the bulk phytoplankton biomass were very similar at two sampling sites, despite the significant variations in the spatial distributions of nutrients. Nevertheless, the spatial variation in the size fractionation of phytoplankton biomass, with significantly higher contributions of nano- and picoplankton at the nutrient-poor site reflected the nutrient gradient. Nanoplankton size fraction influenced the dynamics of the size and the size fractionation of the phytoplankton biomass, revealed by the statistically significant relations of the biomass and the relative abundance of it with each other and with the bulk phytoplankton biomass. Thus, the study altogether demonstrated; (i) the partitioning of bulk chlorophyll a biomass into size fractions may undergo changes without an accompanying change in its magnitude along the nutrient gradients, (ii) biomass size structure is a promising attribute of phytoplankton to be used as a nutrient enrichment indicator, (iii) identification and an in-depth analysis of factors influencing nanoplankton abundance are necessary for a through understanding of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the bulk and size-fractionated phytoplankton chl a biomass in the study area. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Öğe Çanakkale Boğazında klorofilve çözünmüş mineral besin elementi miktarlarının analizi(Çevre Koruma ve Araştırma Vakfı (ÇEVKOR), 2005) Koçum, EsraÖtrofikasyon ile ilgili bazı su kalitesi özelliklerindeki yer ve zamana bağlı değişimler, Çanakkale kent merkezi kordon boyunda seçilen üç noktadan alınan örnekler içerisinde, Ağustos 2000 ve Haziran 2001 tarihleri arasındaki mevsimsel bir örnekleme programı ile incelenmiştir. Sıcaklık, $N-NH_4^+, N-NO_3^-, N-NO_2^-, P-PO_4^{-3}, Si-SiO_2^-$ ve klorofil a miktarları ölçülmüştür. Klorofil a miktarının çalışma süresi boyunca 2 $\\mu g L^{-1}$'nin altında olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ölçülen beş mineral besin elementi arasında nitrat miktarının örnekleme süresi boyunca en yüksek düzeyde bulunduğu saptanmıştır.Öğe Influence of Helichrysum arenarium on hemocyte-mediated immune responses and phenoloxidase enzyme activity of model organism Galleria mellonella (L.)(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021) Kaya, Serhat; Akkuş, Gülsüm; Türkdoğan, Seranay; Gündüz, BülentHelichrysum arenarium (L.) (Asterales:Asteraceae) Moench is a therapeutic plant which contains etheric oil, flavones and flavon glycosides, sterins, bitter substances and tannins having various coumarins. This plant is thought to have important characteristics such as diuretic effect, dropping stones and sand from the kidney, regulating digestive disorders, strengthening the immune system, and having antibiotic and antioxidant effects. Additionally, this plant is traditionally used in liver and biliary tract diseases and also shows anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. Model organism Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae) is an invertebrate species that is frequently used to study the effects of human pathogens and various pesticides, hormones, etc. on immune system. In our study, we examined the effect of various doses of H. arenarium on the hemocyte count and behavior of G. mellonella larvae. According to the findings obtained at the end of our study, H. arenarium caused an increase in hemocyte count with the injection of 0.25% and 0.5% doses compared to the untreated and DMSO groups. At the same time, the 0.25% and 0.5% doses showed a strong encapsulation-melanization response and an increase in phenoloxidase enzyme activity over 24 h compared to the other injected groups. Based on these results, H. arenarium extract has an anti-mitotic activity at high doses (above 0.5%). This effect may be due to the fact that the plant extract supports mitosis at a certain dose, while being toxic when exceeding it.Öğe Can DNA Barcode Study be Done from a Museum Specimen Fixed in a Formaldehyde Solution? A Case of Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758)(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2024) Günay, Ulvi Kerem; Yakın, Batuhan Yaman; Pipilos, Atakan; Keskin, Emre; Tok, Cemal VarolDNA barcoding, a molecular taxonomy technique, has been increasingly used by herptile taxonomists in recent years. In DNA barcoding studies with museum specimens, there are difficulties in achieving success in specimens that have been exposed to formaldehyde, which is usually used as a fixative, for a long time and intensively. Here we studied the effect of formaldehyde on the application of the DNA barcode method in Emys orbicularis specimens stored in 4% formaldehyde and 70% ethanol solution since 2008 and 2014. Sanger sequence analysis of tissues taken from samples stored in both ethanol and formaldehyde solution successfully yielded sequences of 623 bp. In conclusion, the use of ethanol solutions should be preferred for mid or long-term sample storage, especially in the context of molecular studies. In cases where the use of formaldehyde is unavoidable, it may be advisable to use extremely low concentrations to increase success in molecular research.Öğe Deniz Kestanesi Paracentrotus lividus’un Gökçeada Kıyılarındaki Bolluğu(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2022) Herdem, AslanThe demand for the roe of Paracentrotus lividus is increasing despite world-wide fisheries bans and the balance of marine ecosystems is disturbed due to this overexploitation. Although not consumed locally, there has been fishing pressure on this species, due to the intense export demand in recent years. For an ecosystem-based sustainable fishery of P. lividus, it is very important to establish the stock status as well as the reproductive biology of this species in Turkish seas. However, studies on the stock information of the species are limited. This study reports preliminary findings on the abundance of P. lividus on the coasts of Gökçeada by using the visual counting technique with SCUBA during the summer of 2012 and 2018. In the study carried out with transects of different lengths, the highest number of individuals was observed on the rocky shores of Laz Bay in 2012 with 4 individuals m-2, between 112-120 m of the Kuzulimanı transect with 5 individuals m-2 in 2018, and between 0-52 m transect of Kokina III in 2018. According to the SACFOR scale, when P. lividus species was observed on the coasts of Gökçeada, it was either common or frequent in terms of abundant. For an effective and sustainable sea urchin management plan, the stock status of the P. lividus species in Turkish waters should be determined immediately.Öğe Annual Change of Marine Litter in a Rocky Area on the Coast of the Çanakkale Strait(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2022) Yenici, Elif; Aslan, Herdem; Tekeli, Zeynep; Uludağ, AhmetÇanakkale Boğazı işlek bir su yolu olmasının yanında bölge insanı ve turuistlerin ziyaret ettiği önemli bir rekreasyon alanıdır. Bu çalışma, 2021 ve 2022 yıllarında Çanakkale Boğazı’nın Çanakkale şehir merkezindeki denizden doldurularak kazanılmış kayalık bir kesiminde, çöp birikiminin boyutu, çöplerin tipleri, malzeme olarak çöpün türü ve kullanım amaçlarını belirlemek için yürütülmüştür. 2021 yılında 3528 adet, 2022 yılında ise 1777 adet çöp toplanmıştır. Çöp yoğunluğu, Türkiye kıyılarında gerçekleştirilen önceki çalışmaların çoğundan çok daha yüksek bulunmuştur. En yaygın deniz çöpünü 2021'de %80,24 ve 2022'de %59,65 ile plastikler oluşturmuştur. En fazla karışık ambalaj malzemelerinin toplanması, gıda ve içecek sektöründe plastik malzemelerin çok yaygın kullanıldığını göstermiştir. Uygun çöp imha yöntemleri, biyolojik olarak parçalanabilen ambalaj malzemelerinin kullanımı, sahil temizliği ve atık yönetimi konusunda halkın bilinçlendirilmesi, özellikle kıyı bölgelerinde başarılı çöp yönetimi için kritik öneme sahiptir.Öğe Çanakkale Boğazı ve Bozcaada Kıyılarındaki Yabancı Taksonlar ile Tehlike Altındaki Türler(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2022) Fırat, Ali Rahmi; Erduğan, HüseyinDeniz suyu sıcaklıklarının artması ve deniz ticareti gibi faktörler nedenleri ile, yaşama ve yayılış koşullarının uygun hale geldiği alanlara, sıcak seven yabancı taksonların girişi giderek artmaktadır. Çanakkale Boğazı ve Bozcaada kıyılarında takson değişimi ortaya koymak amacıyla, yerli, yabancı alg çeşitliliği ile tehdit altındaki taksonların karşılaşılaştırıldığı bu çalışmada; Çanakkale ve Bozcaada kıyılarında toplam 8 istasyon belirlenmiş ve bu istasyonlarda 0 – 1,5 m derinlikten kıyıya paralel 150 m uzunluğundaki bir alanda yerli, yabancı ve tehdit altındaki türler mevsimsel olarak çalışılmıştır. Çalışma sonunda toplam 217 takson tespit edilirken bunların 14 tanesi yabancı, 5 tanesini de tehlike altındaki taksonlardadır. Türkiye kıyılarındaki yabancı alg ve deniz çayırı takson sayısı 30 iken tehlike altındaki alg ve deniz çayırı takson sayısı 9 dur.Öğe Müsilajın Çanakkale Boğazı Makro Alglerine Etkisi(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2022) Erduğan, HüseyinMicroalgal blooms occurred millions of years ago and continue to occur today. In the past, ecosystem dynamics caused these blooms, but climate change and other anthropogenic factors made blooms more intense and frequent today. The present study was carried out to determine the effects of bloom events (müsilaj in Turkish) on macroalgae in the Marmara Sea in 2021. In the strait of Çanakkale (Dardanelles), Karanlık Harbour, Sarısığlık, Özbekaltı and Yapıldak localities were investigated to a depth of 0-1 m between January and October of 2021. At the end of this study, common red, brown, and green algae species in the Dardanelles could not be observed between early May and early September in 2021. Cladophora laetevirens, Ulva linza, U. intestinalis, Gelidium crinale, Gongolaria barbata, and Corallina officinalis taxa were observed beginning mid-September in stations given above.Unless the current wastewater treatment technologies are improved and anthropogenic factors are reduced to environmentally safe levels, new and more intense harmful algal blooms or “mucilage” events are inevitable. The Marmara basin should be monitored constantly by a multidisciplinary committee and required measures should be taken quickly. Otherwise, the “mucilage” event of 2021 may be repeated in a larger area and much more intensely.