Örgütsel Ustalık ve İnovasyon Performansı İlişkisinde Teknolojik Dinamizmin Rolü
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
İşletmelerin mevcut kaynak ve kabiliyetlerini kullanabilme yeteneğine işaret eden örgütsel ustalık kavramı, farklı stratejik
uygulamalardan birini seçmek yerine birden çok stratejiyi aynı anda uygulayabilmeyi ifade etmektedir. Örgütsel ustalık stratejisi,
işletmelere sağladığı fırsatlar dolayısıyla inovasyon yeteneklerini de artırmaktadır. İşletmelerin birbirinden ayrışmasını ve
inovasyon kabiliyetlerinin çıktı olarak ölçümlenmesini sağlayan inovasyon performansı ise farklı işletme stratejilerinin bir arada
kullanılmasını gerektirmektedir. Bu yaklaşım ışığında bu çalışma, örgütsel ustalık stratejisinin inovasyon performansını artırdığı
temel varsayımına göre temellendirilmiş ve bu varsayımı doğrulamıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre örgütsel ustalıkları yüksek
olan işletmeler, yüksek inovasyon performansı gösterme eğilimindedirler. Bununla birlikte yeni ekonomi koşulları teknoloji
dinamiklerinin hızla değiştiği bir çevre ortamı yaratmaktadır. Teknolojideki hızlı değişime ayak uydurma ve algılama olarak ifade
edilen teknolojik dinamizm, örgütsel ustalık ve inovasyon performansı ilişkisinde moderatör değişken olarak tespit edilmiştir.
Örgütsel ustalık stratejilerini inceleyen çalışmalar yaygın olarak, kavramın örgütsel performansa olumlu etkisini tespit etmiştir. Bu
çalışma ise kavramın inovasyon performansına etkisini ve bu ilişkideki teknolojik dinamizmin rolünü incelemesi dolayısıyla
özgün yapıya sahiptir.
The concept of organizational ambidexterity, which refers to the ability of businesses to use their existing resources and capabilities, express to the ability to implement multiple strategies at the same time instead of choosing one of different strategic applications. The organizational ambidexterity strategy also increases the innovation capabilities due to the opportunities it provides to businesses. Innovation performance, which enables businesses to differentiate from each other and measure their innovation capabilities as output, requires the use of different business strategies together. In light of this approach, this study is based on the basic assumption that organizational ambidexterity strategy improves innovation performance and confirmed this assumption. According to the research findings, businesses with high organizational mastery tend to show high innovation performance. However, new economic conditions create an environmental environment where technology dynamics change rapidly. Technological dynamism, which is expressed as adaptation and perception to rapid changes in technology, was determined as the moderator variable in the relationship between organizational ambidexterity and innovation performance. Studies examining organizational ambidexterity strategies have commonly identified the positive effect of the concept on organizational performance. This study has an original structure as it examines the effect of the concept on innovation performance and the role of technological dynamism in this relationship.
The concept of organizational ambidexterity, which refers to the ability of businesses to use their existing resources and capabilities, express to the ability to implement multiple strategies at the same time instead of choosing one of different strategic applications. The organizational ambidexterity strategy also increases the innovation capabilities due to the opportunities it provides to businesses. Innovation performance, which enables businesses to differentiate from each other and measure their innovation capabilities as output, requires the use of different business strategies together. In light of this approach, this study is based on the basic assumption that organizational ambidexterity strategy improves innovation performance and confirmed this assumption. According to the research findings, businesses with high organizational mastery tend to show high innovation performance. However, new economic conditions create an environmental environment where technology dynamics change rapidly. Technological dynamism, which is expressed as adaptation and perception to rapid changes in technology, was determined as the moderator variable in the relationship between organizational ambidexterity and innovation performance. Studies examining organizational ambidexterity strategies have commonly identified the positive effect of the concept on organizational performance. This study has an original structure as it examines the effect of the concept on innovation performance and the role of technological dynamism in this relationship.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Örgütsel Ustalık, Teknoloji Dinamizmi, İnovasyon Performansı, Organizational ambidexterity, Innovation performance, Technology dynamism
Bilim-Teknoloji-Yenilik Ekosistemi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Aksoy, Y. (2020). Örgütsel Ustalık ve İnovasyon Performansı İlişkisinde Teknolojik Dinamizmin Rolü. Bilim-Teknoloji-Yenilik Ekosistemi Dergisi, 1(1), 11-22.