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Öğe Çanakkale yöresinde damla sulama yöntemiyle sulanan biberde (Capsicum annuum) en uygun sulama programının belirlenmesi(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2004) Erken, Okan; Şener, SabriÖZÇANAKKALE YÖRESİNDE DAMLA SULAMA YÖNTEMİYLE SULANANBİBERDE (Capsicum annuum) EN UYGUN SULAMA PROGRAMININBELİRLENMESİÇanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dardanos Araştırma veUygulama alanında 2002 ve 2003 yıllarında yürütülen bu çalışmada California wonderbiber çeşidinde 5 farklı sulama suyu düzeyinin meyve verimi ve bazı kaliteparametrelerine etkileri araştırılmıştır.Araştırma üç tekerrürlü olarak tesadüf blokları deneme desenine görekurulmuştur. Denemenin konularına 5 farklı sulama düzeyi uygulanmıştır.Araştırmada, 2002 yılında ve 2003 yılında farklı K= I/E0 katsayılarıuygulanmıştır.2002 yılında en yüksek verim K= 0.75 katsayısının uygulandığı konudan 6888kg/da olarak, 2003 yılında K= 1.00 katsayısının uygulandığı konudan 6564 kg/da olarakelde edilmiştir. Bu konulara sırasıyla 609 mm ve 915 mm sulama suyu verilmiştir.Deneme sonucunda elde edilen meyvelerde yapılan kalite parametrelerineilişkin sonuçların varyans analizinde, sulama düzeylerinin her iki yılda da verim vekalite parametreleri üzerinde etkili olduğu saptanmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Damla sulama, biber,kalite, su kullanım etkinliği (WUE)IÖğe Changes in some bioactive compounds of red cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.var.Rubra) under water stress(2019) Yıldırım, Murat; Erken, Okan; Kızılkaya, BayramA two-year study was performed on red cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.var.Rubra) to assess theeffect of different irrigation levels on yield, sugar and organic acid contents. The study wasconducted using drip irrigation system on a clay loam soil. The volume of irrigation waterapplied with 4-day intervals to each treatment was based on Class-A pan evaporation (Ep). Inthe full irrigation treatment (I1.0), a pan evaporation using screen covered Class-A pan wasmeasured with 4-day intervals and all amount of evaporation was applied in the normal(1.00xEp) treatment, and deficit amounts were imposed on three irrigation treatments as I0.7(0.7xEp), I0.3 (0.3xEp), and I0.0 (0.0xEp). The plant-available soil water at maturity and yield ofred cabbage was significantly related to irrigation amounts. Imposition of deficit irrigationresulted in yield reduction, especially in the severe stress treatments I0.3 and I0.0. Therefore,yields were related linearly to irrigation. That’s why, if there is no water scarcity full waterdemand of red cabbage need to be compensated for the whole growing season. However, inthe deficit treatment, total sugar and especially ascorbic, oxalic, tartaric and malic acidcontents increased, and only lactic acid decreased, on the other hand there was no significanteffect of different water levels on the content of citric acid.Öğe Değişik gelişme dönemlerinde, farklı derecede su stresi uygulamalarının brokolide (Brassica oleracea l. var. italica) verim, morfolojik ve biyokimyasal değişimlere etkisi(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2012) Erken, Okan; Kuzucu, Canan Öztokat; Çakır, RecepKüresel ısınma ve kısıtlı su kaynakları dikkate alınarak gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada, brokoli bitkisinin farklı gelişme dönemlerinde karşılaştığı su stresine bağlı olarak oluşan morfolojik ve kimyasal değişimler incelenmiştir.Vejetasyon boyunca sabit olarak ve farklı gelişme dönemlerinde (erken vejetatif, geç vejetatif ve çiçeklenme dönemleri) uygulanan değişik seviyelerdeki (%80, %60, %40 ve %20) sulama suyu miktarlarına karşı; tesadüf parselleri faktöriyel deneme düzeninde 5 tekerrürlü yürütülerek 3 yıl devam eden çalışma sonuçlarına göre verim kayıpları ve fizyolojik bazı değişimler belirlenmiştir.Bu bağlamda, toplam klorofil miktarı (mg/100g), indirgen ve toplam şeker (mg/100g), toplam glikosinolat miktarı (µmol/g), içsel prolin miktarları (µmol/g), Vitamin C, A ve E miktarları (mg/100g) tespit edilerek, su stresi koşullarının bitki üzerindeki etkilerinin yanı sıra, verim ve kalitede oluşacak kayıplar saptanarak, suya hassas olan brokoli bitkisinin tüm yetiştirme dönemi boyunca gereksinim duyduğu sulama suyu miktarı belirlenmiş ve optimum su ihtiyacı saptanmıştır.Araştırma sonuçları incelendiğinde verimdeki önemsiz kayıplara göre su kısıntısının uygulanabileceği en uygun dönemin erken vejetatif dönem, bitkinin su stresine karşı en hassas olduğu dönemin ise çiçeklenme dönemi olduğu belirlenmiştir.Öğe Determination of Yield and Quality Parameters in Pickling Hot Peppers Grown under Different Water Stress Conditions(2023) Erken, Okan; Levent, Fatma ÇolakPlants are exposed to various adverse environmental conditions throughout their growth period. In recent years, drought, which has occurred and necessitated different measures, ranks among these adverse conditions. At the same time, plants synthesize certain biochemical compounds in response to the adverse conditions they will encounter. These compounds not only strengthen the immune system but also provide resistance against various diseases, and they tend to increase under adverse environmental conditions that plants will face during cultivation. This study was conducted to determine the changes in yield and some biochemical components in pickling hot peppers (Capsicum Annuum L.) grown under different water stress conditions. Two different levels of water stress (%70 and %30 irrigation) were applied in addition to full irrigation (%100 irrigation). At the end of the research, while a yield of 269.42 g per plant was obtained in the control group (%100 irrigation), 150.14 g and 93.33 g of pickling hot peppers were harvested in each water stress treatment, respectively. Total phenolic compound levels increased with water stress; it was determined to be 0.827 mg-1g in the trial irrigated with full irrigation water, 1.170 mg-1g in plants exposed to mild water stress, and up to 1.536 mg-1g in the trial subjected to severe water stress. In addition, total flavonoids and antioxidant compound levels also increased with increasing water stress. The amounts of flavonoid compounds obtained from the trial groups were 0.146, 0.373, and 0.412 mg-1g, respectively, while the antioxidant levels determined by the DPPH method increased in quantity with increasing water stress, similar to other biochemical compounds. According to these results, it was determined that the yield of pickling hot peppers decreased in the case of water shortage that the plants would face in cultivation, but there was an increase in some biochemical compounds.Öğe Effect of different irrigation levels on yield, water use efficiency and some quality parameters of tomato(Univ Philippines Los Banos, 2007) Yavuz, Muharrem Yetiş; Yıldırım, Murat; Çamoğlu, Gökhan; Erken, OkanThe study determined the effect of water stress on yield and quality of field grown tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Mona F1) irrigated by a drip irrigation system and evaluated its water use efficiency. The amount of irrigation water applied was based on cumulative evaporation from a Class-A pan. Changes in fruit quality were determined by applying drip irrigation at different levels on Mona F1 tomatoes grown at the Irrigated Agriculture Research Center, Canakkale University, in Canakkale, Turkey in 2002 and 2003. Irrigation treatments consisted of five plant-pan coefficients (Kcp1 = 0.25, Kcp2 = 0.50, Kcp3 = 0.75, Kcp4 = 1.00 and Kcp5 = 1.25). The shortest irrigation interval (5 d) Was applied at the second stage of crop growth in 2002 and at the third stage in 2003. The highest yield was obtained in Kcp4 for both years. The average values for total water use efficiency (TWUE), irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) and the ratio of the applied irrigation water to crop water consumption (IR/ET) were 1.05 kg ha(-1)mm(-1), 1.12 kg ha(-1) and 0.4, respectively. Yield response factor (k(y)) for the entire growth period was 0.60. Our results showed that quality parameters such as soluble solid concentration, fruit firmness, titratable acid and pH decreased with an increase in the amount of irrigation water.Öğe Effect of drought on the formation of essential fatty acids in cabbage(Parlar Scientific Publications, 2020) Erken, OkanCabbage is one of the richest vegetables in means of omega fatty acids. This pilot study aims to determine the effects of water stress on the fatty acid content of red and white cabbage. 100% control, 70% light water stress (L W S) and 30% severe water stress (SWS) treatments were applied. The changes in the amount of aLinolenic acid and linoleic acid in relation to water stress in both cabbages were not statistically significant. It was observed that the Linoleic acid level in red cabbage decreased with water stress, while under heavy stress conditions Linolenic acid increased. In addition, the Linoleic acid increased with water stress while Oleic acid decreased. Linoleic acid was detected at 24.48% under no stress conditions while it decreased to 24.10% under L W S and 20.32% under SWS. Water deficit applications did not affect the fatty acid content of either cabbages according to the results obtained. Therefore, the most important conclusion of this research is that it can be said that water stress has no effect on ?3 and ?6 and that these fatty acids can be obtained without any loss by growing cabbages under drought conditions to support the brain development of babies and children. © 2020 Parlar Scientific Publications. All rights reserved.Öğe EFFECT OF DROUGHT ON THE FORMATION OF ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS IN CABBAGE(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2020) Erken, OkanCabbage is one of the richest vegetables in means of omega fatty acids. This pilot study aims to determine the effects of water stress on the fatty acid content of red and white cabbage. 100% control, 70% light water stress (LWS) and 30% severe water stress (SWS) treatments were applied. The changes in the amount of alpha-Linolenic acid and linoleic acid in relation to water stress in both cabbages were not statistically significant. It was observed that the Linoleic acid level in red cabbage decreased with water stress, while under heavy stress conditions Linolenic acid increased. In addition. the Linoleic acid increased with water stress while Oleic acid decreased. Linoleic acid was detected at 24.48% under no stress conditions while it decreased to 24.10% under LWS and 20.32% under SWS. Water deficit applications did not affect the fatty acid content of either cabbages according to the results obtained, Therefore, the most important conclusion of this research is that it can be said that water stress has no effect on omega-3 and omega-6 and that these fatty acids can be obtained without any loss by growing cabbages under drought conditions to support the brain development of babies and children,Öğe Emitter clogging and effects on drip irrigation systems performances(Academic Journals, 2010) Yavuz, Muharrem Yetis; Demirel, Kursad; Erken, Okan; Bahar, Erdem; Deveciler, MerveEmitter clogging is one of the most important factors that affect the performances on drip irrigation systems. Emitter clogging, which is formed in a short time due to irrigation systems' running under an inadequate pressure or owing to water quality, not only negatively influences uniformity of water distribution but also causes inadequate irrigation. In this survey, the clogging level determination of the emitters used in drip irrigation systems of some agricultural farms situated in Canakkale and their effects on irrigation performances were observed. The emitters were obtained from different farms in the investigated area, and were tested under the pressures of 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 kPa in hydraulic laboratories. The clogging extend of emitters, flushing of clogging increased pressure and also performance values as coefficient of variation (Cv) under 100 kPa pressure, statistical uniformity (Us), emission uniformity (Eu) and Christiansen's uniformity coefficient (Cu) were established through the tests. Acquired performance values must be matched with emitter performances that have not been used in irrigation. As a result of the study it was determined that some emitters are plugged on laterals used for 2 or 3 years in consequence of the tests. It as also determined that emitter coefficient of variation varied in the ranges of 0.43 and 0.63, 0.43 and 0.69, 0.48 and 0.58, 0.56 and 0.73 for unused emitters, for one year, for two years and for three years used emitters. Coefficient of variation between emitter flows remained within the limit of 5% in all laterals, except for one of the laterals used for one year. Coefficient of variation of emitters along two of the laterals used two years and all of those used three years remained out of 5% limitation. Similar results to CVm (manufacturing variation coefficient) were determined for performance parameters in respect of statistical uniformity (Us), emission uniformity (Eu) and Christiansen's uniformity coefficient (Cu).Öğe Evaporation, Radiation use Efficiencies and Solar Radiation Relationships to be used in an Auotamated Irrigation System for Field Grown Melon (Cucumis melo L. cv. Ananas F1)(2014) Yıldırım, Murat; Erken, OkanBu çalışmada, A sınıfı buharlaşma kabı yöntemi kullanarak kavunun (Cucumis melo L. cv. Ananas F1)su ihtiyacı, su yönetiminin kavunun vejetatif gelişimi üzerine etkileri, fotosentezde kullanılan aktif radyasyon(IPAR), su kullanım etkinliği (WUE), toplam kuru madde (TDM) için radyasyon kullanım etkinliği (RUE)değerleri belirlenmiştir. Bitki gelişim dönemi olan 89 günlük periyot içerisinde gelen toplam solar radyasyonmiktarı 2174,3 MJ m 2gün-1olmuştur, bu periyot içerisinde gelen solar radyasyonunun 372,69 MJ m-2gün 1kısmı bitki tarafından tutulmuş ve uygulanan sulama suyuna karşılık 23,01 ton ha 1kavun verimi elde edilmiştir.Bu çalışma sonucunda, A sınıfı buharlaşma kabından meydana gelen buharlaşma, solar radyasyon ve ortalamasıcaklık arasında güçlü bir ilişki olduğu ve bu ilişkiden yararlanarak özellikle otomatik sulama sistemlerininaktive edilebileceği düşünülmektedir.Öğe Farklı Organik Gübrelerden Oluşturulan Kompostların Domateste Bazı Organik Asitlerin Değişimi Üzerine Etkileri(2018) Kaya, Seçkin; Erken, OkanÜlkemizde tarımsal üretim yapılan toprakların büyük bir çoğunluğu organik madde miktarı bakımındanaz ya da çok az olarak bilinmektedir. Bu nedenle toprağın organik madde içeriklerinin arttırılması tarımsalüretimin önemli unsurlarından birisidir. Topraktaki organik madde miktarı bitkilerin beslenme durumlarınadoğrudan etkide bulunabilmektedir. Bu da verime olduğu gibi meyve kalitesine de etki eder. Bu amaçla, farklıorganik kompostlaştırılmış gübrelerin domatesin kalitesinin önemli bileşenlerinden olan organik asitlere olanetkilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla denemeler Balıkesir Gönen sınırları içinde bulunan üretici arazilerinde 2013yılında kurulmuştur. Çalışmada kullanılan kompostlaştırılmış organik gübreler hem tekil olarak hem de toprakanalizi sonucunda elde edilen veriler karşılığına denk gelen sentetik gübreler ile karıştırılarak parsellereuygulanmıştır. Uygulanan gübreler, Biyogaz kompostu (BK), biyogaz kompostu + konvansiyonel uygulama(BK+K), Sığır gübresi kompostu (SG), Sığır gübresi kompostu + konvansiyonel uygulama (SG+K),Konvansiyonel uygulama (K), ve hiçbir gübrenin uygulanmadığı kontrol (C) uygulamasıdır. Hasat sonrasımeyveler HPLC ile analizlere tabii tutulmuş ve askorbik asit (mg/100g), oksalik asit (mg/100g), Tartarik asit(mg/100g), Malik Asit (mg/100g), Malonoik asit (mg/100g), Laktik asit (mg/100g), Asetik asit (mg/100g), Sitrikasit (mg/100g) miktarları belirlenmiştir. Laktik asit dışında belirlenen diğer organik asit miktarları istatistikiolarak önemli bulunmuştur. Beslenmede önemli antioksidantlardan olan askorbik asit miktarı kontroluygulamasından 38,74 mg/100g, en düşük ise 25,30 mg/100g ile konvansiyonel olarak yetiştiricilik yapılandeneme parsellerinden elde edilmiştir.Öğe Free radical scavenging activity, phenolic contents & flavonoids of four cruciferous vegetables: Effects of extraction(Parlar Scientific Publications, 2017) Erken, Okan; Kaya, SeckinResearchers developed many methods and extraction protocols to determine the antioxidant properties of plant-derived food. As well as targeting plants high in antioxidant activity it is also important to optimize appropriate extraction parameters. Three extracting solvents, aqueous, ethanolic and acetonic, four Cruciferous species, cabbage, red cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower were evaluated to determine radical scavenging activity, total phenolics and flavonoids. Significant differences were found in the extracting abilities of the solvents to determine radical scavenging inhibition percentages of Cruciferous genus except cauliflower. Ethanolic extract worked well for cabbage, acetonic extract and ethanolic extract work well respectively for red cabbages and acetonic extract worked well for both cauliflower and broccoli in the determination of DPPH radical scavenging activity. Ethanolic extract of cabbage gave the highest total phenolic content (TPC). No significant differences were found in the extracting abilities of the solvents for red cabbage to determine TPC. Acetonic extracts of broccoli and cauliflower found more effective than the other solvents to determine TPC. Ethanolic extracts of white and red cabbages and acetonic extracts of broccoli and cauliflower found more effective to determine total flavonoids. © by PSP.Öğe FREE RADICAL SCAVENGING ACTIVITY, PHENOLIC CONTENTS AND FLAVONOIDS OF FOUR CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES: EFFECTS OF EXTRACTION(Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2017) Erken, Okan; Kaya, SeckinResearchers developed many methods and extraction protocols to determine the antioxidant properties of plant-derived food. As well as targeting plants high in antioxidant activity it is also important to optimize appropriate extraction parameters. Three extracting solvents, aqueous, ethanolic and acetonic, four Cruciferous species, cabbage, red cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower were evaluated to determine radical scavenging activity, total phenolics and flavonoids. Significant differences were found in the extracting abilities of the solvents to determine radical scavenging inhibition percentages of Cruciferous genus except cauliflower. Ethanolic extract worked well for cabbage, acetonic extract and ethanolic extract work well respectively for red cabbages and acetonic extract worked well for both cauliflower and broccoli in the determination of DPPH radical scavenging activity. Ethanolic extract of cabbage gave the highest total phenolic content (TPC). No significant differences were found in the extracting abilities of the solvents for red cabbage to determine TPC. Acetonic extracts of broccoli and cauliflower found more effective than the other solvents to determine TPC. Ethanolic extracts of white and red cabbages and acetonic extracts of broccoli and cauliflower found more effective to determine total flavonoids.Öğe Impacts of deficit irrigaton applied at different growth stages on vitamin contents of broccoli(2013) Erken, Okan; Öztokat, Canan KuzucuThis research was conducted in order to determine the impacts of deficit irrigation applied at different growth stages on some vitamin contents of broccoli during 2010 growing season. Variations in L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), retinol (vitamin A) and ?-tocopherol (vitamin E) contents were determined by using high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. Maraton Broccoli was grown as the plant material of the study and 5 different water deficit levels (80, 60, 40, 20%, and a control treatment with 100%) were applied during 3 different growth stages (early vegetative, late vegetative and flowering periods) of broccoli plants. Results revealed significant variations in L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), retinol (vitamin A) and ?-tocopherol (vitamin E) contents of broccoli heads with deficit irrigation applications at different growth stages. Results revealed significant variations in L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), retinol (vitamin A) and ?-tocopherol (vitamin E) contents of broccoli heads with deficit irrigation applications at different growth stages.Öğe Kompostlaştırılmış farklı organik gübrelerin domateste bazı organik asitlerin değişimi üzerine etkileri(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2018-12-25) Kaya, Seçkin; Erken, OkanÜlkemizde tarımsal üretim yapılan toprakların büyük bir çoğunluğu organik madde miktarı bakımından az ya da çok az olarak bilinmektedir. Bu nedenle toprağın organik madde içeriklerinin arttırılması tarımsal üretimin önemli unsurlarından birisidir. Topraktaki organik madde miktarı bitkilerin beslenme durumlarına doğrudan etkide bulunabilmektedir. Bu da verime olduğu gibi meyve kalitesine de etki eder. Bu amaçla, farklı organik kompostlaştırılmış gübrelerin domatesin kalitesinin önemli bileşenlerinden olan organik asitlere olan etkilerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla denemeler Balıkesir Gönen sınırları içinde bulunan üretici arazilerinde 2013 yılında kurulmuştur. Çalışmada kullanılan kompostlaştırılmış organik gübreler hem tekil olarak hem de toprak analizi sonucunda elde edilen veriler karşılığına denk gelen sentetik gübreler ile karıştırılarak parsellere uygulanmıştır. Uygulanan gübreler, Biyogaz kompostu (BK), biyogaz kompostu + konvansiyonel uygulama (BK+K), Sığır gübresi kompostu (SG), Sığır gübresi kompostu + konvansiyonel uygulama (SG+K), Konvansiyonel uygulama (K), ve hiçbir gübrenin uygulanmadığı kontrol (C) uygulamasıdır. Hasat sonrası meyveler HPLC ile analizlere tabii tutulmuş ve askorbik asit (mg/100g), oksalik asit (mg/100g), Tartarik asit (mg/100g), Malik Asit (mg/100g), Malonoik asit (mg/100g), Laktik asit (mg/100g), Asetik asit (mg/100g), Sitrik asit (mg/100g) miktarları belirlenmiştir. Laktik asit dışında belirlenen diğer organik asit miktarları istatistiki olarak önemli bulunmuştur. Beslenmede önemli antioksidantlardan olan askorbik asit miktarı kontrol uygulamasından 38,74 mg/100g, en düşük ise 25,30 mg/100g ile konvansiyonel olarak yetiştiricilik yapılan deneme parsellerinden elde edilmiştir.Öğe Screening Organic Acid Contents of Tomato Landraces Collected From Aegean-Mediterranean Region of Anatolia(2024) Kaya, Seçkin; Erken, Okan; Kızılkaya, BayramTomato landraces can serve as valuable sources for breeding new cultivars aimed at enhancing fruit quality in terms of organic acids. Nineteen tomato landraces spread along the Mediterranean coasts of Anatolia were evaluated to determine their basic internal quality parameters and organic acid composition. The parameters assessed included fruit weight, diameter, length, pH, titrable acidity (TA %), soluble solid content (SSC%), SSC/TA ratio, and organic acids, such as oxalic (OA), tartaric (TarA), malic (MA), malonic (MalA), lactic (LA), acetic (AA), citric (CA), and ascorbic acids (AscA). Significant diversity was observed among the different landraces concerning these traits. Citric acid was found to be the most abundant organic acid within the landraces. Notably, the highest and lowest values for CA were recorded in Ege 8 (105.73 mg g-1) and TR62707 (31.10 mg g-1), respectively, making them promising sources for future breeding programs. Ascorbic acid (AscA) exhibited the lowest content among all the organic acids, ranging from 0.06 to 0.12 mg.g-1 (equivalent to 64-116 µg.g-1). Moreover, the landrace TR49646 displayed the highest malic acid content (8.23 mg g-1), making it a potential source for obtaining high malic acid content. Conversely, Ege 6 showed the lowest malic acid content (5.11 mg g-1). For health purposes, the landrace TR63233 was identified as having the lowest oxalic acid content. Multidimensional scale analysis further confirmed the potential candidates identified by the ANOVA and one-way ANOM tests. The results revealed a considerable diversity among the evaluated landraces, and the identified traits could be instrumental in selecting and breeding new cultivars with improved characteristics.Öğe Some bioactive metabolites' response to long-term water stress in red cabbage(Elsevier B.V., 2022) Erken, OkanSome biochemical compounds such as anthocyanins, phenolic compounds and antioxidants in plants are very beneficial for human health because they are known to strengthen the immune system. Many academic studies have focused on the effects of drought on the yield and morphological parameters of plants, however, studies that investigate how these biochemical compounds are affected are rare. There are no known studies, in particular, that quantify them in red cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra) in response to long-term water stress. In this study three repetitions of four different irrigations were applied to red cabbage in order to understand the impacts of drought stress on some of the bioactive metabolites of the plant. The biochemical components of the harvested extracts from each repetition were analyzed in four parallel runs. Results showed that in line with increased water stress, the amount of anthocyanin, phenolic content and antioxidant ranged from 30.72 to 51.27 mg Cyn 3-glu/100 g, 175 to 315.7 mg GA/100 g FW and 256.02 to 327.00 mg trolox/100 g FW, respectively. Under the light of the findings, this study concludes that some biochemical components in red cabbage increase with severe water stress. This result showed that red-colored vegetables with high anthocyanin content such as the red cabbage can be a preferred crop in regions with dry climates or those regions that tend to get warmer due to climate change. In addition to its health benefits, red cabbage can be used for its strong coloring properties in cases of increased drought conditions.