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  • Öğe
    Chlorophenolic Compounds and Their Transformation Products by the Heterogeneous Fenton Process: A Review
    (John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2021) Kantar, Çetin; Oral, Özlem
    Chlorophenolic compounds are persistent contaminants commonly observed in contaminated soil and groundwater due to their high toxicity and low biodegradability. While the classical homogenous Fenton process suffers from high operating costs and excessive sludge formation, heterogeneous Fenton processes show a viable, cost-effective solution to the oxidative dehalogenation of chlorophenolic compounds due to the use of solid-based catalyst materials with much lower chemical costs and less sludge production. The catalyst materials used in the heterogeneous Fenton degradation of chlorophenols include monometallic iron materials (e.g. Fe oxides/sulfides, zero-valent iron), multimetallic iron composites, and iron catalysts with support material. This chapter covers an extensive review of papers regarding the applicability of heterogeneous Fenton processes to the treatment of chlorophenolic compounds under different operating conditions, including catalyst type, size, and dose, chlorophenol type, pH, H2O2 requirements, and reactor configurations. In addition, reaction intermediate species and their biodegradability are discussed.
  • Öğe
    Airborne bacteria and sick building syndrome (SBS)
    (Elsevier, 2022) Menteşe, Sibel
    Airborne bacteria are found ubiquitously in the environment, and they can induce mild to severe several adverse health effects in human beings. Hence, monitor and control of airborne bacteria is important for protecting the public health as well as occupational health and safety. Particularly with the start of rapid urbanization and tight energy conservation applications in the built environments, frequent complaints raised by the occupants of the buildings describe complex and significant nonspecific symptoms. Those buildings are called “sick, " and the symptoms associated with the occupancy in the “sick” building is called “sick building syndrome” (SBS). The main risk factor of SBS is that the symptoms are more likely associated with time spent in the building. Identification of potential source(s) of SBS requires building walkthrough, occupants’ questionnaires, and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) monitoring. Among many potential source contributors, recent studies found a positive linkage between airborne bacterial composition and SBS.
  • Öğe
    Sono-degradation of Reactive Blue 19 in aqueous solution and synthetic textile industry wastewater by nanoscale zero-valent aluminum
    (Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, 2022) İleri, Burcu; Dogu, İrem
    Reactive dyes, which are commonly used in the textile industry, are toxic and carcinogenic for the ecosystem and human health. The objective of this study was to investigate the removal of Reactive Blue 19 (RB19) from aqueous solution and synthetic textile industry wastewater using nanoscale zero-valent aluminum (nZVAl), ultrasonic bath (US-40 kHz), and combined US/nZVAl through the consideration of varying experimental parameters such as pH, nZVAl dosage, contact time, and initial RB19 dye concentration. The acidic pH value was an effective parameter to degrade RB19. As the nZVAl dosage and contact time increased, the degradation of RB19 dye from aqueous solution and synthetic textile industry wastewater increased using combined US/nZVAl process. A similar result was obtained for RB19 removal with combined US/nZVAl using 0.10 g dosage at 30 min, whereas it was obtained with nZVAl alone using 0.20 g dosage at 60 min. The sono-degradation process activated the nZVAl surface depending on US cavitation effect and shock waves, and increased RB19 dye uptake capacity with a shorter contact time and lower nZVAl dosage. Increasing the initial dye concentration decreased the removal efficiency for RB19. According to the obtained reusability results, nZVAl particles could be reused for four and two consecutive cycles of combined US/nZVAl and nZVAl alone, respectively.
  • Öğe
    Comparison of treatability of four different chlorophenol-containing wastewater by pyrite-Fenton process combined with aerobic biodegradation: Role of sludge acclimation
    (Academic Press, 2021) Kayan, İremsu; Ayman Öz, Nilgün; Kantar, Çetin
    Aerobic biodegradation combined with pyrite-Fenton process was used for the treatment of wastewater containing different chlorophenols (4-CP, 2,3-DCP, 2,4-DCP, 2,4,6-TCP). Fenton degradation using pyrite as the low cost iron catalyst was used as a pre-treatment step to lower the toxicity of CPs prior to aerobic biodegradation. Synthetic wastewater spiked directly with either 100 mg/L CPs or pyrite-Fenton pre-treated CPs was fed to the batch bioreactors inoculated with unacclimated or acclimated activated sludge using glucose as the C-source. The results show that the CP biodegradation under aerobic conditions was highly dependent on the type of CP treated. Except for 2,4-DCP, all other CPs investigated caused severe sludge toxicity, and thus significantly hindered glucose degradation by unacclimated sludge. The CP toxicity decreased in the order of: 2,4,6-TCP > 2,3-DCP > 4-CP > 2,4-DCP. The toxic effect was explained through an interaction of CPs with the lipid fraction of cell membrane. While the pyrite-Fenton pre-treatment improved the COD removal efficiency using unacclimated sludge, the sCOD removal efficiency was still less than the control reactor operated with no CP addition. With sludge acclimation, however, the sCOD removal efficiencies increased, and approached 74% for 2,4-DCP, 61% for 4-CP, 56% for 2,4,6-TCP and 46% for 2,3-DCP, suggesting an enhanced biomass tolerance to CP toxicity. On the other hand, the sludge acclimation combined with pyrite Fenton pre-treatment provided the best bioreactor performance for all CPs with the sCOD removal efficiencies reaching 81% for 2,4,6-TCP, 78% for 2,4-DCP, 73% for 4-CP and 62% for 2,3-DCP. This suggests that the dechlorination of CPs with Fenton process, in conjunction with sludge acclimation, not only reduced the sludge toxicity, but also enhanced the bioavailability of CP-containing wastewater for microorganisms, especially for highly chlorinated toxic CPs such as 2,4,6-TCP. Overall, the findings highlight the need for sludge acclimation for effective treatment of chlorophenol-containing wastewater by a combined pyrite-Fenton and aerobic biodegradation system.
  • Öğe
    Hydrometallurgical recovery of neodymium from spent hard disk magnets: A life cycle perspective
    (Elsevier Ltd, 2021) Karal, Engin; Küçüker, Mehmet Ali; Demirel, Burak; Copty, Nadim K.; Kuchta, Kerstin
    Rare earth elements (REEs) are commercially used in an increasing number of critical or widely popular consumer and industrial products. Neodymium (Nd) element has emerged in recent years as one of the most critical REE, due to risks associated with its security of supply at required amounts. It has been widely reported that end of life (EoL) consumer electrical products contain significant amounts of metals and plastics. Thus, recovery of Nd from magnet scraps, EoL appliances or industrial applications is gaining even more strategic importance nowadays. In this study, an ex-ante life cycle assessment (LCA) of the hydrometallurgical recovery of Nd from waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) was conducted. The hydrometallurgical Nd recovery route consists of pretreatment, chemical leaching and Nd metal precipitation The feasibility and environmental performance of Nd metal recycling experiment model was investigated with an LCA scenario focusing on neodymium-iron-boron (Nd-Fe-B) magnet production. The LCA results were compared to that due to Nd-Fe-B magnet production from bastnäsite/monazite mineral ores using the traditional sintered magnet route. LCA sensitivity analysis and cost analysis were also performed. It was found out that, from both an economical and environmental point of view, magnet production from recovered Nd performed better than that of virgin magnet production. The scaled-up Nd metal recovery system reduced environmental impacts of Nd-Fe-B magnet production system by up to 65% for eight of the eleven environmental impact categories. Nd recycling reduced production cost from 8.55 to 3.98 USD/kg.
  • Öğe
    Heavy Metal and Mineral Composition of Soil, Atmospheric Deposition, and Mosses with Regard to Integrated Pollution Assessment Approach
    (Springer, 2021) Menteşe, Sibel; Tonguç Yayıntaş, Özlem; Baş, Batuhan; İrkin, Latife Ceyda; Yılmaz, Selehattin
    The fact that there are no real borders between the biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere means that environmental pollution monitoring studies should not only include one of the environmental spheres. Thus, integrated environmental pollution assessment studies conducted in the biosphere, lithosphere, and atmosphere promote the “whole system” approach. In this study, the aim was to determine the pollution in the atmosphere, soil, and plants by taking advantage of the high pollution accumulation characteristics of the mosses. Prevailing wind has the potential to distribute pollutants emitted into the air throughout its path. With this regard, soil, mosses, and atmospheric deposition samples were collected in Çanakkale, Turkey, in two seasons. Concentrations of selected elements were measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. The enrichment factor of the selected elements in the soil, moss, and deposition samples was calculated. The highest enrichments were found for Lead in atmospheric deposition, Arsenic in soil, and Mercury in moss samples. Cobalt and chromium accumulated more in mosses than in soil. Elevated arsenic levels found in the samples can pose a great risk for public health and agriculture. The study result showed that the elemental composition of the samples was influenced by the enhanced air plume dispersion of anthropogenic pollution sources along the Northeast-Southwest directions due to wind characteristics in the province. As expected, strong correlations were found among the moss, soil, and atmospheric deposition samples indicating the vital interactions between the environmental components.
  • Öğe
    Influence of pyrite on oxidative treatment of diclofenac with zero-valent iron/H2O2 system coupled with chemical precipitation under controlled and uncontrolled pH conditions
    (Elsevier Ltd, 2024) Oral, Özlem; Kantar, Çetin; Yıldız, İlker
    Batch experiments, combined with surface measurements, were conducted to elucidate the impact of pyrite on diclofenac treatment by zero-valent iron (ZVI)/H2O2 system. In binary systems with ZVI/H2O2, diclofenac removal was limited under controlled-pH conditions due to the agglomeration of ZVI particles and low rate of iron leaching. However, the use of pyrite in batch systems under uncontrolled-pH conditions drastically increased diclofenac removal by the ZVI/H2O2 system due to a significant drop in pH and enhanced iron dissolution. The diclofenac removal by the ternary ZVI/pyrite/H2O2 system could be explained through a combined effect of adsorption, oxidative degradation of diclofenac with hydroxyl radicals (*OH) and chemical precipitation of diclofenac and/or its intermediate species with the iron species dissolved from the ZVI/pyrite particles. While adsorption/chemical precipitation accounted for 75% of diclofenac removal in the initial stage, oxidative degradation achieved the remaining 25% diclofenac removal in the second stage. Surface analyses show that, in systems with diclofenac, the iron species dissolved from ZVI and pyrite particles complexed with diclofenac and/or intermediate species to form some spherical particles. Overall, this study sheds light on the reaction mechanism for the practical application of the ternary ZVI/pyrite/H2O2 system to diclofenac removal.
  • Öğe
    A comparative view to heavy metal pollution in soil and rainwater in Çanakkale, Turkey
    (ACG Publications, 2021) Menteşe, Sibel; Yayıntaş, Özlem Tonguç; Baş, Batuhan; İrkin, Latife Ceyda; Yılmaz, Selehattin
    On Earth, atmosphere interact with crust and thus simultaneously monitoring of environmental pollution in both parts of the environment is important. Soil and rainwater samples were taken in different parts of Çanakkale, Turkey, in two seasons. Study sites laid along with the prevailing wind direction (from NE to SW) as wind has the potential to distribute pollutants emitted into the air throughout its path. The concentrations of selected elements were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Also, physical parameters such as pH, temperature, electrical conductivity of the rainwater and temperature and pH value of the soil samples were measured together with the meteorological parameters. Seasonal differences for the selected elements were insignificant in the soil samples (p>0.05), while some elements showed seasonal variations in the rainwater samples (p[removed] Pb > Mn> Cu> Cd > Ni> Cr in the rainwater samples and Mn > Zn > Cu > Pb > Cr > Ni > Co in the soil samples, respectively. The highest enrichments were found for Pb in the rainwater and As in the soil samples. Elevated As levels occurred in the samples can pose a great risk for public health and agriculture.
  • Öğe
    Treatment of Bilge Water by Fenton Oxidation Followed by Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption
    (MDPI, 2021) Öz, Çiğdem; Çetin, Ender
    Due to its high oil content, the discharge of bilge water from ships is one of the most important pollutants in marine ecosystem. In this research, we investigated the treatment of bilge water for Haydarpasa Waste Collection Plant by Fenton oxidation followed by granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption. We applied the following optimum operational conditions for Fenton oxidation: [Fe2+]: 6 mM; [H2O2 ]: 30 mM; and the ratio of [Fe2+]/[H2O2 ]: 1/5. Adsorption was performed in the effluent sample of Fenton oxidation. The effects of different adsorption periods, adsorbent concentrations, temperature, and pH were examined. Additionally, Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models were applied. We obtained the following optimum operational conditions: 24 h, 2 g of GAC L−1, 20◦C, and pH = 6. We observed an 89.5 ± 1.9% of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal efficiency under these conditions. Data generated from the experiments fit both isotherm models well, though we preferred the Langmuir isotherm model to the Freundlich isotherm model because the former’s regression coefficient (0.90) was larger than that reported for the Freundlich isotherm model (0.78). The potential to treat bilge water by Fenton oxidation followed by granular activated carbon is promising for the Haydarpasa Waste Collection Plant.
  • Öğe
    Assessment of ambient air quality, meteorological parameters, and emission source characteristics of Çanakkale, Turkey
    (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022) Menteşe, Sibel; Selçuk, Burak
    The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of air pollution and meteorological parameters temporally (i.e., annual, seasonal, daily, and diurnal) and spatially in three towns of Çanakkale city, Turkey, with different emission source characteristics (road and marine traffic, industrial, and domestic heating). The levels of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and ozone and meteorological parameters were measured at air quality monitoring stations located at Lapseki, Çan, and Central town between 2013 and 2017. In general, the air pollutants in Lapseki and Central town were below the national air quality limit values. In Central town, particulate matter levels increased over the years (p < 0.001), probably due to the increased load of traffic. In Lapseki, levels of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides increased over the years (p < 0.001) due to the increased number of ferryboat crossings from Lapseki harbor, which also indirectly increased the density of road traffic. Even though air pollutants' levels decreased over the years (p < 0.01) in Çan, particulate matter and sulfur dioxide concentrations were still above the national ambient air quality standards. Therefore, mitigation measures should be focused mainly on Çan. All air pollutants measured at three towns showed seasonal and diurnal variations (p < 0.001), except for PM2.5 levels that occurred in Lapseki (p > 0.05). Furthermore, source apportionments of air quality were explained by correlation analysis and polar plots indicated the contributions of combustion, traffic (road & marine), and accumulation of air pollutants under certain meteorological conditions.
  • Öğe
    Spatial and temporal look at ten-years air quality of Istanbul city
    (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022) Menteşe, Sibel; Ogurtani, Sibel Özgür
    This study is aimed to investigate spatial and seasonal variations of air pollutants in Istanbul between 2007 and 2017. Target air pollutants were carbon monoxide, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and ozone. Air quality data of the city of Istanbul were obtained from 31 continuous air quality monitoring stations located at the Anatolian and the European Sides of the city. Spatial and temporal variations of the air pollutants were assessed by statistical methods (p < 0.05). According to the results of this study, all air pollutants showed seasonal variations and all parameters were found to be higher during the heating periods than other periods (p < 0.05), except for ozone. The annual average values of carbon monoxide, particulate matter with diameter of less than 10 µm, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide (except for nitrogen dioxide levels measured in 2017) concentrations were below the national limit values in all stations between 2007 and 2017. In terms of yearly variation of the air pollutants, carbon monoxide and ozone showed statistically significant increasing trends (p < 0.001). Overall, once ten-years average air quality data were compared with current air quality limit values which was effective since 2019, PM and NO2 may have limit exceedance problems in the next years. Moreover, levels of particulate matter with diameter of less than 2.5 µm were measured at 3 air quality monitoring stations, exceeded both World Health Organization and European Union limit values. Furthermore, positive correlations were found among the air pollutants (p < 0.001).
  • Öğe
    Optimum operational conditions for mixotrophic microalgae growth and nutrient recovery
    (IOP Publishing Ltd, 2021) Çiğdem, Öz; Fletcher, Louise; Camargo-Valero, M.A.
    Microalgae have been presented as microorganisms with great potential to recover nutrient from wastewater. Mixotrophic cultivation of microalgae in nutrient rich wastewater can help eliminating the deficiencies of both phototrophic and heterotrophic growth by allowing the independent optimisation of respiration and photosynthesis processes. Nutrient control and uptake by mixotrophic microalgae can be achieved either in a single or two-stage process using sequential reactors in a continuous flow system. Therefore, this work aims at studying mixotrophic microalgae growth in a two-stage biological process under continuous flow conditions with biomass recycle to recover nutrients from wastewater, considering the effects of different operational conditions (hydraulic retention time (HRT), cell retention time (CRT) and different nitrogen sources). The optimum operational conditions for algal nutrient uptake were identified to be 48 h HRT and 14 d CRT, using a mix of nitrogen sources (Ammonium-N to Nitrate-N ratio of 1:1) with 40.0% and 93.2% of phosphorus of nitrogen recovery in algal biomass, respectively.
  • Öğe
    Microalgal potential for nutrient-energy-wastewater nexus: Innovations, current trends and future directions
    (SAGE Publications, 2021) Panda, Sandeep; Mishra, Srabani; Akçıl, Ata; Küçüker, Mehmet Ali
    Agricultural, domestic and industrial activities contribute in releasing several organic and inorganic substances into the water streams that result in environmental pollution. Biological treatment of industrial and domestic wastewater using Activated Sludge Nutrient Removal (ASNR), the conventional process, is well known; however, it is relatively expensive due to the requirement for high energy inputs. Microalgal applications have been gaining interest as they offer potential cost-effective measures for the treatment of wastewater in the peri-urban and rural areas. Such systems provide an interesting tertiary biological treatment method where valuable biomass is produced with simultaneous uptake of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous with reduction in coliform bacteria, heavy metals, chemical and biochemical oxygen demand (COD & BOD) and the removal/degradation of xenobiotic compounds etc. This paper provides a systematic review on the current microalgal applications (phycoremediation) for wastewater treatment with advanced information on their role towards nutrient recovery and energy (biogas) production under the third generation biorefinery concept. The use of advanced algal pond systems for wastewater treatment including pollutant degradation, microalgal cultivation and employing such facilities for biogas production in view of technology applications is emphasized. This inter-linked network indicating microalgal role into the Nutrient-Energy-Wastewater nexus with future directions and concluding remarks are discussed.
  • Öğe
    Physical carrying capacity of a potential aquaculture site in the Mediterranean: the case of Sigacik Bay, Turkey
    (Springer, 2021) Yigit, Murat; Ergün, Sebahattin; Büyükateş, Yeşim; Ateş, Abdullah Suat; Özdilek, Hasan Göksel
    The aim of the present study was to evaluate physical carrying capacity of a potential cage aquaculture site near a Cittaslow area in the northern part of the Mediterranean (Sigacik Bay, Turkey). Developing tools for timely management of marine aquaculture facilities are important to minimize harmful influences of fish farming. The physical carrying capacity was estimated by mathematical formulations previously developed for the same area, using data of topographical characteristics of the site, production capacities, and leased area information of fish farms in total. Based on the findings of the present study, estimated physical carrying capacity of the potential aquaculture site with a total area of 38.9 ha near the Cittaslow residential area of “Sigacik Bay” was found as 27,694 tons of fish production which is more than 2-fold of the present production level that is around 11,800 tons in the area. Therefore, it might be concluded from a physical point of view that the production level of the present cage farms in Sigacik Bay is below risk levels.
  • Öğe
    Ambient Air Quality and General Health Outcomes in Nigde (Turkey) between 2011 and 2017
    (Tehran University of Medical Sciences, 2021) Ertan, Kara; Özdilek, Hasan Göksel; Kara, Emine Erman; Balcı, Fatih; Mestav, Burcu
    Background: We aimed to provide information for health practitioners and other related people about the association between ambient air quality and adverse health outcomes in the general population of Nigde, a cen-tral Turkish city, within the context of current health data epidemiological evidence. Methods: The present study highlights the connection between health problems and time series of particulate matter (PM10) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) in Nigde, Turkey between 2011 and 2017. Significant morbidity is linked to ambient air pollution, resulting in a significant economic cost to society. Results: We found that the required funds to treat cancers and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease triggered by ambient air pollution in Nigde, exceed 9 million US dollars per year, even when only the city center is taken into account. Conclusion: As Turkish cities grow and urban population density increases, air pollution issues need to be given priority in order to protect the health of the public and support sustainable development for future generations. It is recommended that particulate matter concentration in this urban center should be significantly reduced to minimize health problems.