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  • Öğe
    SelectWave: A graphical user interface for wavelength selection and spectral data analysis
    (Elsevier B.V., 2021) Kahrıman, Fatih; Liland, Kristian Hovde
    Studies on the determination of chemical compounds with different spectroscopy devices have become a hot topic in the scientific literature. A wide variety of programs are used to develop quantitative calibration models via different chemometric techniques in the scientific studies. However, there is a limited number of free and user-friendly software for creating quantitative determination models based on multivariate data analyses. In this study, we aimed to transform functions from R packages, which are widely used in spectral data analysis, into a free application accessible via the web. The application (SelectWave) has four sub-menus including data input, pre-analysis, post-analysis and about tabs. Data for dependent and independent variables should be loaded as calibration and validation sets separately. The pre-analysis tab includes four derivative functions and five pretreatment algorithms for spectral data analysis. Wavelength selection is possible with filter methods Variable Importance on Projections (VIP), Selectivity Ratio (SR), significance Multivariate Correlation (sMC) and minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance (mRMR), and PLS based wrapper methods Interval Partial Least Squares (iPLS), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Iterative Predictor Weighing (IPW) and Uninformative Variable Elimination (UVE) under the post analysis tab. During the data modeling phase, the application provides Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) regression to the user. External validation can be performed using separate test set data. After the modeling process, evaluation statistics can be seen on the screen and automatically saved as a csv file under the user's working directory. The results of the variable selection can be inspected visually in the user interface. The developed application was tested on a personal computer (Intel Core i3, 4 GB RAM, ×64 processor, Microsoft Windows 10 Home) using spectral data from amylopectin analyses of maize flour samples (n ​= ​200) and on a more powerful computer using various data sets. The application is aimed at researchers who want to develop a multivariate quantitative calibration model with data obtained from any spectral device.
  • Öğe
    Discrimination of water stress in pepper using thermography and leaf turgor pressure probe techniques
    (Elsevier B.V., 2021) Çamoğlu, Gökhan; Demirel, Kürşad; Kahrıman, Fatih; Akçal, Arda; Nar, Hakan; Boran, Ahmet; Eroğlu, İlker; Genç, Levent
    The use of technology is spreading rapidly in modern agriculture with remote sensing and sensor technologies becoming more important. The objective of this study is to investigate the possibilities of determining the water stress level and irrigation time in peppers using leaf pressure probes based on turgor pressure and thermography techniques. An experiment consisting of four different irrigation treatments (100%, 75%, 50% and 25%) was conducted in Canakkale province, Turkey in the 2017–2018 summer growing seasons. During this seasons, leaf turgor pressure (Pp) and soil moisture levels were recorded in real time by a remote monitoring system. Thermographic measurements were taken before each irrigation. Data were analyzed using the analysis of variance and regression tree methods. Results show that both Pp and thermal data significantly differed according to water stress. Pp values decreased partially after irrigation and increased until the next irrigation. However, it was observed that it is not enough to decide the irrigation time using results obtained from graphical readings only. Models including meteorological features strengthen the decision-making models. According to the classification and regression tree analysis, it was revealed that there is a potential to separate the treatments, especially in models including thermal indices. Leaf turgor pressure data and thermal indices, which are plant-based monitoring techniques, have the potential to be used in determining irrigation time and distinguishing water stress in the pepper plant. However, there is a need for more studies especially in laboratory conditions, to understand the mechanisms in plants and how environmental conditions affect the responses of Pp probes.
  • Öğe
    Plant-based monitoring techniques to detect yield and physiological responses in water-stressed pepper
    (Elsevier B.V., 2024) Çamoğlu, Gökhan; Demirel, Kürşad; Kahrıman, Fatih; Akçal, Arda; Nar, Hakan
    Today, the use of sensors and imaging techniques, which are used to obtain information about plants and soil in smart irrigation systems, is rapidly becoming widespread. This study aimed to investigate the usability of leaf turgor pressure and thermal images from plant-based monitoring techniques to detect water stress and the irrigation time of pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. “California Wonder”) and to determine their relationship with physiological traits in Canakkale/Türkiye in 2017 and 2018. The four irrigation treatments (100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%) were applied in the experiment. Leaf turgor pressure (Pp), thermal images and physiological measurements were carried out during the growing season. Soil moisture and Pp were monitored in real time by remote. Thermal and physiological measurements were made before each irrigation. As a result of the study, the average evapotranspiration (ETc) was 697 mm, and the yield value was 83.7 t ha−1 under non-stress conditions. Depending on the decrease in ETc, yield values also decreased significantly. Leaf water potential and stomatal conductivity values were statistically different in all irrigation treatments. The change in the activity of catalase (CAT) due to water stress was greater than that of superoxide dismutase (SOD). In this case, it can be said that other physiological traits are more successful than SOD in distinguishing water stress. According to the regression models, significant relationships were determined between both the indices calculated from the thermal images and Pp, yield, and physiological traits. The predictive ability of Pp values has been strengthened with the addition of meteorological properties to the model in general. The highest correlation (R2 =0.63) was between Pp + meteorological properties and CAT. All the regression models between physiological traits and indices calculated from thermal images were statistically significant. The highest R2 values were obtained in August. In this month, the highest correlations were between Crop Water Stress Index (CWSIp) and leaf water potential / stomatal conductivity (R2 =0.91), IGp and stomatal conductivity (R2 =0.80). The predictive power of CWSIp was higher than Stomatal Conductivity Index (IGp). The experiment illustrated that Pp and temperature data, which are plant-based monitoring methods, have the potential to detect water stress in peppers.
  • Öğe
    Effects of Irrigation Levels on Biochemical Traits of Popcorn Kernels
    (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023) Kaplan, Mahmut; Taş, İsmail; Ciftci, Beyza; Varol, İhsan Serkan; Akçura, Sevim
    Popcorn, directly consumed as foodstuff, is among the most popular products. Biochemical quality traits of popcorn may exhibit significant variations based on growing conditions. Number of studies about the irrigation-dependent changes in biochemical traits of popcorn kernels is quite limited. This study was conducted to determine the effects of different irrigation levels (50%, 75%, 100% and 125% of depleted water from the field capacity) on protein characteristics (crude protein and pepsin protein digestibility), starch characteristics (total starch, resistant and non-resistant starch, amylose-amylopectin content), oil and fatty acids and mineral contents of popcorn kernels. Experimental results were assessed through variance and biplot analyses. Irrigation levels had highly significant effects on biochemical traits of popcorn kernels. Irrigations increased kernel protein and starch contents and decreased dietary fiber and amylose contents. Linoleic acid contents increased and oleic acid contents decreased with increasing irrigation levels. The greatest palmitic and stearic acid contents were obtained from I100 treatments. Na and Fe contents increased with increasing irrigation levels. The greatest Mg and Zn contents were obtained from I100 irrigation level and the greatest Ca content was obtained from I75 irrigation level. In present biplots generated for visual assessment of the changes in investigated traits with irrigation levels, oleic acid, amylopectin and dietary fiber contents were placed into the same sector with I50 treatment; Zn, stearic acid, palmitic acid and Mg contents were placed into the same sector with I100 treatment; the other traits were placed into the same sector with I125 treatment. Two principle components (PC1 and PC2) explained 96.55 of total variation indicating significance of investigated traits based on irrigation levels. It was concluded based on present findings that biochemical traits, fatty acid composition and mineral contents of popcorn kernels could be improved through the use of different irrigation levels and irrigation levels should be arranged based on soil conditions to improve quality traits of popcorn kernels.
  • Öğe
    Prediction performance of NIR calibration models developed with different chemometric techniques to predict oil content in a single kernel of maize
    (Elsevier B.V., 2023) Gürbüz, Büşra; Aras, Erkan; Güz, Abdurrahman Muhammed; Kahrıman, Fatih
    Determining the biochemical content of intact seeds without damaging them provides significant advantages in plant breeding programs. Determination of oil content is one of the most tedious analyses at single kernel level among biochemical analyses. Near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy is one of the methods that can be an alternative to biochemical analyses in order to determine the oil content at the single seed level without damaging the sample. The aim of this study was to develop calibration models that will enable the determination of oil content in a single maize kernel by means of NIR spectroscopy and to compare the predictive power of the models developed using different chemometric techniques. A total of 500 seeds from 10 different genotypes that differ from each other in terms of oil content (from 1.11% to 10.9%) were used as experimental material. Spectral data were collected between 8333 and 4166 cm−1 on a desktop NIR device. Prediction models were constructed using partial least squares regression (PLSR) and support vector machines (SVM) methods. The model development process was carried out in the SelectWave (https://bafr.shinyapps.io/SelectWave/) application and models (n = 360) were created to determine oil content at single seed level by using 5 different pretreatments, 4 different derivative options, and 9 different wavelength selection methods. Model robustness was evaluated for the calibration samples (n = 341), external validation samples (n = 98), and test samples (n = 50). The most successful prediction result was obtained from the SVM model with the pretreatment combination of None+SVM+None (RMSECal=0.46, R2Cal=95.11, RPDCal=4.53, RMSEVal=0.78, R2Val=84.50, RPDVal = 2.55, RMSETest=0.83, R2Test=82.59, RPDTest = 2.42). Results showed that oil content in single kernel of maize could be correctly predicted by NIR calibration models based on SVM method coupling with the pretreatment of None+SVM+None combination.
  • Öğe
    Annual changes in biomass amount and feeding potential of shrubby rangelands in maquis formation
    (PeerJ Inc., 2023) Alatürk, Fırat; Gökkuş, Ahmet; Ali, Baboo; Hanoğlu Oral, Hülya
    Background. This study evaluated the extent to which the endemic herbaceous and woody species of shrubby rangelands met the roughage needs of grazing animals throughout the year. Methods. The biomass, botanical composition, and quality of hay were investigated in the shrubby rangelands in Pa,sakoy of the Ayvacik districts in canakkale over the course of a year. Plant samples were taken from the herbaceous species monthly and from the grazing parts of the shrubs in May and November. Results. The total amount of biomass (hay + shrub) in the rangeland was found to be 30.448 kg/ha. Shrubs made up 18.78% of the rangeland, while the annual species comprised 54.96%, and perennial herbs covered 26.26% of the total biomass. Crude protein (CP) ratios of herbaceous species decreased continuously from March (13.58%) to September (6.73%), and then increased. A similar change was also seen in pure ash (PA) ratios. The CP ratios in the shrub species were high in spring and decreased in autumn and there was an irregular variation in PA rates. Oak had the highest PA ratio during the spring, while thuja had the highest ratio in autumn, and Juniperus oxycedrus during the winter months. In herbaceous species, cell wall components (NDF, ADF, and ADL) reached their highest levels in summer and decreased in spring and winter. However, in shrubs, these components varied according to the species and were generally lowest in spring and then increased in autumn and winter. Here, it was determined that year-round grazing is a suitable grazing system in the shrubby rangelands of the Mediterranean zone, and animals are able to find fresh forage in the rangelands due to the presence of shrubs. However, since the contribution of shrubs to the total forage production is low, additional roughage should be provided, except in the spring when the production and quality of hay increase. These practices may contribute to better livestock management.
  • Öğe
    Changes in the essential oil content and composition of pelargonium graveolens l'her with different drying methods
    (CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 2023) Akçura, Sevim; Çakmakcı, Ramazan; Ürüşan, Zeynep
    In this study, the effect of various drying methods (fresh plant, shade-drying, sun-drying, and oven-drying at 30 and 60 °C) on the essential oil (EO) composition of rose-scented geranium were determined. Essential oil samples were extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed byGC and GC-MS systems. The highest EO contents were obtained in the fresh plant (1.98%). followed by shade-drying (1.34 %) and oven-drying at 30 °C (1.20 %). The main components were citronellol (23.99-39.87%). gcraniol (4.15-17.09%). mcnthonc (4.48-8.34%). linalool (1.96-7.42%), P-caryophyllene (2.63-4.32%), geranyl tiglate (0.99-4.52%), citronellyl butyrate (0.53-5.31%) and cis-rose oxide (0.71-3.15%). The diying methods showed a marked impact on the constituents of the EO samples. The results demonstrat¬ed that drying the aerial parts of fresh geranium, and shade-drying and oven-drying at 30 CC were the best optimal methods to obtain the highest oil yield, and citronellol. geraniol, and linalool contents in the oil.
  • Öğe
    Assessment and Principles of Environmentally Sustainable Food and Agriculture Systems
    (MDPI, 2023) Çakmakçı, Ramazan; Salık, Mehmet Ali; Çakmakçı, Songül
    Feeding the world depends on protecting our valuable ecosystems and biodiversity. Currently, increasing public awareness of the problems posed by the current industrialized food system has resulted in increased support for the creative market for economically, socially, and ecologically sustainable food production systems and enhanced demands for variations in agricultural policies and regulations. In food production, the restoration and protection of ecosystems and sustainable food systems must be given priority, which requires a forward-looking rational management strategy and fundamental changes in patterns and practices of economic development, product, and production. Food systems should be redesigned to have a neutral and positive environmental impact, as well as ensure healthy nutrition and food safety, and low environmental impact strategies should become a priority. This review paper aims to discuss, build, guide and evaluate sustainable food systems, principles, and transition strategies such as agroecological, organic, biodynamic, regenerative, urban, and precision agriculture, which are imperative visions for the management of agriculture and food production. To this end, we analyzed the evolution of the established strategies to develop sustainable agriculture and food systems, and we created assessment of key sustainability issues related to food, environment, climate, and rural development priorities and resource use practices.
  • Öğe
    Quality and Nutritional Parameters of Food in Agri-Food Production Systems
    (MDPI, 2023) Çakmakcı, Songül; Çakmakçı, Ramazan
    Organic farming is a production system that avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetic agricultural inputs such as pesticides, growth regulators, highly soluble mineral fertilisers, supplements, preservatives, flavouring, aromatic substances and genetically modified organisms, and their products. This system aims to maintain and increase soil fertility and quality, and relies on systems such as crop rotation, polyculture, intercropping, ecosystem management, covering crops, legumes, organic and bio-fertilisers, mechanical cultivation and biological control methods. The present review summarises and evaluates research comparing the quality of traditionally, organically and conventionally produced foods. In some cases, although the results of the studies contradict each other, organically grown in vegetables, especially berries and fruits are slightly higher dry matter, minerals such as P, Ca, Mg, Fe and Zn, vitamin C, sugars, carotenoids, antioxidant activity, phenolic and flavonoid compounds. In addition, their sensory properties are more pleasant. The nutritional content, quality and safety of organic foods are acceptable if the recent trends are reviewed, tested and verified. Therefore, the aim of this review is to compile, describe and update scientific evidence and data on the quality, safety, bioactive compounds and nutritional and phytochemical quality of foods in traditional and organic fruit, vegetable and cereal production systems.
  • Öğe
    Ranking Districts of canakkale in Terms of Rangeland Quality by Fuzzy MCDM Methods
    (Springer, 2023) Gökkuş, Zeynep; Şentürk, Sevil; Alatürk, Fırat
    Due diligence of rangelands, which are among the renewable energy sources, is very important for improvement projects. In this study, it is proposed to use fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods as a supportive statistical approach in examining rangeland conditions. Among these methods, fuzzy AHP, TOPSIS and VIKOR are explained. Vegetation data of a rangeland condition determination project were examined by these methods. According to the results, the fuzzy MCDM methods provide effective support in determining the rangeland conditions numerically. For this reason, it is recommended to be used in similar studies.
  • Öğe
    Effects of irrigation intervals and irrigation levels on oil content and fatty acid composition of peanut cultivars
    (AcademicPres, 2021) Akçura, Sevim; Taş, İsmail; Kökten, Kağan; Kaplan, Mahmut; Bengü, Aydin S.
    Oil content and fatty acid composition are the most significant quality criteria of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.), and these parameters is greatly influenced by irrigation and fertilization practices. A study was conducted to investigate the effects of irrigation intervals and irrigation levels on oil content and fatty acid composition of peanuts, under sandy soil conditions in two consecutive years, using ‘Halisbey’, ‘NC-7’, and ‘Sultan’ peanut cultivars, commonly grown in Turkey. Irrigation levels were arranged based on total evaporation from Class-A pan, and irrigations were applied through drip lines. Irrigation intervals were set as two and four days, and irrigation levels were set as 50% (I50), 75% (I75), 100% (I100) and 125% (I125) of Class-A pan evaporations. Oil content, unsaturated fatty acids (oleic and linoleic acids), and saturated fatty acids (palmitic, myristic, arachidic, behenic and lignoceric acids) were determined. For oil content, treatments were identified as the most appropriate irrigation for a two-day irrigation interval of all cultivars, I100 for four-day irrigation interval of ‘Halisbey’ and ‘Sultan’ cultivars and I75 for four-day irrigation interval of ‘NC-7’ cultivar. Oleic, linoleic, and palmitic acids were the major fatty acids of peanuts. Cultivars exhibited different variations in these fatty acids based on irrigation intervals and irrigation levels. In general, oleic acid contents decreased, but linoleic and palmitic acid contents increased with increasing irrigation levels. The greatest oleic acid contents were obtained from two and four-day irrigation intervals of I50 treatments in ‘Halisbey’ and ‘NC-7’ cultivars and from two and four-day irrigation intervals of I75 treatments of the second year in ‘Sultan’ cultivar. Present findings revealed that for quality peanut production, both irrigation intervals and irrigation levels should be taken into consideration.
  • Öğe
    Chemical Composition of Essential Oils of Peppermint and Spearmint Dry Leaves and Their Allelopathic Effects on Wheat Species
    (Har Krishan Bhalla and Sons, 2021) Turgut, Tanju; Coskun, Yalçin
    This study was carried out to determine the chemical composition of essential oils of the spearmint and the peppermint dry leaves and their allelopathic effects on seed germination and seedling growth of different wheat species. The ratios of essential oil isolated by hydrodistillation were found to be 2.5 % and 2.0 % (w/w), respectively. The GC/MS analysis revealed that the peppermint essential oil contained 20 compounds, while spearmint essential oil incorporated 17 compounds. The main components in the spearmint essential oil were identified to be carvone (62.9 %) and limonene (8.2 %), while those of the peppermint essential oil was to be menthone (34.5 %) and menthol (41.4 %). The seed germination started to be negatively affected by 0.2 mu L of essential oil and the negative effect increased in parallel with the increase in essential oil dose. The reducing effect of the mint essential oils on seed germination was the lowest for Triticum spelta and the highest for T. aestivum. In the pot trial, the negative effect began to appear with 0.8 mu L of essential oil and increased with the higher doses. The effect of mint essential oils on root lengths and dry weights of single seedlings was the lowest for T. spelta and the highest for T. dicoccum. The estimated field application dose of the peppermint essential oil for the investigated wheat species was determined to be approximately 208 mL da(-1).
  • Öğe
    Ability of near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics to measure the phytic acid content in maize flour
    (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2021) Şerment, Mehmet; Kahrıman, Fatih
    Phytic acid is one of the important biochemical components in maize as in many plant species. Near infrared spectroscopy has a potential for determination of the phytic acid content in the maize grain. However, there are a limited number of studies on the determination of phytic acid in maize. Also, the effect of chemometric methods on the success of near infrared spectroscopy calibration models for phytic acid content has not been investigated sufficiently yet. To fill these gaps, we create a total of 360 different prediction models and evaluate the effect of chemometric methods on prediction robustness. To develop calibration models, 4 derivatives, 5 pretreatments, 9 wavelength selection methods were used, and partial least squares regression and support vector machines regression methods were applied. Model reliability was evaluated by external validation. Results revealed that spectral pretreatment and wavelength selection methods improve model prediction results. In general, support vector machines yielded more successful results than partial least squares models in detecting phytic acid. The best model was the combination of first derivative + standard normal variate + interval partial least squares combined with support vector regression. While creating calibration models for phytic acid detection, it was concluded that the use of appropriate chemometric methods increases the success of the model.
  • Öğe
    Classification of viable/non-viable seeds of specialty maize genotypes using spectral and image data plus morphological features
    (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2022) Yaman, Fatih; Kahrıman, Fatih
    Seed viability is an important consideration for agricultural production. The number of studies on the measurement of seed viability in specialty maize genotypes via new approaches is limited. This study was carried out to determine the viability of the seeds (n = 950) of two specialty maize (high oil and high protein) populations using spectral measurements and imaging techniques. Spectral data from the seed embryos were collected between 1200 and 2400 nm. Image data were taken with 300 dpi resolution. From the collected images, red (R), green (G) and blue (B) [RGB] data were extracted, and morphological features (M) were also determined. Then, the seed samples were separated into two sets and the viability of the samples was determined using two different methods [standard germination (SG) test and triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) test]. Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), and Classification and Regression Tree (CART) methods were used to develop the classification models (n = 36). Classification accuracy of the models was comparable for the SG test (0.56–0.91) and TTC test (0.53–0.85). However, the classification models based on TTC test results had higher sensitivity (0.86–0.99) than specificity values (0.07–0.74), which indicated that the viable seeds were more accurately identified than the non-viable seeds. The RF model, created using the NIR+M dataset, based on the SG test (sensitivity = 0.89, specificity = 0.94, accuracy = 0.91), was most effective for determination of the seed viability of specialty maize genotypes used in this study.
  • Öğe
    Assessment of genetic diversity of Turkish maize landraces for phytic acid and total phenolic contents
    (Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, 2021) Kahrıman, Fatih; Aktaş, Fatma; Pınar, Gülizar; Songur, Umut; Egesel, Cem Ömer
    The breeding studies targeted to develop high yielding varieties in maize have led to a decrease in genetic variation in secondary biochemical components. Local maize landraces are important genetic sources for these components. The objective of this study was to examine the genetic variation for phytic acid and total phenolic compounds within 192 Turkish maize landraces. The plant material was grown during the summer season of 2017 in Çanakkale, with the inclusion of 7 check hybrids. The field trial used an Augmented Experimental Design, with 6 blocks, each one containing 32 landraces and 7 check hybrids. Phytic acid and total phenolics were detected spectrophotometrically in the seeds of landraces propagated by bulk pollination. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and some genetic estimations (coefficients of variation, heritability, genetic advance) were calculated for the observed traits. Results of data analysis suggest that there is a considerable genetic variation among the investigated genetic materials. The phytic acid content was found between 0.82–4.87 mg g-1 and the total phenolic content was between 0.03–1.99%. For both traits, genetic variation in local maize landraces was observed to be wider than check varieties. The promising materials among landraces may have potential use in the future breeding programs for manipulating the levels of phytic acid and phenolic compounds. According to the calculations made for the inheritance of the traits, it was determined that the heritability in phytic acid content was higher (56.2%) than those for the total phenolics. Genetic gain calculations showed that genetic improvement can be achieved by selection for both investigated traits.
  • Öğe
    Effects of environmentally friendly plant growth promoting bacteria on dry matter yield in high elevation rangelands of Turkey
    (Range Management Society of India, 2021) Güllap, Mehmet Kerim; Yıldırım, N. Zeynep; Çomaklı, Binali; Çakmakçı, Ramazan; Kotan, Recep
    This study was carried out on high-elevation rangelands of Erzurum, Turkey between 2011 and 2014 for four-years period. The goal of this study was to determine the effects of plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) on dry matter yield of rangelands. Based on the results of our study, DM yield, resulting from most of the treatments with bacterial strains plus 50% N or 50% N+P fertilizers were higher than treatments of bacterial strains without fertilizers. Although 100% N+P and N fertilizer without bacterial strains produced higher DM yield than check plots and bacteria alone treatments, the treatments that received half of N + P fertilizer with bacteria strains were significantly higher than 100% N and 100% N+100% P fertilizer and the other treatments, except the treatments with Pantoea agglomerans (treatment 18) strain with half doses of N+P. Among the treatments tested, half of N fertilizer with Pseudomonas fluorescens T26 strain gave higher DM yield than in optimum NP fertilizer (10 kg N da-1 + 5 kg P2 O5 da-1) but yield increase was not statistically different. Results of this study showed that applied half of N fertilizer with PGPB may be effective to increase DM yield of rangelands and to reduce chemical fertilizer use. © 2021, Range Management Society of India.
  • Öğe
    Biochemical and bioactive content in fruits of walnut (Juglans Regia L.) genotypes from Turkey
    (Parlar Scientific Publications, 2021) Erdoğan, Ümmügülsüm; Argin, Sanem; Turan, Metin; Çakmakcı, Ramazan; Olgun, Murat
    Walnuts (Juglans regia L.) are a good source of dietary minerals and contain significant amounts of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. In Turkey, walnut orchards are found in the coruh Valley and are generally composed of local varieties. Since chemical and physical properties of walnuts are very important in determining their quality, in this study, nut and kernel characteristics, fatty acid composition and phenolic composition were determined for 26 walnut genotypes collected from the valley. Total fat content was found to be between 53.75% and 71.43%, while the crude protein amount ranged from 10.21% to 20.71%. Total carbohydrates were calculated between 14.31-27.52% and ash content was found to be between 1.64% and 3.32%. The oleic acid content and linoleic acid content ranged from 18.34 to 25.58% and 37.09% to 87.51%, respectively. The linolenic acid content was determined between 5.52% and 11.03%. Our study showed that, differences in phenolic component, crude protein and fatty acid content of walnuts were caused by different growing conditions. Genotypes have a rich and stable structure in terms of fruit quality parameters, minerals, organic acids, phenolic composition, antioxidant and fatty acids amounts and amino acids. In other words, these characteristics did not show much variation in genotypes grown in the Valley. However, there was a great variation in hormone levels among genotypes. In terms of the parameters examined, GN2, GNI, ((NIS, GN24, GN25 and GN26 genotypes were determined as rich and stable genotypes.
  • Öğe
    Prototype near-infrared (NIR) reflectance spectrometer for the analysis of maize flour
    (Taylor and Francis, 2021) Kahrıman, Fatih; Sutal, Aycan; Topçakıl, Musa; Gezer, and Omer
    Near-infrared spectroscopy has been employed for determination of biochemicals in agricultural products. In this study, a prototype near infrared instrument is reported capable of simultaneously determining primary and secondary biochemical compounds in agricultural products using supervised modeling method. Maize flour was used as the material for model development. Calibration models were developed for four primary components (moisture, protein, oil, carbohydrate) and eight secondary compounds (amylose, amylopectin, oleic acid, linoleic acid, tocopherol, carotenoid, lysine, and tryptophan). Support vector machine, which is a supervised modeling method, was utilized to develop models. The graphical user interface of the prototype was developed using the R platform, which provides the user with flexible options for analysis and data management. The results obtained from the models generated with the prototype were compared those obtained from a bench-top near infrared reflectance instrument and reference analyses. The developed prototype was able to make measurements between 900 and 2100 nm with 6 nm resolution and completed each measurement in 60 s. The prototype demonstrated adequate performance in terms of repeatability and yielded comparable results with the bench-top instrument. The best calibration model for the prototype was obtained for carotenoids. This prototype is suitable for the determination of biochemicals in additional products after appropriate prediction models are prepared.
  • Öğe
    Bazı Üzüm Çeşitlerinin Doku Kültürü Yöntemiyle Mikroçoğaltımı Üzerine Bir Araştırma
    (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2020-12-31) Türkmen, Onur Sinan; Balı, Elif Ahsen; Baytekin, Gülhan; Dardeniz, Alper; Şahin, Esra
    Asmanın (Vitis vinifera L.) virüsten arî sağlıklı ve hızlı çoğaltımı, asma fidancılığı yönünden önemlidir. Bu araştırmada, ‘ÇOMÜ Dardanos Yerleşkesi Ziraat Fakültesi Çiftliği Bitkisel Üretim ve Araştırma Birimi’ ‘Sofralık Üzüm Çeşitleri Uygulama ve Araştırma Bağı’nda yer alan ‘Yalova İncisi’ ve ‘Yalova Çekirdeksizi’ üzüm çeşitleri materyal olarak kullanılmıştır. Besi ortamı olarak Murashige Skoog temel besin ortamı kullanılmıştır. Öncelikle, üzüm çeşitleri sterilize edilerek mikroçoğaltımı gerçekleşmiştir. Bu bitkilerden elde edilen eksplantların en iyi geliştiği besi ortamı tespit edilmiştir. Bu amaçla 4 farklı dozda (0,0 mg/L BA, 0,5 mg/L BA, 1,0 mg/L BA ve 2,0 mg/L BA) benzilaminopürin (BA) büyüme düzenleyicisi içeren ortamlar değişken olarak kullanılmıştır. Denemeler üç tekerrürlü olacak şekilde planlanmış ve her ortama 3 adet eksplant yerleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda, her iki üzüm çeşidinde de kök boğazı sürgün sayısı (adet) bakımından en yüksek değerlerin, en yüksek hormon uygulaması olan 2,0 mg/L BA dozu içerikli ortamdan elde edildiği saptanmıştır.
  • Öğe
    Akdeniz (Çanakkale) Meralarının Ot Verimi ve Kalitesi ile Botanik Kompozisyonu ve Bazı Toprak Özellikleri
    (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2015-06-01) Özaslan Parlak, Altıngül; Parlak, Mehmet; Gökkuş, Ahmet; Demiray, Hasan Can
    [No Abstract Available]