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Öğe Angioedema - an unusual serious side effect of risperidone injection(Informa Healthcare, 2013) Gunes, Fahri; Batgi, Hikmetullah; Akbal, Ayla; Canatan, Tugba[Anstract Not Available]Öğe Electrocardiogram Changes in Acute Carbon Monoxide Intoxication(2013) Batgi, Hikmetullah; Güneş, Fahri; Canatan, Tuğba; Akbal, Erdem; Şen, Hacer; Köklü, SeyfettinAmaç: Karbonmonoksit (CO) zehirlenmeleri direkt olarak kardiyovasküler toksisite ile ilgilidir. Daha önceki çalış- malarda akut karbonmonoksit zehirlenmeleri ve QT dispersiyonu arasındaki ilişki rapor edilmiştir, ancak p dalga- sı değişikliği araştırılmamıştır. Bizim çalışmamızdaki amacımız, karbonmonoksit zehirlenmelerinde QT aralığı ve pdalgasındaki değişiklikleri değerlendirmektir. Yöntem ve Gereçler: Çalışmaya CO zehirlenmesi tanısı almış 20 hasta dahil edildi. CO intoksikasyonu tanısı arte- riel kan gazı analizi ile doğrulandı. Kontrol grubu olarak, benzer yaş ve cinsiyette sağlıklı 22 kişi alındı. Bütün has- talarda QT, QTc, QTd, QTdc, p maximum, p minumum ve p dalga dispersiyonu 12 kanallı EKG ile değerlendirildi.Kardiak enzimleri içeren laboratuvar testleri ölçüldü. Sonuç: CO intoksikasyonu olan grupta QTc maxium, QTc dispersiyonu ve beyaz küre sayıları, kontrol grubundan an- lamlı olarak yüksekti. Nötrofil sayıları, QTc maksimum ve QTc minimum değerleri arasında pozitif korelasyon var- dı. Lökosit sayısı ile kalp hızı arasında ise pozitif korelasyon mevcuttu. Tartışma: Bu çalışmada p dalga değişikliği saptanmamıştır. CO intoksikasyonlarında kan lökosit ve nötrofil sayısı ileQT dalga değişikliği arasında korelasyon saptanmıştır.Öğe Liver fatty acid-binding protein as a diagnostic marker for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(Springer Wien, 2016) Akbal, Erdem; Kocak, Erdem; Akyurek, Omer; Koklu, Seyfettin; Batgi, Hikmetullah; Senes, MehmetLiver fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP) is a small cytoplasmic protein. The aim of the current study was to investigate L-FABP levels and to determine their diagnostic value for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). We enrolled in this study 24 consecutive patients with NAFLD who were diagnosed with elevated transaminases and with steatosis by ultrasonograph. The control group consisted of 22 healthy control subjects matched for age and gender. Serum levels of L-FABP were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. L-FABP levels in NAFLD patients were higher than in the control group (levels were 41,976 +/- 18,998 and 17048 +/- 5021 pg/mL, respectively). A strong correlation was found between serum L-FABP concentrations and aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, body mass index, glucose and gamma-glutamyltransferase levels. A level of 284,000 pg/mL L-FABP had 73 % sensitivity and 100 % specificity. Positive and negative predictive values for L-FABP were 100 and 79%, respectively. Serum L-FABP can be considered as a new diagnostic marker for detecting non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.Öğe P-wave and QT Dispersion in Spinal Cord Injury(Japan Soc Internal Medicine, 2014) Akbal, Ayla; Kurtaran, Aydan; Gurcan, Aysel; Selcuk, Barin; Batgi, Hikmetullah; Akyuz, Mufit; Gokmen, FerhatObjective Spinal cord injury (SCI) can lead to significant cardiac arrhythmia. However, P-wave, QT dispersion, and risk factors in these patients have not been widely investigated. In this study, we assessed whether there is a relationship between electrocardiogram (ECG) parameters and risk factors in SCI patients. Methods The study population consisted of 85 SCI patients and 38 control subjects. P-wave durations were measured using 12 leads of the surface ECG. P-wave dispersion was defined as the difference between the P-wave maximum and P-wave minimum duration. QT dispersion was defined as the difference between the largest and smallest QT interval for any of the 12 leads (QTmax-QT-min). QT intervals were also corrected (QTc) in accordance with the heart rate using Bazett's formula (QT Interval/root[RR interval]). We also evaluated the independent risk factors for P-wave dispersion and QT dispersion in SCI patients. Results The P-wave minimum, P-wave maximum, QT minimum, and dispersion were significantly different between the control and SCI groups. There was no significant difference in P-wave dispersion, QT maximum, or QTc. Multivariate regression analysis showed that disease duration, glucose and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, and systolic tension were independent risk factors for P-wave dispersion. Conclusion Our results demonstrate that QT dispersion is related to SCI and that P-wave dispersion was linked to the duration of SCI, HDL-C and glucose levels, and arterial tension in SCI patients.Öğe Treatment of hemorrhagic gastritis by Ankaferd blood stopper versus Omeprazole: experimental randomized rat models(Springer Wien, 2016) Batgi, Hikmetullah; Akbal, Erdem; Kocak, Erdem; Akyurek, Omer; Koklu, Seyfettin; Donmez, Melahat; Gunes, FahriAnkaferd blood stopper (ABS) is a herbal extract that enhances mucosal healing. It has therapeutic potential in the management of external hemorrhage and controlling gastrointestinal bleeding associated with various benign lesions refractory to conventional antihemorrhagic measures. The aim of this experimental study was to assess the effects of ABS on hemorrhagic lesions and compare them with omeprazole. The study was conducted on 30 rats. Rats were divided into five groups: group A (only indomethacin), group B (ABS administration 60 min before indomethacin-induced injury), group C (ABS administration 30 min after indomethacin-induced injury), group D (omeprazole administration 60 min before indomethacinaEuroinduced injury), group E (omeprazole administration 30 min after indomethacinaEuroinduced injury). Gastric mucosal lesions were produced by indomethacin in all three groups. The effect was studied morphologically 6 h after oral administration of the drug. Subsequently, affected tissue was examined histologically. Based on the number and the total size of hemorrhagic lesions, the hemorrhagic lesion scores were significantly better in Group C compared to other groups (p < 0.05). The hemorrhagic lesion score of Group B was significantly better than Group D and Group A (p < 0.05). Omeprazole groups (Group D, Group E) did not show significant improvement as indicated by macroscopic scores. There was no significant difference between the groups with respect to microscopic scores. These results indicate that ABS has a potent inhibitory action on indomethacin-induced gastric bleeding and mucosal lesions and it is useful in the treatment of acute gastric mucosal lesions.