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Öğe Changes in Defensive Variables Determining Success in the NBA over the Last 10 Years(Mdpi, 2024) Buyukcelebi, Hakan; Sahin, Fatma Nese; Acak, Mahmut; Uysal, Huseyin Sahin; Sari, Cengizhan; Erkan, Dilara; Yatak, SemraThis study aimed to determine changes in defensive strategies over the past decade in the National Basketball Association (NBA) and identify the most crucial factors for winning games. The study analyzed all games where the 30 NBA teams played over 11 seasons (13,530 games) and created outcome statistics based on win-loss records. Five defensive variables (OREB [offensive rebound], DREB [defensive rebound], TREB [total rebound], ST [steal] and BLK [block]) were compared, revealing that OREB (p < 0.03), DREB (p < 0.001), TREB (p < 0.001), ST (p < 0.001) and BLK (p < 0.001) occur significantly in winning teams. Also, it has been observed that the changes over the years in the variables OREB (p < 0.01), DREB (p < 0.01), TREB (p < 0.01) and ST (p < 0.01) are statistically significant. However, there was no significant difference in the BLK variable over the years (p = 0.24). The impact of defensive variables on winning and their factor loadings are as follows: DREB (lambda = 0.50), ST (lambda = 0.15), TREB (lambda = 0.10), BLK (lambda = 0.08) and OREB (lambda = 0.06). Coaches can use these findings on defensive variables to strategize and counter opponents during games.Öğe Development of the Effect of Video Assistant Referee Application on Football Parameters(Mdpi, 2022) Buyukcelebi, Hakan; Duz, Serkan; Acak, Mahmut; Nalbant, Umut; Svatora, Karel; Gabrys, Tomasz; Karayigit, RaciThe Video Assistant Referee (VAR) application is a technological development that gives referees the chance to review their critical decisions. The current study aimed to determine the effect of the VAR system in international football organizations on the game over the years. The sample of the study consists of 115 football matches, specifically 64 matches played in the 2018 FIFA World Cup and 51 matches played in the 2020 European Football Championship. In the competitions handled, the number of goals, the number of yellow cards, the number of red cards, the first half time, the second half time, the total match time, the number of penalties and the number of offsides were examined. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare two independent groups. As a result, in the 2020 European Football Championship, there was a decrease in the second half time (p = 0.01) and total match time (p = 0.01), and a significant increase in the number of offsides (p = 0.03) compared to the 2018 FIFA World Cup. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between the two tournaments in the variables of number of goals, number of yellow cards, number of red cards, half time and penalty shootout (p > 0.05). In light of the data obtained, it can be said that the effect of the VAR system on the spirit of the game will decrease as the share of the VAR system in the pauses during the competition decreases over the years. The data revealed in the study may be a clue to explaining why the effect of the VAR system on game dynamics and game spirit has decreased over the years. Therefore, the concerns of football stakeholders about the effects of the system on the game may gradually decrease with the arrangements made for VAR.Öğe The Effect of Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Enhanced Schroth Method Training on Cobb Angle and Quality of Life in Patients with Scoliosis(Lahore Medical Research Center Llp, 2022) Kurak, Kemal; Altunhan, Abdullah; Acak, Mahmut; Korkmaz, Mehmet Fatih; Duz, SerkanAim: Different treatment models are applied in cases that affect the quality of life of individuals with scoliosis. It has been stated that exercise applications, especially used in addition to physical therapy, are effective in the treatment process of patients with scoliosis. In recent years, Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) has been used to increase the performance of athletes. Accordingly, this study was planned to examine the effect of Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) application on scoliosis cobb angle and quality of life in patients with scoliosis. Methods: Twenty-four female scoliosis patients with scoliosis Cobb angle between 250 and 400 in the thoracic region between the ages of 14-26 participated in the study. The patients participating in the study were divided into three different groups as EMS Schroth exercise group (EMSS=8), Schroth exercise group (SE=8) and control group (CG=8). In addition, height, body weight, body mass index (BMI), Cobb angle measurements were taken for each group before and after the study. Scoliosis Research Society 22 scale (SRS-22) was used for these measurements. SPSS 25 statistical package program was used to evaluate the data. Since the data were not normally distributed, Mann Whitney U-test was used for pairwise comparisons. Kruskal Wallis H-tests were used to compare more than two groups. The level of significance was accepted as P<0.05 in the evaluations. Results: It was determined that there was no statistically significant difference between the age, weight, height and BMI of the EMSS, SE and CG participants and it was found that the EMSS cobb angle decreased statistically. Also, it was stated that there was a stable and very slight decrease in the SE cobb angle. It was determined that there was a statistically significant difference in the negative direction in the CG cobb angle. It was determined that there was a significant change in SRS-22 scale values in all sub-dimensions of EMSS and SE, and there was no statistically significant difference in the pre-test and post-test mean scores of the other sub dimensions except the pain sub-dimension of the CG scale. Conclusion: EMS exercises will save time in terms of faster recovery of patients in the treatment of scoliosis. Besides, it will be very beneficial in terms of time and cost by shortening the rehabilitation period of athletes after sports injuries.Öğe The Effect of Plyometric Training Combined with Electrical Muscle Stimulation on Sports Performance Parameters in Basketball Players(2021) İlbak, İsmail; Acak, MahmutToday, there are various training methods used to increase athletic performan- ce. One of these methods is artificial electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) used as strength maintenance and development training. The objective of the study is to examine the effects of plyometric training applications combined with EMS on sportive performance in basketball players. A total of 20 basketball players between the ages of 15-20 participated in the research. Participants were randomly divided into two equal groups: plyometric (PA) and plyometric training combined with EMS (PEMS). At the beginning and end of the study, the participants’ height, body weight, vertical jump, 20m sprint, agility, balance and repeated sprint performance measurements were taken. In the findings of the study, there was a statistically sig- nificant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the PEMS and PA groups, among all sportive performance parameters. However, it was determined that there was no statistically significant difference between the groups in vertical jump, balance, agility, 20m sprint and repeated sprint performances. As a result, it can be said that both plyometric training and EMS training combined with pl- yometric training are two effective methods that can be used to improve sportive performance.Öğe The impact of existing and modify wrestling shoes on foot posture deformities in 12-13 years old athletes(Iermakov S S, 2022) Coskuner, Zeki; Acak, Mahmut; Buyukcelebi, Hakan; Ozen, Gokmen; Kurak, KemalBackground and Study Aim In the early years when sports footwear became compulsory, the importance of shoe design was not considered in terms of athletes' health. Since the early years of wrestling shoe use, these gears have been manufactured according to the rules of competition, and modifications have been very limited. In this regard, this study aims to determine the effect of existing wrestling shoes on foot deformation. Material and Methods The study was carried out with the participation of 108 young male athletes who had the same training on the same ground for three years in the Wrestling Training Center. The athletes were divided into two groups, an experimental and a control group. While the control group wore wrestling shoes produced by widely used brands, the experimental group wore newly designed wrestling shoes. Foot arch values and images of both groups were determined using a podoscope device at the beginning and end of the study. The evaluations were made according to the Staheli arch index. Results The results of the statistical analysis revealed that differences were found in the footprint measurement values of the control group. It was determined that this difference in the footprints was greater among the freestyle wrestlers. The decrease in the averages between the first and second measurement values of the group using the newly designed wrestling shoes was found to be highly positive and in a linear direction. Also, it was determined that the pain score values of the control group were higher than the scores of the experimental group after training. Conclusions The results revealed that there were deformations in the feet of the control group wrestlers wearing available wrestling shoes. It was observed that freestyle wrestling athletes had more deformation than Greco-Roman style wrestlers, and leg pains were more prevalent after training and competitions. Based on these results, it was concluded that the design of wrestling shoes produced with today's technology needs to be redesigned.Öğe Yıldız Basketbolcuların Ayak Postür Değerleri İle Yaralanma Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, 2023) Arslanargun, Can; Acak, Mahmut; Büyükçelebi, Hakan; Özen, GökmenAmaç: Bu çalışma genç basketbolcuların ayak postür değerleri ile yaralanmalar arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Çalışmaya Türkiye Basketbol Federasyonu tarafından gerçekleştirilen ulusal bir yarışmaya katılan U-16 (yıldızlar) kategorisindeki 95 erkek sporcu gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan sporcuların; boy uzunluğu ölçümü, vücut ağırlığı ölçümü, BKI değerleri, durarak uzun atlama testi ve düztabanlık belirleme yöntemi Podoscope cihazı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Ayak tabanının şeklini belirlemede yüksek geçerliliğe sahip olan Staheli indeksi (SI) kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca sporcuların yaralanma ve sakatlık geçmişi anket soruları ile belirlenmiştir. Araştırma verileri, tanımlayıcı veriler, frekans, yüzde, aritmetik ortalama ve standart sapma olarak sunulmuştur. Katılımcıların plantar ark indeks skorlarına göre fiziksel özelliklerinin ve durarak uzun atlama performansının karşılaştırılmasında ANOVA varyans analizi testi, gruplar arasında farklılığın kaynağını belirmek için ise Post-Hoc LSD testi, Taban ve Sakatlık özelliklerine ait iki kategorik veri arasındaki dağılımlıları belirlemek için çapraz tablo (Crosstabulation) ve istatistiksel anlamlılık durumunu belirlemek için Ki Kare testi kullanıldı. İstatistiksel analizlerde anlamlılık düzeyi p<0,05 olarak belirlendi. Bulgular: Sonuç olarak plantar ark indeks skorlarına göre katılımcıların ayak tabanlarının %48,4’ünde normal, %32,6’sında esnek, %9,5’inde rijit düztaban ve yine %9,5’inde yüksek ark olduğu tespit edildi. Durarak uzun atlama verilerinde plantar ark indeksi farketmeksizin BKİ ortalamalarında anlamlı bir sonuç tespit edilmemiştir. Sakatlık durumları incelendiğinde ise esnek düztaban, rijit düztaban ve yüksek ark ayak tabanı olanların BKİ verilerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı sonuçlar tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak genç basketbolcularda düztaban ve yüksek ark gibi ayak deformasyonuna sahip olan sporcuların alt ekstremite sakatlıklarına daha yatkın olduğu ortaya konmuştur.