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Öğe Ischemia modified albumin levels and its association with clinical follow-up in acute renal failure(2017) Uzun, Mehmet; Topaloğlu, Ömercan; Kurtulmuş, Yusuf; Turkon, Hakan; Duman, Can; Karakas, Burak; Akar, HarunAim: In cases with acute ischemia, albumin’s binding capacity for transition metals decreases and the resulting albumin is defined as ischemia modified albumin (IMA). In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between IMA and clinical follow-up in patients with acute renal failure (ARF).Material and Methods: Levels of IMA were measured in 51(23 male, 28 female) patients with ARF. Venous blood samples were drawn from patients for biochemical tests and put in plain tubes containing the gel.Results: Mean age of male and female patients was 65.39±15.28 and 70.11±15.25, respectively. The IMA levels in 25.5% of the patients were within the normal range (<400 ABSU), while the IMA levels were higher (>400 ABSU) in 75.5% of the patients. The survival rates of patients in IMA <400 ABSU group for 12 and 24 months were 66.7% and for 30 and 32 months it was 33.3%; while the survival rates of patients in IMA ?400 ABSU group for 12 months were 85.8%, for 24 months were 61.3%, and for 30 and 32 months were 30.6%. No significant difference was determined among survival rates of IMA groups (p=0.719).Conclusion: The comparison between the groups having normal or higher IMA values did not show any significant differences in terms of survival. However, in our study the proportion of patients who needed dialysis during treatment were significantly higher in higher IMA group(IMA?400 ABSU). Therefore, we believe that higher IMA levels may indicate a necessity for dialysis in patients with ARF.Öğe May ischemia modified albumin be a predictor in diagnosis of contrast induced nephropathy?(2018) Topaloğlu, Ömercan; Demir, Bilgin; Ekinci, Ferhat; Uzun, Mehmet; Kurtulmuş, Yusuf; Turkon, Hakan; Duman, CanAim: “Ischemia modified albumin” (IMA) was investigated as a possible biomarker in several diseases such as vascular disorders. We aimed to reveal the possible value of IMA in predicting the development of contrast induced nephropathy (CIN) after coronary angiography in patients with stable angina pectoris.Material and Methods: 106 patients underwent coronary angiography with a diagnosis of stable angina pectoris were included in our study. Basic demographic and clinical findings and laboratory values were recorded and analyzed. Serum creatinine (SCre) levels were also measured 48 hours after coronary angiography and recorded. Amount of contrast agent (CA) given during coronary angiography was recorded. The patients were divided into 2 groups: CIN positive and CIN negative groups.Results: CIN was developed in 14 patients (13%); and IMA levels were similar in CIN positive and negative groups (p>0.05). SCre (both measurements before and after CA administration) was not correlated with IMA levels. There was no association between drug usage and development of CIN (p>0.05). Comorbidities were not associated with the development of CIN (p>0.05) with the exception of hypertension (HT). Presence of hypertension (p=0.0393) and female gender (p=0.0199) was associated with development of CIN. Mean age was 61.3 and 52.3 in CIN positive and negative groups, respectively (p>0.05).Conclusion: Any specific biomarker indicating CIN is not available yet. Most frequently used marker is the measurement of SCre 24- 48 hours after administration of CA. We found IMA levels not to be a predictor for the development of CIN. Further investigations will clearly determine the importance of IMA as a biomarker in renal failure developed after CA administration.Öğe Öfkeli şahsın boşamasının İslam hukukundaki yeri (Kadına şiddet bağlamında analitik bir inceleme)(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2023) Uzun, Mehmet; Boran, Mustafa"Öfkeli Şahsın Boşamasının İslam Hukukundaki Yeri (Kadına Şiddet Bağlamında Analitik Bir İnceleme)" adlı tez çalışmasında öfke anında verilen talâkın İslam hukukunda geçerliliği konusu ele alınmıştır. Konuyla alakalı deliller incelenmeye çalışılıp değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Tez çalışması bir giriş ve üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Girişte, araştırmanın konusu, amacı, kapsamı ve sınırları açıklanmıştır. Birinci bölümde öfke ve şiddetin tanımı, nedenleri, belirtileri, öfke duygusunun dereceleri, işlevleri, Kur'an-ı Kerim ve hadis-i şeriflerde öfke kavramı işlenmiştir. Ayrıca günümüzde kadına şiddet olayları ele alınmıştır. İkinci bölümde İslam hukukunda talâkın tanımı, meşruiyeti, talâka olan ihtiyaç, talâkın yapılış şekilleri, talâk çeşitleri ve boşanmanın sonuçlarına yer verilmiştir. Üçüncü ve son bölümde ise öfkeli şahsın talâkının geçerliliğine yönelik görüşlere delilleriyle beraber yer verilmiş olup, mezhepler arası mukayese yapılmıştır. En sonunda ise konuyla alakalı varılan sonuç belirtilmiştir.