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Öğe Silica gel 60 removes bitterness from cold-press produced grapefruit seed oil by adsorption principle(John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2022) Yılmaz, Emin; Deviren, AytenThe aim of this study was to remove bitterness from cold-press produced grapefruit seed oil by adsorption principle. The 14 different materials and 5 different metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) were tested for this purpose. Best performing adsorbents were selected based on the analyses of sensory bitterness measurements, as well as oil loss, free fatty acidity (FFA), peroxide value (PV), and color measurements. The silica gel 60 and MIL-101 MOF were selected as the best performing adsorbents and tested against control oil. There were some changes in oil color. Oil FFA and unsaponifiable matter values were decreased, and PV and turbidities were enhanced after the treatments. Similarly, unsaturated fatty acid content and tocopherols were decreased expectedly. Although MIL-101 caused great sterol losses, it was in fewer quantities with silica gel 60 treatment. Silica gel 60 treatment resulted in the complete removal of the bitter-tasting flavonoids: naringin and neohesperidin. The non-bitter flavonoids were also decreased after both treatments. Most importantly, sensory descriptive analysis proved that after silica gel 60 treatment, the bitter taste was totally removed, and the astringent, menthol, and raw vegetable attributes significantly reduced compared with the control sample. Overall, the silica gel 60 treatment provided total success in removing bitterness from the oil. Further studies for the reusability of the silica gel 60 and possibly other similar adsorbents for the same purpose were suggested.Öğe Soğuk Baskı Yöntemiyle Üretilmiş Greyfurt Çekirdek Yağındaki Acılığın Yıkama/Ekstraksiyon Teknikleriyle Giderilmesi(Sidas Medya A.S., 2021) Deviren, Ayten; Ok, Selçuk; Yılmaz, EminIn this study, different extraction and washing techniques used to remove the bitterness of grapefruit seed oil produced by cold pressing technique were compared. Some physico-chemical properties, oil components and sensory properties of the treated samples were determined. While the free fatty acidities of oils decreased with the treatments, there was a slight increase in the peroxide values of oils. As a result of the treatments, the ratio of total unsaturated fatty acids, tocopherol, and phytosterol concentrations decreased significantly (p<0.05). It is thought that these minor components, which have high nutritional value, leaked into the solvent phase. Naringin, which has a very bitter taste, was measured as 102.6 mg/kg in the control sample and reduced to 74.8 mg/kg by caustic washing and 32.3 mg/kg by extraction with ethanol. Similarly, neohesperidin, which has also a bitter taste, was completely removed from oils by these two treatments. Sensory score of bitterness was determined as 9.8 in the control sample, and it was reduced to 5.4 with caustic washing, and 2.6 with ethanol extraction. Similarly, raw vegetables, astringency, menthol and throat burning scores were also reduced with treatments. As a result, it was observed that the ethanol extraction technique was successful in removing the bitterness of oils.Öğe Soğuk pres greyfurt çekirdek yağı acılığının giderilmesinde farklı tekniklerin kullanılması(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2019) Deviren, Ayten; Yılmaz, EminBu tezde amaç, fazla miktarda biyo-aktif bileşenleri bünyesinde barındıran soğuk pres greyfurt çekirdek yağından acılığın uzaklaştırılmasıdır. Dört deneme grubundan ilkinde yağ, farklı adsorbanlarla (aktif karbon, celite, silika jel 60, dovex, ?-siklodekstrin, Arap zamkı, akasya zamkı, kaolin, kitin, kitosan, Amberlite IR-400, Amberlite IR-120, Amberlite XAD-7 ve halloysite), ikincisinde metal-organik kafes (MOF) yapılarla (MIL-101-MOF, MIL-53-MOF, HKUST-1-MOF, ?-CD-MOF ve MIL-100-MOF), adsorpsiyon amaçlı olarak, üçüncüsünde nikel katalist, sodyum metoksit, krom (III) oksit ve metalik krom talaşı ile reaksiyon amaçlı, dördüncüsünde ekstraksiyon (asitli su ile yıkama, hidratasyon, salamura hidratasyon, kostik yıkama, etanol yıkama) ile muamele edilmiştir. Muamele edilen yağ örneklerinde renk, serbest yağ asitliği, peroksit sayısı, yağ kaybı ve duyusal acılık skoru ölçülmüştür. Adsorban gurubunda genellikle acılık değerleri değişmezken, silika jel 60 ile muamelede acılık 8,0 değerine (kontrolünde 10,0) düşürülmüştür. MOF grubundan MIL-101 ile acılık değeri 6,8 skoruna düşürülmüş, diğerleri etkisiz kalmıştır. Katalistlerden sadece Nikel katalist ile acılık 8,8'e düşebilmiş, diğerleri etki yapmamıştır. Öte yandan kostik çözelti ve etanol ile yıkamayla yağın acılığı 5,0 ve 2,0 gibi çok düşük skorlara kadar azaltılmıştır. En iyi sonuç veren 4 teknik; silika jel ve MOF-101 ile adsorpsiyon muamelesi ve etanol ve kostik ile yıkama olarak seçilmiştir. Seçilen tekniklerin optimum koşullarının belirlenmesi amacıyla farklı parametrelerde deneme grupları belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen deneme gruplarının içerisinden en iyi sonuç veren parametreler de seçilmiştir. Son olarak, en iyi sonucu veren teknikler ve optimum koşullarını birleştiren 4 deneme grubu seçilmiştir. Seçilen 4 deneme grubunda örneklere fizikokimyasal, birleşim analizleri ve duyusal tanımlama testi yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak deneme gruplarında tokoferol, sterol ve fenolik madde içeriğinde azalmalar meydana gelmiştir. Duyusal tanımlama testi sonucunda acılık skorunda en fazla azalmanın silika jel 60 ile muamelede olduğu belirlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Greyfurt Çekirdeği, Soğuk Pres Yağ, Acılık