Ultrasonografik görüntülemede kortikal kemik kalınlığının görüntüleme yeterliliğine olan etkisinin değerlendirilmesi: Bir in-vitro çalışma
Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı ultrasonografide kortikal kemik varlığında kemiğin arkasında görüntü oluşumuna kemik kalınlığının etkisini araştırmaktır. Kortikal kemik varlığında oluşan görüntüde ölçüm yapılabilirliliği ve kortikal kemik varlığında vaskülarizasyonun görüntülenebilme durumu değerlendirildi. Yöntem: Kortikal kemik varlığında ultrasonografide metrik ölçümlerin ve yapay vaskülasrizasyonun değerlendirilmesi için iki farklı düzenek hazırlandı. Birinci düzenekte 10 farklı iğne üzerinde rastgele belirlenmiş uzunluklar işaretlendi ve stopper yerleştirildi. Farklı kemik kalınlıklarına (0.1,0.2,0.3,….2 mm) sahip 20 kemik blok üzerinden iğne ucu ile stopper arası mesafenin ultrasonografik ölçümleri her bir kemik blok için iki gözlemci tarafından ayrı ayrı yapıldı. Sonrasında 2. bir düzenek hazırlanarak kemik blokların üzerinden görüntü alınıp yapay vaskülarizasyonun izlenip izlenmediği var/yok şeklinde kaydedildi. Ayrıca kemik blokların kortikal kısmından küçük parçalar çıkarılarak kütle ve hacimleri hesaplandı ve kemik yoğunlukları belirlendi. Bulgular: İğne ucu uzunluklarının dental kumpas ile ölçülen değerleri altın standart kabul edildiğinde altın standart ile gözlemcilerin ultrasonografideki iğne ucu ölçüm değerleri arasındaki ilişkinin kemik kalınlığı gruplarına göre incelenmesi için spearman korelasyon analizi yapılmıştır. Analiz sonucuna göre gözlemcilerin iğne ucu ultrasonografi ölçüm değerleri ile altın standartlar arasındaki ilişkinin 0.873 ve 0.895 olduğu ve bu ilişki düzeylerinin anlamlı olduğu belirlenmiştir (p<0.01). Kemik kalınlığı artıkça gözlemcilerin ultrasonografi iğne ucu ölçüm değerleri ile altın standartlar arasındaki ilişkinin azaldığı görülmektedir. Sonuç: Ultrasonografi dentoalveoler bölgedeki patolojilerde kortikal kemik varlığında kortikal kemiğin arkasının görüntülenmesinde kullanılabilir. Kortikal kemik varlığında kemik arkasında oluşan görüüntüde ultrasonografide doğru ölçümler yapılabilir ve vaskülarizasyon değerlendirilebilir. Kortikal kemiğin arkasındaki bölgenin görüntüsünün elde edilmesinde kortikal kemik kalınlığı kadar kemik yoğunluğu da etkilidir. Kortikal kemik kalınlığı ve yoğunluğu arttıkça ultrasonografide görüntü elde edilmesi zorlaşır.
Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of bone thickness on the image formation behind the bone in the presence of cortical bone in ultrasonography. The measurability of the image formed in the presence of cortical bone and the state of visualization of vascularization in the presence of cortical bone were evaluated. Methods: In the presence of cortical bone, two different setups were prepared for the evaluation of metric measurements and artificial vascularization in ultrasonography. In the first setup, randomly determined lengths were marked on 10 different needles and the stopper was placed. Ultrasonographic measurements of the distance between the needle tip and the stopper on 20 bone blocks with different bone thicknesses (0.1,0.2,0.3,….2 mm) were made by two observers for each bone block. Afterwards, a second device was prepared and images were taken over the bone blocks and whether artificial vascularization was observed or not was recorded as yes/no. In addition, small pieces were removed from the cortical part of the bone blocks, their mass and volume were calculated, and their bone density was determined. Results: Needle tip lengths are accepted as the altın standard. Spearman correlation analysis was performed to examine the relationship between observers' needle tip evaluation levels according to bone thickness groups. According to the results of the analysis, it was determined that the relationship between the needle tip ultrasonography measurement values of the observers and the altın standards was 0.873 and 0.895, and this relationship level was significant (p<0.01). As the bone thickness increases, it is seen that the relationship between the ultrasonography needle tip measurement values of the observers and the altın standards decreases. Conclusion: Ultrasonography can be used to visualize the back of the cortical bone in the presence of cortical bone in pathologies in the dentoalveolar region. In the presence of cortical bone, accurate measurements can be made in ultrasonography and vascularization can be evaluated in the image formed behind the bone. Bone density is as effective as cortical bone thickness in obtaining the image of the region behind the cortical bone. As cortical bone thickness and density increase, it becomes difficult to obtain images in ultrasonography.
Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of bone thickness on the image formation behind the bone in the presence of cortical bone in ultrasonography. The measurability of the image formed in the presence of cortical bone and the state of visualization of vascularization in the presence of cortical bone were evaluated. Methods: In the presence of cortical bone, two different setups were prepared for the evaluation of metric measurements and artificial vascularization in ultrasonography. In the first setup, randomly determined lengths were marked on 10 different needles and the stopper was placed. Ultrasonographic measurements of the distance between the needle tip and the stopper on 20 bone blocks with different bone thicknesses (0.1,0.2,0.3,….2 mm) were made by two observers for each bone block. Afterwards, a second device was prepared and images were taken over the bone blocks and whether artificial vascularization was observed or not was recorded as yes/no. In addition, small pieces were removed from the cortical part of the bone blocks, their mass and volume were calculated, and their bone density was determined. Results: Needle tip lengths are accepted as the altın standard. Spearman correlation analysis was performed to examine the relationship between observers' needle tip evaluation levels according to bone thickness groups. According to the results of the analysis, it was determined that the relationship between the needle tip ultrasonography measurement values of the observers and the altın standards was 0.873 and 0.895, and this relationship level was significant (p<0.01). As the bone thickness increases, it is seen that the relationship between the ultrasonography needle tip measurement values of the observers and the altın standards decreases. Conclusion: Ultrasonography can be used to visualize the back of the cortical bone in the presence of cortical bone in pathologies in the dentoalveolar region. In the presence of cortical bone, accurate measurements can be made in ultrasonography and vascularization can be evaluated in the image formed behind the bone. Bone density is as effective as cortical bone thickness in obtaining the image of the region behind the cortical bone. As cortical bone thickness and density increase, it becomes difficult to obtain images in ultrasonography.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry