Gümüş, MehmetÇetin, Sema Camcı2025-01-272025-01-2720182459-1580https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/380084https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12428/19788Contact geometry become a more important issue in the mathematical world with the workswhich had done in the 19th century. Many mathematicians have made studies on contactmanifolds, almost contact manifolds, almost contact metric manifolds and contact metricmanifolds. Many different studies have been done and papers have been published on Sasakimanifolds, Kähler manifolds, the other manifold types and submanifolds of them. In ourprevious studies we get the characterization of indefinite Sasakian manifolds. In order to getthe characterization of indefinite Sasakian manifolds, firstly we defined sliced contact metricmanifolds and then we examined the features of them. As a result we obtain a sliced almostcontact metric manifold which is a wider class of almost contact metric manifolds. Thus, weconstructed a sliced which is a contact metric manifold on an almost contact metric manifoldwhere the manifold is not a contact metric manifold. Sliced almost contact metric manifoldsgeneralized the almost contact metric manifolds. Then, we study on the sliced Sasakianmanifolds and the submanifolds of them. Moreover we analyzed some important properties ofthe manifold theory on sliced almost contact metric manifolds.In this paper we calculated the ????-sectional curvature and the Riemannian curvature tensor ofthe sliced almost contact metric manifolds. Hence we think that all these studies willaccelerate the studies on the contact manifolds and their submanifolds.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessMatematikRiemannian Curvature of a Sliced Contact Metric ManifoldArticle42114380084