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Öğe Antioxıdant properties and element levels of two commercial arthrospira strains(International Phycological Society / Taylor and Francis [Commercial Publisher], 2021) Koru, Edis; Yılmaz, Melis; Türker, Gülen; Ak, İlknurThis study aimed to determine the total phenolic, flavonoid contents, mineral contents of Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima, and the effects of extraction solvents on their free radical scavenging activities.Öğe Biochemical compounds of algae: sustainable energy sources for biofuel production(Elsevier, 2022) Ak, İlknur; Koru, Edis; Türker, Gülen; Çankırılıgil, Ekrem Cem; Dereli, Macide GüneşAlgae are rich in proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, minerals, and vitamins. They are currently used intensively as food, food additives, pharmaceuticals, feeds, fertilizers, and cosmetics on a commercial scale. Algal polysaccharides are exclusive products due to their functional properties as dietary fibers and gelling agents. Nowadays, algae are attracting attention as a new and promising third-generation biofuel feedstock. They may be used to produce several kinds of biofuel, including biodiesel, bio-oil, biogas, bioethanol, bio-coal, and biohydrogen. However, biofuel production depends on the chemical composition of algae, which is affected by many factors. Besides being collected from nature, they are also cultured to enrich biochemical composition via aquaculture techniques. This chapter evaluates the biochemical compounds of micro- and macroalgae and the influence of cultivation conditions on those compounds and biofuel production.Öğe Cestode Infection of the Native Brine Shrimp (Artemia parthenogenetica) in Çamaltı Saltpan (İzmir/Türkiye)(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2022) Koru, EdisArtemia sp. populations in saltworks throughout the world have been gaining importance due to their extensive use in aquaculture and their importance as the main prey organism for aquatic birds in hypersaline ecosystems. The genus Artemia sp. is also known as the intermediate host of some cestode species that are associated with flamingos. In this study, Flamingolepis liguloides parasitism was determined in Artemia partenogenetica for the first time in Turkiye. Infected A. parthenogenetica was detected in İzmir Çamaltı saltpans between May-August 2018 and the parasite diagnosis was made. Parasites were detected near the abdomen, thorax and the intestinal tract of A. parthenogenetica. The prevalence of parasites was higher in adult Artemia (63.6%). The presence of F. liguloides in A. parthenogenetica was very high with a frequency of 72.2%. The most abundant and prevalent parasite infection was recorded in July which is the most suitable time of the year with respect to number of flamingos in the area. The results show the prevalence of this parasite infection in A. parthenogenetica, which may be important for both the local Artemia population in the area and the flamingos breeding in Çamaltı saltpans.Öğe EFFECT OF SALINITY ON GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS AND PIGMENT COMPOSITION OF TWO STRAINS OF DUNALIELLA VIRIDIS TEODORESCO: LABORATORY AND OUTDOOR STUDIES(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2012) Ak, Ilknur; Cirik, Semra; Goksan, Tolga; Koru, EdisIn this study, the effect of salt concentration on growth characteristics and pigment accumulation of two strains of Dunaliella viridis Teodoresco (Ayvalik and Dalyan) which were cultured both at the laboratory and outdoor conditions were studied. The highest growth was found at 2M NaCl (1.33 +/- 0.12 d(-1)) for outdoor conditions. The highest cell numbers were observed at Ayvalik strain for both laboratory (8.06 +/- 0.40 x 10(6) cell ml(-1)) and outdoor conditions (5.83 +/- 0.19 x 10(6) cell ml(-1)). The minimum cell numbers determined at 3M NaCl cultures for laboratory experiments while it was found at 1M NaCl for outdoor cultures. It was measured that the cell volume of laboratory cultures (67.6 +/- 14.4 - 198.7 +/- 9.8 mu m(3)) were higher than outdoor cultures (48.7 +/- 9.7 - 110.5 +/- 4.9 mu m(3)). The total chlorophyll (a+b) and carotenoid contents were the highest at laboratory cultures for all salinity concentrations (p<0.05). The total chlorophyll and carotenoid concentration increased with salinity increase at outdoor conditions. In this study, growth rates, cell density and pigment content of two strains of D. viridis (Ayvalik and Dalyan) was determined and compared both under controlled laboratory and outdoor conditions with different salinity regimes. The results showed that the growth parameters and the pigment composition of D. viridis Ayvalik and Dalyan strains were strongly dependent on salinity.Öğe Effect of salinity on growth characteristics and pigment composition of two strains of dunauella viridisteodoresco: Laboratory and outdoor studies(2012) Ak, Iinur; Cink, Semra; Göksan, Tolga; Koru, EdisIn this study, the effect of salt concentration on growth characteristics and pigment accumulation of two strains of Dunaliella viridis Teodoresco (Ayvahk and Dalyan) which were cultured both at the laboratory and outdoor conditions were studied. The highest growth was found at 2M NaCI (1.33±0.12 d -1) for outdoor conditions. The highest cell numbers were observed at Ayvahk strain for both laboratory (8.06±0.40 xl0 6cell ml -1) and outdoor conditions (5.83±0.19 x10 6cell ml -1). The minimum cell numbers determined at 3M NaCl cultures for laboratory experiments while it was found at IM NaCl for outdoor cultures. It was measured that the cell volume of laboratory cultures (67.6±14.4 - 198.7±9.8 ?m 3) were higher than outdoor cultures (48.7±9.7 - 110.5+4.9 ?m 3). The total chlorophyll (a+b) and carotenoid contents were the highest at laboratory cultures for all salinity concentrations (p<0.05). The total chlorophyll and carotenoid concentration increased with salinity increase at outdoor conditions. In this study, growth rates, cell density and pigment content of two strains of D. viridis (Ayvahk and Dalyan) was determined and compared both under controlled laboratory and outdoor conditions with different salinity regimes. The results showed that the growth parameters and the pigment composition of D. viridis Ayvahk and Dalyan strains were strongly dependent on salinity. by psp.Öğe Entansif balık kültüründe Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) papenfuss yetiştiriciliği(2006) Turan, Gamze; Ak, İlknur; Cirik, Semra; Koru, Edis; Başaran, Aslı KaymakçıBu çalışmada, kırmızı alglerden Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss türünün balık üretimi {Sparus aurata, Dicentrarchus labrax) yapılan ağ kafes sistemlerindeki yetiştiricilik yöntemleri araştırılmıştır. Araştırma, İzmir ili Seferihisar (Sığacık) ilçesinde bulunan özel bir ağ kafes işletmesinde 01 Nisan 2002 - 01 Ocak 2003 tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmada, ağ - kafes işletmesinde Gracilaria verrucosa alginin beş farklı yetiştiricilik tekniği denenmiştir. Bunlar; ağ kafeslerin bulunduğu koyda dipte yosun talluslarının doğal substratuma bağlanarak yetiştirilmesi, yosun talluslarının farklı göz açıklığındaki ağların içine konularak yetiştirilmesi, ağ kafeslerin yanında halatlarda yetiştirilmesi, ağ kafeslerin içinde halatlarda yetiştirilmesi ve ağ kafeslerin yanında alg talluslarının fileler içinde yetiştirilmesi şeklinde olmuştur. Deneme süresince 6. verrucosa biyoması ve su parametreleri ölçülmüştür. Çalışmanın sonucunda en iyi gelişim, alglerin filelerin içine konularak yapılan yetiştiricilik yönteminde olduğu ve biyomas ile su sıcaklığı arasında yakın bir ilişkinin varlığı saptanmıştır. En yüksek spesifik büyüme oranı (% 5.82 biyomas/gün) Kasım ve Aralık aylarında ölçülürken, en düşük spesifik büyüme oranı (%-9.95 biyomas/gün) Temmuz ayında ölçülmüştür.Öğe Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss kültürüne farklı ışık yoğunluklarının etkisi(2008) Koru, Edis; Cirik, Sema; Turan, Gamze; Ak, İlknur; Başaran, AslıBu çalışmada, kırmızı alglerden (Rhodophyta) Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss türünün farklı ışık yoğunluklarında 20 litrelik sürekli su akışının sağlandığı tanklarda yetiştiriciliği araştırılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmada, denizden pompalanan su tank sistemlerine getirilerek sürekli akış sağlamıştır. Suyun debisi 1.44 m3. gün -1 olarak ayarlanmıştır. Tanklarda su yüzeyine 12 saat aydınlık, 12 saat karanlık fotoperiyot uygulanmıştır. Aydınlatma esnasında, 1000 ve 3000 lux olmak üzere iki farklı ışık şiddeti uygulanmıştır. Üç aylık deneme süresince (Kasım 2002 – Ocak 2003) tanklardaki su sıcaklığı 8.7-20oC arasında değişmiştir. G. verrucosa biyoması ve su parametreleri düzenli olarak ölçülmüştür. Gelişmeleri düzenli olarak incelenen alglerde algin büyümesine ışık yoğunluğu ve sıcaklığın etki ettiği belirlenirken, uygulanan 1000 ve 3000 lux gibi iki farklı ışık şiddetinin algin büyümesinin 3000 lux ışık şiddetinde daha fazla olduğu ancak her iki ışık şiddeti arasında istatistiksel bir farklılık tespit edilmemiştir.Öğe Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) papenfuss production in intensive fish culture(Ege Univ, 2006) Turan, Gamze; Ak, Ilknur; Cirik, Semra; Koru, Edis; Basaran, Ash KaymakciIn this study, five different culture techniques of a red macro algae Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss at a commercial marine fish farm located in Sigacik Bay (Seferihisar, Izmir) were examined. The experiment was performed between 01 April 2002 and 01 January 2002. Known five different culture techniques of G. verrucosa were applied at the fish cages. These are culturing the algae at bottom by tying the thalli to the natural substratums, culturing the algae at the bottom in different mesh-size net-bags, culturing the algae on the ropes near the fish cages, culturing the algae on the ropes in the fish cages and culturing the algae in the net-bags near the fish cages. During the study biomass values and water quality parameters were measured and recorded. From the result of this study, the best culture technique was determined as culturing the algae in the net-bags near the fish cages. The highest spesific growth rate (5.8%/day) in November and December and the lowest spesific growth rate (-9.9%/day) in July were calculated.Öğe The effects of different light intencities on the Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss Culture(Ege Univ, 2008) Koru, Edis; Cirik, Semra; Turan, Gamze; Ak, Ilknur; Basaran, AsliIn this study, a culture of a red macro algae Gracilaria verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss in the continuous water flow indoor 20 lt tank systems with different light intensities was examined. During the study, continuous water exchange was supplied by a water pump from the sea into the tanks. The water flow was recorded as 1. 44 m(3).day(-1). Daily 12 hrs illumination and 12 hrs dark photo-period cycle was applied above the water surface area in the tanks. During the illumination period, 1000 and 3000 lux light intensities were supplied. During the 3-month study period between November 2002 and January 2003, the water temperature was ranged between 8.7 and 20 degrees C. During the experiement G. verrucosa biomass and water quality parameters were measured and recorded periodically. From the result of study, it was concluded that the light intensity and temperature affected growth of algae, and there was no significant differences recorded between the algal growth measured grown at 1000 lux and 3000 lux light intensities, even algal growth was measured higher at 3000 lux light intensity.