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Öğe A long-term multi-parametric monitoring study: Indoor air quality (IAQ) and the sources of the pollutants, prevalence of sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms, and respiratory health indicators(Turkish Natl Committee Air Pollution Res & Control-Tuncap, 2020) Mentese, Sibel; Mirici, Nihal Arzu; Elbir, Tolga; Palaz, Elif; Mumcuoglu, Deniz Tasdibi; Cotuker, Osman; Bakar, CoskunPoor indoor air quality (IAQ) can cause several respiratory diseases and symptoms. In this study, IAQ of 121 homes located in 3 different towns of Canakkale, Turkey was monitored throughout a year. Target air pollutants were particulate matter, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), bioaerosols, and Carbon dioxide (CO2), as well as air temperature and humidity. Moreover, pulmonary functions of the occupants were measured on a monthly basis. Also, occurrence of sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms and other health related data were gathered from the occupants by a detailed questionnaire. The SBS is a situation related to indoor air pollution in which the occupants of a building experience health or comfort related adverse effects that appear to be associated directly to the time spent in the sick building. Results of this study showed that the highest indoor air pollutant levels were observed in Can town and the lowest levels were observed in Central town. Indoor levels of bioaerosols, particulate matter, benzene, Cladosporium spp., and Penicillium spp. as well as pulmonary functions of the occupants showed statistically significant differences between the locations of the homes (p < 0.001). Factor analysis implied that both indoor and outdoor originated sources contributed to IAQ. Even though the predominant SBS symptoms varied seasonally and spatially among the study sites, fatigue, cold-flu like symptoms, and difficulty in concentration occurred frequently. Correlations were found among the occurrence of SBS symptoms, measured IAQ parameters, and personal factors (p < 0.05). Performing more studies from the health and IAQ points of view improve public awareness.Öğe Association between respiratory health and indoor air pollution exposure in Canakkale, Turkey(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2015) Mentese, Sibel; Mirici, Nihal A.; Otkun, Muserref T.; Bakar, Coskun; Palaz, Elif; Tasdibi, Deniz; Cevizci, SibelIndoor air quality (IAQ) measurements were conducted in three different towns (i.e. Centre, Lapseki, and Can) in Canakkale, Turkey (n = 121) throughout the year. All indoor environments were selected randomly among the volunteer participants of a previous health survey. Particulate matter (PM), Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs), Total Bacteria Concentration (TBC), Total Mold Concentration (TMC), and Carbon dioxide (CO2) together with temperature and relative humidity (RH) were measured monthly. Together with IAQ measurements, bronchial hyper-responsiveness indicators such as forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiration volume (FEV1) of the occupants of the homes were measured by monthly Pulmonary Function (PF) test. Furthermore, a comprehensive survey was given to the participants. The measured IAQ parameters showed seasonal and spatial variations (p < 0.05). Among them, the highest levels of TVOC, CO2, and PM were found in the winter, while the highest levels of both TBC and TMC were found in the summer. In general, levels of IAQ parameters and asthma prevalence were the highest in Can (i.e. industrial area). Also, IAQ adversely influenced the respiratory health of participants in Can (p < 0.05). Shortness of breath was the most prominent respiratory symptom. Negative associations between asthma and FEV1/FVC ratio, and between respiratory symptom score (RSS) and FEV1/FVC, support the idea that the PF test can be a good indicator for (early) prognosis of respiratory diseases. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Öğe Associations among exposure to microbial, organic, and inorganic indoor/outdoor air pollution and respiratory problems in different towns of Canakkale, Turkey(Amer Chemical Soc, 2014) Mentese, Sibel; Otkun, Muserref Tatman; Bakar, Coskun; Mirici, Nihal Arzu; Cevizci, Sibel; Tasdibi, Deniz; Palaz, Elif[Anstract Not Available]Öğe Çanakkale İli Hava Kalitesinin Organik, İnorganik ve Mikrobiyolojik Kirlilik Düzeyinin Kronik Solunum Hastalıkları ile İlişkisi(2015) Menteşe, Sibel; Tatman, Müşerref Otkun; Çotuker, Osman; Palaz, Elif; Taşdibi, Deniz; Elbir, Tolga; Arzu, Nihal Mirici[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Comparison of dichloran rose bengal chloramphenicol and Sabouraud dextrose agar with cycloheximide and chloramphenicol for airborne mold sampling(Springer, 2017) Mentese, Sibel; Otkun, Muserref Tatman; Palaz, ElifThe more the mold species isolated on a culture medium, the more the sampling environment is represented accurately. According to the sampling purpose, it is crucial to use the best culture medium for mold. However, no study is available regarding the comparison of dichloran rose bengal chloramphenicol (DRBC) and Sabouraud dextrose agar with cycloheximide and chloramphenicol (SDA-CHX-CHL) culture media in terms of their application for airborne sampling, isolation, and identification of fungi. Airborne mold samples were impacted onto both DRBC and SDA-CHX-CHL, simultaneously using single-stage Andersen sampler. The limit of detection (LOD) value for airborne mold count was 7 CFU m(-3) (1 colony growth on the Petri dish). The total mold counts (TMC) ranged between < 7 and 504 CFU m(-3) (med 56 CFU m(-3)) and < 7 and 1218 CFU m(-3) (med 259 CFU m(-3)), collected on SDA-CHX-CHL and DRBC, respectively. Significantly higher TMC were observed on DRBC than on SDA regardless of the sampling environment (i.e, indoor or outdoor) (p < 0.05). Among the most predominant mold genera, observation frequencies of Penicillium spp. and Aspergillus spp. on both culture media were found to be more than 70%. Observation frequencies of Cladosporium spp., Alternaria spp., and yeast were found to be higher in samples collected on DRBC than those on SDA-CHX-CHL. Finally, DRBC was found to be superior to SDA in terms of both number of colonies and number of genera isolated from the air.Öğe Determination of Culturable Airborne Mold on Dusty Days in an Urban Atmosphere in the Eastern Mediterranean(Springer Nature, 2024) Palaz, Elif; Elbir, Tolga; Menteşe, Sibel; Bayram, Abdurrahman; Kara, MelikRecent studies have demonstrated that the amount of specific airborne mold types and their concentrations increase during dust events. This study investigates the effect of long-range dust transport on airborne mold composition between September 2020 and May 2021 in the urban atmosphere of Izmir, Turkey, a coastal city in the Eastern Mediterranean. A total of 136 airborne mold samples, 107 in non-dusty days and 29 in dusty days, were collected. Two different culture media, Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) and Malt Extract Agar (MEA), were used to enumeration and genus-based identification of the airborne mold. Also, the effects of several meteorological parameters such as wind, air temperature and humidity, as well as particulate matter (PM10) concentrations, on the composition of airborne mold assemblages, were estimated seasonally. To determine the dusty and non-dusty days, several tools such as HYSPLIT Trajectory Model, NASA EOSDIS Worldview, WMO SDS-WAS North Africa-Middle East-Europe (NA-ME-E) and ECMWF CAMS Forecast Model were used. The total mold concentrations on PDA and MEA culture media ranged 49–1400 CFU/m3 and 28–1400 CFU/m3, respectively. Total mold concentrations that determined in PDA or MEA in spring and autumn were significantly higher than those occurred in winter, indicating that seasonal patterns of the meteorological parameters influenced the mold levels and genus prevalence in the region. Some of the mold genera, including Cladosporium sp., Chrysosporium sp., Aspergillus sp., Bipolaris sp., Alternaria sp. and yeasts, were more abundant during dusty days than non-dusty days. The correlation analysis showed a significant relation between airborne mold concentration, wind velocity and air temperature (p??0.05) was only significant in winter. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.Öğe İç Ortam Hava Kalitesinin Solunum Sağlığına Olan Etkisi(2018) Menteşe, Sibel; Mirici, N. Arzu; Bakar, Coşkun; Otkun, Müşerref Tatman; Palaz, Elifİnsanlar hayatlarının büyük bir kısmını kapalı ortamlarda geçirmektedir. Herhangi bir kirletici maddeye maruz kalınan miktar; maruz kalma süresi ve maruz kalınan kirletici dozunun bileşkesi olarak ifade edilir. Bu nedenle iç ortamlarda uzun maruz kalma sürelerince mevcut olan hava kirletici miktarı sağlık etkileri ve risk belirlenmesinde önem arz etmektedir. İç ortamlarda maruz kalınan hava kirleticilerin bir kısmı dış ortamdan havalandırma veya infiltrasyon yolu ile iç ortamlara girerken; geriye kalan kirleticilerin büyük bir kısmı ise çok sayıda farklı kaynaktan (ör: sigara, bina ve dekorasyon malzemeleri, kozmetik ve temizlik ürünleri gibi) iç ortama salınmaktadır. Yapılan araştırmalar iç ortam hava kirliliği ile olumsuz sağlık etkileri arasında bir ilişkinin olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca, Dünya Sağlık Örgütü’nün 2013 yılında yayınladığı raporda iç ortam hava kirliliği kanser nedeni olarak gösterilerek, iç ortam hava kalitesi araştırmalarına öncelik verilmesi salık verilmiştir. Çanakkale ilinin farklı özellikteki ilçelerinde gerçekleştirilen çalışmada organik, inorganik ve biyolojik hava kirleticiler uzun süreli olarak evlerde ölçülmüştür. Ayrıca, ev sakinlerinin solunum fonksiyonları da ölçülmüştür. Son olarak ise, yapılan sağlık anketleri ile ev sakinlerinin hem genel sağlık durumları, hem de solunum sağlığı izlenmiştir. Çalışma merkezlerinde solunum semptomları ile hava kalitesi parametreleri ve solunum fonksiyonları arasında anlamlı ilişki saptanmıştır(p < 0,05). Son olarak, ev sakinlerinin genel sağlık koşulları ile solunum fonksiyonları arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur (p < 0,05).Öğe Mevsimsel değişimin Çanakkale'deki kültüre edilebilir biyoaerosol kompozisyonuna etkisi(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2015) Palaz, Elif; Menteşe, Sibel; Otkun, Müşerrefİç ortam hava kirliliğinde payı yaklaşık %5-34 olan biyoaerosollerin; gerek yapı malzemeleri aracılığıyla, gerekse havalandırma ile dış ortamdan iç ortama geçişi söz konusudur. Bazı mikroorganizma türlerine uzun süreli maruziyet ciddi sağlık problemlerine neden olabilir. İç ortamda bulunan biyoaerosoller; hasta bina sendromu, astım, alerjik rinit, hipersensitif pnömoni, tüberküloz, difteri ve lejyonella hastalığı gibi birçok hastalığa sebep olabilirler. Mevsimsel değişimin biyoaeresol kompozisyonuna etkisinin incelenmesi hem hava kalitesi, hem de insan sağlığı açısından önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada Çanakkale ili Merkez, Lapseki ve Çan ilçelerinde 121 farklı evin iç ve dış ortam havasında toplam bakteri (TBC) ve mantar konsantrasyonları (TMC) saptanmış ve mantarlar cins düzeyinde tanımlanmıştır. Baskın mantar cinsleri ve bunların mevsimsel değişimi incelenmiştir. Çanakkale'de iç ve dış ortam havasındaki biyoaerosol düzeylerinin mekansal, mevsimsel ve meteorolojik faktörlere bağlı olarak farklılık gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Genel olarak TBC ve TMC seviyeleri <10 ile 104 CFU/m3 arasında değişim göstermiştir. Çalışma sonucunda 25 farklı mantar türü tanımlanmış ve iç ortamda baskın olarak gözlenen mantar cinsleri sırasıyla; Cladosporium (%46.19), Penicillium (%32.86) ve Aspergillus (%6.32), dış ortamdaki baskın cinsler ise Cladosporium (%56.53), Penicillium (%8.48) ve maya mantarı (%5.08) olarak bulunmuştur. Tüm iç ortam ölçümleri dikkate alındığında TBC ile TMC arasında pozitif korelasyon olduğu tespit edilmiştir. TBC seviyelerinin genel olarak tüm ölçüm noktalarında yaz döneminde daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. İç ve dış ortamda en yüksek mantar konsantrasyonları Haziran ayında gözlenirken, en düşük mantar konsantrasyonları Temmuz ve Ağustos aylarında görülmüştür. Genel olarak, her üç ölçüm istasyonunda da iç ortamda ölçülen biyoaerosol konsantrasyonları, dış ortamda ölçülen biyoaerosol konsantrasyonlarından daha yüksektir. TBC seviyesinin iç/dış oranının 10 civarında olması, iç ortamlarda önemli bakteri kaynak(lar)ının olduğuna işaret etmektedir.Öğe Seasonal variability of airborne mold concentrations as related to dust in a coastal urban area in the Eastern Mediterranean(Springer Heidelberg, 2023) Palaz, Elif; Mentese, Sibel; Bayram, Abdurrahman; Kara, Melik; Elbir, TolgaRecent studies have demonstrated that the amount of specific airborne mold types and their concentrations increase during dust events. This study investigates the seasonal variation of airborne mold concentrations before, during, and after the dust transport in an eastern Mediterranean coastal area, Izmir city, Turkey. A total of 136 airborne mold samples were collected between September 2020 and May 2021. Two different culture media, namely Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) and Malt-Extract Agar (MEA), were used for enumeration and genus-based identification of the airborne mold. In addition to culture media, the influences of air temperature, relative humidity, and particulate matter equal to or less than 10 mu m (PM10) were also investigated seasonally. The HYSPLIT trajectory model and web-based simulation results were mainly used to determine dusty days. The mean total mold concentrations (TMC) on dusty days (543 Colony Forming Unit (CFU)/m(3) on PDA and 668 CFU/m(3) on MEA) were approximately 2-2.5 times higher than those on non-dusty days (288 CFU/m(3) on PDA and 254 CFU/m(3) on MEA) for both culture media. TMC levels showed seasonal variations (p<0.001), indicating that meteorological parameters influenced mold concentrations and compositions. Some mold genera, including Cladosporium sp., Chrysosporium sp., Aspergillus sp., Bipolaris sp., Alternaria sp., and yeast, were found higher during dusty days than non-dusty days. Thus, dust event impacts levels and types of airborne molds and has implications for regions where long-range dust transport widely occurs.Öğe The effect of different incubation conditions and culture media on airbone bacteria and fungi level(Pamukkale Univ, 2023) Palaz, Elif; Mentese, Sibel; Bayram, Abdurrahman; Kara, Melik; Elbir, TolgaThe choice of culture media used for airborne bacteria and fungi sampling is the most critical factor that quantitatively affects the determination of bacteria and fungi. In this study, simultaneous bacterial and fungal samples were collected in the air of Izmir city center using eight different media types. Bacterial samples were collected on Columbia blood agar (CBA), Chocolate agar (Choc), Tryptone Glucose Yeast Extract Agar (TGEA), Reasoners 2A agar (R2A) and Plate Count Agar (PCA) media, and these samples were conditioned at two different incubation temperatures and periods. The growth of bacteria was followed at 37 C-degrees for 2 days and at 50 C-degrees between 2 and 15 days. Malt-Extract Agar (MEA), Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol (DRBC) and Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) media were used for fungi samples. All fungal samples were incubated at 25 C-degrees for 3-7 days. At the end of the incubation period, the number of colonies and total bacteria and fungi concentrations was determined. The incubation temperature was determined to affect the total bacteria concentrations in other media except for PCA (p>0.05). Cladosporium sp was the most frequently observed genus in fungal samples collected on three media. In terms of colony numbers, the media were sorted as PDA>MEA>DRBC. Among the fungi, the number of colonies of Chrysosporium sp. formed in the MEA medium was approximately ten times higher than in PDA and DRBC. The order of the maximum number of isolated fungi in the media used for the samples collected simultaneously is MEA>DRBC>PDA. This research is the first study to determine the concentrations of stable bacteria and fungi that can withstand extreme conditions (50 C-degrees) under different incubation conditions, as it will guide future airborne microorganism sampling in urban areas with the variety of media and incubation conditions it has examined. In addition, this study is also important because the World Health Organization has invited countries to fight against the threat of Antimicrobial Resistance in recent years.