Industry 4.0 During Pandemic
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Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
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Covid-19 salgını tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alırken, bir yandan dünya ekonomisi bir yandan işletmeler hayatta kalmak için
mücadele etmektedir. Üretim sürecinin dijitalleşmesi ve akıllı hale gelmesiyle Endüstri 4.0 endüstrilerin bir gereksinimi olmuştur.
Endüstri 4.0 terimi, ürünlerin yaşam döngüsünün tüm değer zinciri üzerinde yeni bir organizasyon ve kontrol düzeyi olarak
tanımlanan dördüncü sanayi devrimi anlamına gelir ve kişiselleştirilmiş müşteri gereksinimlerine yöneliktir. Endüstri 4.0 vizyoner
olmakla birlikte, nesnelerin interneti, endüstriyel internet, akıllı üretim ve bulut tabanlı üretimi içeren, gerçekçi bir konseptir.
Endüstri 4.0 sürekli iyileştirme sağlamak ve katma değer yaratan faaliyetlere ve israfı önlemeye odaklanmak için üretim sürecinde
işletmelerin sıkı entegrasyonuyla ilgilidir. Bu makalenin amacı, Covid-19 sürecinde, işletmelerin Endüstri 4.0’ın yeni teknolojik
uygulamalarında ortaya çıkan yeni eğilimleri ve akışları incelemektir.
Covid-19 has been a pandemic with a global impact both on the world economy and on the survival of business enterprises. As the production has become digitalized and smarter, Industry 4.0 has also become a necessity for the industries. The term refers to the fourth industrial revolution in which the life cycle of the products has a new organizational and control level on the whole value chain, and it is for personalized customer needs. Industry 4.0 is not only a visionary but also a realistic concept with the introduction of the internet of things, industrial internet, smart manufacturing and cloud-based manufacturing process. Even though Covid-19 has a destructive impact, it also initiated a series of change in digital transformation. Covid-19 rapidly shapes digitalization between the sectors as well as the global business ecosystem, which creates a new opportunity for the digital leaders to discover innovative digital strategies and applications to direct their corporate digital transformation. The purpose of this article is to study the new trends and workflows in business enterprises while carrying out new technological applications of Industry 4.0 during Covid-19 pandemic.
Covid-19 has been a pandemic with a global impact both on the world economy and on the survival of business enterprises. As the production has become digitalized and smarter, Industry 4.0 has also become a necessity for the industries. The term refers to the fourth industrial revolution in which the life cycle of the products has a new organizational and control level on the whole value chain, and it is for personalized customer needs. Industry 4.0 is not only a visionary but also a realistic concept with the introduction of the internet of things, industrial internet, smart manufacturing and cloud-based manufacturing process. Even though Covid-19 has a destructive impact, it also initiated a series of change in digital transformation. Covid-19 rapidly shapes digitalization between the sectors as well as the global business ecosystem, which creates a new opportunity for the digital leaders to discover innovative digital strategies and applications to direct their corporate digital transformation. The purpose of this article is to study the new trends and workflows in business enterprises while carrying out new technological applications of Industry 4.0 during Covid-19 pandemic.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Covid-19, Industry 4.0, Business, Technology, Digitalization, Endüstri 4.0, İşletme, Teknoloji, Dijitalleşme
Bilim-Teknoloji-Yenilik Ekosistemi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Tülin İrge, N., Meriç Yazıcı, A. (2020). Industry 4.0 During Pandemic. Bilim-Teknoloji-Yenilik Ekosistemi Dergisi, 1(1), 1-10.