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Öğe Hiperparatroidili bir Hastada Pubik ve Sakral Yetmezlik Kırığı(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2014) Gökmen, Ferhat; Savaş, Yılmaz; Kömürcü, Erkam; Kızıldağ, Betül; Tan, Yusuf ZiyaYetmezlik kırıkları direnci azalmış kemiğe uygulanan normal veya fizyolojik bir stresin sonucu gelişen stres kırığının bir alt tipidir. Bu kırıklar kemiğin elastisitesinin veya mineral içeriğinin anormal olduğu birçok durumda ortaya çıkar. Yetmezlik kırığının en sık görülen sebebi postmenopozal osteoporozdur. Diğer önemli nedenler senil osteoporoz, osteomalazi, hiperparatroidi, radyasyon uygulanması, kortikosteroid tedavisi ve romatoid artrittir. Yetmezlik Kırığı ciddi kasık, kalça ağrısı ve güçsüzlüğü olan postmenopozal kadınlarda akla gelmelidir. Bu yazıda hiperparatroidisi olan bir hastada üst ve alt pubik ramusun yetmezlik kırığı ile birlikte sakral yetmezlik kırığı bulunan olgunun klinik ve radyolojik bulguları sunulmuştur.Öğe Kronik arsenik maruziyeti olan hastalarda yaşam kalitesi ve yorgunluk düzeyleri(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2013-05) Akbal, Ayla; Tutkun, Engin; Gökmen, Ferhat; Reşorlu, Hatice; Yılmaz, Hınç[No Abstract Available]Öğe Plasma leptin status and the relationship between different medical treatments used in ankylosing spondylitis(2013) Güler, Mustafa; Çapkin, Erhan; Karkucak, Murat; Aydin, Teoman; Türkyilmaz, Ayşegül Küçükali; Karaca, Adem; Gökmen, FerhatObjective: To determine plasma leptin level in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and its correlation with disease activity measurements. To examine the effects of different treatment modalities on leptin levels. Material and Method: One hundred eight patients diagnosed with AS according to New York Criteria and 65 healthy individuals were enrolled in the study. The Bath AS Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) was used for disease activity. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, acute phase reactants, plasma leptin levels, serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) and serum tumor necrosis factor-? (TNF-?) levels were investigated. Results: Plasma leptin levels in AS patients were statistically significantly lower compared with those in the healthy control group (p=0.003). There was no significant difference among sub-groups established on the basis of medical treatments and disease activity. No statistically significant correlation was determined between leptin level and disease activity parameters, radiological score and functional indices (p>0.05). Conclusion: Plasma leptin was lower in AS patients compared with the control group. This is not correlated with disease activation and medical treatment utilized.Öğe Progressive parsonage turner syndrome and steroid treatment(Anatolian Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2014) Akbal, Ayla; Gökmen, Ferhat; Reşorlu, Hatice; Yeşil, Çağdaş; Zateri, Coşkun; Karatağ, Ozan[No abstract available]Öğe Psöriatik artritli bir olguda bilateral üst ekstremite ödemi(2015) Gökmen, Ferhat; Akbal, Ayla; Savaş, Yılmaz; Zateri, Coşkun; Karaca, Adem; Tan, Yusuf ZiyaPsöriatik artrit (PsA), seronegatif spondiloartropati grubunda yer alan,periferal artrit, entezit, spondilit ve psöriasis ile karakterize infamatuvarromatizmal bir hastalıktır. Lenfödem ekstremite distalinde daha fazlabir veya birden fazla bölgede görülebilen, tümörler, enfeksiyonlar,busitler, romatoid artrit, polimiyalji romatika gibi birçok infamatuvar venoninfamatuvar hastalığa sekonder olarak gelişebilen lenfatik akımdakiyavaşlama ile gelişen bir hastalıktır. Lenfödem PsAda nadir gelişen birkomplikasyondur. Sıklıkla asimetrik ve daha çok alt ekstremitede görülür.Bu yazıda PsA tanısı ile takip ettiğimiz ve her iki üst ekstremitede şişlikşikayeti ile başvuran ve yapılan incelemelerde bilateral üst ekstremite lenfödemi tanısı koyduğumuz olgu rapor edilmiştir.Öğe Quality of life in psoriatic arthritis patients-association with disease activity and diagnostic delay time(Nobelmedicus, 2014) Gökmen, Ferhat; Karkucak, Murat; Çapkın, Arzu; Karaca, Adem; Türkyılmaz, Ayşegül Küçükali; Çapkın, Erhan; Akbal, AylaObjective: The purpose of this study was to determine the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and to examine their effects on quality of life.; Material and Method: 37 patients with PsA and 30 healthy controls were included in the study. To determine disease activity, clinical [disease activity score (DAS-28), Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI)] and laboratory [Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP)] parameters were used. To evaluate quality of life, the Nottingham health profile (NHP) and Short form-36 (SF-36) were used.; Results: The mean age of the patients was 43.9±11.2 years. The diagnostic delay time had a median of 1 year (min-max=0-18). We examined NHP. NHP scores showed that NHP pain, physical activity, tiredness and social isolation of PsA patients were higher than for control subjects. We evaluated SF-36. SF-36 scores indicated that physical function, physical role limitation, body pain, overall health, vitality and emotional role limitation were significantly decreased in PsA patients compared to control subjects. Correlation analysis was performed; Statistically significant correlations were observed between NHP scores (positive correlation) and SF-36 scores (negative correlation) with disease activity parameters (DAS-28, BASDAI, ESR and CRP). Furthermore, statistically significant correlations were observed between NHP scores (positive correlation) and SF-36 scores (negative correlation) with diagnostic delay time.; Conclusion: We determined that quality of life was less in patients with PsA compared to control subjects. In addition, we have also found that disease activity and prolongation of diagnostic delay are associated with quality of life. © 2014, Nobelmedicus. All rights reserved.