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Öğe A case of melanism in the Grass snake, Natrix natrix (L., 1758) (Reptilia: Colubridae) from Gökçeada (Imbros), Turkey(Universitatea din Oradea, 2016) Habibo?lu, Tu?ba; Çiçek, Kerim; Tok, Cemal VarolHere, we report a melanistic female of Natrix natrix from Gökçeada (Imbros), Turkey. This is first recorded melanism case in N.natrix from Western Anatolia, Turkey. The specimen was examined morphologically (measurements, pholidosis, and color pattern) and compared with literary data. The ventral color-pattern of specimen is different from the one being specified in the literature, while postocularia is 4-3. ©Biharean Biologist, 2016.Öğe A New Locality for Rana ridibunda caralitana Arikan, 1988 (Anura: Ranidae) in the Central Anatolia(Ege Univ, 2006) Ayaz, Dincer; Tok, Cemal Varol; Mermer, Ahmet; Tosunoğlu, Murat; Afsar, Murat; Cicek, KerimIn this study, a total of 18 (10 male male, 8 female female) adult marsh frog specimens collected from Bor (Nigde) have been examined through the morphological analysis, primarily on their coloration and pattern characteristics. It is concluded that the examined specimens fall into caralitana category. Thus, the distrubution area of caralitana has been extended.Öğe A new locality for Rana ridibunda caralitana Arıkan, 1988 (Anura: Ranidae) in the Central Anatolia(2006) Ayaz, Dinçer; Tok, Cemal Varol; Mermer, Ahmet; Tosunoğlu, Murat; Afsar, Murat; Çiçek, KerimOrta Anadolu’da Rana ridibunda caralitana Arıkan, 1988 için yeni bir lokalite. Bu çalışmada, Bor (Niğde)’dan toplanan 18 (10 ??, 8 ??) ergin ova kurbağası örneği, başta renk-desen olmak üzere yapılan morfolojik analiz sonucunda incelenmiştir. İncelenen örneklerin caralitana formuna ait olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Böylece caralitana’nın dağılış areali genişletilmiştir.Öğe A new subspecies, Lyciasalamandra atifi oezi n. ssp. (Urodela: Salamandridae) from Gazipasa (Antalya, Turkey)(Centre for Biodiversity of Montenegro, 2016) Tok, Cemal Varol; Afsar, Murat; Yakin, Batuhan YamanIn this study, a new subspecies of the Lycian salamander, Lyciasalamandra atifi oezi n. ssp., was described from Gazipasa (Antalya, Turkey). The Lyciasalamandra specimens collected in Doganca (Gazipasa, Antalya) are clearly distinguished from the known subspecies of L. atifi by the very small and few white flecks on the dorsal ground pattern or by the absence of the flecks in some specimens. The light coloration, which can be distinctly observed in front of, behind, and under the eye of L. atifi, is indistinct in the new subspecies, unlike the other subspecies. The body length was observed to be shorter than that of the nominate subspecies but close to that of L. a. bayrami. In juveniles, scattered black flecks are striking on the posterior parts of their parotoids and, unlike adults, denser small and white flecks are striking on top of the head as well as on the dorsum, the tail, and the extremities. In addition, scattered yellow flecks in different sizes and shapes are present on the dorsal tail.Öğe A new subspecies, Ophisops elegans budakibarani n. Subsp. (Sauria: Lacertidae) from Mut (Mersin/Turkey)(Universitatea din Oradea, 2017) Tok, Cemal Varol; Afsar, Murat; Yakin, Batuhan Yaman; Ayaz, Dinçer; Çiçek, KerimThis study describes a new subspecies of Ophisops elegans from vicinity of Mut, Mersin, Turkey and named Ophisops elegans budakibarani n. subsp. The new subspecies is distinguished from geographically the closest subspecies O. elegans basoglui, found in the south of its distribution, by having higher number of the longitudinal row of scales+plates at mid-trunk (SPM) and a characteristic venter coloration (whitish coloration instead of lemon yellow color in venter of both sexes during the breeding season) and from O. elegans centralanatoliae, found in the north of its distribution, by having lower number of SPM and a characteristic dorsum color-pattern (less distinct tile reddish-brown coloration in the temporal band, missing large blackish spots in the vertebral and paravertebral area). © 2017 Biharean Biologist, Oradea, Romania.Öğe A preliminary study on micronuclei and nuclear abnormalities in the erythrocytes of some Colubrid snakes from Turkey(Universitatea din Oradea, 2014) Hayretda?, Sibel; Mert, Gürkan; Yakin, Batuhan Yaman; Tok, Cemal VarolThe mean micronucleated erythrocyte (MNE) frequencies and nuclear abnormalities in the peripheral blood erythrocytes of Coronella austriaca, Dolicophis schmidti and two Natrix tessellata specimens collected from Vize (K?rklareli), K?z?lcahamam (Ankara) and Digor (Kars) are reported for the first time in the present study. Different numbers of micronuclei were recorded in all snake specimens examined. In addition, three types of nuclear abnormalities were detected: nuclear bud, notched, and blebbed nuclei. The mean MNE frequency (%) was determined to be highest (0.300.08) in the N. tessellata specimen caught from K?z?lcahamam, the lowest (0.130.07) in the D. schmidti specimen caught from Digor. Nuclear abnormalities were encountered in different numbers in the specimens under examination. As a result of this examination on snakes inhabiting three regions of Turkey with different demographical and physical geographical characteristics (Thrace, Central Anatolia, and Eastern Anatolia), we conclude that similar genotoxic effects reported in the erythrocytes might occur widely due to environmental pollutant impacts. © Biharean Biologist, Oradea, Romania, 2014.Öğe A preliminary study on micronucleus analysis and nuclear anomalies in Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771) (Amphibia: Anura) specimens collected around Vize (Kirklareli) and Ida Mountains (Çanakkale, Turkey)(2012) Gürkan, Mert; Hayretdağ, Sibel; Yakın, Batuhan Yaman; Tok, Cemal VarolBu çalışmada Vize (Kırklareli) ve Kazdağı (Yenice, Çanakkale) civarında toplanan Pelophylax ridibundus örneklerine ait eritrositlerde mikronukleus analizi yapıldı ve nuklear anomaliler tespit edildi. Bu amaçla Nisan 2011’de Vize’den 9 (5??, 4??), Mayıs 2011’de Kazdağı’ndan 5 (3??, 2??) adet P. ridibundus örneği toplandı. Vize’den toplanan örneklerde ortalama mikronukleus sayısı 6±4,17, frekans % 0,3; Kazdağı’ndan toplanan örneklerde ise 0,6±0,43, frekans % 0,03 olarak hesaplandı. İstatistiksel analizler neticesinde iki lokalite arasında toplam mikronukleus sayısı bakımından önemli fark bulunduğu belirlendi (p?0,05). Çalışmada binuklear, çentikli, tomurcuklu ve küçük loplu olmak üzere 4 tip nuklear anomali saptandı. Vize ve Kazdağı örnekleri arasında toplam nuklear anomali sayısı bakımından fark tespit edilmedi (p=0,31). Araştırmamız sonunda elde edilen bulgulara göre, Vize örneklerinde mikronukleus frekansının daha yüksek bulunması, bölgedeki yoğun tarımsal faaliyetlerde kullanılan genotoksik pestisitlere maruz kalınmayla ilişkilendirilebilir.Öğe A skeletochronological analysis of a population of the Anatolia Newt, Neurergus strauchii (Steindachner, 1887) (Caudata: Salamandridae), in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2015) Yakin, Batuhan Yaman; Cicek, Kerim; Koyun, Mustafa; Gurkan, Mert; Hayretdag, Sibel; Tok, Cemal VarolThis study presents data on age, growth and longevity of a population of Neurergus strauchii in Eastern Anatolia (Bingol, Turkey) based on skeletochronological data. The phalangeal diaphyseal cross-sections of 54 individuals studied (12o, 42f) showed that females are on average older than males: the ages ranged from 6 to 14 years, with an average age of 8.8 years in males and 10.9 years in females. Sexual maturity is reached at an age of 4-5 years in both sexes. The slow growth and the longevity make the species vulnerable.Öğe A skeletochronological study of age, growth and longevity in two freshwater turtles, Emys orbicularis and Mauremys rivulata, from Mediterranean Turkey (Reptilia: Testudines)(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016) Cicek, Kerim; Kumas, Meltem; Ayaz, Dincer; Tok, Cemal VarolWe estimated growth parameters of Emys orbicularis and Mauremys rivulata in Mediterranean Turkey with the skeletochronological method, using specimens drowned in fyke nets. In adult E. orbicularis, the median age was 8 years in males and 10 years in females. The median age of adult M. rivulata was 10 years for both sexes. Both species reach sexual maturity at an age of 5-7 years. No difference was found in age composition between the sexes.Öğe A Trematode Parasite Infecting the Skin of Rana ridibunda Complex (Sensu Lato) from Dalaman (Mugla, Turkey)(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2010) Unal, Guler; Ayaz, Dincer; Tok, Cemal Varol; Saygi, GulendameWe examined the structure of the black spots on the ventral surface of Rana ridibunda specimens, which were collected from the west Anatolia region of Turkey, and a multi-cellular parasite was discovered under these spots on the dermis within a cyst. The number of melanocytes had increased and the connective tissue of the dermis had surrounded the cyst. The parasite was a trematode in its metacercarial stage.Öğe ABUNDANCE OF WESTERN CASPIAN TURTLE, Mauremys rivulata (VALENCIENNES, 1833) IN GOKCEADA (IMBROS), TURKEY(Folium Publ Co, 2016) Bayrakci, Yusuf; Ayaz, Dincer; Yakin, Batuhan Yaman; Cicek, Kerim; Tok, Cemal VarolIn this study, we present data on the population of Western Caspian Turtle, Mauremys rivulata, from Gokceada (Imbros) located at the westernmost of Turkey. The species is distributed almost all around the island, particularly in the western part, with a very low density. Distribution of the species on the island was mapped and a total of 73 individuals were captured and marked in Buyukdere, the largest river of the island. Population size was estimated at 135 individuals (SE - 11, range - 117 - 161) and density was calculated as 68 ind/ha. Moreover, Emys orbicularis, another freshwater turtle species, which cohabits in the west Anatolia, was observed again on the island after 15 years. Tourism, creeks with irregular flow regime and holding water in the dams negatively affect populations of aquatic species, primarily M. rivulata on the island.Öğe Abundance of western caspian turtle, mauremys rivulata (Valenciennes, 1833) in gökçeada (Imbros), Turkey(Folium Ltd, 2016) Bayrakcı, Yusuf; Ayaz, Dinçer; Yakın, Batuhan Yaman; Çiçek, Kerim; Tok, Cemal VarolIn this study, we present data on the population of Western Caspian Turtle, Mauremys rivulata, from Gökçeada (Imbros) located at the westernmost of Turkey. The species is distributed almost all around the island, particularly in the western part, with a very low density. Distribution of the species on the island was mapped and a total of 73 individuals were captured and marked in Büyükdere, the largest river of the island. Population size was estimated at 135 individuals (SE — 11, range — 117-161) and density was calculated as 68 ind/ha. Moreover, Emys orbicularis, another freshwater turtle species, which cohabits in the west Anatolia, was observed again on the island after 15 years. Tourism, creeks with irregular flow regime and holding water in the dams negatively affect populations of aquatic species, primarily M. rivulata on the island. © 2016 Folium Publishing Company.Öğe Action Plan for the Conservation of Endemic Anatolian Meadow Viper, Vipera anatolica Eiselt & Baran, 1970 in Southwestern Anatolia(İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, 2021) Tok, Cemal Varol; Afşar, Murat; Yakın, Batuhan Yaman; Çiçek, KerimThe Anatolian viper, Vipera anatolica Eiselt & Baran, 1970, is the rarest, critically endangered, and endemic species in the western Taurus Mountains, Antalya, Turkey. Here, we evaluated the current status, potential threats, and recommended necessary conservation measures for Anatolian meadow viper. We created some activities during the 5-year species conservation action plan implemented by the General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks. We conducted 70-days extensive fieldworks between May and October 2016-2017 for determining the distribution, habitat characteristics, phenology, and population status of the species in the province of Antalya. We also interviewed locals and surveyed potential threats of Anatolian meadow viper. We detected only 10 specimens in the territory of the Ciglikara cedar forest reserve at altitudes between 1800 and 2300 m and only two specimens in the territory of Geyik Mountains at altitudes between 1600 and 1900 m. We determined the potential threats like habitat loss and degradation, quarry (especially for senliki subspecies), global climate change, illegal collecting, and willingly or accidentally killing of vipers. Major precautions to protect the species were determined as: (1) to establish protected habitat patches in the species' known distribution and to prohibit entrance and grazing activities, (2) to create alternative new habitats for reintroduction, (3) to plan long-term monitoring survey to obtain data on its ecology and population trends, (4) to start a captive breeding program, (5) to educate and raise awareness among locals to prevent illegal collecting, willingly or/and accidentally killing of specimens for the sustainability of Anatolian meadow viper.Öğe ADDITIONAL MORPHOLOGICAL DATA ON Vipera (Pelias) cf. darevskii FROM THE VICINITY OF ZEKERIYAKOY (NORTHEASTERN ANATOLIA)(Folium Publ Co, 2018) Tok, Cemal Varol; Afsar, Murat; Cicek, KerimTwo new Viper specimens obtained from Zekeriyakoy (Ardanuc, Artvin) in Northeastern Anatolia were investigated. When obtained data were compared with the related literature, it was observed that pholidosis characteristics and body measurements of the retrieved specimens were similar to both Vipera (Pelias) olguni and Vipera (Pelias) darevskii. The specimens were considered to be V. cf. darevskii since their defining characteristics were more similar to V. darevskii than V. olguni.Öğe Age estimation of Anatololacerta anatolica (Werner, 1902) in the vicinity of Canakkale by skeletochronology(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2015) Yakin, Batuhan Yaman; Tok, Cemal VarolIn this study, age estimation using skeletochronology was done in 43 specimens (6 male male, 29 female female, 8 juv.) of Anatololacerta anatolica living in the vicinity of Canakkale. When the cross-sections taken from phalanges were examined, the median age for the Canakkale population was 4 years. The maximum age was calculated as 10 years for female individuals, and the maximum snout-vent length (SVL) of female individuals was measured as 74.18 mm. The mean SVL was 57.39 (SD = 4.6) mm for males and 63.62 (SD = 8.62) mm for females. The age at sexual maturity was determined as 3 years for both sexes of this species. As a result of correlation analysis, a strong correlation was found for both males (r: 0.845) and females (r: 0.886) in terms of age and SVL. These specimens were also examined for morphological properties and pholidosis characters.Öğe Age estimation of Anatololacerta anatolica (Werner, 1902) in the vicinity ofÇanakkale by skeletochronology(2015) Yakın, Batuhan Yaman; Tok, Cemal VarolIn this study, age estimation using skeletochronology was done in 43 specimens (6 ♂♂, 29 ♀♀, 8 juv.) of Anatololacerta anatolica living in the vicinity of Çanakkale. When the cross-sections taken from phalanges were examined, the median age for the Çanakkale population was 4 years. The maximum age was calculated as 10 years for female individuals, and the maximum snout vent length (SVL) of female individuals was measured as 74.18 mm. The mean SVL was 57.39 (SD = 4.6) mm for males and 63.62 (SD = 8.62) mm for females. The age at sexual maturity was determined as 3 years for both sexes of this species. As a result of correlation analysis, a strong correlation was found for both males (r: 0.845) and females (r: 0.886) in terms of age and SVL. These specimens were also examined for morphological properties and pholidosis characters.Öğe Age structure of Hemidactylus turcicus (L., 1758) (Sauria: Gekkonidae) from southwestern Anatolia (Muğla, Turkey)(2015) Kanat, Betül; Tok, Cemal VarolIn this study, a total of 36 (12 ♂♂ , 18 ♀♀ , 6 juveniles) Hemidactylus turcicus specimens, caught in the vicinity of Muğla(Turkey) between 2006 and 2011, were evaluated using the skeletochronology method. The mean snout-to-vent length (SVL) wasmeasured as 28.45 ± 1.92 mm for juveniles, 50.53 ± 1.06 mm for males, and 51.1 ± 0.75 mm for females. When the cross-sections wereexamined, the age range was determined to be 4 8 years in the males and 4 9 years in the females. Individuals reach sexual maturityin 2 3 years. The maximum age was calculated as 9 years for a female. It was determined that there was a strong positive correlationbetween SVL and age structure in the male (r = 0.98) and female (r = 0.96) individuals.Öğe Age structure of Hemidactylus turcicus (L., 1758) (Sauria: Gekkonidae) from southwestern Anatolia (Mugla, Turkey)(Tubitak Scientific & Technological Research Council Turkey, 2015) Kanat, Betul; Tok, Cemal VarolIn this study, a total of 36 (12 male male, 18 female female, 6 juveniles) Hemidactylus turcicus specimens, caught in the vicinity of Mugla (Turkey) between 2006 and 2011, were evaluated using the skeletochronology method. The mean snout-to-vent length (SVL) was measured as 28.45 +/- 1.92 mm for juveniles, 50.53 +/- 1.06 mm for males, and 51.1 +/- 0.75 mm for females. When the cross-sections were examined, the age range was determined to be 4-8 years in the males and 4-9 years in the females. Individuals reach sexual maturity in 2-3 years. The maximum age was calculated as 9 years for a female. It was determined that there was a strong positive correlation between SVL and age structure in the male (r = 0.98) and female (r = 0.96) individuals.Öğe Age, Growth and Longevity of Kotschy's Gecko, Mediodactylus kotschyi (Steindachner, 1870) (Reptilia, Gekkonidae) from Central Anatolia, Turkey(Inst Zoology, Bas, 2015) Cicek, Kerim; Afsar, Murat; Kumas, Meltem; Ayaz, Dincer; Tok, Cemal VarolWe studied the age structure of Kotschy's gecko, Mediodactylus kotschyi, from the Sultan Mountains (Central Anatolia, Turkey) using the skeletochronological method. We examined the humeral diaphyseal cross sections of a total of 19 (six males and 13 females) museum specimens. Our results showed that the age structure ranged from three to seven years (mean = 4.2 years, SD = 1.47) in males and from two to eight years (mean = 4.5 years, SD = 1.81) in females. Both sexes reached sexual maturity after their second hibernation, and no statistically significant difference in age composition was observed between the sexes. There was a strong positive correlation between SVL and age (Spearman's correlation coefficient, r = 0.93) and Von Bertalanffy growth curves fitted to the relationships between age (k = 0.80) and SVL (SVLmax = 42.4). In conclusion, M. kotschyi is a short-lived species with a high growth rate.Öğe Amphibians and reptiles in the Province of Canakkale (Marmara Region, Turkey) (Amphibia; Reptilia)(Pensoft Publishers, 2014) Tok, Cemal Varol; Cicek, KerimThis study presents distribution maps of the amphibians and reptiles in the Province of Canakkale (Marmara Region, Turkey), based on information from field studies conducted at intervals between 2002 and 2013, and the existing literature records. The herpetological inventory comprises 43 species, nine amphibians (three urodelans and six anurans) and 34 reptiles (five turtles, 14 lizards and 15 snakes). The species belong to 15 chorotypes according to the classification by VIGNA TAGLIANTI et al. (1999). Podarcis siculus (RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, 1810) and Elaphe sauromates (PALLAs, 1811) represent first records from the Peninsulas of Biga and Gelibolu. Environmental factors that constitute threats to the herpetological species in the Province of Canakkale are briefly addressed.