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Öğe Dareios’un İskit Seferi: Nedeni, Tarihi ve Süreci Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme(Akdeniz Uygarlıkları Araştırma Enstitüsü, 2021) Kaya, Mehmet Ali; Yazgı, AytunPers Büyük Kralı I. Dareios tahta çıktığında (MÖ 522) Yakındoğu uygarlıklarının tümü önceki Pers kralları tarafından Pers imparatorluğunun sınırlarına dâhil edilmişti. Dareios iktidarının ilk yıllarını imparatorluk topraklarında çıkan isyanları bastırmak için harcadı. Ancak Pers hakimiyeti henüz Avrupa’ya taşınmamıştı. Geniş imparatorluk topraklarından büyük bir ordu topladı. İskit ülkesine giden güzergahın üzerindeki topraklarda yaşayan Thrak kabilelerini bazen diplomasi ile bazen de güç kullanarak boyun eğdirdi. Pers kralı I. Dareios’un İskit Seferi, Pers hakimiyetini Avrupa’ya taşımayı hedefleyen ilk askeri sefer oldu. Ordusunu Bosporos’ta kurdurduğu gemi-köprü üzerinden Asya’dan Avrupa’ya geçiren Pers kralı I. Dareios, Istros Nehri’ni, İonia, Aiolis ve Hellespontos kıyılarında hüküm süren tiranların yönetimindeki Hellenler tarafından inşa edilen gemi-köprü üzerinden geçerek İskit ülkesine girdi. İki ay kaldığı İskit ülkesinde bir askeri başarı elde edemedi ve geri dönmek zorunda kaldı. Onun bu seferi; nedeni, tarihi, amacı, süreci ve sonucu da dahil pek çok bakımdan sorunludur. Bu makalenin amacı, seferinin sorunlu yönlerine dikkat çekerek bunlar üzerine değerlendirme yapmaktır.Öğe Determination of the boundaries of burial archaeological structures by using boundary analysis method in magnetic data(Hacettepe Universitesi Yerbilmleri, 2006) Ekinci, Yunus Levent; Kaya, Mehmet AliIn magnetic investigations, when the source magnetization and regional magnetic field are not directed vertically, maximum values of the magnetic anomalies do not located over source structure center. This may complicate the determination of the boundaries of the source structure. Because of this reason, data processing techniques are required. In this study, the boundary analysis method, which is frequently used for determination of the lateral boundaries of geological units, was tested on synthetically produced archaeological models. Applications showed that the boundaries of the structures having high anomalies could be well determined, while determination of the boundaries of the structures having lower anomalies decreased. In addition, during the search for the maximum amplitude points on the grid plane, this study has also provided the determination of the neighbouring points to be compared with any fest point.Öğe Geomagnetic and geoelectrical prospection for buried archaeological remains on the Upper City of Amorium, a Byzantine city in midwestern Turkey(Oxford Univ Press, 2014) Ekinci, Yunus Levent; Balkaya, Caglayan; Seren, Aysel; Kaya, Mehmet Ali; Lightfoot, Christopher SherwinOn the basis of geophysical imaging surveys, including geomagnetic and geoelectrical resistivity, possible archaeological remains and their spatial parameters (i.e., location, extension, depth and thickness) were explored to provide useful data for future excavations on the Upper City of the ancient Amorium site, which comprises a large prehistoric man-made mound. The surveys were performed very close to the main axis of the Basilica, and the derived geophysical traces indicated some subsurface structures that appear to confirm that more-substantial brick and masonry buildings lie near the present-day surface of the mound. Analyzing the local gradients by total horizontal derivatives of pseudogravity data enhanced the edges of the magnetic sources. Additionally, a profile curvature technique, which has rarely been applied to potential field data sets, dramatically improved the magnetic-source body edges and the lineaments that may be associated with buried archaeological remains. The depths of these possible anthropogenic remains were estimated by applying the Euler deconvolution technique to the geomagnetic data set. The Euler solutions on tentative indices indicated that the depths of the source bodies are not more than about 3 m. Moreover, geoelectrical resistivity depth slices produced from the results of two- and three-dimensional linearized least-squares inversion techniques revealed high-resistivity anomalies within a depth of about 3 m from the ground surface, which is in close agreement with those obtained by applying the Euler deconvolution technique to the magnetic data. Based on the existence of some archaeological remains in the vicinity of the surveyed area, these geophysical anomalies were thought to be the possible traces of the buried remains and were suggested as targets for excavations. This study also emphasized that the data-processing techniques applied in this investigation should be suitable for providing an insight into the layout of the unexcavated parts of the Amorium site.Öğe GEOPHYSICAL IMAGING SURVEY IN THE SOUTH NECROPOLIS AT THE ANCIENT CITY OF PARION (KEMER - BIGA), NORTHWESTERN ANATOLIA, TURKEY: PRELIMINARY RESULTS(Univ Agean, Dept Mediterranean Stud, 2012) Ekinci, Yunus Levent; Kaya, Mehmet Ali; Basaran, Cevat; Kasapoglu, Hasan; Demirci, Alper; Durgut, CemalParion is one of the most important settlements located in the ancient Troas region, in which the city of Troy was the center. Many remarkable and precious archaeological remains have been unearthed so far which point out the city's importance during the Hellenistic and Roman Age. In this study, a first attempt to obtain high resolution images of the subsurface of Parion to guide the archaeological trenches was made by an initial geophysical survey applying Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) technique. The apparent resistivity data, collected using pole-dipole electrode configuration along 11 transects, were inverted by two- and three-dimensional smoothness-constrained least squares algorithms. Relatively compatible results were obtained from two inversion processes. Parallel transects showed the resistivity distribution in three-dimensional images and thus both the horizontal and vertical extents of the anomalous zones were displayed. Additionally, some high anomaly zones located at the end of the first six transects were backed up by archaeological trenches. Thus, taking into account these findings, the other resistivity anomalies located at the different parts of the surveyed area are thought to be the most promising locations for archaeological excavations.Öğe Geophysical imaging survey in the South Necropolis at the ancient city of Parion (Kemer - Biga), Northwestern Anatolia, Turkey: Preliminary results(Henan University, 2012) Ekinci, Yunus Levent; Kaya, Mehmet Ali; Başaran, Cevat; Kasapo?lu, Hasan; Demirci, Alper; Durgut, CemalParion is one of the most important settlements located in the ancient Troas region, in which the city of Troy was the center. Many remarkable and precious archaeological remains have been unearthed so far which point out the city's importance during the Hellenistic and Roman Age. In this study, a first attempt to obtain high resolution images of the subsurface of Parion to guide the archaeological trenches was made by an initial geophysical survey applying Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) technique. The apparent resistivity data, collected using pole-dipole electrode configuration along 11 transects, were inverted by two- and three-dimensional smoothness-constrained least squares algorithms. Relatively compatible results were obtained from two inversion processes. Parallel transects showed the resistivity distribution in three-dimensional images and thus both the horizontal and vertical extents of the anomalous zones were displayed. Additionally, some high anomaly zones located at the end of the first six transects were backed up by archaeological trenches. Thus, taking into account these findings, the other resistivity anomalies located at the different parts of the surveyed area are thought to be the most promising locations for archaeological excavations. Copyright © 2012 MAA.Öğe Keltlerin Anadolu'ya göçü: göç nedenleri, yolları ve ilk on yıl(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2012) Kaya, Mehmet Ali[No Abstract Available]Öğe Manyetik verilerde sınır analizi yöntemi kullanılarak gömülü arkeolojik yapı sınırlarının tanımlanması(2006) Ekinci, Yunus Levent; Kaya, Mehmet AliManyetik araştırmalarda, kaynak manyetizasyonunun ve bölgesel yer manyetik alanının düşey olarak yönlenmediği durumlarda manyetik belirtinin en yüksek değerleri kaynak yapı merkezi üzerinde yer almamaktadır ve bundan dolayı kaynak yapı sınırlarının ortaya konması güçleşebilmektedir. Bu nedenle veri-işlem tekniklerine gerek duyulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, jeolojik birimlerin yatay yönde sınırlarının belirlenmesi amaçlı çalışmalarda sıklıkla kullanılan sınır analizi yönteminin, kuramsal arkeolojik yapı modellerinin sınırlarını belirleyebilmedeki başarısı araştırılmıştır. Uygulamalar, manyetik belirtisi yüksek yapılara ait sınırların iyi bir şekilde belirlenebildiğini gösterirken, daha düşük belirtiye sahip yapı sınırlarının belirlenebilirliğinin ise azaldığını ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca bu çalışmayla, grid düzlemi üzerinde en yüksek genlikli noktaların oranlanması aşamasında, incelenen herhangi bir noktanın hangi komşu noktalarla karşılaştırılmasının gerektiği ortaya konmuştur.