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Öğe Cognitive Coaching: Developing Teachers of English as Self-directed Learners(Asia TEFL, 2021) Göker, Süleyman Davut; Göker, Mübeher ÜrünInnovative and leadership-based learning environments proposed by Education 4.0 have created new tasks for teachers to take greater ownership of change to survive in both digital and physical classrooms. These tasks require teachers to increase their cognitive development and teacher sense of efficacy (TSE). Within this context, teachers as self-directed learners with high levels of sense of efficacy and a more efficient cognitive development are the best agents of change in creating innovative learning opportunities for both themselves and learners as demanded by Education 4.0. This single case study based on pre/post test design aims to examine the impact of a cognitive coaching program developed by the researchers on cognitive and TSE development of pre-service EFL (English as a foreign language) teachers in the Turkish EFL context. Overall, the program had a significant impact on TSE development of teacher candidates and coaching skills concerned with their cognitive development, self-directedness, self-modification, and self-reflection.Öğe Müziğin Ruhunu Yansıtan Anlatı Örnekleri: Ravel ve Dünyanın Tüm Sabahları(İstanbul University Press, 2021) Sezgintürk, PınarDuygunun ve tutkunun dili olarak evrensel bir iletişim aracı olan müzik, sanatsal ve yazınsal birçok yapıta esin kaynağı olmuştur. Yazılı yapıtlar, kültürel alanda önemli bir yere sahip olsalar da müzik yapıtları da aynı şekilde ve belki de daha de etkileyici bir şekilde birçok düşünce hareketlerini beslemiş ve anlam inşa etmekte belirleyici olmuştur. Bu çalışmada, yaşamın, yaşamdaki olayların özünü dile getirdiği için müziğin etkisinin diğer sanatlara göre daha güçlü olduğunu savunan Schopenhauer’ın felsefesinden hareketle, sanatın en yüce biçimi sayılan müziğin Jean Echenoz’un Ravel ve Pascal Quignard’ın Dünyanın Tüm Sabahları anlatılarıyla kurduğu güçlü bağ gösterilmeye çalışılacaktır. Müziğin bahsedilen yazarların yazınsal yaratıcılıklarındaki rolüne değindikten sonra müzik sanatıyla varoluşuna anlam yüklemeye çalışan müzisyen-anlatı kişileri aracılığıyla her şeyin idesini gösteren müziğin yazın ile nasıl temsil edildiği gösterilecektir. Müzik üzerine bir söylev geliştiren sözü geçen anlatı örneklerinde müzik sanatı, bir anlatıda basit bir süsleme ya da anlatma biçiminden daha çok anlatıyı meydana getiren unsurlardan biridir. Schopenhauer’ın vurguladığı gibi sözcükler nasıl aklın diliyse, müzik de hissetmenin ve aşkın dilidir. İncelenen yapıtlarda da sözcüklerle ifade edilemeyen acı, yalnızlık, ıstırap, yas, arzu ve özlem izlekleri, müziğin özünde var olan gücü ve etkisi sayesinde anlatılmış ve okurun ruhu ile iletişime geçilmeye çalışılmıştır.Öğe Reflective coaching: Training for development of instructional skills and sense of efficacy of pre-service EFL teachers(Selcuk University, 2021) Ürün Göker, MübeherThe goal of this study was to inquire the impact of the reflective coaching (RC) on development of pre-service EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers' sense of efficacy and instructional skills. The reflective coaching program utilized in this study was developed and adapted by the researcher in 2016 mainly based on the theoretical views and principles of reflection, self-analysis of strengths and weaknesses and the writing of personal statements, and reflective teaching. The research approach used for this study was both quantitative and qualitative and this study is a single case study based on pre/post-test design. To achieve this goal, eight volunteer male and female (one male and seven female) undergraduate students, aged from 21 to 22, attending B.A. program in ELT, Faculty of Education, Cąnakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey participated in the study. For the pre/post-test design of this study, one case study group was formed. The study was conducted between February 11, 2019 and May 17, 2019. During the implementation of the RC program, the researcher also employed an overview of the instructional skills, which represented teaching behaviors desired. Results showed significant differences in favor of the implementation of RC program on development of pre-service EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers' sense of efficacy and instructional skills. The findings are expected to have implications for how reflective coaching can be a means to improve instructional skills and sense of efficacy and recommendations for EFL teachers and curriculum designers will also be made.Öğe Improving second language vocabulary learning and retention by leveraging memory enhancement techniques: A multidomain pedagogical approach(SAGE Publications, Early Access) Karataş, Nur Başak; Özemir, Oya; Lovelett, Jarrett T.; Demir, Bora; Erkol, Kemal; Verissimo, JoaoWe investigated whether learning and retaining vocabulary in a second language (L2) can be improved by leveraging a combination of memory enhancement techniques. Specifically, we tested whether combining retrieval practice, spacing, and related manipulations in a ‘multidomain’ pedagogical approach enhances vocabulary acquisition as compared to a typical learning approach. In a classroom-laboratory design, 48 Turkish university students studying L2 English were trained on 64 English words over 17 days. They were assigned to either a ‘typical’ study regimen of (re)studying the words on the first day (initial study) and last day (cramming) of training, or an ‘optimized’ regimen of retrieval practice (retrieving the words), moreover with feedback, spaced throughout the period, moreover with expanding gaps. The target words were tested before training (pre-test) and one and 11 days afterwards (post-tests). Mixed-effects modeling revealed a training-group by test-session interaction, due to greater improvements from optimized training (a striking 18 percentage-point accuracy increase from pre-test to both post-tests) than typical training (an 8 percentage-point increase). Further analyses showed that the optimized training advantages were mainly driven by high (rather than low) frequency words. Overall, the results suggest that a multidomain approach of combining different memory enhancement techniques can lead to substantial gains in both the learning and retention of L2 words, as compared to a typical study pattern. The findings have implications for L2 learning and pedagogy.Öğe Uncovering EFL Learners’ Perspectives on a Course Integrating Global Issues and Language Learning(Children Research Center, 2021) Balkır, Nalan BayraktarThe fact that our world increasingly faces serious problems including poverty, wars, environmental destruction, climate change, pandemics, gender inequality, hunger, oppression and so on raises the question of the role of foreign language teaching profession in struggling to find solutions to those global issues. This understanding relates to an educational stance called global education which aims to equip learners with the knowledge, skills, and ability to effectively communicate in a foreign language and enable them to be socially conscious of global problems and provide them with the linguistic tools to take action. In this regard, this study aimed to uncover a group of tertiary level EFL learners’ perspectives on a course integrating global issues and language education. To this end, a study with a qualitative design was conducted, and focus group interviews were held with a group of students at a state university in Turkey. The data analysis revealed that the learners’ conceptions of global issues included ones such as poverty, environment, education, and oppression. Furthermore, they had mainly positive opinions about the effects of dealing with global issues in class, primarily referring to expanding their perspectives and improving learning gains. Finally, they made suggestions for textbook content and classroom activities. The results of this study might contribute to the attempts to make global education one of the vital approaches of foreign language education with the hope that the world could turn into a better place.Öğe A Case Study of a Turkish-English Bilingual Child: Focus on the Advantages of Phonological Processing(Children Research Center, 2021) Demir, BoraThis study investigates the phonological awareness of a Turkish monolingual and a Turkish- English bilingual child in Turkish. As a case study, the main focus of this study is to explore whether a bilingual advantage exists in phonological processing. Theories of bilingualism and empirical data led to the prediction that the bilingual participant would perform better than the monolingual participant in tasks involving the segmentation of phonemes. With regard to current literature, four phonemic awareness tasks, namely, final phoneme deletion, initial phoneme deletion, phoneme detection, and phoneme substitution tasks were used to find out the levels of phonological awareness of the participants. The tasks were administered individually to each child and correct answers were calculated by percentages. The analysis of the data showed that bilingual child performed better in final phoneme deletion, initial phoneme deletion, phoneme detection tasks, while both children scored the same in the phoneme substitution task. To conclude, this study provided evidence for the positive effect of bilingualism for phonological language processing.Öğe Prospective English Language Teachers’ Opinions About Community Service Practices(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2019-03-26) Demir, BoraCommunity service applications is a course provided by faculties of education in order to give the prospective teachers the chance to identify social problems related their field, develop project focused on social problems, analyze general needs of the society, become acquainted with public institutions, debate social problems, and develop positive attitude towards participating to community service practices. The aim of this study is to find out prospective language teachers’ teaching experiences and opinions about their community service applications. 20 prospective teachers from an English language teaching department of a state university participated in this qualitative study. The participants were given a semi-structured questionnaire with questions related to their teaching experience at a kindergarten. After 10 weeks and 10 hours of teaching experience the participants’ reports were analyzed according to content analysis approach. The results indicated that most of the participants developed positive attitudes towards teaching in such a public service and reported this activity as inspiring for their future teaching. The study concluded that more importance should be given to community service appliances since it is much helpful for prospective teachers’ teaching experiences and at the same time it provides opportunity for students to identify social related issues and hence develop a bridge between the university and the society