Gönlügür, UğurKoşar, ŞuleMirici, Arzu2025-01-272025-01-2720120374-9096https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12428/29009Clinical or radiological deterioration of tuberculosis despite appropriate anti-tuberculous therapy is defined as paradoxical response. Since identification of paradoxical response presents difficulties, this issue is not only of medical importance but also of legal importance. In this report, a tuberculosis case who got worse paradoxically during the course of anti-tuberculous therapy, was presented. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-negative 68-year-old male patient was admitted to the hospital with the complaints of cough, chest pain, and weight loss. Computed tomography of the chest revealed an irregular non-homogenous opacity involving the apical and posterior segments of superior lobe of the right lung. Since acid-fast bacilli were detected in the sputum sample, active pulmonary tuberculosis was diagnosed and four-drug regimen treatment (isoniazid 300 mg/day, rifampicin 600 mg/day, pyrazinamide 2 g/day, etambutole 1.5 g/day) was initiated. At the end of the first month of therapy radiological lesions increased. There was no endobronchial lesion on bronchoscopy, and no acid-fast bacilli in bronchial lavage fluid. Therapy protocol was not changed, however radiological lesions regressed gradually. It was concluded that temporary deteriorations might occur in previous pulmonary infiltrates in patients who were under appropriate anti-tuberculous therapy. The gold standard for monitorization of anti-tuberculous therapy is microbiological methods rather than the radiological ones. Comorbid conditions, drug reactions, patient compliance and treatment failure are important parameters in the differential diagnosis. This case was presented to emphasize the importance of tuberculosis which is still prevalent in Turkey.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessTuberculosispulmonarydiagnosisparadoxical reactionParadoxical Radiologic Progression Despite Appropriate Anti-Tuberculous TherapyUygun antitüberküloz tedaviye ra?men paradoks radyolojik progresyonArticle462299303Q4WOS:0003039528000162-s2.0-8486117019422639320Q3