Gün, İlhanGüneşer, OnurYüceer, Yonca KaragülSeydim, Zeynep Banu GüzelTorun, FatmaÇakıcı, Sevda2025-01-272025-01-2720191300-76881308-6529https://doi.org/10.19113/sdufenbed.538894https://search.trdizin.gov.tr/tr/yayin/detay/346277https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12428/15230N this study, it was aimed to reveal aroma-active compounds andensory properties of Çökelek cheese made from milk, yogurt and Tuluk yogurt. For this purpose, aroma active compounds in Çökelek samples were determinedby Gas Chromatography-Olfactometry. Furthermore, sensory properties of cheesesamples were determined by Spectrum® analysis. As result, 17 identified and 2unknown aroma active compounds were determined in Çökelek samples. Butyricacid, Furaneol® and sotolon were identified at high intensities in all cheeses. Itwas determined that the intensity of butyric acid was higher in Çökelek made fromyogurt while the intensities of Furaneol® and sotolon were found to be higher inÇökelek made from milk. “Cooked”, “Whey”, “Creamy”, “Rancid” “Fermented”,“Yeast”, “Sour”, “Salty”, “Sweet” and “Umami” were defined as characteristicsensory terms for Çökelek cheeses. It was determined that cooked, creamy andsweet were perceived in Çökelek made from yogurt while yeast aroma was foundto be a higher in Çökelek made from Tuluk yogurt.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGıda Bilimi ve TeknolojisiAromatic and Sensorial Properties of Çökelek Cheese Produced by Different MethodsArticle23Özel13113810.19113/sdufenbed.538894346277