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Öğe An Assessment of the Earthquakes of Ancient Troy, NW Anatolia, Turkey(Intech Europe, 2012) Kurcer, Akin; Chatzipetros, Alexandros; Tutkun, Salih Zeki; Pavlides, Spyros; Özden, Süha; Syrides, George; Vouvalidis, Kostas[Anstract Not Available]Öğe Hydrochemical Changes in Geothermal Systems with Simav(Kutahya) Earthquakes(Tmmob Jeoloji Muhendisleri Odasi, 2014) Ates, Ozkan; Tutkun, Salih ZekiMany geothermal fields in Kutahya including Eynal, Citgol ve Nasa (Simav), Ilicasu-Abide (Gediz), Muratdagi, Yoncali, Emet, Yenicekoy, Dereli, Gobel, Ilica (Harlek), Sefakoy ve Hamamkoy (Hisarcik) and Saphane are located between Kutahya and Simav active faults in Western Turkey. Studied area in Simav (Kutahya) is situated in the north of Simav Fault and indicated as an active fault zone in the active fault maps of Turkey. This area is fairly active region in terms of earthquakes occurred in the instrumental period and has many geothermal systems. Most of these geothermal fields are located on active fault zones. Approximately 735 earthquakes (M>3.0) occurred between May 2010 to May 2013, including 1 earthquake with the magnitude of greater than 6.0 at Gediz in 1970 and 4 earthquakes with the magnitude of greater than 5.0 at Simav in 2009, 2011 and 2012. Data from a monitoring study during three years (2010-2013) from thermal springs in Eynal, Citgol ve Nasa geothermal fields which located at Simav (Kutahya) were used in this study. This study tried to find out relationship between geothermal springs and active faults, and relationship between hydrochemical features of geothermal waters and high seismic activity. The results of this study indicated that some physic-chemical parameters of geothermal waters change especially increasing temperature, increasing Cl-ion value and decreasing SO4-2 ion value with earthquakes with has 5.0 and greater magnitude value.Öğe Late Cenozoic Stress States along the Ganos Fault, NW Turkey(Tmmob Jeoloji Muhendisleri Odasi, 2013) Yildiz, Seray Cinar; Özden, Süha; Tutkun, Salih Zeki; Ates, Ozkan; Poyraz, Selda Altuncu; Yesilyurt, Sevinc Kapan; Karaca, OznurThe Ganos Fault, has a big earthquake (Ms:7.3 in 1912), as a right-lateral strike-slip fault, a segment of the northern strand of the North Anatolian Fault is elongated a N70 degrees E trend in west of the Marmara Sea between Gazikoy (Tekirdag) and Saros Gulf This study reveals at late Cenozoic stress states by the limit kinematic analysis, inversion of the earthqukes focal mechanism and remote sensing studies' along the Ganos Fault. Result of the kinematics' analysis was carried out a main tectonic regime.. First mainly strike-slip faulting developed under NW-SE trending compressional direction showing by a (sigma(1)) 130 degrees +/- 16 degrees and a (sigma(3)) 53 degrees+13 degrees trends and Rm ration calculated as 0.49. Secondly and consistent with first faulting, a NE-SW trending concurrent extensional direvtion produce a local normal faulting presented by a (sigma(3)) 28 degrees +/- 18 degrees trend in horizontal plane. Furthermore, between 2003 and 2010 years, bigger than M=3.3,12 earthquakes on Ganos Fault and its vicinity, determined the focal mechanisms and inversion analysis results indicate that a strike-slip faulting is active along the fault. In the inversion of the earthquakes, a strike-sliplhulting presented a (sigma(1)) N 2760 degrees +/- 7 degrees and (sigma(3)) N 6 degrees +/- 6 degrees trends and Rm ration calculated as 0.44. This result is consistent with the results of fault kinematic analysis and offer as a transtensional character along the fault. According to rose diagram that was generated by remote sensing lineament analysis. Determined 223 lianements have mainly parallel to the Ganos Fault. The stress states,from remote sensing studies are consistent both fault kinematic analysis and inversion of the earthquakes filocal mechanism results. Ganos Fault is an active strike-slip fault by the transtensional character since Late Pliocene.Öğe Simav (Kütahya) Depremlerinin Jeotermal Sistemlerdeki Hidrojeokimyasal Değişimleri(2014) Ateş, Özkan; Tutkun, Salih ZekiKütahya ve Simav Fayları arasında kalan bölgede birçok jeotermal alan - Eynal, Çitgöl ve Naşa (Simav), Ilıcasu-Abide (Gediz), Muratdağı, Yoncalı, Emet, Yeniceköy, Dereli, Göbel, Ilıca (Harlek), Sefaköy ve Hamamköy (Hisarcık), Şaphane- bulunmaktadır. Türkiye Diri Fay Haritalarında da aktif fay olarak gösterilen Simav Fayının hemen kuzeyinde kalan çalışma alanı, Simav (Kütahya) civarında yer almaktadır. Bölge aletsel dönemdeki depremler açısından oldukça aktif bir bölge olduğu gibi jeotermal sistemler bakımından da oldukça zengin bir bölgedir. Bu jeotermal alanların çoğu da aktif fay zonları üzerinde yer almaktadır. Bu bölgenin büyük bölümü, geçmişte olduğu gibi günümüzde de deprem riski altında bulunmaktadır. Aletsel dönemde, Mayıs 2010-Mayıs 2013 tarihleri arasında bu bölge ve yakın civarında M=3.0 ten büyük yaklaşık 735 adet deprem olmuştur. Ayrıca, Gedizde 1970 yılında 1 adet M=6.0 dan büyük ve Simavda 2009, 2011 ve 2012 yıllarında da büyüklüğü 5.0 ve 5.0 ten büyük depremler meydana gelmiştir. Kütahya ili Simav ilçesinde bulunan Eynal, Çitgöl ve Naşa jeotermal alanlarındaki sıcak su kaynaklarından 2010 ile 2013 yılları arasında yaklaşık üç yıl süren bir izleme çalışması yapılmıştır. Çalışma alanındaki jeotermal kaynaklar ile aktif fayların ilişkisi, jeotermal suların hidrojeokimyasal özellikleri ile bölgedeki yoğun deprem aktivitesi ile ilişkilendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. İzleme döneminde meydana gelen özellikle M=5.0 ve daha büyük depremlerle birlikte jeotermal kaynakların fiziko-kimyasal özelliklerinde sıcaklık artışı, Cl-iyonu değerinde artış ve SO4 -2 iyonu değerinde azalış gibi değişimler elde edilmiştir.Öğe Simav fayı ile Kütahya fayı (Emet-orta-batı Anadolu) arasındaki kalan bölgenin neotektonik ve sismotektonik özellikleri(2012) Özden, Süha; Ateş, Özkan; Demirci, Alper; Bekler, Tolga; Gündoğdu, Erdem; Tutkun, Salih Zeki; Komut, Tolga[Abstract Not Available]Öğe The Yenice-Gonen active fault (NW Turkey)(Elsevier Science Bv, 2008) Kuercer, Akin; Chatzipetros, Alexandros; Tutkun, Salih Zeki; Pavlides, Spyros; Ates, Oezkan; Valkaniotis, SotirisThe Yenice-Gonen Fault (YGF) is one of the most important active tectonic structures in the Biga peninsula. On March 18,1953, a destructive earthquake (M-w=7.2) occurred on the YGF, which is considered to be a part of the southern branch of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ). A 70 km-long dextral surface rupture formed during the Yenice-Gonen Earthquake (YGE). In this study, structural and palaeoseismological features of the YGF have been investigated. The YGF surface ruptures have been mapped and three trenches were excavated at Muratlar, Karakoy and Seyvan sites. According to the palaeoseismic interpretation and the results of C-14 AMS dating, Seyvan trench shows that an earthquake of palaeoseismic age ca. 620 AD ruptured a different strand of the 1953 fault, producing rather significant surface rupture displacement, while there are indications that at least two older events occurred during the past millennia. Another set of trenches excavated near Gonen town (Muratlar village) revealed extensive liquefaction not only during the 1953 event, but also during a previous earthquake, dated at 1440 AD. The Karakoy trench shows no indications of recent reactivations. Based on the trenching results, we estimate a recurrence interval of 660 160 years for large morphogenic earthquakes, creating linear surface ruptures. The maximum reported displacement during the 1953 earthquake was 4.2 m. Taking into account the palaeoseismologically determined earthquake recurrence interval and maximum displacement, slip-rate of the YGF has been calculated to be 6.3 mm/a, which is consistent with present-day velocities determined by GPS measurements. According to the geological investigations, cumulative displacement of the YGF is 2.3 km. This palaeoseismological study contributes to model the behaviour of large seismogenic faults in the Biga Peninsula. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.