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Öğe Çanakkale boğazı kepez limanı plankton,birincil üretim,besin tuzu ve ilişkilerinin belirlenmesi:bir izleme çalışması(2007) Büyükateş, Yeşim; Türkoğlu, Muhammet; İnanmaz, Emek Özgür[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Ekosistem parametrelerinin karakterizasyonu ile Çardak lagünü (Lapseki, Çanakkale) akivades, ruditapes decussatus, üretim potansiyelinin belirlenmesi ve optimizasyonu(2008) Önal, Umur; Büyükateş, Yeşim; Erdal, Hakan; İnanmaz, Özgür Emek; Çelik, İhsan; Türkoğlu, Muhammed[Abstract Not Available]Öğe Exotic Polychaetes of a Sewage Pollution Influenced Lagoon (cardak Lagoon, Turkish Straits)(MDPI, 2023) Dağlı, Ertan; Ateş, Abdullah Suat; Acar, Seçil; Büyükateş, Yeşim; Dogan, Alper; Bakır, Ahmet KeremThis paper includes three exotic polychaeta species, Hydroides dianthus (Verrill, 1873), Polydora cornuta Bosc, 1802, and Pseudopolydora paucibranchiata (Okuda, 1937), found during benthic samplings in Çardak Lagoon (Turkish Straits). The sampling was collected from the sandy and silty bottoms known to be polluted by sewage discharges. A total of 45 specimens of exotic polychaetes (H. dianthus: 1; P. cornuta: 4; P. paucibranchiata: 40) were found. The correlation values between the annual average values of the nutrients and the polychaeta abundance showed that the highest positive relationships with the abundance were between sand content, total phosphate, and pH. P. cornuta was the most observed species with a frequency index value of 75%, while H. dianthus was represented with a single species in the study area. Albeit the previous studies, P. paucibranchiata was observed most abundantly in the sampling station having low organic matter amounts. The study showed that opportunistic polychaetes observed in Çardak Lagoon mostly preferred organically poor sediments.Öğe Klorofil- a, çevresel parametreler ve besin elementlerinin günlük değişimleri: Sarıçay Akarsuyu örneği (Çanakkale, Türkiye)(2009) Odabaşı, Serpil; Büyükateş, YeşimBu çalışmada Sarıçay Akarsuyu'nda 8 Temmuz-6 Ağustos 2004 tarihleri arasında klorofil-a miktarı ile sıcaklık, tuzluluk, pH ve çözünmüş oksijen (ÇO) gibi çevresel parametreler ve besin elementleri Toplam Azot, Toplam Fosfor, Amonyum Azotu ve Silikat (sırası ile TN, TP, $NH _4$ ve $SiO _2$) arasındaki ilişkilerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Örnekleme dönemi boyunca, sıcaklık değerleri mevsim normallerinde seyrederken, ÇO ve pH değerleri periyotlar arasında farklılık göstermiş ve sırasıyla, 1,23-13,1 mg $1^ {-1}$ ile 7,48-9,33 arasında kaydedilmiştir. Klorofil-a konsantrasyonu 0,98-34,45 ?g $1^ {-1}$ arasında değişirken, TP ölçümleri 0,21-0,91 mg $1^ {-1}$, TN değerleri 4,78 mg $1^ {-1}$ ile 107,24 mg $1^ {-1}$, $NH _4$ konsantrasyonu 0,04-3,68 mg $1^ {-1}$, $SiO _2$ 0,16 mg $1^ {-1}$ ile 22,4 mg $1^ {-1}$ arasında değişmiştir. Klorofil-a ile besin elementleri arasında önemli bir korelasyon bulunmamıştır. Ancak, çevresel parametrelerden pH (p=0,23), sıcaklık (p=0,28) ve ÇO (p=0,23) ile klorofil-a arasındaki korelasyon önemli olarak bulunmuştur (p<0,01). Çevresel parametrelere ait sonuçlar kirlilik düzeyinin kısa süreçte düzensiz artmakta olduğunu ve besin elementleri ile klorofil-a arasında ters orantılı anlık ilişkilerin varlığını ortaya koymuştur.Öğe Physical carrying capacity of a potential aquaculture site in the Mediterranean: the case of Sigacik Bay, Turkey(Springer, 2021) Yigit, Murat; Ergün, Sebahattin; Büyükateş, Yeşim; Ateş, Abdullah Suat; Özdilek, Hasan GökselThe aim of the present study was to evaluate physical carrying capacity of a potential cage aquaculture site near a Cittaslow area in the northern part of the Mediterranean (Sigacik Bay, Turkey). Developing tools for timely management of marine aquaculture facilities are important to minimize harmful influences of fish farming. The physical carrying capacity was estimated by mathematical formulations previously developed for the same area, using data of topographical characteristics of the site, production capacities, and leased area information of fish farms in total. Based on the findings of the present study, estimated physical carrying capacity of the potential aquaculture site with a total area of 38.9 ha near the Cittaslow residential area of “Sigacik Bay” was found as 27,694 tons of fish production which is more than 2-fold of the present production level that is around 11,800 tons in the area. Therefore, it might be concluded from a physical point of view that the production level of the present cage farms in Sigacik Bay is below risk levels.Öğe POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF TUNA CAGE FARMING IN THE AEGEAN SEA(2019) Gürses, Rıdvan Kaan; Büyükateş, Yeşim; Yiğit, Murat; Ergün, Sebahattin; Özdilek, H. GökselThe present study aimed to investigate the potential impacts of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnusthynnus) farming in offshore cage systems in the Aegean Sea (Sığacık Bay-Izmir, Turkey), in respectto physico-chemical water quality parameters, nutrient loads, chlorophyll-a, total suspended solids,zooplankton groups, and TRIX index calculations for the potentially affected cage farm area and anunaffected reference site. Concentrations of physico-chemical variables (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH) in the study carried out in May and August 2018, were within the acceptablelimits for marine aquaculture in terms of water quality characteristics. The concentrations of PO4-P,NH4-N, and NO2-N showed no temporal or spatial changes, and were recorded below 0.01 mg/L(<0.01) for PO4-P and NH4-N, whereas lower than 0.005 mg/L (<0.005) for NO2-N values in bothcage and reference stations in May and August 2018 periods. Results showed low levels of TSS(0.33-11.87 mg/L), both in the cage farm area and the reference site, remaining below the generalquality criteria of 30 mg/L for marine environment. No eutrophication risk (TRIX index, T<4) wasobserved around the Tuna Cage Farm Site in Sığacık Bay, according to the legislations enacted for“Sensitive Areas of Enclosed Bays where fish farms are not allowed”. Based on these findings,demonstrating highly interactive trophic level variability, it can be concluded that the impacts of theTuna Cage Farm were not significant, possibly due to the consistent movement of the water in currents in the study area.Öğe Temporal and spatial effects of environmental variables on crustacean communities in Çardak Lagoon (Turkish Straits System) under the influence of domestic pollution(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023) Ateş, Abdullah Suat; Mülayim, Ayşegül; Bakır, Ahmet Kerem; Acar, Seçil; Büyükateş, Yeşim; Dağlı, Ertan; Doğan, Alper; Uzundumlu, Sinan; Kedioğlu, ÇetinThis study presents the temporal and spatial effects of domestic pollution on crustacean assemblages in a protected area, Çardak Lagoon (Turkish Straits System). The samplings were performed from sandy and mud (silt + clay) bottoms between 1 and 1.8 m depths in October 2018, February, April, and June 2019. A total of 6920 specimens and 26 species (1 Isopoda, 1 Tanaidacea, 2 Mysidacea, 3 Cumacea, 5 Decapoda, 14 Amphipoda) belonging to crustaceans was found. Highest crustacea abundances were in autumn and winter. Considering the environmental variables, NO2 + NO3 (mg L− 1) and COD (mg L− 1) levels in the water had the highest correlations with abundance for the sampling periods. According to sampling points, the highest correlation value was found between anionic detergent content in the water and the abundance. Crustacean community structure was modified by environmental variables of anthropogenic origin at a higher level. Oxygen, oxygen reduction potential, NO2 + NO3, total nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand and anionic surfactant levels in water and sediment sand content % were major environmental variables affecting the crustacean abundance in the study area temporally.Öğe The annual mesozooplankton dynamics and influence of environmental parameters in an urbanized Harbor (Kepez Harbor-Dardanelles Strait, Turkey)(Cevkor Vakfi, 2010) Büyükateş, Yeşim; Inanmaz, Özgür EmekWeekly field samplings were performed at the Kepez Harbor located at the Dardanelles Strait for temperature, salinity, Secchi disk, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll-a and nutrient concentrations, zooplankton abundance, and community structure from 26 April 2005 to 25 April 2006. Zooplankton samples were collected using a plankton net with a mesh size of 180 ?m for the mesozooplankton and vertical tows were conducted between 0-5 m, 10-15 m, and 15-20 m. Whole water samples were also collected for microzooplankton. All mesozooplankton groups increased in number starting at the end of May through June. Copepoda dominated the surface and mixed layer during the early spring and Acartia clausi was the most abundant species when compared to the others. Cladocera showed a clear seasonal succession pattern in the study site and were mainly composed of Penilia avirostris, Pleopsis polyphemoides, and Evadne nordmanni. Oikopleura dioica, the only representative of the appendicularians, reached its maximum abundance during mid summer. The zooplankton species composition in the sampling site was diverse and a unique two layer flow regime of the system allowed us to observe both the Mediterranean and the Black Sea influence on the organisms.Öğe The Annual Mesozooplankton Dynamics and Influence of Environmental parameters in an urbanized Harbor (Kepez Harbor-Dardanelles Strait, Turkey)(2010) Büyükateş, Yeşim; İnanmaz, Özgür EmekSıcaklık, tuzluluk, Secchi disk, çözünmüş oksijen, klorofil-a ve besin tuzları, zooplankton yoğunluğu ve komünite yapısının belirlenmesi için Kepez Limanı, Çanakkale Boğazı'nda 26 Nisan 2005 ve 25 Nisan 2006 tarihleri arasında haftalık örneklemeler yapılmı?tır. Mezozooplankton örneklerinin toplanması için 180 ?m göz açıklığında plankton kepçesi ile 0-5 m, 10-15 m ve 15-20 m arasında dikey çekimler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Mikrozooplakton için şişe örneklemesi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Mayıs ayı sonundan ba?layarak Haziran boyunca bütün mezozooplankton grupları sayıca artmıştır. İlkbahar başlangıcında, Kopepodlar yüzey ve karışım bölgesinde baskındır ve diğer türlerle karşılaştırıldığında Acartia clausi, yoğunluğu en fazla olan tür olmuştur. Kladoserler belirgin bir mevsimsel süksesyon göstermiş ve çoğunlukla Penilia avirostris, Pleopsis polyphemoides, Evadne nordmanni ile temsil edilmiştir. Apendikülerlerin tek temsilcisi Oikopleura dioica, yaz ortasında en yüksek yoğunluğa ulaşmıştır. Örnekleme alanında zooplankton tür kompozisyonu çeşitlilik göstermi? ve sistemin özel akış rejimi hem Akdeniz hem de Karadeniz etkisini organizmalar üzerinde görmemizi sağlamıştır.Öğe The Relationship of Bristle Worm, Protodorvillea kefersteini (McIntosh, 1869) (Eunicida, Dorvilleidae) Abundance with Environmental Variables in Çardak Lagoon (Turkish Straits) Exposed to domestic Discharge(Istanbul University Faculty of Aquatic Sciences, 2024) Dağlı, Ertan; Ateş, A. Suat; Acar, Seçil; Büyükateş, YeşimThis study presents the correlations between opportunistic polychatea, Protodorvillea kefersteini (McIntosh, 1869) abundance, and environmental variables in cardak Lagoon. Samplings were carried out on the bottoms using a 30x30 cm quadrate seasonally between 1 and 1.8 m depths of seven sampling points in October 2018, February, April, and June 2019. A total of 1094 specimens belonging to P. kefersteini were collected. Environmental variables such as gravel content in sediment, pH, and salinity levels in the water had the highest correlations with the abundance through the sampling periods. Considering the sampling points, the highest correlation value was between water salinity and the abundance. Sediment gravel content, pH, salinity, temperature, anionic surfactant levels, and NO2+NO3 were major environmental variables affecting P. kefersteini abundance in the study area spatially and temporally.