Alman feshe karşı koruma hukukunun genel esasları
Laçiner, V. (2005). Alman feshe karşı koruma hukukunun genel esasları. Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3 (2), 141-161Özet
German labour law system is the main inspiration source for Turkish labour law both in making the laws and doctrine. The subject of this article is ‘the German Protection Law against Dismissal’ which is an important part of this law system. As a difference from other specific studies on this issue; this article will not analyze only a part of ‘the German Protection Law against Dismissal’, but it also will give a general framework of the system to show the whole picture. As the subject-matter will be studied in a general context, the issues of termination, sorts of termination, general and private protection will be given in this article. The procedure of protection law against dismissal will only be mentioned as becomes necessary
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