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Öğe Erkeklerin Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Şiddete İlişkin Örtük Çağrışımlarının Demografik Özellikler ve Adil Dünya İnancı Perspektifinden İncelenmesi(Sanat ve Dil Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, 2021) Planalı Özdemir, Gamze; Kıral Uçar, GözdeKadına yönelik şiddet gün geçtikçe daha fazla araştırmanın konusu haline gelmektedir. Fakat bu araştırmalar çoğunlukla açık tutumlar üzerine yoğunlaşmaktadır. Örtük bilişsel yapıya odaklanan çalışmalar ise üç örtük tutumun önemine işaret eder: toplumsal cinsiyete yönelik örtük tutumlar, şiddete yönelik örtük tutumlar ve toplumsal cinsiyet ile şiddet arasındaki örtük çağrışımlar. Bu çalışmada erkeklerin bu örtük tutumlarının yaş, eğitim, çalışma durumu, gelir ve sosyo-ekonomik statüyü içeren demografik özellikleri ve Adil Dünya İnancı (ADİ) ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Örtük tutumları ölçmek için üç adet Örtük Çağrışım Testi (ÖÇT) Türkçeye çevrilerek kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya, yaşları 18 ile 55 arasında değişen 202 erkek katılmıştır (Ort. = 27.96, S = 9.68). Bulgular, toplumsal cinsiyete ve şiddete yönelik örtük tutumların yaş ile ilişkili olduğunu, ancak diğer demografikler ile ilişkili olmadığını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Toplumsal cinsiyet ile şiddet arasındaki örtük çağrışımlar ise demografiklere göre farklılaşmazken, toplumsal cinsiyete yönelik örtük tutumlar ve Genel ADİ ile ilişkili bulunmuştur. Sonuçlar, kadına yönelik şiddetin toplumda normalleşmesi bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir. Kullanılan ÖÇT’lerin Türkiye’deki müdahale programlarına, demografik açıdan çeşitliliğe sahip bu örneklem ile elde edilen bulguların ise ilgili yazına katkı sağlayabileceği düşünülmektedir.Öğe Social dominance, hostile sexism and justifications: Examining attitudes towards wife abuse among Turkish men(Elsevier Ltd, 2021) Kıral Uçar, Gözde; Özdemir, GamzeThis study aims to determine the process through which social dominance orientation (SDO) tends to increase positive attitudes towards physical wife abuse among men. 211 adult men (aged between 18 and 65 years; Mage = 28.91; SD = 10.50) with different levels of education and various professions (e.g., students, teachers, engineers, doctors, workers, police officers) participated in the study. Measures of attitudes towards physical wife abuse and participants' levels of SDO, justifications and ambivalent sexism were assessed. Results revealed that, when controlled for age, education and economic level, SDO predicted positive attitudes towards physical wife abuse via both hostile sexism and justifications of physical wife abuse. That is, men who desire male dominance over women support sexist practices by accepting legitimizing myths that justify the inequality and hierarchy. Implications are discussed.Öğe Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Anger Management in Juvenile Delinquents: Effectiveness Study in a Turkey Child Prison(SAGE Publications Inc., 2023) Yalçın, Melikenaz; Arıtürk, Seda; Görgü Akçay, Nimet Serap; Tekinsav Sütçü, SerapThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral group therapy (CBGT) for anger management in Juvenile Delinquents. The therapy program consisted of eight sessions including relaxation, self-instruction, cognitive restructuring, and assertiveness training techniques. The therapy program has been conducted for juvenile delinquents in one of the juvenile prisons in Turkey. Sixty juvenile delinquents, aged between 14 and 18, who met the inclusion criteria (treatment = 30, control = 30), were included at the beginning of the study. To evaluate the effectiveness of the program, State Trait Anger and Expression Inventory (STAXI), and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) were administered as pre-test. At the end of the therapy program, final analysis was conducted on 35 participants (20 therapy group, 15 control group) due to participants dropout. Mixed ANOVA was conducted to examine the time (pre-test and post-test) and group effects (therapy and control group). Results showed that the participants in the therapy group showed a significant decrease in trait anger and anger expression scores, both subscales of STAXI and in the hostility subscale of BSI; a statistically significant increase in the anger control scores of the subscale of STAXI when compared to the control group. In conclusion, this culturally attuned CBGT for anger management may be applicable for Juvenile Delinquents in Turkey.Öğe Anti-refugee attitudes towards Syrian people living in Turkey: Culture dimensions and motivational personal dispositions(Elsevier Ltd, 2023) Özdemir, Fatih; Kaynak Malatyalı, Meryem; Sakallı, NuraySyria experienced a civil war that resulted in more than 3.6 million registered Syrian refugees seeking asylum in Turkey as of October 2022. This sociodemographic change has led to tensions between the local population living in Turkey and Syrian refugees, resulting in a social environment characterized by anti-refugee attitudes and intergroup conflicts. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the internalization of Hofstede's culture dimensions by individuals and anti-refugee attitudes and to test the mediating roles of needs for cognition and recognition in this relationship. The sample consisted of 439 (295 women and 144 men) Turkish university students aged between 18 and 31 years (M = 21.47, SD = 2.36). According to the main results, (i) internalization of culture dimensions of long-term orientation, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance predicts the likelihood of endorsing anti-refugee attitudes towards Syrian people living in Turkey and (ii) the need for recognition associated with impression-motivated heuristic thinking mediates the relationship between internalization of culture dimensions of masculinity, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance and anti-refugee attitudes. The results can be addressed by interested parties to reduce negative attitudes of the local population and facilitate the process of refugees' adaptation and sustainable integration into society.Öğe Hostile Sexism and Gender System Justification Predict Greater Support for Girl Child Marriage in Turkey(Springer, 2023) Kaynak, Bağdat Deniz; Kaynak Malatyalı, Meryem; Hasta, DeryaThe current study examines whether individual differences in the endorsement of hostile and benevolently sexist ideology predict attitudes toward girl child marriages in Turkey and whether the motivation to justify the gender system mediates these associations. Four hundred forty-seven participants responded to scales measuring attitudes toward girl child marriages, gender-specific system justification, and ambivalent sexism. Hypotheses were tested via regression-based mediation analyses. Results demonstrated a clear distinction between hostile and benevolent sexism in their relation to support for child marriage: Hostile sexism predicted increased support for girl child marriages both directly and via gender-specific system justification, whereas benevolent sexism did not predict attitudes toward girl child marriages directly or through gender-related system justification. These findings suggest explicit prejudice toward women, as opposed to more subtle forms of prejudice, and a need to justify the gender status quo warrant more careful consideration as ideological targets for change in programs aimed at eradicating this brutal practice.Öğe Obstacles to Birth Surname Retention Upon Marriage: How Do Hostile Sexism and System Justification Predict Support for Marital Surname Change Among Women?(Frontiers Media S.A., 2021) Chayinska, Maria; Uluğ, Özden Melis; Solak, Nevin; Kanık, Betül; Cuvas, BurcuDespite the ongoing shift in societal norms and gender-discriminatory practices toward more equality, many heterosexual women worldwide, including in many Western societies, choose to replace their birth surname with the family name of their spouse upon marriage. Previous research has demonstrated that the adherence to sexist ideologies (i.e., a system of discriminatory gender-based beliefs) among women is associated with their greater endorsement of practices and policies that maintain gender inequality. By integrating the ideas from the system justification theory and the ambivalent sexism theory, we proposed that the more women adhere to hostile and benevolent sexist beliefs, the more likely they would be to justify existing gender relations in society, which in turn, would positively predict their support for traditional, husband-centered marital surname change. We further argued that hostile (as compared to benevolent) sexism could act as a particularly strong direct predictor of the support for marital surname change among women. We tested these possibilities across three cross-sectional studies conducted among women in Turkey (Study 1, N=118, self-identified feminist women; Study 2, N=131, female students) and the United States (Study 3, N=140, female students). Results of Studies 1 and 3 revealed that higher adherence to hostile (but not benevolent) sexism was associated with higher support for marital surname change indirectly through higher gender-based system justification. In Study 2, the hypothesized full mediation was not observed. Consistent with our predictions, in all three studies, hostile (but not benevolent) sexism was found to be a direct positive predictor of the support for marital surname change among women. We discuss the role of dominant ideologies surrounding marriage and inegalitarian naming conventions in different cultures as obstacles to women’s birth surname retention upon marriage.Öğe “The liberation of LGBTQ+ will also liberate heterosexuals”: Heterosexual feminist women's participation in solidarity-based collective action for LGBTQ+ rights(John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2022) Uysal, Mete Sefa; Uluğ, Özden Melis; Kanık, Betül; Aydemir, AslıThe current studies aim to examine the underlying predictors of heterosexual feminist women's willingness to participate in solidarity-based collective action for LGBTQ+ rights. We hypothesized that feminist identification, perceived discrimination against LGBTQ+, and strategic intra-minority alliance between feminists and LGBTQ+ would predict their willingness to participate in solidarity-based collective action. Study 1 (N = 141) showed that higher feminist identification and more endorsement of the strategic intra-minority alliance predicted more willingness to participate in solidarity-based collective action among heterosexual feminist women in Turkey. Study 2 (N = 644) replicated and extended the findings of Study 1 with a larger sample by showing that higher awareness of sexual orientation privilege predicts more willingness to participate in solidarity-based collective action. By following an intersectional and multi-identity approach in Study 3 (N = 280), we showed that higher feminist identification predicted more willingness to participate in solidarity-based collective action, whereas higher heterosexual identification predicted less willingness.Öğe Investigating sex, masculinity and femininity in relation to impulsive driving and driving anger expression(Elsevier, 2021) Öztürk, İbrahim; Özkan, Özgün; Öz, BaharHuman factors constitute a class of prominent road safety related factors. In the present study, human factors of driving were studied by investigating sex differences and gender roles in relation to impulsive driving and driving anger expression. A total of 425 drivers between the ages of 18 and 56 (M = 25.46, SD = 7.58) participated to the study and completed a series of questionnaires including a demographic information form, the Bem Sex Roles Inventory, the Impulsive Driver Behaviour Scale and the Driving Anger Expression Inventory. According to the ANCOVA results, male drivers showed higher functional impulsivity, lack of premeditation and use of the vehicle to express anger than female drivers. Additionally, hierarchical regression analyses showed that masculinity was positively associated with functional impulsivity, urgency and the dimensions of aggressive anger expression. However, femininity was positively associated with functional impulsivity and adaptive/constructive anger expression, but negatively associated with the dimensions of dysfunctional impulsivity and aggressive anger expression. Overall, the results showed the significant solo effects of masculinity and femininity on impulsive driver behaviours and driving anger expression, over and above the effects of sex, and the interaction between sex and gender roles. In the present study, previously reported findings indicating the relationships between sex and gender roles and driving anger expression were supported and extended by providing the literature with the contribution of answering the question how sex and gender roles are related to impulsive driver behaviours. The findings of the two related concepts of impulsive driving and driving anger expression were discussed in light of the current literature. Contributions, implications and future research directions concerning road safety practices were presented.Öğe Ecological Belief in a Just World: A CrossValidation Study in a Turkish Sample(Istanbul University Press, 2021) Kıral Uçar, Gözde; Baier, Monika; Müller, Markus M.; Kals, ElisabethExamples of environmental injustice are widespread, and perceived injustice is an important predictor of environmental behaviour. However, the extent to which inequalities are perceived as just or unjust, as well as reactions towards the perception of injustice, vary among individuals. According to Lerner, individuals are motivated to believe in a just world in which people get what they deserve and deserve what they get. Ecological belief in a just world (EBJW) was developed as a construct that is in line with this general belief in a just world (BJW). This belief indicates that the world is basically an ecologically just place in which people get what they deserve as far as ecological resources and demands are concerned. The aim of the present study is to cross-validate EBJW in a Turkish sample. Another aim is to test the predictive power of EBJW on environmentally relevant commitments along with established other constructs. The sample consists of 245 participants (Nfemale = 160, Nmale = 83, Nmissing = 2) aged from 15 to 69 years (M = 34.23; SD = 10.28). Overall, the variable pattern and the complex motivation structure involved in pro-environmental as well as environmentally risky commitment can be confirmed in the Turkish sample. The results reveal that EBJW qualifies as a predictor of pro-environmental as well as environmentally risky behavioural commitment. This successful cross-validation underpins the need to further investigate EBJW as a powerful and important construct within the field of environmental psychology. In line with the cross-validation of BJW, further validation studies of EBJW should be conducted in other countries. Moreover, as EBJW is a rather new construct, the mediating and moderating variables in its relations with environmental behaviour are waiting to be explored. Finally, its relations with other prominent constructs in environmental psychology such as social dominance orientation, value orientations, personality traits, and authoritarianism should be examined.Öğe Self-affirmation and responses to cigarette warning labels: The moderating role of message strength(SAGE Publications, 2022) Kaynak Malatyalı, Meryem; Van Koningsbruggen, Guido M.; Büyükşahin Sunal, AydaThe present research investigated whether message strength moderates the effect of self-affirmation on reactions given to cigarette warning labels. Three hundred eighty-four female (Study 1) and 383 male (Study 2) smokers completed a self-affirmation manipulation and then evaluated either strong or weak warning labels in terms of message derogation. Next, they reported their intentions to quit smoking. Only for the male sample, message strength moderated the effect of self-affirmation on message derogation. However, message strength did not have a moderating role on both message derogation and quit intentions for the female sample and on quit intentions for the male sample.Öğe Social Contact, Academic Satisfaction, COVID-19 Knowledge, and Subjective Well-being Among Students at Turkish Universities: a Nine-University Sample(Springer, 2022) Erden, Gülsen; Özdoğru, Asil Ali; Çoksan, Sami; Ögel-Balaban, Hale; Azak, Yakup; Altınoglu-Dikmeer, İlkiz; Ergül-Topçu, Aysun; Yasak, Yeşim; Kıral-Uçar, Gözde; Oktay, Seda; Karaca-Dinç, Pelin; Merdan-Yıldız, Ezgi Didem; Eltan, Selen; Kumpasoğlu, Güler Beril; Baytemir, GülsenAdverse efects of COVID-19 are seen not only on the physical health of infected individuals but also on their subjective well-being. Sudden changes in social lives, lockdowns, and shifts towards online education have had a negative impact on many people, especially university students. As part of an international study, the current study focused on the well-being of students at Turkish universities in relation to social contact, academic satisfaction, and COVID-19 knowledge. A total of 7363 students from nine universities (86.6% from state universities, 71.04% female, and 73.52% at bachelor’s level) participated in an online survey. Results revealed that females had lower levels of subjective well-being and academic satisfaction. According to a mediation model in the study, the relationship between social contact and well-being was mediated by academic satisfaction and COVID-19 knowledge. Our fndings can guide future researchers, mental health professionals, universities, and policymakers to understand and improve subjective well-being of university students.Öğe Can Flashbulb Memory Characteristics Predict Prototypicality in Social Representations? A Study on a Turkish Sample’s Recollections of the 2016 Coup Attempt(ISCTE, 2021) Çavuşoğlu, Merve; Özdemİr, Gamze; Kuşdil, M. ErsinIn contrast to the mainstream assumption that flashbulb memories (FBM) of social events should be evaluated as autobiographical memories, some researchers have recently suggested that they may also have various social functions. This study aimed to investigate the July 15th, 2016 coup attempt in Turkey as an example of negative FBM and a social representation (SR) by using both quantitative and qualitative data. Participants (N = 343) responded to an online survey that included questions measuring the quality of their memories and the hierarchical evocations of the coup attempt. It was found that memories of this event had the basic characteristics of FBM. Strong and weak FBM groups differed from each other on phenomenological aspects of rehearsal (social sharing and rumination) and vividness (visual relieving). Findings also showed that, compared to the weak FBM group, participants who were in the strong FBM group reported more evocations from the central core of the general social representation, whereas they did not differ in terms of the evocations from the periphery and the total social representation. Regression analyses showed that the variance in the number of evocations from the central core of the social representation was predicted by the phenomenological aspect of surprise and emotional valence. For the total number of evocations, however, surprise was the only predictor among the phenomenological aspects. Interestingly, age was not a significant predictor of the quality of the FBM, whereas it predicted significant variance in the number of evocations from the central core and the total evocations.