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Öğe Generating a digital elevation model using unmanned aerial system for a deep seated rotational landslide on forest cover and vegetation(Osterreichischer Agrarverlag, 2016) Erenoğlu, Ramazan CüneytLandslides have some effects on the Earth's natural environment. A landslide may change the forest and vegetation borders by releasing downward sediments, forest cover and vegetation. Moreover the diversity of life living in these border areas is adversely affected because of this boundary changing. In addition to the mass movement, heavy rainfall and seismic activity have the important roles to trigger probable landslides prone areas which are to take action. The generation of the current digital elevation model (DEM) is very important immediately after the landslides in order to determine movement direction, character and impacts of the landslide. High resolution DEMs are increasingly generated from photographs acquired with consumer cameras from the unmanned aerial systems (UASs). In this study, we generate DEM reflecting the most current topography of the landslide area on the forestry area, to compare of DEMs from different flight dates and finally with the RTK-GNSS surveys at the landslide borders. In the Biga Peninsula-Turkey, the vegatation is inherently affected by each gravitational mass movement that is one of the major problems endangering the forests. The results showed that the UAS-based DEM generation is higher-accurate in centimeter level, more efficient, faster and lower cost technique with respect to the terrestrial surveys. As a final result, this procedure could be used as a tool for quick determination of vegetation and forestry border changes in landslide areas.Öğe A new approach to outlying data in estimation of vertical total electron content(Univ Osijek, Tech Fac, 2015) Erenoğlu, Ramazan CüneytFor all scientific studies, for processing analytical data the subject of outliers is of critical importance. The accuracy of Total Electron Content (TEC) models obtained from ground based Global Positioning Systems (GPS) data is strongly affected by some factors such as satellite geometry, cut-off angle, ionospheric shell height, quantity of GPS data etc. Probable outliers within the observables have a significant effect on the quality of the estimated TEC modelling. These should be removed from the TEC time series in order to get more reliable results for further process. Although some analytical methods have been developed for the code-outliers, phase-slips and ionosphere disturbances, significant reduction in the number of measurement could adversely affect the quality of the generated TEC values using geometry-free combinations of those. In this study, we proposed a novel approach for outlier detection to be used at geometry-free combinations in estimation of vertical TEC without reducing the number of code observables. Here the GPS data obtained from 22 permanent stations are used to estimate the VTEC on May 14-15, 2005. The research results from the detailed processing clearly show the efficiency of the method. Our research shows that the proposed approach appears to be a fast, effective and objective method to detect outlying effects which cause improper modelling. Moreover the resulting VTEC maps from the new approach differ reliably with respect to the data including outlying observables. Consequently, the proposed method could provide an alternative to outlier rejection in estimation of VTEC, in which outlying observations are retained in geometry-free combinations.Öğe Determining the geochemical characteristics of geothermal resources and generating a geothermal information system of thermal waters in Biga Peninsula, NW Turkey(Amer Chemical Soc, 2013) Şanlıyüksel Yücel, Deniz; Yücel, Ali Mehmet; Karaca, Zeki; Çetiner, Ziya S.; Erenoğlu, Ramazan Cüneyt; Akçay, Özgün; Kamacı, Celal; Çalışkan, HidayetÖğe CORRECTION AND DENSIFICATION OF UAS-BASED PHOTOGRAMMETRIC THERMAL POINT CLOUD(Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh, 2016) Akçay, Özgün; Erenoğlu, Ramazan Cüneyt; Erenoğlu, OyaPhotogrammetric processing algorithms can suffer problems due to either the initial image quality (noise, low radiometric quality, shadows and so on) or to certain surface materials (shiny or textureless objects). This can result in noisy point clouds and/or difficulties in feature extraction. Specifically, dense point clouds which are generated with photogrammetric method using a lightweight thermal camera, are more noisy and sparse than the point clouds of high-resolution digital camera images. In this paper, new method which produces more reliable and dense thermal point cloud using the sparse thermal point cloud and high resolution digital point cloud was considered. Both thermal and digital images were obtained with UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) based lightweight Optris PI 450 and Canon EOS 605D camera images. Thermal and digital point clouds, and orthophotos were produced using photogrammetric methods. Problematic thermal point cloud was transformed to a high density thermal point cloud using image processing methods such as rasterizing, registering, interpolation and filling. The results showed that the obtained thermal point cloud - up to chosen processing parameters - was 87% more densify than the original point cloud. The second improvement was gained at the height accuracy of the thermal point cloud. New densified point cloud has more consistent elevation model while the original thermal point cloud shows serious deviations from the expected surface model.Öğe Application of spectral analysis to determine geothermal anomalies in the Tuzla region, NW Turkey(Springer Heidelberg, 2019) Erenoğlu, Ramazan Cüneyt; Arslan, Niyazi; Erenoğlu, Oya; Arslan, EnisWe used remote sensing data from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite to identify the mineral properties and geothermal anomalies related to hot springs in the Tuzla area, including the fault system with NW-SE trend, which is located southwest of Canakkale, NW Turkey. In the study area, the lithological units of the Tuzla geothermal field and the surrounding area consist of Miocene volcanic (trachyandesite, trachyte, and ignimbrites) and Pliocene sedimentary (conglomerate, sandstone, and mudstone) rocks with siliceous, argillaceous, and ferrous alteration linked to the geothermal fluid. ASTER visible/near-infrared (VNIR), short-wave infrared (SWIR), and TIR bands were analyzed by different approaches in order to highlight hot springs in the study area. From these approaches, band ratios were constructed from ASTER VNIR, SWIR, and TIR bands for obtaining geological properties of the region. The geothermal areas were defined by the minimum noise fraction (MNF) and principal component analysis (PCA) methods that was extracted from 5 thermal infrared (TIR) bands as well. Land surface temperatures (LST) support the results from MNF and PCA that were estimated for 5 TIR bands using the inversion of Planck function method. Four days of data including daytime and nighttime satellite images from ASTER were used for the analysis. The used procedure displayed a good match with the ground reality based on field observations in the Tuzla Region.Öğe Spatial and statistical analysis of burned areas with Landsat-8/9 and Sentinel-2 satellites: 2023 Çanakkale forest fires(Springer, 2024) Bitek, Deniz; Balık Şanlı, Füsun; Erenoğlu, Ramazan CüneytForest fires are one of the most dangerous disasters that threaten the natural environment, life, and diversity worldwide. The frequency of these fires and the size of the impact area have been increasing in recent years. Remote sensing methods are frequently used to detect areas affected by forest fires, to map the burned areas, to follow the course of fires, and to reveal verious statistical data. In this study, forest fires that occurred on 16.07.2023 and 22.08.2023 in & Ccedil;anakkale province were analyzed using Landsat-8/9 and Sentinel-2 satellite images and various remote sensing indices. By using the images before and after the fires, the burned areas were determined and the performance of different indices were compared. The areas affected by fires were revealed using dNBR (Differenced Normalized Burn Ratio), RBR (Relative Burn Ratio), and dNDVI (Differenced Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) indices. The fire-affected areas were calculated as 3,244.41 hectares (ha) and 4,292.37 ha for the July and August fires with Landsat-8/9 images, respectively; and 3,312.08 ha and 4,445.03 ha with Sentinel-2 images, respectively. In addition, the accuracy analysis of the areas calculated using different indices was performed. By comparing the results of the analysis and accuracy assessment, the performances of Landsat-8/9 and Sentinel-2 images were determined. According to the results obtained, the Overall Accuracy values of the areas affected by fires were between 0.76 - 0.89, Kappa statistical values were between 0.52 - 0.78, and the highest value in the calculation of the burned areas was the dNBR index for both Landsat-8/9 and Sentinel-2 images.Öğe A comprehensive evaluation of GNSS- and CORS-based positioning and terrestrial surveying for cadastral surveys(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017) Erenoğlu, Ramazan CüneytMany Global Positioning System/Global Navigation Satellite System (GPS/GNSS) methods are applied to the cadastral survey after the rapid development of satellite-based positioning. These methods are reported to give efficiency, speed and economy compared to the conventional ones. In this study, it is aimed to comprehensively evaluate the most commonly used GPS/GNSS methods for cadastral survey. Furthermore, a median based comparison strategy was developed for the distribution of the results. The research results showed the difference of a few centimeters between the coordinates obtained from the terrestrial and the GPS/GNSS techniques. Furthermore, the developed robust criteria verified the compatibility of the results. It is clear that the GPS/GNSS based methods achieve high accurate output in real time and are well-matched with surveying standards in Turkey. In addition, the robust criteria appear to be a fast, effective and objective method to compare the results, especially for the height component.Öğe Earthquake strategy for sustainable infrastructure in Turkey(Ice Publishing, 2014) Erenoğlu, Ramazan Cüneyt; Erenoğlu, OyaThe magnitude 7.4 Izmit earthquake in north-west Turkey in 1999 resulted in 17 127 deaths, 43 959 injuries and extensive property and infrastructure damage. The event highlighted a national lack of seismic design and construction codes. After recovering from the initial effects of the Izmit earthquake, work started on a national earthquake strategy and action plan by public organisations, institutions, academics and practitioners. This paper provides an overview of the efforts to date to achieve safe, earthquake-resilient and sustainable urban infrastructure in Turkey.Öğe Detecting Configuration Weaknesses in Geodetic Networks(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2011) Hekimoğlu, S.; Erenoğlu, Ramazan Cüneyt; Şanlı, D. U.; Erdoğan, B.In geodetic networks, probable failures in the outlier detection arise not only due to ability of outlier detection methods, but also due to the weakness in the configuration of the networks. The purpose of this paper is to detect this weakness by cross-checking the observations for existing geodetic networks or at design stage. To do it, we introduced the median equations derived from the condition equations among the observations, considering a certain number of outliers to be detected in the network in advance. Firstly the proposed method is applied on a leveling network. Then to apply the new method on all kinds of geodetic networks, a general algorithm has been developed. By using this approach, we can find the controllable or non-controllable observations in view of detecting outliers in an existing network. Thus, the results of the outlier detection methods are confirmed. Moreover, at the design stage of geodetic networks, one can decide whether the network is designed reliably prior to fieldworks. If the network configuration is found to be weak at some part, then it can be improved by adding required observation(s) to the surveying plan.Öğe A New Outlier Detection Method Considering Outliers As Model Errors(Springer, 2015) Hekimoğlu, S.; Erdoğan, Bahattin; Erenoğlu, Ramazan CüneytOutlier detection is an important task for fitting a model to a set of data. Two different outlier detection approaches are given as tests for outliers and robust methods. For these approaches, usually outliers are considered as additive bias terms neglected in the original adjustment model. However, there is another approach that outlier is considered as a model error in the Gauss-Markov model. This model error is represented as an unknown parameter. As it cannot be known before which observation includes outlier; this method is applied on the data for each observation separately and tested with t-test or F-test. It is successful if the sample includes only one outlier. To detect multiple outliers more successfully, in this article, a new outlier detection method is introduced. In this method, all the possible combinations of multiple outliers are considered as model errors and it is accepted that the smallest variance of them gives the solution for a certain number of outliers, then the estimated model errors are detected by comparing with a critical value. The critical value is chosen as 3 sigma(o). To compare the results of the new method, with those of the Least Median of Squares (LMS) and Huber M-estimators, Monte Carlo simulation technique is used for linear regression. The Mean Success Rate is proposed to measure the reliabilities of the methods. We showed that the new method is robust and includes the property of high breakdown point as LMS; and more efficient than LMS.Öğe Assessment of hotspots using sparse autoencoder in industrial zones(Springer, 2019) Arslan, Enis; Erenoğlu, Ramazan CüneytRemote sensing satellite systems can be used to detect industrial zones by means of thermal infrared bands. There are several satellite systems loaded with thermal infrared sensors such as Landsat and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER). In this study, ASTER thermal infrared data were converted to land surface temperature (LST) in order to determine hotspots caused by industrial zones. High LST values surrounded by low LST values are called hotspots here. These hotspots can be determined by applying different methodologies. One of these methods of sparse autoencoder can be used to indicate hotspots using different sizes of hidden layers. The principle of sparse autoencoder depends on unlabeled data in unsupervised learning. It does not need any information about labeled data as in supervised learning. The autoencoder reproduces its output with the same dimensions as the input image by managing the size of the hidden layer. The reconstruction of the image depends on the minimization of a cost function. The size of the hidden layer sets the fitting degree of the function for the reproduced image. A low-order reproduced image is the main target for hotspot detection. In this study, the difference between the original image and the reproduced image was analyzed for hotspot detection. Sparse autoencoder was successfully applied to ASTER thermal band 10 for hotspot detection in 7 pre-defined sites of a region known for steel industry for the two different days.Öğe The effect of jpeg compression in close range photogrammetry(Selcuk Univ Press, 2017) Akçay, Özgün; Erenoğlu, Ramazan Cüneyt; Avşar, Emin ÖzgürDigital photogrammetry, using digital camera images, is an important low-cost engineering method to produce precise three-dimensional model of either an object or the part of the earth depending on the image quality. Photogrammetry which is cheaper and more practical than the new technologies such as LIDAR, has increased point cloud generation capacity during the past decade with contributions of computer vision. Images of new camera technologies needs huge storage space due to larger image file sizes. Moreover, this enormousness increases image process time during extraction, orientation and dense matching. The Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) is one of the most commonly used methods as lossy compression standard for the storage purposes of the oversized image file. Particularly, image compression at different rates causes image deteriorations during the processing period. Therefore, the compression rates affect accuracy of photogrammetric measurements. In this study, the close range images compressed at the different levels were investigated to define the compression effect on photogrammetric results, such as orientation parameters and 3D point cloud. The outcomes of this study show that lower compression ratios are acceptable in photogrammetric process when moderate accuracy is sufficient.Öğe Reliability of GPS/GNSS-based positioning in a forestry environment(Northeast Forestry Univ, 2017) Erenoğlu, Ramazan CüneytThe critical environment is one of the main insufficient to positioning. Geodetic observing systems such as the global positioning system (GPS) and the global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) are routinely used to estimate the contaminating effects by critical environment. In an effort to define the accuracy and reliability of GPS/GNSS positioning, we investigated the data having contaminating effects due to forestry environment. Some reliability criteria and geometric concepts were defined and then examined by them. Two sets of data were collected in open sky and closed canopy separately. The analysis of the observed data was performed using the reliability criteria and geometric concepts. The accuracy and reliability of positioning strongly depended on the canopy ratio and satellite availability. The minimum detectable error on baseline was estimated about 2.5 mm under closed canopy. The number of observable satellites and minimal detectable errors were computed for each epoch. The minimal biases on estimated baselines, bias-to-noise ratios for estimating baseline components and probability of success of the integer ambiguity solution were defined in case of forest canopy. Finally, geometric quality could be achieved using the factors of dilution of precision. Thus, the presented accuracy and reliability concepts fulfill the requirement proposed by the global geodetic observing system in forest environment.Öğe On the performance of GNSS levelling over steep slopes(Univ Federal Parana, Centro Politecnico, 2012) Erenoğlu, Ramazan Cüneyt; Yücel, Mehmet Ali; Pırtı, Atınç; Şanlı, D. UğurIn geodetic applications variety, one of the main current focuses is recently to determine the heights of ground stations with high accuracy. Specially the possibility of acquiring 3D information of the point positioning with high accuracy is opening up new strategies of investigating the heighting. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) for 3D positioning is undergoing rapid developments and GNSS heighting can be an alternative to terrestrial techniques of height measurements. This paper presents a research study on the use of GNSS heighting in the case of steep slopes and multipath issue. Short baseline solution strategies were performed by using Bernese Software v. 5.0. The analysis results are also compared to the results of techniques of the terrestrial levelling. The results show that GNSS can be used as an practical surveying method to the terrestrial levelling with comparable accuracies. Furthermore, one can save up to 1 hour using GNSS instead of geometric levelling over a steep slope of a 100 m. On the other hand, as usual multipath is the primary error source decreasing the efficiency of GNSS, and it has been studied experimentally in this paper.Öğe Biga Yarımadasında Jeodeğerler ve Jeoturizm Potansiyeli(TMMOB Jeoloji Muhendisleri Odasi, 2018) Çalık, Ayten; Kapan, Sevinç; Erenoğlu, Ramazan Cüneyt; Erenoğlu, Oya; Yaşar, Cumali; Ulugergerli, Emin UğurIt is summarized what needs to be done and to be able to utilise three structurally different geological formations within the Canakkale province as geo-parks or geovalue that can attract geologically important and interestingtosocieties. As examples, hot water springs of Tuzla geothermalarea, ancient granite columns of Kestanbolu-Yahya Cavusvillage and opal pit of Yenice village are taken as examples. It is also emphasized that besides the areas highlighted, all other possible areas have their own specific conditions and that ignoring these conditions may cause permanent damages to the area. Earth science museum are also important institutions that will contribute to the discovery and introduction of these fields. As a way of preserving areas that are both scientific and tourist attraction, we have also listed our views on the importance of opening up and exploring to public and the negativity of this activity. According to the first results, while the Tuzla Geothermal field could be used with a few simple arrangements but Kestanbol and Yahya Cavus villages could not be used for the purpose of geotourism with its current state of the fields.Öğe An UAS-assisted multi-sensor approach for 3D modeling and reconstruction of cultural heritage site(Elsevier France-Editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier, 2017) Erenoğlu, Ramazan Cüneyt; Akçay, Özgün; Erenoğlu, OyaUnmanned Aerial System (UAS) has been widely used to produce highly-precise orthomosaics, Digital Surface Models (DSMs), Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) and 3D models in many applications. UAS is also utilized to document cultural heritage sites using low-cost photogrammetric approach. Particularly, possibility of multi-sensor acquisition provides substantial information about both geometric features and material classification. In this study, a novel methodology using multi-sensor data acquisition is proposed in order to extract and to distinguish material features from UAS-based photogrammetry for the cultural heritages. Sensors which are able to collect visible, thermal and infrared radiations of the electromagnetic spectrum were employed to produce 3D model information of Assus Ancient Theater located in Behramkale Village, Canakkale, Turkey. The results showed that the accuracies of the 3D models were obtained as +/- 2-3 cm, +/- 10-15 cm and +/- 5-7 cm for the digital, thermal and multi-spectral camera systems, respectively. Beside the given high-accurate geometric model, the classification outcomes as a result of the spectral analysis revealed material features in an affordable and efficient way. (C) 2017 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.Öğe A new GM-estimate with high breakdown point(Springer, 2013) Hekimoğlu, Şerif; Erenoğlu, Ramazan CüneytThe breakdown point of GM-estimators does not exceed 1/(p+1) where p is dimension of explanatory variables in linear regression. One proposes a new version of the GM-estimation with a high breakdown point (HBGM) to provide high resistance against leverage points and vertical outliers. This paper presents a technique aimed at routinely normalized and robustified Euclidean distance among data points for finding leverage points and gross errors in the x- and y-directions, respectively. In addition, a graphical visualization is simultaneously used to display which points are leverage and gross error. Finally, weights of flagged data points will be decreased to a certain value before applying M-estimator. Since robustification and normalization procedures are completely based on the median estimator with the highest breakdown point, the proposed method has a conditional breakdown point of 50% theoretically. The technique was tested with simulated data and also real data set containing the series of landslide deformation. Tests were performed for linear regression models including different scenarios. Consequently, the experimental results showed that the proposed method reaches up to a 50% of breakdown point. Morever, the HBGM method is less time- consuming in parameter estimation.Öğe Accuracy Assessment of Low Cost UAV Based City Modelling for Urban Planning(Univ Osijek, Tech Fac, 2018) Erenoğlu, Ramazan Cüneyt; Erenoğlu, Oya; Arslan, NiyaziThis paper presents an Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) based 3D city modelling approach to be used in managing and planning urban areas. While the urban growth is rapidly increasing in many places of the world, the conventional techniques do not respond to the changing environment simultaneously. For effective planning, high-resolution remote sensing is a tool for the production of 3D digital city models. In this study, it is aimed at designing the remote sensing by UAV through urban terrain. Using all the information produced from UAV imagery, high-accurate 3D city models are obtained. The analysis of XYZ data of the derived from 3D model using UAV photogrammetry revealed similar products as the terrestrial surveys which are commonly used for the last development plans and city maps. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the UAV-based 3D city modelling. The assessed accuracy of the UAV photogrammetry proved that urban planners can use it as the main tool of data collection for boundary mapping, changes monitoring and topographical surveying instead of GPS/GNSS surveying.Öğe Performance of GPS Stochastic Modeling for Forest Environment(Zagreb Univ, Fac Forestry, 2012) Erenoğlu, Ramazan CüneytThe Global Positioning System (GPS) now makes it possible to define forest boundaries using double differenced carrier phase observables. They are mostly processed with algorithms based on the Least-Squares Estimation (LSE). Although GPS was completely developed for outdoor navigation, sometimes it can be used in near/under tree or building shading. In such a case, before applying the LSE, both the functional and stochastic models should be properly defined in order to obtain reliable positioning. While the functional model for precise GPS positioning is sufficiently well known, realistic stochastic modeling is still a difficult task to accomplish in the case of unfavorable conditions. This paper analyzes the achievable efficiency of the stochastic modeling for the positioning near/under the forest. A static campaign was performed at two surveying sites that have been established near the effect of tree shading. The experiments show the efficiency of stochastic models depending on the forest. It is clear that sigma-e and sigma-A models give optimum solutions for the sites located near the tree canopy. Moreover, weighting procedures based on the C/N0 values can successfully cope with the corruptive effects caused by the tree canopy. As a result, a proper stochastic model for carrier phase observables should be used as an important tool in parameter estimation for handling multipath effect and signal distortion caused by the forest canopy.Öğe Jeoelektrik ve Jeodezik Ölçmelerle Heyelanların Zamansal İzlenmesi Üzerine Bir İnceleme(Jeomorfoloji Derneği, 2019) Yılmaz Turgal, Ayşe; Erenoğlu, Ramazan CüneytBu çalışmada, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Terzioğlu Yerleşkesi yakınındaki bir bölgede meydana gelen aktif heyelanın incelenmesi amacıyla jeodezi ve jeofizik alanlarının ortak çalışması kapsamında arazi çalışması, veri değerlendirme ve modellemegerçekleştirilmiştir. GPS (Küresel Konum Sistemi) teknolojisinin gelişmesiyle uydulardan yayılan ve eş zamanlı olarak alıcılarda top anan kod ve faz ölçümleri y rdımıyla gerçek zamanlı olarak yüksek doğrulukta konum belirlenmenin gerçekleştiği sistemler kullanılmaktadır. Yersel ölçme yöntemlerinin aksine konumlama hızlı, etkin ve ekonomik olarak gerçekleştiğinden yer bilimleri dâhil pek çok alanda yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır.Jeodezik GPS yöntemi ile yeryüzündeki heyelanın hareketi yüksek doğru ukla tanımlanıpjeofizik yöntemlerden elektrik özdirenç yöntemiyle de yeraltında meydana gelen değişim ve kayma yüzeyinin yüzey altı geometrisiincelenerek analiz yapılmış ve heyelanın mekanizması ve etkileri belirlenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında iki aşamalı ölçüm alınm ştır. Ölçümlerin planlanmasında mevsimsel etkiler göz önüne alınmıştır. Ölçü mlerde “Dipole-Dipole” elektrot dizilimi kullanılmış ve heyelanın kayma doğrultusunda bir hat üzerinde ölçüm alınmıştır. Bu ölçümler programlarla desteklenerek yorumlanmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda kampanya tipi gerçekleştirilen ölçümlerden elde edilecek jeodezik ve jeofiziksel modellemelerle heyelan alanının güncel hareketinin yönü ve büyük üğünün yanısıra heyelanın kayma düzleminin konum ve tüm bu parametrelerin ilişkileri ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Yaz başında alınan elektrik özdirenç verileri kısmen yorumlandığında bölgede cm boyutunda kaymalar tespit edilmiş olup, zemin - yüzey ilişkisiyle doğrulanmıştır. Bu çalışmada kullanılan çok elektrotlu DoğruAkım Özdirenç (DAÖ) ölçümlerinin yeraltı litolojisinin tahmin edilmesinde ve kayma düzleminin yerinin tespit edilmesinde faydalı sonuçlar verebileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.