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Öğe Improvement of Soil Quality Parameters by Municipal Solid Waste Compost Application in Clay-Loam Soil(2020) Yüksel, Orhan; Kavdır, YaseminOrganic matter (OM) content of the soils should be improved for sustainable productions. Municipalsolid waste compost (MSWC) is an organic material used in several countries to improve soil OMcontents. This study was conducted to determine potential use of MSWC as soil amendment. Fieldexperiments were conducted for two years with single MSWC treatments. Experiments wereconducted on 18 plots in randomized complete blocks design with 3 replications. Six differentMSWC doses (0, 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 t ha-1) were applied to experimental plots. Compost doseswere calculated in dry weight basis, applied to 21 m2 plots and sunflower was sown as theexperimental plant of the study. Following the sunflower harvest, disturbed and undisturbed soilsamples were taken from the experimental plots and soil samples were subjected to various analyses.Applied MSWC doses significantly increased soil OM contents, electrical conductivity (EC) andcation exchange capacity (CEC), aggregate stability (AS) and saturated hydraulic conductivity(Ksat) and reduced soil bulk density (BD). Effects of MSWC on soil pH were not found to besignificant. Effects of MSWC treatments were more remarkable with increasing doses. MSWCtreatments increased soil OM contents about 3 folds and increased CEC by about 25%. MSWCtreatments significantly increased salt contents of the soils. Such increases were found to besignificant at 1% level in the first year and 5% level in the second year. Increasing OM contents alsoincrease soil aggregation, thus reduced bulk density and increased hydraulic conductivity.Correlation analysis revealed significant correlations between OM and AS. Present findings revealedthat MSWC positively influenced physical and chemical characteristics of clay-loam soils of aridand arid climates, but salt contents should carefully be monitored in repetitive uses.Öğe Meriç Nehri (Türkiye) Teraslarında Oluşan Toprakların Bazı Profil ve Verimlilik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi#(2019) Yüksel, Orhan; Ekinci, HüseyinBu çalışma, Meriç Nehri’ne farklı uzaklık ve yükseklikte yer alan alüviyal teraslar üzerinde oluşmuştoprakların bazı profil ve verimlilik özelliklerini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Meriç nehrine dikeykonumda ve farklı uzaklıklarda yer alan dört farklı noktada açılan toprak profillerinin horizon tanımlamasıyapılmıştır. Söz konusu profillerden 28 adet bozulmuş toprak örneği alınarak bu örneklerde bazı fizikselve kimyasal analizler yapılmıştır. Profil 1 (P1), profil 3 (P3) ve profil 4 (P4)’ün bulunduğu arazilerde çeltiktarımı yapılırken, profil 2 (P2) çok uzun süreden beri mera olarak kullanılan bir arazi üzerindeincelenmiştir. Araştırma topraklarının organik madde içerikleri genel olarak “az” ve “çok az” olarakbulunmuştur. En yüksek organik madde değeri P2 de A1 horizonunda (%3,22) ve profil 4 de Aphorizonunda (%2,09)’dır. Toprakların pH değerleri genel olarak “hafif asit” ve “nötr” karakterde olupkireç içerikleri P2 de “kireçli”, diğer profillerde “az kireçli” sınıfındadır. Araştırma örneklerinde P2’detuzluluk sorununa rastlanmıştır. Bu profilde horizonların EC değeri A1 horizonunda 6,51 dS m-1 olarakbulunmuştur. Aynı şekilde bu horizonda Na içerikleri de çok yüksek bulunmuştur. P2, topoğrafik olarakdiğer profillere göre daha çukur bir konumda olup yılın önemli bölümünde su altında kalmaktadır. Bunedenle P2 genellikle yaş olup redoksimorfik özelliklere, yüksek kil içeriğine ve buna bağlı olarak fenadrenaj koşullarına sahiptir. P1, nehire en yakın konumda olup kum içeriği diğer profillere göre yüksektir.Katyon değiştirme kapasitesi (KDK) kil içeriğine bağlı olarak profil 2 de en yüksek, P1 de ise en düşüktür.Profillerde yarayışlı besin elementi içerikleri alt katmanlara doğru azalma göstermekle birlikte profillerinüst katmanlarında fosfor (P), demir (Fe), bakır (Cu), mangan (Mn) ve çinko (Zn) içerikleri “yeterli”bazılarında “fazla” düzeydedir. Buna karşın potasyum (K) içeriği sadece P2 de “yeterli”, diğerhorizonlarda “az” düzeyde bulunmuştur.Öğe The influence of clay content, organic carbon and land use types on soil aggregate stability and tensile strength(TUBITAK, 2004) Kavdir, Yasemin; Özcan, Hasan; Ekinci, Hüseyin; Yi?ini, Yusuf; Yüksel, OrhanSoil tensile strength (TS) and aggregate stability (AS) values can be used as indicators of soil structural quality. The objective of this study was to determine the influences of land use types, soil carbon and clay contents on soil structure. Soil samples were collected from 51 different locations from the Kumkale Basin in Çanakkale in April and July 2003. A global positioning system (GPS) was used to determine the coordinates of sampling points. TS, AS, soil organic carbon (SOC), and clay contents were determined. Results of soil analysis and coordinates of sampling points were transferred to the Arc View geographical information systems (GIS) program. Multiple regression analysis showed that TS was positively related (r2 = 0.89 and 0.92 in April and July, respectively) to clay content when SOC was high. The water stable aggregates in pasture soils were approximately 10 times more water stable than those in other agricultural soils in the region. In general, wet AS was more sensitive to cropping and management systems than TS. Soil AS rose with increasing soil SOC content while TS of soil aggregates was mostly influenced by clay content. However, the effect of clay content on aggregate TS rose with increasing SOC conten.Öğe Using soil urease enzyme activity as soil quality indicator for reflecting fire influence in forest ecosystem(2009) Çetin, Sema Camci; Ekinci, Hüseyin; Kavdir, Yasemin; Yüksel, OrhanSoil enzyme activities are widely accepted as sensitive indicators of ecological disturbance. This study investigated the effects of forest wildfires on soil urease activity (involved in N cycle) and selected soil chemical properties (total Nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, organic carbon, C: N ratio and cation exchange capacity) in four different fire-altered forest ecosystems in Canakkale, Turkey. The wildfires occurred 12, 8, 2 years and 2 weeks before soil sampling (Cumali, CU; Gelibolu, GB; Kesan, KS; and Lapseki, LP; respectively). Except recently burned site (LP), other sites showed the similar trends for all measured soil properties. LP site differs from the others due to having different plant community. C: N ratios were higher in burned sites than unburned sites whereas CEC were lower in burned sites than unburned sites. Soil organic C., total N and NH4-N contents decreased in CU, GB and KS sites and increased in LP site. The t test (2 tailed) showed that burning significantly decreased soil organic C in GB and KS sites (P< 0.05), total nitrogen content in GB site (P<0.01) and soil NH4-N content in KS site relative to unburned-burned soils. Soil urease enzyme activities were higher in unburned soils in GB, KS and LP sites; however, burning significantly (P<0.05) decreased soil urease activity in GB and KS sites. Also, CEC and soil urease activity was positively correlated (0.859, P<0.1) in burned soils. The results showed that soil urease enzyme activity showed a better explanation for discriminating fire effect.