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Öğe An Analysis of Publication Bias in the Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality Research(Igi Global, 2017) Yuksel, Atila; Tufan, EkremThis article examines whether studies with favorable or statistically significant outcomes are more likely to be published than studies with null results. Should such a publication tendency be in the form of favoring significant findings exist, then the integrity of science, suggestions and conclusions becomes controversial. This also includes those particularly drawn from meta-analyses and systematic reviews. Drawing on a sample of research articles, an examination was undertaken to determine whether studies reporting significant findings were published more. Additional analyses were conducted to examine the validity of reject/support decisions in relation to null hypotheses tested in these studies. The share of the published articles, in which null hypotheses were rejected, was found to be much larger (81%). Interestingly however, calculated power levels and actual samples sizes of these studies were too small to confidently reject/support null hypotheses. Implications for research are discussed in the concluding section of the article.Öğe COMPETITIVE CONDITIONS AMONG THE TURKISH BANKS(Tomas Bata Univ Zlin, 2011) Repkova, Iveta; Tufan, EkremThe paper estimates the competitive conditions among the Turkish banks during the period 2002-2009. The Panzar-Rosse model is used for the testing competition in Turkish banking industry. Specifically, we use a panel with data for most of the Turkish banks to estimate the H statistics. We conclude that the Turkish banking industry can be characterized as a monopolistic competition which is close to monopoly. Result implies the Turkish banks do not operate in a competitive environment and enjoy monopoly rents. It can be concluded that competitive conditions were decreasing during the analysed period.Öğe Interrelation of Bitcoin and Some Traditional Assets(Alexandru Ioan Cuza Univ Iasi Fac Economics & Business Adm, 2022) Tufan, Ekrem; Hamarat, Bahattin; Yalvac, AykutIn the research, the causal relationships between Bitcoin, gold and oil prices were examined. The data of the research covers the period from 2015 to July 2020 and consists of daily price values. Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test was used to see whether the stochastic process changes with time. Bitcoin and gold series do not contain a unit root since the oil series is stationary at the level while the difference is stationary. The reason why the series containing unit roots are not stationary is due to structural breaks or not, was investigated by Bai-Perron Unit Root Test with Multiple Structural Breaks. According to the test, it was determined that the Bitcoin series has one break and two regimes, while the gold series has two structural breaks and three different regimes. Whether the research series are cointegrated or not was investigated with the Gregory and Hansen test. The causality between the series was examined with the Toda-Yamamoto causality test, which is based on the VAR (Vector Autoregression) model and examines the causality in the series regardless of the unit root. A two-way causality relationship was determined between the eight lag-long Gold series and the Bitcoin series. In other cases, a causal relationship has not been established. As a result, we give an evidence that Bitcoin and gold prices series followed a parallel pattern while with oil not. Therefore, investors can add Bitcoin into their portfolios to make balance of the risk and return.Öğe Is the Turkish Tourism Sector Index Efficient?(2008) Hamarat, Bahattin; Tufan, EkremTurizm şirketlerinin hisse senetlerini alıp satan yatırımcılar , karar verirken sadece teknik analiz ve temel analizi değil, aynı zamanda Etkin Piyasalar Hipotezi (EPH) anlamında piyasa etkinliğini de göz önüne almalıdırlar. Etkin olmayan bir piyasada, yatırımcılar aktif alım satım stratejilerinden yararlanarak piyasa getirisi üzerinde getiri elde edebilirler. Literatürde EPH’ ne karşı, Haftanın Günleri Etkisi, Ocak Ayı Etkisi, Hava Durumu Etkisi gibi çok sayıda kanıt sunulmuştur. Bu yüzden, Haftanın Günleri Etkisi anomalisi finansta önemli bir yere sahiptir. Haftanın Günleri Etkisi anomalisini konu edinen araştırmacılar , bir yatırım döneminde Pazartesi günlerinin getirilerinin haftanın diğer günlerine göre daha düşük olduğu sonucu bulmuşlardır. Bu çalışma, Türk Turizm Sektör Endeksi’nin (TI), EPH bağlamında etkin olup, olmadığını araştırmaktadır. Özet olarak, ilgili dönemde Turizm Sektör Endeksi’nde haftanın günleri anomalisi gözlemlenirken, ay etkisi gözlenmemektedir. Çalışma, Türk Turizm Sektör Endeksi’nin zayıf tipte etkin olmadığı yönünde kanıt sunmaktadır.Öğe Mental accounting and sunk cost biases: A social experiment with a food and beverage experience(Emerald Publishing, 2024) Tufan, Ekrem; Aycan, Merve; Hamarat, BahattinIntroduction: When people need to take decisions, being economic decisions or otherwise, their decisions tend to rely on information the brain has already processed, and this includes the resources that the person has already invested. This is called sunk cost bias in the behavioural economics literature. On the other hand, mental practices could lead to the mental accounting bias, where people allocate a different value to a fixed amount of money, depending on circumstances. Purpose: In this chapter, both biases mental accounting and sunk cost are investigated for the tourism industry in Turkey. Methodology: The topic is researched through scenario-based questions and the Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID) method is applied. Findings: As a result, it could be reported that people, regardless of gender, fall into sunk cost and mental accounting biases in decisions relating to their vacations. Mental accounting biases can be primarily explained using the scenario questions posed rather than gender, education, and income while sunk cost bias is explained by status, 'being s university student' and 'income level'. Practical implications: Rapid price changes in the tourism industry can disturb consumers who are mental accounting and sunk cost biased. So, they can change their holiday preferences or be dissatisfied with it and give negative feedback. © 2024 by Ekrem Tufan, Merve Aycan and Bahattin Hamarat.Öğe Relations Between the Great War and Wheat Prices: An Analysis from the Ottoman Empire Perspective(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2021) Tufan, Ekrem; Savaş, Türker; Atabay, MithatIntroduction: It is commonly observed that the ratio of food prices during the war times had become significantly more important than usual periods within the countries including Turkey, known as the Ottoman Empire that previously defeated in Balkans just before the Great World War. The scope of the study is to analyze increased or decreased wheat prices together with price fluctuations during the war period. Aim: This study investigates the food pricing progress during The Great World War and its relationship with wheat prices. Method: A model for the behavior of time series is applied to compare the important days of the war data against the timeline of wheat prices for British, German, and French. The statistical test named Holt-Winters uses exponential smoothing technique to encode the various values from the past and predicts “typical” values for the present and the future. Findings: As a result, it can be said that wheat prices had anomaly patterns during the specific dates in war for French, British, and German sides. Great Britain’s wheat prices increased significantly on April 1915 when landings began on the Gallipoli Peninsula. Wheat prices in Great Britain and Germany dropped significantly just before on July 1916 when the first Battle of the Somme began. However, it increased in Great Britain whilst decreased considerably in Germany in March 1918 when the Soviet Government signed a separate peace agreement with the Central Powers. A significant increase for France was observed only at the end of this war.Öğe Sand in My Eyes Fled Effect: An Evidence from Saudi Arabia(Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2018) Tufan, Ekrem; Hamarat, Bahattin; Türkeş, Murat; Al-Zahrani, Ahmed AbdullahPsychological, cultural, religious and environmental factors affect human decisions and sometimes cause irrational behaviours. Even this is a common truth, traditional economics claims human is rational and many economic theories based on this idea. Behavioural Finance and Behavioural Economics go against this main assertion and postulates human has bounded rationality. This study investigates influences of the daily weather conditions such as mean and maximum air temperatures, mean and maximum air humidity values and Apparent Temperature Index (ATI) on Riyadh Stock Exchange. Granger Causality Modelhas been applied to these data, and found that daily mean water vapour pressure and daily maximum air temperature variables of the daily weather have affected the Riyad Stock Exchange returns. © 2018, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.Öğe Some Cognitive Biases and Happiness(Filodiritto Publisher, 2017) Tufan, Ekrem; Hamarat, Bahattin; Bertecene, Betul; Pekoguz, Selen; Eryucel, Ozge; Engin, Burcu; Yilmaz, Dilara CansuIn this research, we try to give evidence two biases namely Availability and Reference Point Effect and their relation with happiness. In addition to these aims we have also investigated good and bad memories duration about hotel service. We have created a questionnaire and applied 150 people. We strongly give evidence about availability and Reference Point Effect biases. Interestingly neither happy nor unhappy people have biased decisions more than happy and unhappy people and regarding cognitive biases as availability and Reference Point Effect, there is no significant difference between happy and unhappy (depressed) peoples' decisions. It has been also found that happy memory has long effect than bad memory. People do not forget good experiences for hotel services for longer terms such as one or two years. Bad experiences seem to be forgotten in long terms.Öğe To Be Green or Not: A Survey Based on 3, 4 and 5 Stars Hotels in Canakkale City Center(Univ Presov, 2010) Dilek, S. Emre; Tufan, EkremNowadays, companies no matter what industry realize that they can not sustain their companies life without having environmental sensitivity. For instance, the largest food company in Germany Hipp which produces baby foods, % 70 of inputs are ecological. Moreover, the biggest grocery store group in England Tesco sell green products in 145 of their 600 stores (Ekinci;2007;76). Also, international accommodation companies in service industry such Four Seasons, Best Western, Ibis Hotels protect to environment thanks to using renewable energy resources. Besides they also save to money in their business activities. So companies suppose to consider environment effects of their activities and add them to their strategic plans. That kind of environment activities and marketing strategy that to take note of environment implications are called 'green marketing'. Defined as environmentally-sensitive marketing, green marketing is applied as a green hotel by accommodation establishments, and as a result of this application, hotels are entitled to be awarded a green star certificate. While those international hotel establishments which have become a brand are carrying out important activities with respect to the green hotel practice, it might be stated that hotels in Turkey are at the beginning level concerning sensitivity to the environment. In the study, the literature on subject was examined and focused on green practices of 3,4 and 5 stars hotels in Canakkale city center. Indeed, their attitudes and perceptions were tried to determine with deeply interview method.Öğe Uğursuz Sayılar Etkisi(2009) Tufan, Ekrem; Hamarat, BahattinTemel ekonomi kuramları, insanların akılcı davrandıklarını ve belirsizlik koşullarında tercih yapmak durumunda kaldıklarında, kendileri için en mantıklı ve en çok yararı sağlayacak seçenekleri tercih ettiklerini varsaymaktadır. Yazında, bu kuramlara karşı çok sayıda kanıt sunulmuştur. Özellikle, psikoloji profesörü Daniel Kahneman’nın insanların çoğu zaman akılcı değil, sezgisel davrandıklarını kanıtlayan çalışmaları önemlidir. İnsan psikolojisini etkileyen, 13 sayısının uğursuzluğuna olan inanç gibi bazı batıl inançların borsadaki yatırımları etkileyebileceği düşünülebilir. Çalışmada, 13 sayısının uğursuzluğuna inanan Romen ve Türk yatırımcılarının alım satım stratejilerini buna göre belirleyip belirlemedikleri araştırılmış ve her iki borsa için de uğursuz sayı etkisinin görülmediği sonucu bulunmuştur. Türkiye için bulunan uğursuz sayı etkisi tamamen tesadüfî bir sonuçtur.Öğe Who wants to be a millionaire? A behavioral economy analysis(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2019) Tufan, Ekrem; Engin, Burcu; İmer, Yonca; Aycan, MerveIn this chapter, the authors studied cognitive biases such as certainty effect, isolating effect, and overconfidence effect in the Turkish version of “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” TV show. The research was carried out by watching the show during different dates between September 2013 and April 2015 and filling in a questionnaire, which consists of 25 questions. A total of 408 contestants were observed and evidence was found for both certainty and isolation effects. © 2019 by Emerald Publishing Limited All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.Öğe Who Would Like to be a Millionaire: Isolation and Certainty Effect(Filodiritto Publisher, 2017) Tufan, Ekrem; Engin, Burcu; Imer, Yonca; Aycan, MerveIn this paper, it has been searched some cognitive biases such as certainty effect, isolating effect and overconfidence at Turkish version of who would like to be a millionaire tv show. Research duration covers different dates between September 2013 and April 2015 and during this period it has been watched the shows and filled a questionnaire which consists of 25 questions. It has been observed 408 contestants. We have found evidence for both certainty and isolation effects.Öğe Yatırımcılar Hava Koşullarından Etkilenir mi: İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası'ndan Bir Kanıt(2006) Tufan, Ekrem; Hamarat, BahattinHisse senedi borsalarında görülen piyasa anormallikleri, yatırımcıların psikolojileri ve diğer faktörlerden etkilenerek oluşturulan alım-satım stratejileriyle yakından ilgilidir. Aslında, bazı hava koşulları yatırımcının performansını ve ruhsal durumunu, dolayısıyla piyasada oluşan fiyatları etkilemektedir. Bu çalışma bulutlu, yağmurlu ve karlı günlerin İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası 100 Endeksi (İMKB 100) üzerindeki etkisini ve farklı bir yaklaşımla zayıf tipte piyasa etkinliğini araştırmaktadır. Araştırma sonucunda, yağmurlu ve bulutlu günlerin İMKB 100 Endeksi üzerinde etkili olmadığı ancak, karlı günlerin etkili olduğu bulunmuştur. Bu sonuç aynı zamanda, Türk menkul kıymet borsasının zayıf tipte etkin olmadığı yönünde bir kanıt da oluşturmaktadır.Öğe Yeşil Bankacılık ve Yeşil Krediler: Antalya'daki 4-5 Yıldızlı Otel İşletmelerinin Bakış Açıları Üzerine Bir Araştırma(2015) Guler, Ozan; Tufan, EkremDoğal çevre ve kaynakları koruyan yatırımların desteklenmesi için ayrılan özellikli kaynaklardan biri olan yeşilkredilere otel işletmelerinin bakış açılarının araştırıldığı bu çalışmada, amaçlı örnekleme tekniği kullanılarak 142finans müdüründen anket formu aracılığıyla veri toplanmıştır. İşletmelerin yeşil yatırımlardan bekledikleri getirileriaraştıran nitel çalışmalardan yararlanılarak geliştirilen 16 performans göstergesinin, otellerin mevcut ve yeşil kredikullanma durumlarına göre değişimi araştırılmıştır. Temel istatistiklerin yanı sıra, araştırmada eşleştirilmiş t-Testi,açımlayıcı faktör analizi ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, katılımcılarınmevcut durumda sosyal , ekonomik ve maliyet kontrolü faktörleri altında algıladıkları performans gösterge- lerini, yeşil kredi kullanmaları durumda sosyal ve ekonomik ve maliyet kontrol olarak iki faktör altında algıla- dıkları anlaşılmıştır. Ayrıca, yeşil kredi kullanma durumunda en olumlu performans değişiminin rekabet avantajıelde etme , maliyet kontrolü ve sosyal itibar göstergelerinde gerçekleştiği buna karşın kurumsal ekonomikitibar ve borçları ödeme gücü nün yeşil kredi kullanma durumuna göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değişiklikgöstermediği ortaya çıkmıştır.