Gökçeada Uygulamalı Bilimler Yüksekokulu Koleksiyonu
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Öğe Oxynoemacheilus fatsaensis, a new nemacheilid loach from the Elekci Stream in Northern Anatolia (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae)(Elsevier GmbH, 2021) Saygun, Serkan; Ağdamar, Sevan; Özuluğ, MüfitWe report a new species, Oxynoemacheilus fatsaensis, from the Elekçi Stream, a small stream that flows to the Black Sea in Northern Turkey. It is distinguished from other Oxynoemacheilus species in the Black Sea, Upper Euphrates, and Kura-Aras River basins by having a suborbital groove in males, an axillary lobe at the pelvic-fin base, no dorsal adipose crest on the caudal peduncle, a deeply emarginate caudal fin, small inner and outer rostral barbels, and mottled flank pattern. Molecular data suggest that the new species is separated by a minimum p-distance of 3.3% from O. banarescui in the mitochondrial DNA COI barcode region.Öğe Role of rural women in organic farming: A case study from Turkey(Bononia University Press, 2021) Özsayın, Damla; Korkmaz, MüesserIn this study, it was aimed to determine the participation tendencies in organic agriculture activities of women living in rural areas of the northwestern part of Turkey. The data were collected from 183 rural women by simple random sampling method. The survey was conducted from March to May 2020. The data were evaluated by descriptive statistics, a participation index score and multiple regression analysis. According to the results of the participation index score, rural women’s participation of in organic farming activities was highest in the fertilizer application stage and the least in the marketing stage. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that there was a statistically significant relationship between the participation level of rural women in organic farming activities and socio-economic characteristics (age, education level, household size, organic farming experience, household income, agricultural land asset and participation in agricultural training programs). As a result, the findings of the study are expected to make significant contributions to rural development, province economy and further emphasizing the importance of rural women in organic farming activities.Öğe The ichthyofaunal diversity of freshwater ecosystems in Gokceada Island (NW Turkey) under the pressure of nonnative species(Turkiye Klinikleri, 2021) Ağdamar, Sevan; Saç, Gülşah; Gaygusuz, Özcan; Doğaç, Ersin; Acar, Ümit; Gürsoy Gaygusuz, Çiğdem; Özuluğ, MüfitFreshwater ecosystems have a greater value for biodiversity per surface area than terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Streams and lakes are notably prone to biodiversity loss, being the greatest threats habitat destructions and nonnative species. The aim of the present study is to assess the fish composition of lotic and lentic water systems of an island ecosystem (Gökçeada Island, Turkey), which is poorly studied, and to highlight the entry routes and possible impacts of translocated fish species in an island ecosystem. The field surveys were conducted in a total of 14 sampling sites (five reservoirs and nine streams) in the inland waters of Gökçeada Island between September 2019 and January 2021. Fish samples were collected by electrofishing (SAMUS 1000; a backpack electro-shocker). A total of eight fish species belonging to six families (Anguillidae, Atherinidae, Cyprinidae, Leuciscidae, Mugilidae, and Poeciliidae) were determined. As a result fish community of the island was mostly composed by the introduced species Carassius gibelio, Gambusia holbrooki and Pseudorasbora parva. This study provides the first detailed information on the distribution of the fish species encountered in the inland waters of Gökçeada Island. Results showed that the fish fauna of the island was predominantly shaped by fish stocking activities.Öğe Pelagic larval duration and early growth of striped seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus inhabiting the Gokceada shallow waters, Turkey(Arman Darya INC, 2021) Ayyıldız, Hakan; Altın, AytaçOtolith microstrure analysis was used to determine the pelagic larval duration (PLD), daily age, growth rates, hatching periods, and the mortality rates of the young of the year (YOY) striped seabream from Gokceada, Turkey. This study was carried out in shallow waters (0-20 m) off the Gokceada Island, Turkey, from June 2013 through June 2014. A total of 632 YOY striped seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus were measured and daily ages determined. Estimated ages from otolith daily growth increments (DGI) were found 28-218 days old. The indices for determining variability in daily age estimates (APE and CV) were 4.1 and 5.8%, respectively. The mean daily growth rate of YOY striped seabream was calculated as 0.317 mm/day. Individuals with YOY sea stingrays have been found to remain in the pelagic larval duration for an average of 26 days and settled in the demersal environment after the 26th days. The hatching times of striped seabream were backcalculated to occur between April and January, with relatively higher hatching frequencies in July and December. The instantaneous mortality coefficient was found as 0.0461, which represented around 4.61% of daily mortality. Sagittal otolith length (OL), width (OW), and radius (OR) were observed in the ranges of 0.741-3.283 mm, 0.586-1.921 mm, and 0.259-1.626 mm, respectively. Relationships between total length and otolith morphometric measurements (OL, OW, and OR) were described by linear equations.Öğe Gökçeada’ya Ait Gastronomik Değerlerin Sürdürülebilirliğinin Sağlanmasına Yönelik Bir Araştırma: Gastronomi Müzesi Önerisi(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2021-08-16) Korkmaz, Müesser; Çakıcı, Salih; Sırtlı, AleynaBu çalışmanın amacı Gökçeada’nın gastronomik değerlerinin sürdürülebilirliği açısından Ada’da bir gastronomi müzesinin açılmasının önemine ilişkin bir bakış açısı ortaya koymaktır. Bu kapsamda çalışmada Gökçeada’nın sahip olduğu gastronomik değerler ve bu değerlerin sürdürülebilirliğinin nasıl sağlanabileceği belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla çalışmada Gökçeada’da bulunan yerel paydaşlar (Sivil toplum kuruluşları, turizm işletmeleri, kamu kurumları ve yerel halk) ile yüz yüze görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılan görüşme formu 20 adet yarı yapılandırılmış soru ve 5 adet demografik sorudan oluşmaktadır. Çalışmadan elde edilen verilerin analizinde “sözcük sıklık analizi” ve “betimsel analiz” kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda Gökçeada’nın sahip olduğu yöresel, kültürel ve gastronomik değerlerin sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanması bakımından Ada’da bir gastronomi müzesinin açılmasının bir gereklilik olarak görüldüğü ve söz konusu müzenin içe merkezinde konumlanması gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu bakımdan Gökçeada’ya özgü olan yöresel reçetelerin, mutfak araç & gereçlerinin ve yöresel kıyafetlerin Ada’da açılacak olan gastronomi müzesinde toplanması ve sergilenmesi önerilmektedir. Çalışmada ayrıca müzede Ada’nın gastronomik değerlerinin sergilenmesinin yanı sıra eğitim ve satış gibi hizmet alanlarının da bulunması gerektiği belirlenmiştir. Bu kapsamda Ada’da açılacak olan bir gastronomi müzesinin, Ada turizmi, ekonomik gelişim, destinasyon imajı, mutfak kültürü ve yerel paydaşlar üzerinde çeşitli olumlu etkiler yaratacağı ön görülmektedir.